Woman Tries To Make Fun Of This Guy’s Take On Modern Feminism, And His Response Goes Viral
When your profile on Tumblr says that “Modern Feminism, Progressivism, and Antifa are dangerous embarrassments,” you can pretty much guarantee that somebody, at some point, is going to call you out on it. And that’s exactly what happened.
“Aw. Aren’t you the cutest?” Wrote somebody anonymously. “Men who are scared of strong women are so adorable.” Clearly anticipating this kind of response, the author of the blog launched into a lengthy description about what, according to him, constitutes a “strong women.” It’s since been viewed over 200k times in just 14 hours, but the responses have been mixed. Some agree with him, but others don’t. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
more info: Tumblr
Some people agreed with the post
But other people had different ideas
What do you think?
Share on Facebook... I have great trouble with thoses kind edited conversations where we are asked to have an opinion about a discussion we know nothing about. I am feminist and i am reaaaally botherer by those feminazis because i want women having the same possibilies than men would have in the same situation. I want freedom of choice for me, my daughter, my siters, my cousins (girls)... just as i want it for my son, husband, cousins (boys)... I don't fight patriarcal model to be told by a woman that i must stop breasfeeding because that is female slavery (heard twice last month) or stuff like that. But, here, i have no idee why this anonymous post that. Maybe it was a troll, maybe (s)he's answering a mysoginist comment, maybe she's a femazi... I am not fortune teller so... no opinion here
Breastfeeding slavery... lol. That's the dumbest thing yet I've heard about breastfeeding (and the alternative is cow milk...? So that's... okay to those people or something? I mean if they're gonna b***h about slavery....). Yeah giving your kids what they need or what is best for them requires sacrifice, that's for sure. Sacrifice isn't the same as slavery. Slavery is unwilling and forced; it's to have your rights as a humanbeing violated. If you see breastfeeding as some kind of violation then so is pregnancy so why even have kids to begin with? Having kids either way means a lot of sacrifice, that doesn't stop after the breast. It means sacrificing time, money, sometimes dreams, to somebody else. If someone's unwilling to do that... well... don't have kids.
Load More Replies...Feminism is about equality, nothing more, anything else ascribed to feminism is made up BS by people who do not understand the meaning of the word equality
But have you ever heard of feminist that degrade men? I believe in equality, but i am not a feminist because a lot of feminist treat men like garbage. Women cant to do ALL the things that men do and vice versa, but both genders are equally important. Like, if we believe in equality, then should men still give up their seats or open doors? Its confusing to me...
Load More Replies...Many people use this to shorten words (I know, people are lazy) no meaning disrespect to polish people. Have a nice day.
Load More Replies...Strong men don't mew about women who mew, if we're gonna go on the strength shaming ^^ Look, I'd get bothered, too, if I read something like #giveyourmoneytowomen (that's like the least feminist thing I've ever heard). And yes I think being kind is the greatest way to be strong. But that doesn't mean you have to be kind to people who treat you like a chunk of meat. Some of stuff he mentions makes me think he thinks being a man includes having the right to being a douche and that if a woman's bothered with them being a douche then she's not 'strong'. Like the catcalling and the manspreading. I mean, that's just expecting men to behave like civilized creatures. I don't subscribe to this boys will be boys concept...
Um, being a feminist does NOT include being okay with men manspreading or cat-calling. It means that if we did that stuff, we would be viewed in a negative way, so men shouldn't do it either. EQUALITY.
Thats just dumb. Manspreading? Seriously? It isnt rude to avoid smashing an organ....
Load More Replies...He is right in describing strong women, but goes on to say that strong women don't stand up for themselves? That they should put up with catcalling because they are strong? This makes no sense. I like how "putting others down" now means voicing injustice and opinions.
This is some prime b******t right here. You don't get to tout the achievement of others and use them as a club to beat people you don't like. This is exactly like telling men to "grow up" and stop being "pusillanimous hypocrites" if they complain of being treated unfairly in society because your grandpa stormed the beaches of Normandy and HE didn't complain about it. YOU didn't storm those beaches however, the achievement isn't yours, so I don't think you have the right to use it this way. If your grandma has this opinion, then let HER express it, but you don't get to speak FOR HER and especially not using her achievement to p**s on others. Besides, nobody assigned you the gatekeeper of what feminism is or should be and what people are or aren't allowed to complain about, especially if YOU haven't confronted those problems yourself, so in the end you just come about as a condescending prick hiding behind his grandma's skirt to justify his own slanted view.
Nazi Poland !!!!!!??? Poland was NEVER!! Nazi, it was attacked and occupied by NAZI GERMANY!!
To-mah-to, tah-may-to. I understood it to mean Poland was Taken by Nazis. Not Turned Into A Nazi Country.
Load More Replies...When you're walking down a street, get catcalled and then called "a s**t" because you didn't humour them - that's *their* problem, because they're the douchebags. Do not empower them by getting angry, they're not worth it. You know what you are, don't get down to their level.
Look like the comments from a man that doesn't have daughters, is content with lowest common denominator male behaviour, and who clearly needed to be brought up by a lady that had to be strong despite men. Here is a man that clearly recognises human compassion yet makes no apology for catcalling. I'd love to know the names he enjoys being called by females. For balance, of course.
Women don't have to EARN respect, that's some original sin bs screw this guy, sorry women everywhere that most of us are d bags
Thank you. Too many times what is rude becomes what is unjust. Along with what is a victory over an accomplishment. The Right to enlist is a victory for women. Men not manspreading is an accomlishment.
Load More Replies...This guy clearly is impressed by his mother and grandmother, but his view of women is basically "shut up until you've survived nazi-occupied Poland." Why should women put up with cat-calling or man-spreading? Without protest, nothing changes, nothing progresses. My take away from this guy's vision of ideal womanhood is that women should do is women should sacrifice and never complain.
The lifting up good examples was great. The insulting implying statements after were unnecessary out of specific context
My grandmother, who had an incredible brutal and difficult life and survived would have made short work of any man who cat-called her. As for manspreading? she would have marched up to anyone who did it and told them how rude they are. And if anyone told her she didn't have equal rights because she was a woman would have felt the full extent of her wrath.
A very succinct definition of strength of character vs. being "equal".
Load More Replies...If his female family members heard him catcalling a woman and didn't knock the snot out of him, they weren't strong. But I bet the behavior he thinks strong women should tolerate was never displayed to them by him. Ever.
Laury M, I get what you're saying, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in that kind of way.
Pushing people down for their opinion doesn't make you right and everyone else wrong. It also doesn't give anyone the right to berate.
And what happens if I am not strong? Why does everyone have to be strong? Why would I need to be a fighter? Isn't a weak man or woman still worthy? I can be still clever, passionate, a good person! This is something that gets me pissed. Idolizing strength - hey, people for being weak do not deserve to suffer more than strong people!
His definition of strong women aside, his whole confused tirade begs the question of why only 'strong' women deserve respect and equality.
I think he came back with a brilliant response to that rude woman. She came at him strictly to try and embarrass him, but by own words, she showed just how low minded she was and not very articulate either. He could have stooped to her level with name calling yet he chose a more sane answer. As a very strong woman, I liked what he said and he had every right to say it to her. That woman probably should have stopped first and thought about what she really needed to say instead of jumping onto the sight, with the express purpose of showing him up. She thought she was so clever but she only ended up showing how ignorant she really is.
The people who disagree with him are most definitely the exact people the man are targeting. They (like all radical feminists) are insecure when called out on their irrational, hypocritical, callous behavior, and immediately try to call "Misogyny". And they wonder why men don't listen..
One time, I heard a teenage girl criticizing the concept of virginity as a patriarchal concept. While I disagree with the discrimination that is associated with it, I can't help but be bothered with the thought of teenage girls actually giving themselves off just like that.
Social Justice Warriors are not enemies of men, or disrespectful of men. Equality is a human concept, it doesn't mean anyone loses.
So the fact that the women in your family were strong means that suddenly the women stand up against today's discriminations aren't strong? Just because we are not in the middle of a war, does not mean that the women that are vocal about their opinions about issues that need to stop are weak. Catcalling is an issue is not only rude and offensive at times, it demonstrates the lack of respect some men have for women, and so does manspreading. Being a feminist means that you want women to have the same rights and opportunities as men, regardless of your sex. Being a feminist means that you want your daughter to be able to do whatever your son can, and vice versa. We've been given a bad reputation thanks to the ones that do put down men- some that deserve it, others that don't- but all we're really fighting for is to be treated as equals. Programs like #giveyourmoneytowomen (which I haven't heard of until today) don't have a feminist agenda and are helping give us a bad name.
he clearly doesnt know what feminism is, bc is not taking away anyone's rights, it just making it equal for all, no matter race, gender or sexuality.
How many times has everyone confused feminism with privelege? I have the privelege to vote because a Feminist (Susan B. Anthony)fought for it. I have a credit card because a Feminist fought for it(1974). I have the Privlege to marry outside my race because A Man fought for it(Loving vs. State of VA.) How many things do we take for granted because we (everyone) was born into it? And "catcalling" is what they pick to argue about? I'm speechless.
I come from a long line of strong women, such as my Mom, Dust Bowl, Army in WWII, Việt Nam during the war. Feminists amused her.
I think that he is right in all aspects, other than the catcalling.
Bored Panda. I come here to get away from this s**t. I go to reddit if I want to fight the a******s of the world. I come here for a few minutes to clear my mind from all the hate & vitriol online. The only think I have an opinion on is you posting clickbait like this to try & use peoples strong emotions to get clicks. The only troll here is Bored Panda.
this sum up pretty well the reality strong women face...thank you for explaining, it's very well written...
No, this guy IS a f*****g douchebag for mocking feminism. He has absolutely NO idea what he's even talking about. Or what it's all about.
Because "Nazis" already has a meaning. Men who think they are above all women have their own term: patriarchal dickfaces.
Load More Replies...Good for him.. He turned the table around and made a very good realization to many hypocrites. I salute you
I wholeheartedly agree with his statement. A strong woman wouldn't go onto the internet to whine about insignificant problems.
Being a feminist means wanting equal rights and equal rights for everyone. You don't want equal rights? You don't want others to have them? (I'm referring to your response to Laury M, in which you state "it's almost always feminists who enjoy playing the victim card"-- You don't like voting?
Load More Replies...This guy is an absolute douchebag who knows NOTHING about feminism. And I just "love" how he says strong women should fight for men's rights and their dignity. Basically saying that women's rights and dignity don't matter as much as men's. I also love how he thinks men need "rights". Even though men have been seen as the "superior" sex since the beginning of time, and women have always been treated as "less than. And the a*****e woman who said she hates "social justice warriors". Oh really? So you hate people who fight for equal rights and respect for all humans? Good grief.
As a women i would marry this man. He's wonderful.
Load More Replies...... I have great trouble with thoses kind edited conversations where we are asked to have an opinion about a discussion we know nothing about. I am feminist and i am reaaaally botherer by those feminazis because i want women having the same possibilies than men would have in the same situation. I want freedom of choice for me, my daughter, my siters, my cousins (girls)... just as i want it for my son, husband, cousins (boys)... I don't fight patriarcal model to be told by a woman that i must stop breasfeeding because that is female slavery (heard twice last month) or stuff like that. But, here, i have no idee why this anonymous post that. Maybe it was a troll, maybe (s)he's answering a mysoginist comment, maybe she's a femazi... I am not fortune teller so... no opinion here
Breastfeeding slavery... lol. That's the dumbest thing yet I've heard about breastfeeding (and the alternative is cow milk...? So that's... okay to those people or something? I mean if they're gonna b***h about slavery....). Yeah giving your kids what they need or what is best for them requires sacrifice, that's for sure. Sacrifice isn't the same as slavery. Slavery is unwilling and forced; it's to have your rights as a humanbeing violated. If you see breastfeeding as some kind of violation then so is pregnancy so why even have kids to begin with? Having kids either way means a lot of sacrifice, that doesn't stop after the breast. It means sacrificing time, money, sometimes dreams, to somebody else. If someone's unwilling to do that... well... don't have kids.
Load More Replies...Feminism is about equality, nothing more, anything else ascribed to feminism is made up BS by people who do not understand the meaning of the word equality
But have you ever heard of feminist that degrade men? I believe in equality, but i am not a feminist because a lot of feminist treat men like garbage. Women cant to do ALL the things that men do and vice versa, but both genders are equally important. Like, if we believe in equality, then should men still give up their seats or open doors? Its confusing to me...
Load More Replies...Many people use this to shorten words (I know, people are lazy) no meaning disrespect to polish people. Have a nice day.
Load More Replies...Strong men don't mew about women who mew, if we're gonna go on the strength shaming ^^ Look, I'd get bothered, too, if I read something like #giveyourmoneytowomen (that's like the least feminist thing I've ever heard). And yes I think being kind is the greatest way to be strong. But that doesn't mean you have to be kind to people who treat you like a chunk of meat. Some of stuff he mentions makes me think he thinks being a man includes having the right to being a douche and that if a woman's bothered with them being a douche then she's not 'strong'. Like the catcalling and the manspreading. I mean, that's just expecting men to behave like civilized creatures. I don't subscribe to this boys will be boys concept...
Um, being a feminist does NOT include being okay with men manspreading or cat-calling. It means that if we did that stuff, we would be viewed in a negative way, so men shouldn't do it either. EQUALITY.
Thats just dumb. Manspreading? Seriously? It isnt rude to avoid smashing an organ....
Load More Replies...He is right in describing strong women, but goes on to say that strong women don't stand up for themselves? That they should put up with catcalling because they are strong? This makes no sense. I like how "putting others down" now means voicing injustice and opinions.
This is some prime b******t right here. You don't get to tout the achievement of others and use them as a club to beat people you don't like. This is exactly like telling men to "grow up" and stop being "pusillanimous hypocrites" if they complain of being treated unfairly in society because your grandpa stormed the beaches of Normandy and HE didn't complain about it. YOU didn't storm those beaches however, the achievement isn't yours, so I don't think you have the right to use it this way. If your grandma has this opinion, then let HER express it, but you don't get to speak FOR HER and especially not using her achievement to p**s on others. Besides, nobody assigned you the gatekeeper of what feminism is or should be and what people are or aren't allowed to complain about, especially if YOU haven't confronted those problems yourself, so in the end you just come about as a condescending prick hiding behind his grandma's skirt to justify his own slanted view.
Nazi Poland !!!!!!??? Poland was NEVER!! Nazi, it was attacked and occupied by NAZI GERMANY!!
To-mah-to, tah-may-to. I understood it to mean Poland was Taken by Nazis. Not Turned Into A Nazi Country.
Load More Replies...When you're walking down a street, get catcalled and then called "a s**t" because you didn't humour them - that's *their* problem, because they're the douchebags. Do not empower them by getting angry, they're not worth it. You know what you are, don't get down to their level.
Look like the comments from a man that doesn't have daughters, is content with lowest common denominator male behaviour, and who clearly needed to be brought up by a lady that had to be strong despite men. Here is a man that clearly recognises human compassion yet makes no apology for catcalling. I'd love to know the names he enjoys being called by females. For balance, of course.
Women don't have to EARN respect, that's some original sin bs screw this guy, sorry women everywhere that most of us are d bags
Thank you. Too many times what is rude becomes what is unjust. Along with what is a victory over an accomplishment. The Right to enlist is a victory for women. Men not manspreading is an accomlishment.
Load More Replies...This guy clearly is impressed by his mother and grandmother, but his view of women is basically "shut up until you've survived nazi-occupied Poland." Why should women put up with cat-calling or man-spreading? Without protest, nothing changes, nothing progresses. My take away from this guy's vision of ideal womanhood is that women should do is women should sacrifice and never complain.
The lifting up good examples was great. The insulting implying statements after were unnecessary out of specific context
My grandmother, who had an incredible brutal and difficult life and survived would have made short work of any man who cat-called her. As for manspreading? she would have marched up to anyone who did it and told them how rude they are. And if anyone told her she didn't have equal rights because she was a woman would have felt the full extent of her wrath.
A very succinct definition of strength of character vs. being "equal".
Load More Replies...If his female family members heard him catcalling a woman and didn't knock the snot out of him, they weren't strong. But I bet the behavior he thinks strong women should tolerate was never displayed to them by him. Ever.
Laury M, I get what you're saying, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in that kind of way.
Pushing people down for their opinion doesn't make you right and everyone else wrong. It also doesn't give anyone the right to berate.
And what happens if I am not strong? Why does everyone have to be strong? Why would I need to be a fighter? Isn't a weak man or woman still worthy? I can be still clever, passionate, a good person! This is something that gets me pissed. Idolizing strength - hey, people for being weak do not deserve to suffer more than strong people!
His definition of strong women aside, his whole confused tirade begs the question of why only 'strong' women deserve respect and equality.
I think he came back with a brilliant response to that rude woman. She came at him strictly to try and embarrass him, but by own words, she showed just how low minded she was and not very articulate either. He could have stooped to her level with name calling yet he chose a more sane answer. As a very strong woman, I liked what he said and he had every right to say it to her. That woman probably should have stopped first and thought about what she really needed to say instead of jumping onto the sight, with the express purpose of showing him up. She thought she was so clever but she only ended up showing how ignorant she really is.
The people who disagree with him are most definitely the exact people the man are targeting. They (like all radical feminists) are insecure when called out on their irrational, hypocritical, callous behavior, and immediately try to call "Misogyny". And they wonder why men don't listen..
One time, I heard a teenage girl criticizing the concept of virginity as a patriarchal concept. While I disagree with the discrimination that is associated with it, I can't help but be bothered with the thought of teenage girls actually giving themselves off just like that.
Social Justice Warriors are not enemies of men, or disrespectful of men. Equality is a human concept, it doesn't mean anyone loses.
So the fact that the women in your family were strong means that suddenly the women stand up against today's discriminations aren't strong? Just because we are not in the middle of a war, does not mean that the women that are vocal about their opinions about issues that need to stop are weak. Catcalling is an issue is not only rude and offensive at times, it demonstrates the lack of respect some men have for women, and so does manspreading. Being a feminist means that you want women to have the same rights and opportunities as men, regardless of your sex. Being a feminist means that you want your daughter to be able to do whatever your son can, and vice versa. We've been given a bad reputation thanks to the ones that do put down men- some that deserve it, others that don't- but all we're really fighting for is to be treated as equals. Programs like #giveyourmoneytowomen (which I haven't heard of until today) don't have a feminist agenda and are helping give us a bad name.
he clearly doesnt know what feminism is, bc is not taking away anyone's rights, it just making it equal for all, no matter race, gender or sexuality.
How many times has everyone confused feminism with privelege? I have the privelege to vote because a Feminist (Susan B. Anthony)fought for it. I have a credit card because a Feminist fought for it(1974). I have the Privlege to marry outside my race because A Man fought for it(Loving vs. State of VA.) How many things do we take for granted because we (everyone) was born into it? And "catcalling" is what they pick to argue about? I'm speechless.
I come from a long line of strong women, such as my Mom, Dust Bowl, Army in WWII, Việt Nam during the war. Feminists amused her.
I think that he is right in all aspects, other than the catcalling.
Bored Panda. I come here to get away from this s**t. I go to reddit if I want to fight the a******s of the world. I come here for a few minutes to clear my mind from all the hate & vitriol online. The only think I have an opinion on is you posting clickbait like this to try & use peoples strong emotions to get clicks. The only troll here is Bored Panda.
this sum up pretty well the reality strong women face...thank you for explaining, it's very well written...
No, this guy IS a f*****g douchebag for mocking feminism. He has absolutely NO idea what he's even talking about. Or what it's all about.
Because "Nazis" already has a meaning. Men who think they are above all women have their own term: patriarchal dickfaces.
Load More Replies...Good for him.. He turned the table around and made a very good realization to many hypocrites. I salute you
I wholeheartedly agree with his statement. A strong woman wouldn't go onto the internet to whine about insignificant problems.
Being a feminist means wanting equal rights and equal rights for everyone. You don't want equal rights? You don't want others to have them? (I'm referring to your response to Laury M, in which you state "it's almost always feminists who enjoy playing the victim card"-- You don't like voting?
Load More Replies...This guy is an absolute douchebag who knows NOTHING about feminism. And I just "love" how he says strong women should fight for men's rights and their dignity. Basically saying that women's rights and dignity don't matter as much as men's. I also love how he thinks men need "rights". Even though men have been seen as the "superior" sex since the beginning of time, and women have always been treated as "less than. And the a*****e woman who said she hates "social justice warriors". Oh really? So you hate people who fight for equal rights and respect for all humans? Good grief.
As a women i would marry this man. He's wonderful.
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