Man Gives Starving Dog Some Food, But She Refuses To Eat, So He Decides To Follow Her
A man was enjoying his lunch on the streets of Bangkok, Thailand, when he suddenly saw a starving dog passing by. He decided to share his food with the pooch and gave her some meat on a stick.
To the kind-hearted man’s surprise, the doggie didn’t eat it. She just took it and ran away. The guy decided to follow her through the city, and what he saw when she finally stopped was truly heart-melting. Turns out the canine brought the food home to her 4 hungry puppies.
The whole adorable scene was captured on camera and the video is going viral. After all, there’s nothing like a mother’s love!
Watch the video here:
Share on FacebookI've seen cases like this many times. Dogs (I don't want to write 'bitches') are such wonderful mothers! They'll risk and give their lives without thinking it twice if they have to protect their loved ones (either their puppies or humans.) I've had several rescued adult dogs and puppies since I can remember. Currently, one of my dogs is a former stray puppy. We found her in the middle of the road on our way to the supermarket. People of the neighborhood told us she was the only survivor of a litter of six. Her mother and siblings had been killed with firecrackers. We were horrified. You think: how can some children be so cruel and actually have fun with it? Why so many people knew about these animals in danger and yet didn't do a thing to help them (and they had to resourcer to do it)? It hurts your soul, and that's why I like to think that through each rescue in my life also live their loved ones that aren't in this world anymore. Here is a picture of my Akari Pinku: Akari-585d...dd73b0.jpg
I've seen cases like this many times. Dogs (I don't want to write 'bitches') are such wonderful mothers! They'll risk and give their lives without thinking it twice if they have to protect their loved ones (either their puppies or humans.) I've had several rescued adult dogs and puppies since I can remember. Currently, one of my dogs is a former stray puppy. We found her in the middle of the road on our way to the supermarket. People of the neighborhood told us she was the only survivor of a litter of six. Her mother and siblings had been killed with firecrackers. We were horrified. You think: how can some children be so cruel and actually have fun with it? Why so many people knew about these animals in danger and yet didn't do a thing to help them (and they had to resourcer to do it)? It hurts your soul, and that's why I like to think that through each rescue in my life also live their loved ones that aren't in this world anymore. Here is a picture of my Akari Pinku: Akari-585d...dd73b0.jpg