On March 15,  2019, the world’s been shaken by the heartless terror attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, when a shooter opened fire on unsuspecting Muslims during Friday Prayer. The attacks that took place at the Al Noor Mosque and at the Linwood Islamic Centre, and took 50 lives, leaving 50 other injured. Far-right extremism, white supremacy and Islamophobia are reported to be the main motives of the deadliest mass shooting in modern New Zealand history.

Since the horrific attack on Friday, there have been many discussions raised and a few incidents, like Will Connolly, better known as Egg Boy, cracking an egg on Senator Fraser Anning’s head. But among hundreds of words and opinions, stand the survivors and families of the victims that have to deal with tremendous loss, and luckily, there are millions of people in the world and support them and condemn not only the attacker’s actions, but also the reasons behind it.


    Members of the Mangu Kaha Aotearoa biker club pay a heartwarming tribute to the victims

    Image credits: Hassan Ghani

    In Christchurch, people have been paying tributes since Friday, leaving notes, flowers and toys near Al Noor mosque. On Sunday the 17th, a biker gang decided to pay their respects to the victims by performing the Haka, a traditional Māori ceremonial dance.

    Image credits: Hassan Ghani


    “We’re here to express our love, sadness that this has happened here in our community. This is all our community.” one of the members of Mangu Kaha Aotearoa said before the bikers started their rendition of the Haka.

    Image credits: Hassan Ghani

    The Haka is a traditional ceremonial dance or challenge in Māori culture. It’s been known in pop culture with such examples as Jason Momoa performing it at the “Aquaman” premiere or his Game of Thrones audition. The dance is performed on special occasions, including funerals.

    Image credits: Hassan Ghani

    Watch the video of their tribute below

    Here’s how people responded to the video

    Image credits: rehman_mansoor


    Image credits: 123jillwalker


    Image credits: Martyn50old

    Image credits: NotoriousYeil

    Image credits: HeidiBauman9

    Image credits: ZubairMaqsood11

    Image credits: darkroutes

    Image credits: JillyJblue


    Image credits: Omarbles

    Image credits: Cheyenne196060