As we can all imagine, coming up with a brilliant ad that resonates with people is quite challenging. It requires a great deal of creativity and other factors in order to create commercials that linger in our minds, logos that we always recognize, soundtracks that will play in our heads, or billboards that complete their surroundings. These can become masterpieces and even part of popular culture themselves, capable of transforming a small business into a successful beast.
On the other hand, there are the ads that leave us indifferent. We've seen them, we acknowledge their existence... and we quickly forget about them. However, there exists another group within the marketing world — ads that have failed miserably. We witness numerous failures in this realm, ranging from unfortunate word choices in slogans, poor graphic design decisions to coincidental ad placements that convey a completely different story than their creators intended.
Today, we have selected a fresh assortment of these gems that have transformed from marketing creations into hilarious memes, injecting a dose of laughter into the regular lives of those who stumble upon them and later share them with a larger audience.
This post may include affiliate links.
This Church Has Some Rather Unfortunate Ad Placement For Its Bible Camp
This Billboard Ad Peeling Off
The Irony
As mentioned before, there may be plenty of reasons why some advertisements fail. Sometimes it's simply an unfortunate coincidence. The marketing team ensures that the ad is of the best quality, but then the final product ends up in the wrong place, ruining everything the authors worked so hard to convey. In other cases, it's clear from the start that something went wrong, and the ad makes no sense. This category includes slogans with double meanings or tragically selected words.
This Ad
These Billboard Placements
That's The Best Photo They Could Get Of A Kid Getting A Haircut
We must also distinguish between a design that may be intentionally humorous or provocative and one that is genuinely a design failure or ineffective in its messaging. We all enjoy a bit of dark humor and silly jokes. The truth is, some marketing failures get away with it because no one can believe that anyone would intentionally release something so bad to the public... So maybe it's not bad at all? Maybe it's just creative?
This Pillow Is So Good You'd Rather Use Your Hands To Sleep On
The Girl In This Advertisement Looks Like A Stroke Victim
It Doesn't Look Like It Was Repaired
Now, intentional or not, a bad advertisement doesn't have to be a total failure. How can we call it a failure when it spreads like wildfire across the internet, making the advertised product even more popular than if the promotion had been decent and “okay”? In the end, it doesn't matter what they say; what's important is that they're talking at all! This holds true when it comes to this topic.
This Is Fanta Advertisement, And Something Is Wrong With Her Arm
1 Year Left
Typical right wing social assistant. Soylent to feed the masses via the food banks. Welcome to Tory Britain.
There's An Optometrist Business Near My House That Has This Giant Poster Outside Advertising Colored Contacts. It Seems To Have Aged In A "Is That A Demon?" Way
This looks like a jump scare demon from an early 2000's youtube prank video you send to your friends.
In conclusion, for better or worse, there will always be some failures in advertising. So, we should all be on alert and look around to capture these gems. They are like real-life memes, adding a little bit of spice to our sometimes grey reality and bringing a smile to our faces on the most exhausting days.
The Head Of This Advertisement Should Probably Be Fired
THE ITALIAN WHO WENT TO MALTA(Must be read with an Italian accent) One day ima gonna Malta to bigga hotel. Ina morning I go down to eat breakfast. I tella waitress I wanna two pissis toast. She brings me only one p**s. I tella her I want two p**s. She say go to the toilet. I say you no understand, I wanna two p**s onna my plate. She say you better no p**s onna plate, you sonna ma b***h. I don’t even know the lady and she call me sonna ma b***h. Later I go to eat at the bigga restaurant. The waitress brings me a spoon and knife but no fock. I tella her I wanna fock. She tell me everyone wanna fock. I tell her you no understand. I wanna fock on the table. She say you better not fock on the table, you sonna ma b***h. So I go to my room inna hotel and there is no shits onna my bed. Call the manager and tella him I wanna s**t. He tell me to go to the toilet. I say you no understand. I wanna s**t on my bed. He say you better nog s**t onna bed, you sonna ma b***h.
This Bench Advertises That "No Kid Should Ever Have To Sleep On The Streets" And Then Adds Bars So Homeless People Can't Sleep On The Bench
This Ad In My Print Copy Of The New Yorker. I Tried To Click It, And Nothing Happened. Total Scam
There was me repeatedly tapping the link like a mad man lol.
Load More Replies...I just saw a chart showing that over 30% of teens never or rarely read a book for pleasure.
There used to be a billboard here that read: Illiterate? Write for free help!
This Ad In My Town Scorched Out By The Sun, Looks Like A Poster From A Horror Movie
Keanu Reeves And His New Movie "Jim Nhock 3"
Well …maybe the employee putting the ad in place has never seen John Wick 1 & 2… or, sadly, can’t read. Yes, I’m feeling generous this morning. My normal response: pathetically hilarious/sad.
This Advertisement Was In A Parenting Magazine, And It Was For Yogurt
I Don't Even Know What Is This
Ok, but why are you a dog? And is that a megalodon or a model sub? So many questions.
A New Movie Coming Out: "Lemen The Gent" Directed By The Guy
That Could've Been A Nice Ad For Linux Or Something
They Should've Tried A Little Bit More With This Ad
I Got This Ad On A Snapchat. Just Look At This Cat
One of the notorious trash cat gang, which also includes masked cat with tiny hands and stinky striped cat. Still a 10/10 cat.
They Had One Job
One 'accidental' boo boo and it'll get shown across the world for free.
People Are Going Crazy Over This Hardee's Ad In Pakistan
This Ad On Facebook For Permanent Makeup
Advertising Placement Is Everything
This Advertisement's Placement
This NYC Subway Ad With Six Hands
Whatever The Hell This Advertisement Is
Vote For Me
He is so smart his face shrunk and his head got bigger. Maga mind 😂
This Bus Ad That Will Catch Your Attention
Sandwich Board Advertising Seniors Day But Because Of This Fastener Placement, It Looks Creepy
Finally, A Deal That Suits My Acquired Taste
I always eat kids for free, people just leave them around in parks and such, finders keepers. Goes great with fries
Face That's Too Handsome So It Doesn't Need A Mask On
The Placement Of This Baby's Head
A Very Vague Billboard
This Unfortunate Placement Of A Handle
Stop Putting Images Of People On The Stairs
What Does It Mean?
Scrolled through after I left the computer for an hour or so ... didn't see any, maybe I scrolled over the few that were there, but it's definately not 106, there's 100 missing at least. What a rip-off!
Load More Replies...Unpopular opinion: I'd love to see advertising regulated to only show the product, no airbrushing, and information about that product. The world would be a better place.
Bud light Anyone? Oh wait since Alissa Heinerscheid got the boot I guess Bud Light is not eligible, or maybe BP filtered it.
Hey, My name is Johnathon Dave I am reading your artical it was amazing i think you should write more article just like that i am waiting for your next blog. Best Regards: Johnathon Dave Online Medical Books Store
Scrolled through after I left the computer for an hour or so ... didn't see any, maybe I scrolled over the few that were there, but it's definately not 106, there's 100 missing at least. What a rip-off!
Load More Replies...Unpopular opinion: I'd love to see advertising regulated to only show the product, no airbrushing, and information about that product. The world would be a better place.
Bud light Anyone? Oh wait since Alissa Heinerscheid got the boot I guess Bud Light is not eligible, or maybe BP filtered it.
Hey, My name is Johnathon Dave I am reading your artical it was amazing i think you should write more article just like that i am waiting for your next blog. Best Regards: Johnathon Dave Online Medical Books Store