Karen Calls 911 On Homeless Man, Threatens Him With $500 Fine Until Cops Show Up
Some people’s dedication to making a fuss about (almost) anything is truly unmatched. They are the ones who think that minor inconveniences are serious offenses that need to be fought with a sense of entitlement. If this screams ‘Karen’ to you, well, you are right.
A homeless man took to the r/EntitledPeople subreddit to share his encounter with a male Karen. Due to his limited options, the man was using the public fire pit in a park to cook his meal. Suddenly, a complete stranger aggressively came towards him and started yelling and asking him to leave. According to him, it was against the law to have a fire there. To stop the guy from cooking, he even contacted the fire department. Eventually, when the authorities arrived, things took a turn. Continue reading to find out how the situation transpired.
Not everyone has a fully-equipped kitchen, so sometimes you have to make do with what you have at hand
Image credits: NomadSoul1 / Envato (not the actual photo)
A homeless man shared his run-in with a male Karen in vivid detail
Image credits: Kawaii-S / Envato (not the actual photo)
Image credits: ExtracheesyBroccoli
Common traits of a “Karen”
Image credits: Kenneth Surillo / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you probably know who “Karens” are – the scourge of customer service lines, the bane of retail workers everywhere, and the subject of countless internet memes. Well, “Karen” is the not-so-nice nickname for stereotypical middle-aged women and men who love to complain about everything. They are the ones who walk around with an entitled attitude in general.
Although its exact origins are uncertain, the name “Karen” is a well-known meme that is used to criticize people who behave rudely in public places. In recent years, a male version of the Karen meme has also emerged. However, these memes don’t imply that every person named Karen is bad. Actual people with this name are fine.
Whether you’ve come across such a person in the wild or simply witnessed their wrath from a safe distance, you know that dealing with rude people can be annoying. But fear not! You can deal with such individuals with a bit of wit, a touch of sarcasm, and a healthy dose of patience.
Understanding Karens often depends on the situation. It could be anything from the classic “may I speak to the manager?” to their confrontational demeanor. But people have noticed some common traits, like their tendency to make unreasonable demands. What’s really annoying is how some people need immediate attention to their made-up problems.
Such people usually don’t show empathy and believe they are always right, no matter what. For instance, the staff at the airport is trying to address a pregnant woman’s problem while other people wait in line. But sometimes there’s a person who will come yelling and complaining about how this is inconvenient for them. Such people have no consideration for others.
Ways to deal with entitled people
Image credits: Yan Krukau / Pexels (not the actual photo)
It’s difficult to keep your cool when people behave in an entitled way. However, it’s important that we be patient. When you are experiencing Karen-induced chaos, you can try to distract yourself by reciting your favorite calming mantra (ours is “love story”) or taking deep breaths. Try to be the bigger person in such situations because if you lose your temper, it might escalate things.
However, staying calm might not cut it sometimes. You can ‘try’ to reason with such individuals by engaging in some conversational jiu-jitsu. All you might need is a bit of finesse and a well-timed smile to diffuse the tense situation at hand. If nothing seems to be working, you can try the classic “kill ’em with kindness” approach. And if that doesn’t help either, walk away.
Let’s face it: some people can be beyond reason. No matter what you tell them, they will not understand you. In such cases, sometimes admitting defeat seems like a win, as it’s the only way to preserve your sanity. So, walk away and leave Karen to stew in their own self-righteousness.
However, it’s nice to see people calling out entitled individuals for their irrational behavior. We shouldn’t unnecessarily poke our noses into other people’s business, and if you do, they might rightfully give you an earful about it. With inflation affecting expenses such as housing, healthcare, education, and food, people already have too many things to worry about. The least we can do as humans is be kind to each other. What do you think about this situation? Tell us about an unpleasant encounter you had with some Karen.