This IG Page Is Home To All Kinds Of Cool Data, Here Are 30 Of Their Most Interesting Posts
It’s predicted that by 2025 we will reach 175 zettabytes of data created worldwide. For reference, one zettabyte stores as much information as 33 million human brains. Seeing such a figure, it can be hard to wrap around our heads just how much data is available to us, let alone be able to scratch its surface.
That’s why the creator of the Instagram account “We Have The Data” does their best to find and share data visualizations that present big amounts of information in an easy-to-understand and aesthetically pleasing way. Scroll down to find their best posts and make sure to upvote the ones that you find the most enlightening.
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I have a dear friend who turned 100 this year and imagine how much the world has changed for her, during her lifetime! (PS...hi Noelene!!)
In the last eleven years, the generated volume of data grew by almost 5000% worldwide. And if someone would download all the information from the web today, it would take approximately 181 million years.
Despite these numbers being quite substantial, only 10% of the data we have today is original. The rest is copied and replicated. In fact, it’s predicted that the unique and copied information ratio will change from 1:9 to 1:10 by the end of 2024.
For clarity, this is a warning system that raises an alarm so that extra samples are taken and analysed in a lab (this is in addition to regular samples that are tested frequently, regardless of the sentinel clams). The fate of the Polish water supply is not dictated solely by all powerful clams.
People who romanticize the past should be required to watch the complete series of "Horrible Histories".
Internet users spent around 2.8 million years online in 2018, generating more than 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each day. This number just keeps growing, as it was found that in 2020, internauts created 1.7 megabytes of information every second, totaling 40 zettabytes that year.
Ugh. As a Canadian and a railfan....I just shake my head. They've been talking of plans to do something about this longer than Ive been dlive.
"The journey of an Arctic Fox who walked from Norway to Canada in 2018"
How do we do it? Well, WhatsApp users alone exchange more than 65 billion messages and complete 55 million video calls daily. The app allows more than 1 billion groups to connect and interact with each other, generating large amounts of data.
There were other inter-connected networks by that time, going by various names and using various networking protocols, in Europe as well as the USA. That one is thought of as the precursor to the internet just by virtue of the way it set many ground rules for what would become TCP/IP, the backbone of the very much later World Wide Web..
According to 2023 statistics, Facebook produces 4,000 terabytes each day and ranks as the most visited site worldwide. Meanwhile, X accumulates 500 million posts daily, totaling 560 gigabytes of information. And the young people’s favorite app, TikTok, averages 7.35 terabytes of data each day.
Wight is effected by the density of ingredients. For example, a place where I worked had a cafeteria that based the price of a salad on size of the bowl instead of weight. So I would pack in all of the heavy ingredients and then use them over the weekend for other dishes. It was cheaper than going to the grocery store.
Before most of this information is stored away, it’s converted into numbers 1 and 0. When it’s changed into symbols that computers can process quicker, it can be stored away in one of three locations. First are devices that can be linked to the internet, like our personal computers, smartphones, tablets, and other similar technologies.
This is why politicians should not be allowed to benefit from their decisions - being a landlord or owning company shares should bar you from public office. In Plato's republic, the lawmakers were the wisest people motivated by wanting to build a great society for all. Their needs were all met by the state, but they owned no private property.
The second is called the edge, which already includes bigger infrastructures like cell towers and servers used in institutions like universities, government offices, factories, and banks. The third location that stores the most amount of data is known as the core, which are traditional data servers and cloud data centers.
"Uptown, midtown, downtown of Toronto"
I was astounded to see photos of "the great metropolitan Toronto" from the late 70s/early 80s. Aside from the CN tower (1976) it doesn't even LOOK like Toronto!
🕯 for people, from all countries, who have lost their homes or worse
The largest data center in the world belongs to China Telecom Data Centre, in Hohhot. It occupies 10.7 million square feet, equivalent to about 180 football fields. When we say that we store information in the cloud, it’s not being stashed away somewhere in the atmosphere. It’s being kept in massive data centers—physical objects that actually take up quite a lot of space on our planet.
Since data generation is ever-growing, to meet the demand for storage, around 100 new data centers are built every two years. It’s estimated that if it continues to increase at the rate it is now, to sustain it, in 110 years we’ll need all the planetary power we consume today.
"The easternmost point of Brazil is closer to Africa than to its westernmost point"
yes, but I have more confidence in my walking skills than swimming
What determines where the solar system ends? Is this the radius of where the furthest things can be that orbit our sun? I'm surprised how populated the outer 'skin' looks, or is that just to help us visualise it?
"A cool guide showing you the various patterns of black and white or tuxedo cats"
In number 21, there are some parts of the World were left-out, you didn`t bother to mention. These are places where worship and belief in God and Saints are many times greater than in North America and Europe, such as Asia, Africa, South America, Antarctica, and Australia
In number 21, there are some parts of the World were left-out, you didn`t bother to mention. These are places where worship and belief in God and Saints are many times greater than in North America and Europe, such as Asia, Africa, South America, Antarctica, and Australia