Man Tells Women To Stop Whining About Tampon Prices Cause They Only Need 7 Per Period, Gets Roasted Immediately
The term ‘mansplaining’ has become a firmly entrenched part of the modern lexicon, with pretty much every woman having experienced it at some stage in her life. We can only hope that as it becomes less accepted and easier to recognize (this handy chart is helpful), guys will stop and think before assuming superior knowledge about something based purely on the genitals they possess.
Image credits: Bored Panda (not the actual photo)
Judging by this viral post, posted by Irish Twitter user @aisghair, there is still a long way to go. Not only was the tone condescending, but this guy assumed superior knowledge about something he’ll never experience, something that women live with for most of their lives.
There’s so much wrong with this, it’s hard to know even where to begin. The guy appears to have very little intimate knowledge of women, and the use of the words “an extra juicy uterine lining” suggests an unsubtle attempt at trolling to me. Surely nobody is this delusional? Lost for words, @aisghair presented the offending screenshot with a simple caption.
Image credits: aisghair
The tweet has since blown up, with thousands of people expressing their disbelief at the mansplainers’ lack of empathy, self-awareness and basic knowledge. 9 periods per year? What, do they pause for the holidays? And what about toxic shock syndrome? Those tampons need to be changed regularly if his hypothetical woman isn’t gonna end up dead. The basic spelling and grammar mistakes kinda give an insight into the intelligence of the man.
Image credits: itsoliviaaah
People were quick to pour scorn on the mansplainer’s logic, giving him the dressing down he deserves. We can only hope that he sees this post and takes a few lessons from it. We aren’t holding our collective breath though… Speaking to Bored Panda, @aisghair hopes so too. “The response has been 99.9% positive from what I saw (though I muted the tweet after about 1000 likes), she explained. “I really hope they gain a bit of self-awareness from things like this!”
“I’ve noticed this phenomenon with people who have never experienced oppression (not just men – white people, straight people, cis people etc). They think that their lack of experience makes them more qualified to speak on certain issues because they see themselves as more logical and with no emotional attachment, when in truth their analysis lacks nuance. It’s something I’ve been guilty of myself and have had to unlearn. When people tell you about their lives and experiences, believe them.”
Image credits: SarahGonzo18
Image credits: beeeperez
Tampons and other sanitary protection products are currently classed as ‘luxury’, non-essential products in many countries, and attract an added tax that makes them even more costly. Many people argue against this, since menstruation is biological and feminine hygiene is not exactly a choice, is it? Because the vast majority of consumers of feminine hygiene products are women, the increased cost is seen as discriminatory against women. Canada scrapped taxes on feminine hygiene products back in 2015, after an online petition successfully lobbied for change. Many other governments are now feeling the pressure to follow suit, something which women across the world have been fighting for many years. What is the situation on feminine hygiene tax in your country? Let us know what you think in the comments!
Image credits: gatosie7e
Image credits: RicPendragon
Image credits: kgilbey93
Image credits: GeoduckErection
Image credits: avasond
Image credits: ermahgerd_hi
Image credits: ermahgerd_hi
Image credits: ermahgerd_hi
Image credits: blue_waffle_
Image credits: andersonala45
Image credits: artyfuckwit
Image credits: KaylaLWatersR5
Share on FacebookThis asswipe claims I need 7 tampons per period? I WISH!!!! i need a minimum of 15 tampons each month and I actually have it easy. Most of my girlfriends need to use both a tampon and a pad just to make it through the day as a normal human. These dumbass men who don't know s**t about the female body should just STAY AWAY AND NEVER EVER TALK ABOUT IT. Otherwise we might have to find you and start bleeding in your idiot face when our 7 tampons are all used up. Males should not speak about periods or uteruses unless he's a OB-GYN, and even then it's not really his area. Most of you men get this, and you'll be fine, you're good. Just tell us we're pretty and throw chocolate at us when we growl at you.
When I was younger my periods were so very heavy - I would probably have used up to 50 super-plus tampons per month. age from 15 - 35 apart from a couple of short periods on the pill (no pun intended)
Load More Replies...Naturally, the man is an idiot. But BP used to be a lighter place, for pleasant and interesting and uplifting things. Now there are more and more of these articles designed to provoke outrage or contempt. Just for the clicks, BP? This isn't what got you your audience - we can find clickbait, two-minute-hates, and gender wars garbage anywhere else on the internet - this site was once a pleasant refuge from all that. Can we get back there, please?
That man is utterly ignorant but it also shows how little schools teach about the reproductive system...
Very true. But also how alarmingly incompetent he is at googling facts before commenting on them.
Load More Replies...It's not like his comment increased his chances. Shouldn't have to worry lol!
Load More Replies...No, guys are misunderstanding him. After using 7 tampons per period cycle, you'll be dead of toxic shock after 9th one, which is why he said you only have 9 per year. He's just going under the assumption that women are ok with dying and you're all ganging up on him. Jeez.
Not to be medically accurate or anything... But women lose more than blood. There's material (uterine lining) and mucus, and some actual science says the blood loss may be up to 60 mL *atop* the rest of the "Yuck". Now, kick a man in his testicles every hour for three days straight, and tell him to stop whining, and see what happens... SMH. EDUCATE YOUR SONS AS WELL AS YOUR DAUGHTERS!
Looks like one of the OP's friends has turned up (Captain Foley, that'd be you). I've had four children and straight up my periods as a teen were more painful than childbirth. No idea if it was an underlying medical condition, but that's how bad it is for some woman every month. So maybe STFU if you don't know s**t (just like the OP).
Load More Replies...My periods are almost two weeks long, and i'm a heavy bleeder. This cost is even greater for me. Who does this jackass think he is?
This is what some men really don't understand, not everything about a period is textbook. It's not just about tampon prices either, after a baby you need to use pads...a LOT of very expensive maternity pads, sometimes for 2 months after giving birth. Then there's the ladies going through menopause, or other hormonal issues, who are completely irregular. I know of a woman who had her period for 8 months straight during menopause, until she decided on a hysterectomy. I've never heard of this "9 periods a year, 7 tampons per cycle" unicorn period, where can I sign up?
Load More Replies...If you don't know how many month a year has and if you never talked to a woman how often she has to change her tampon per day (to not die because of it!), please don't calculate stupid stuff. Thank you in advance. Sincerely a Man that is not that stupid.
20+ tampons per period... Thats a lot of trash and wasted money.. I recommend using a menstrual cup - that was the best purchase ever :)
Lights be using the wrong kind of period. I've got a heavy long flow and went through light tampons really fast. Then i got heavier tampons
Load More Replies...I don't need any tampons now, but that's only because I no longer have a uterus! When I did have one between the Ramon I would go through every 45 min, plus a pad, and the anemia it caused and the sever cramping, I could add on the extra iron supplements I was having to take as well as the muscle relaxers and pain medication. And that was only if I had 1 period a month! What a douche canoe! I'd have LOVED for this man to have all the pain and bleeding I went through!
A very sweet boy in my school once commented that having a period must be hard on girls "with all the blood and slime and pus". I laughed so hard I nearly fainted. We were in the same class and of course in sex ed there was never talk of "pus". Well, at last he wasn't mansplaining but just feeling concerned for my cramps and wanted to show empathy😉
Imagine being so insecure you feel the need to mansplain periods to women. Period products should be covered by insurance, but given the number of old white straight men in government, that probably won't happen soon. In the meantime, you could try using a cup. They cost about as much as a box of tampons but last for years, and they're more environmentally friendly. And honestly, only as gross as used tampons. Although I understand they may not work for really heavy flow.
I have a pretty heavy flow - I just dump out the cup every hour/hour and half (just as often as I had to change a tampon) and I use (washable) pads for insurance. Cup has been a life changer for me, after the first three days, just change morning and evening and no worries at all. I know it's not for everyone - but I wholeheartedly can recommend trying!
Load More Replies...Am puzzled by the sentence lower down "the vast majority of consumers of feminine hygiene products are women".
Maybe it refers to trans men not yet transitioned ?
Load More Replies...When I was younger, my periods were so heavy, I would go through one super sized tampon in 15-30 minutes. So that's like ~16 tampons for one waking day of 8 hours. Most women bleed for around 3-5 days, some up to 7. Hope this guy drowns in blood.
I know that feel sis... Sometimes I have twice per month. And I have a disease (lychen) so I cannot use pads. This guy is an uneducated swine.
Load More Replies...I've got shocking news for this schmuck - the average period happens EVERY 28 DAYS. That's THIRTEEN periods a year. Furthermore, if you suffer from menorrhagia, as I did when young enough to menstruate, you can't even use tampons, or you'll be changing them every hour.
What a dweeb. I’m glad that someone actually explained it though, most people were just making fun of him, so I hope he at least educated himself or saw that comment.
Last period I had, I bled for a month and I half. 7 tampons wouldn't have gotten me through a day. Thank the Goddess for menopause.
This guy probably hasn't even seen the amount of blood women see in a month in his entire life.
I'm really not surprised at his ignorance, some men remain willfully ignorant of the subject. Part of it is due to upbringing with the stance of "Well, that's woman stuff- I don't need to know it." or the even more immature, "Ew, don't discuss that with me!". The most understanding, usually do care about their partner's well being, or have daughters/sisters. The taboo on it has lifted some, but we still have a ways to go.
My boyfriend went to technical high school with 99% boys, so this is a strange topic for him and avoids it a bit. But at least he isn't disgusted by it, even asks questions sometimes. I still haven't tried asking him to buy me pads or tampons, I think he won't refuse, but I am too afraid he'll mess up the type, even I do sometimes when I am in a hurry.
Load More Replies...With all the knowledge and information we have its seems to me people are getting stupid by the second.
He doesn't sound like the type to care if his hypothetical woman does get toxic shock.
I wish my period took a 3 month break :( Or only be 2 days long, according to his math
In nz, tampons are still a 'luxury product, but for many years now pass have been exempt and are classed as a necessity. So we have a cheaper option (but now going swimming lol)
Everyone knows all women have open enrollment every October/November. That's when we chose which nine months of the following year to have our periods. Personally, I like to skip summer.
This is just Stupid. I go through way more than 7 tampons for one period.
Again, I'd like to see answers from that man, if there were any.
nah I haven't used tampons and only recently got my period but ain't having 5ml each period
I got lucky and needed a hysterectomy. If menopause age is similar in families, I've managed to knock 12 years off my bleeding time. It could have been 50 years of this hell. First 36 hours, change hourly (with leakage) next 4 days every 6 hours. Then another 5 to 15 days of "Is it gone yet?" Just re reading E. E. Doc Smith's "Grey Lensman" and the way travelling through hyperspace is described feels very much like menstrual cramps. So glad my womb grew a 9lb fibroid and needed removal. Otherwise there was little chance of getting rid of an unwanted/unnecessary facility unless I had already spawned. I feel for all those of you still tackling Lucifer's waterfall
Lucifers waterfall...exactly the phrase I've been searching for for 30 years thank you thank you thank you
Load More Replies...Think he needs to change is sexual orientation because he will never get a woman after this.
The answer is menstrual cups. Around $40 for a cup, which is good for 5-10 YEARS. Plus $10 for a special ph soap if you'd like. That's $50 for a whole decade (although you'd still need liners here and there). Menstrual cups are made from medical grade silicon, minimizes waste, they're more comfortable than pads or tampons in my opinion, with less leaks, and sport friendly. Yes you need to empty and wash it about every 4-8 hours, and inserting and removing it takes some getting used to, but there are SO many benefits.
Even worse, periods don't go by The 12-month calendar. 365 days divided by 28 makes THIRTEEN damn periods a year. Particularly noticeable if it's two or three weeks long. And by the way, Mirena rules.
What is WRONG with this dude...I have to change tampons every hour the first days, plus use pads. Then there's the night-pads, and different sizes of tampons.... Djeeeeez.....
I decided to search it up cause I don't use tampons I use the undies and this is what came up: The general rule of thumb is to regularly switch out your tampon every 3-5 hours. By this logic, you should be using about 3-6 tampons a day...
I get one period a month if I'm lucky. I usually average a bery regular two-a-month schedule. I use pads, which are just as expensive as tampons. My sister has ridiculous, heavy periods goes through tampons every two to four hours, and has to where pads year-round for other reasons. This asswipe has no clue what it's like.
I would suggest that all of us who bleed do not use anything and leave the blood wherever we go, but that would imply walking with a bloodstained crotch and it is extremely uncomfortable and would lead to painful pastures. It would not be possible ... but I wish it were possible
Wow... if he ever marries, he is in for a huge man splain shock. Especially if she has heavy periods and you have to wear and tra huge tampon and a pad, because your flow, is like a river gone flood. Then there are the clots... no need to say more! Buteach period, I’d use extra absorbency, and on a busy day, I’d have to tolerate using 2 at onetime.. uncomfortable, very. I’d go through a box of 26 inone period, andif it was bad, I’d just useextra huge sled pads, so I’d stay clean, and haveto stay home.. this guy needs an anatomy lesson, and to meet up with a bunch of women on periods. My average blood loss in a day, was at least 4 oz. or more. I was actually anemic at one point and had to take iron. Lmost had to have a transfusion once.. thankfully avoided that. Needless to say, when menopause hit, as awful as it was, I’ve neverbeen so happy when it ended.
This guys an ignorant a*s. I literally probably use 7 tampons just on day 2 and my period is 6-7 days long. 5 if I'm lucky. Plus, even on lighter days you have to take them out after 8 hours so I still have to use at least 2 (I usually wear pads at night). So if every day of my period was light enough for me to wear a tampon for 8 hours, and my period only lasted 5 days, I will still need 10 tampons. Plus like 5 pads. But nice try.
And we don't really have winter here in Thailand for period to go dormant, so we will have to suffer for 12 months instead.
He probably agrees with that one senator that said about pregnancy, "It's possible to shut that whole thing down."
Menorrhagia (excessive menstrual bleeding) IS a real medical condition that many women suffer from. Sometimes it is so severe that it can become dangerous to her health and require surgical intervention. Seven BOXES of tampons/pads may not be enough to cover the average period. This ignorant "man" has nary a clue what goes on in a woman's body. Or as they say about women when we're crabby: "he just needs to get laid."
A woman who has 9 periods per year is either pregnant or in peripause.
LOL, got to love it when a man thinks he knows more about menstruation than any woman!
He should have suggested a menstrual cup instead, si he didnt have to do all that extremely difficult math on how many months there are in a year. Lasts many years, ecological, saves loads of bucks.
And he thinks every woman has the same flow? Like, what's the reason for lite, medium and overnight in his mind. What an absolute doofus.
"Hey girl, how ya doin?" "Oh, not so good. I'm on tampon three of my period." "Oooh I'm so sorry. Don't worry though, at least you only have four more tampons left!"
He is 120% wrong within the context that it is not a first world issue primarily. Also men and women forget that many hygiene products like tampons and pads are extremely new and recent addition to the perceived human daily life. Amazing really how fast things change and also amazing is how incredibly f*****g stupid some people are and thinking some things are needed while some things are extremely not needed. Some products are especially bad for people, plumbing or the environment all the while people forget the most important and under rated need in hygiene is simple water. I digress though if money was a high issue to certain females then reusable highly absorbent rags would be the way to go. Use throw away and buy more is what the big companies love and adore. The keep buying and trashing is the big thing behind shavers, tampons and other hygiene products
@Linouchka99, I was upset because he wanted to aim his desire to help the environment by targeting women and girls, when he, the rest of his gender, and the general population are doing so much that destroys the environment on a daily basis, so he should start with himself and the general public; not target women/or girls specifically, especially since it is a hygienic issue. There are few select words he wrote that indicate that he’s quite proficient in the English language, so the probability of him specifically choosing the word ‘rag’ is high. You’re kind, though, for considering the possibility of him doing that by mistake. Thank you for the kind wishes, for me to have a good evening, and I hope you have a good evening, too.
Load More Replies...Gutted to all the women who have 12 periods a year! This guy only has 9!
Why are people getting hissyfits? Is it because he failed the math and the number of months per year? So even if he's off by 100% we're still just talking about a few bucks. Or is it because he is a man and no man may talk about woman stuff.
They are "getting hissyfits" because he is completely wrong and is being a condescending prick to people who actually know how periods work.
Load More Replies...How about should just not talk about women's bodily functions. Just stop. That means periods, pregnancy. All of it. Just leave it alone.
What are you talking about? IUDs prevent an egg from implanting in the uterus - they don't stop periods. Unless you surgically remove things or put a constant supply of hormones into a women's body she'll still have periods.
Load More Replies...This was an article about an idiot. Do you find this confusing?
Load More Replies...This asswipe claims I need 7 tampons per period? I WISH!!!! i need a minimum of 15 tampons each month and I actually have it easy. Most of my girlfriends need to use both a tampon and a pad just to make it through the day as a normal human. These dumbass men who don't know s**t about the female body should just STAY AWAY AND NEVER EVER TALK ABOUT IT. Otherwise we might have to find you and start bleeding in your idiot face when our 7 tampons are all used up. Males should not speak about periods or uteruses unless he's a OB-GYN, and even then it's not really his area. Most of you men get this, and you'll be fine, you're good. Just tell us we're pretty and throw chocolate at us when we growl at you.
When I was younger my periods were so very heavy - I would probably have used up to 50 super-plus tampons per month. age from 15 - 35 apart from a couple of short periods on the pill (no pun intended)
Load More Replies...Naturally, the man is an idiot. But BP used to be a lighter place, for pleasant and interesting and uplifting things. Now there are more and more of these articles designed to provoke outrage or contempt. Just for the clicks, BP? This isn't what got you your audience - we can find clickbait, two-minute-hates, and gender wars garbage anywhere else on the internet - this site was once a pleasant refuge from all that. Can we get back there, please?
That man is utterly ignorant but it also shows how little schools teach about the reproductive system...
Very true. But also how alarmingly incompetent he is at googling facts before commenting on them.
Load More Replies...It's not like his comment increased his chances. Shouldn't have to worry lol!
Load More Replies...No, guys are misunderstanding him. After using 7 tampons per period cycle, you'll be dead of toxic shock after 9th one, which is why he said you only have 9 per year. He's just going under the assumption that women are ok with dying and you're all ganging up on him. Jeez.
Not to be medically accurate or anything... But women lose more than blood. There's material (uterine lining) and mucus, and some actual science says the blood loss may be up to 60 mL *atop* the rest of the "Yuck". Now, kick a man in his testicles every hour for three days straight, and tell him to stop whining, and see what happens... SMH. EDUCATE YOUR SONS AS WELL AS YOUR DAUGHTERS!
Looks like one of the OP's friends has turned up (Captain Foley, that'd be you). I've had four children and straight up my periods as a teen were more painful than childbirth. No idea if it was an underlying medical condition, but that's how bad it is for some woman every month. So maybe STFU if you don't know s**t (just like the OP).
Load More Replies...My periods are almost two weeks long, and i'm a heavy bleeder. This cost is even greater for me. Who does this jackass think he is?
This is what some men really don't understand, not everything about a period is textbook. It's not just about tampon prices either, after a baby you need to use pads...a LOT of very expensive maternity pads, sometimes for 2 months after giving birth. Then there's the ladies going through menopause, or other hormonal issues, who are completely irregular. I know of a woman who had her period for 8 months straight during menopause, until she decided on a hysterectomy. I've never heard of this "9 periods a year, 7 tampons per cycle" unicorn period, where can I sign up?
Load More Replies...If you don't know how many month a year has and if you never talked to a woman how often she has to change her tampon per day (to not die because of it!), please don't calculate stupid stuff. Thank you in advance. Sincerely a Man that is not that stupid.
20+ tampons per period... Thats a lot of trash and wasted money.. I recommend using a menstrual cup - that was the best purchase ever :)
Lights be using the wrong kind of period. I've got a heavy long flow and went through light tampons really fast. Then i got heavier tampons
Load More Replies...I don't need any tampons now, but that's only because I no longer have a uterus! When I did have one between the Ramon I would go through every 45 min, plus a pad, and the anemia it caused and the sever cramping, I could add on the extra iron supplements I was having to take as well as the muscle relaxers and pain medication. And that was only if I had 1 period a month! What a douche canoe! I'd have LOVED for this man to have all the pain and bleeding I went through!
A very sweet boy in my school once commented that having a period must be hard on girls "with all the blood and slime and pus". I laughed so hard I nearly fainted. We were in the same class and of course in sex ed there was never talk of "pus". Well, at last he wasn't mansplaining but just feeling concerned for my cramps and wanted to show empathy😉
Imagine being so insecure you feel the need to mansplain periods to women. Period products should be covered by insurance, but given the number of old white straight men in government, that probably won't happen soon. In the meantime, you could try using a cup. They cost about as much as a box of tampons but last for years, and they're more environmentally friendly. And honestly, only as gross as used tampons. Although I understand they may not work for really heavy flow.
I have a pretty heavy flow - I just dump out the cup every hour/hour and half (just as often as I had to change a tampon) and I use (washable) pads for insurance. Cup has been a life changer for me, after the first three days, just change morning and evening and no worries at all. I know it's not for everyone - but I wholeheartedly can recommend trying!
Load More Replies...Am puzzled by the sentence lower down "the vast majority of consumers of feminine hygiene products are women".
Maybe it refers to trans men not yet transitioned ?
Load More Replies...When I was younger, my periods were so heavy, I would go through one super sized tampon in 15-30 minutes. So that's like ~16 tampons for one waking day of 8 hours. Most women bleed for around 3-5 days, some up to 7. Hope this guy drowns in blood.
I know that feel sis... Sometimes I have twice per month. And I have a disease (lychen) so I cannot use pads. This guy is an uneducated swine.
Load More Replies...I've got shocking news for this schmuck - the average period happens EVERY 28 DAYS. That's THIRTEEN periods a year. Furthermore, if you suffer from menorrhagia, as I did when young enough to menstruate, you can't even use tampons, or you'll be changing them every hour.
What a dweeb. I’m glad that someone actually explained it though, most people were just making fun of him, so I hope he at least educated himself or saw that comment.
Last period I had, I bled for a month and I half. 7 tampons wouldn't have gotten me through a day. Thank the Goddess for menopause.
This guy probably hasn't even seen the amount of blood women see in a month in his entire life.
I'm really not surprised at his ignorance, some men remain willfully ignorant of the subject. Part of it is due to upbringing with the stance of "Well, that's woman stuff- I don't need to know it." or the even more immature, "Ew, don't discuss that with me!". The most understanding, usually do care about their partner's well being, or have daughters/sisters. The taboo on it has lifted some, but we still have a ways to go.
My boyfriend went to technical high school with 99% boys, so this is a strange topic for him and avoids it a bit. But at least he isn't disgusted by it, even asks questions sometimes. I still haven't tried asking him to buy me pads or tampons, I think he won't refuse, but I am too afraid he'll mess up the type, even I do sometimes when I am in a hurry.
Load More Replies...With all the knowledge and information we have its seems to me people are getting stupid by the second.
He doesn't sound like the type to care if his hypothetical woman does get toxic shock.
I wish my period took a 3 month break :( Or only be 2 days long, according to his math
In nz, tampons are still a 'luxury product, but for many years now pass have been exempt and are classed as a necessity. So we have a cheaper option (but now going swimming lol)
Everyone knows all women have open enrollment every October/November. That's when we chose which nine months of the following year to have our periods. Personally, I like to skip summer.
This is just Stupid. I go through way more than 7 tampons for one period.
Again, I'd like to see answers from that man, if there were any.
nah I haven't used tampons and only recently got my period but ain't having 5ml each period
I got lucky and needed a hysterectomy. If menopause age is similar in families, I've managed to knock 12 years off my bleeding time. It could have been 50 years of this hell. First 36 hours, change hourly (with leakage) next 4 days every 6 hours. Then another 5 to 15 days of "Is it gone yet?" Just re reading E. E. Doc Smith's "Grey Lensman" and the way travelling through hyperspace is described feels very much like menstrual cramps. So glad my womb grew a 9lb fibroid and needed removal. Otherwise there was little chance of getting rid of an unwanted/unnecessary facility unless I had already spawned. I feel for all those of you still tackling Lucifer's waterfall
Lucifers waterfall...exactly the phrase I've been searching for for 30 years thank you thank you thank you
Load More Replies...Think he needs to change is sexual orientation because he will never get a woman after this.
The answer is menstrual cups. Around $40 for a cup, which is good for 5-10 YEARS. Plus $10 for a special ph soap if you'd like. That's $50 for a whole decade (although you'd still need liners here and there). Menstrual cups are made from medical grade silicon, minimizes waste, they're more comfortable than pads or tampons in my opinion, with less leaks, and sport friendly. Yes you need to empty and wash it about every 4-8 hours, and inserting and removing it takes some getting used to, but there are SO many benefits.
Even worse, periods don't go by The 12-month calendar. 365 days divided by 28 makes THIRTEEN damn periods a year. Particularly noticeable if it's two or three weeks long. And by the way, Mirena rules.
What is WRONG with this dude...I have to change tampons every hour the first days, plus use pads. Then there's the night-pads, and different sizes of tampons.... Djeeeeez.....
I decided to search it up cause I don't use tampons I use the undies and this is what came up: The general rule of thumb is to regularly switch out your tampon every 3-5 hours. By this logic, you should be using about 3-6 tampons a day...
I get one period a month if I'm lucky. I usually average a bery regular two-a-month schedule. I use pads, which are just as expensive as tampons. My sister has ridiculous, heavy periods goes through tampons every two to four hours, and has to where pads year-round for other reasons. This asswipe has no clue what it's like.
I would suggest that all of us who bleed do not use anything and leave the blood wherever we go, but that would imply walking with a bloodstained crotch and it is extremely uncomfortable and would lead to painful pastures. It would not be possible ... but I wish it were possible
Wow... if he ever marries, he is in for a huge man splain shock. Especially if she has heavy periods and you have to wear and tra huge tampon and a pad, because your flow, is like a river gone flood. Then there are the clots... no need to say more! Buteach period, I’d use extra absorbency, and on a busy day, I’d have to tolerate using 2 at onetime.. uncomfortable, very. I’d go through a box of 26 inone period, andif it was bad, I’d just useextra huge sled pads, so I’d stay clean, and haveto stay home.. this guy needs an anatomy lesson, and to meet up with a bunch of women on periods. My average blood loss in a day, was at least 4 oz. or more. I was actually anemic at one point and had to take iron. Lmost had to have a transfusion once.. thankfully avoided that. Needless to say, when menopause hit, as awful as it was, I’ve neverbeen so happy when it ended.
This guys an ignorant a*s. I literally probably use 7 tampons just on day 2 and my period is 6-7 days long. 5 if I'm lucky. Plus, even on lighter days you have to take them out after 8 hours so I still have to use at least 2 (I usually wear pads at night). So if every day of my period was light enough for me to wear a tampon for 8 hours, and my period only lasted 5 days, I will still need 10 tampons. Plus like 5 pads. But nice try.
And we don't really have winter here in Thailand for period to go dormant, so we will have to suffer for 12 months instead.
He probably agrees with that one senator that said about pregnancy, "It's possible to shut that whole thing down."
Menorrhagia (excessive menstrual bleeding) IS a real medical condition that many women suffer from. Sometimes it is so severe that it can become dangerous to her health and require surgical intervention. Seven BOXES of tampons/pads may not be enough to cover the average period. This ignorant "man" has nary a clue what goes on in a woman's body. Or as they say about women when we're crabby: "he just needs to get laid."
A woman who has 9 periods per year is either pregnant or in peripause.
LOL, got to love it when a man thinks he knows more about menstruation than any woman!
He should have suggested a menstrual cup instead, si he didnt have to do all that extremely difficult math on how many months there are in a year. Lasts many years, ecological, saves loads of bucks.
And he thinks every woman has the same flow? Like, what's the reason for lite, medium and overnight in his mind. What an absolute doofus.
"Hey girl, how ya doin?" "Oh, not so good. I'm on tampon three of my period." "Oooh I'm so sorry. Don't worry though, at least you only have four more tampons left!"
He is 120% wrong within the context that it is not a first world issue primarily. Also men and women forget that many hygiene products like tampons and pads are extremely new and recent addition to the perceived human daily life. Amazing really how fast things change and also amazing is how incredibly f*****g stupid some people are and thinking some things are needed while some things are extremely not needed. Some products are especially bad for people, plumbing or the environment all the while people forget the most important and under rated need in hygiene is simple water. I digress though if money was a high issue to certain females then reusable highly absorbent rags would be the way to go. Use throw away and buy more is what the big companies love and adore. The keep buying and trashing is the big thing behind shavers, tampons and other hygiene products
@Linouchka99, I was upset because he wanted to aim his desire to help the environment by targeting women and girls, when he, the rest of his gender, and the general population are doing so much that destroys the environment on a daily basis, so he should start with himself and the general public; not target women/or girls specifically, especially since it is a hygienic issue. There are few select words he wrote that indicate that he’s quite proficient in the English language, so the probability of him specifically choosing the word ‘rag’ is high. You’re kind, though, for considering the possibility of him doing that by mistake. Thank you for the kind wishes, for me to have a good evening, and I hope you have a good evening, too.
Load More Replies...Gutted to all the women who have 12 periods a year! This guy only has 9!
Why are people getting hissyfits? Is it because he failed the math and the number of months per year? So even if he's off by 100% we're still just talking about a few bucks. Or is it because he is a man and no man may talk about woman stuff.
They are "getting hissyfits" because he is completely wrong and is being a condescending prick to people who actually know how periods work.
Load More Replies...How about should just not talk about women's bodily functions. Just stop. That means periods, pregnancy. All of it. Just leave it alone.
What are you talking about? IUDs prevent an egg from implanting in the uterus - they don't stop periods. Unless you surgically remove things or put a constant supply of hormones into a women's body she'll still have periods.
Load More Replies...This was an article about an idiot. Do you find this confusing?
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