“Tomb of Love” is the story of a boy and a girl separated by magic and united by love, Aylea and Korri. Korri receives a treasure map from a dying relative, which sends the pair on an epic quest to find an ancient sphere of spellbound stone said to contain immortality for those who learn to wield its power. More powerful than any magic item is the power of the bond Aylea and Korri share, defying time, distance, and all other challenges.

This beautiful series was illustrated by artist Nicolas Kristian and is available to collect online for free only on NeonMob.

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    Magical Love Story Told With 100 Drawings

    Korri ran inside the house, shouting for his mother and father. The planes had led him here, to this place, this perfect representation of his childhood home. Everything was so familiar that it filled him with nostalgia and wonder. He climbed the stairs to his old room, where his bed stood exactly as he remembered it, a comfy mattress with toy relics strewn across it; remnants of his childhood. He sighed and lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling and dreaming of Aylea. Outside, a girl walked by, unaware of the house and its sole inhabitant.


    Magical Love Story Told With 100 Drawings


    Fearing for his life, Korri sprinted into the castle. “This is the third layer!” he yelled, “it’s the third layer! I’ve gotta get out of here, I have to–” THUD! Korri’s fear was interrupted by the sound of a heavy book slamming shut. Korri turned the corner and entered a room wherein a pile of books were stacked, and Golo sat before them, seemingly in a trance. “Golo!” Korri said, surprised. Golo looked at Korri, and then, to Korri’s astonishment, began to speak. “This is the third layer, Korri,” Golo said, “one of these books will set you free.” Korri hesitated, and then opened the heaviest book.

    In The Mind

    Magical Love Story Told With 100 Drawings

    Aylea was plagued with nightmares of Shawr for many years after the “Serva Me, Servabo Te” adventure, but Korri was branded with dreams of a different sort. Though he never had nightmares, he was an insomniac, and had trouble sleeping, if only because his dreams of Shawr woke him up. They did not frighten him, rather, they excited him, made him thirst for adventure, and thus kept him adventuring until the end of his days. One of his most common dreams was of the Shawr moon, upon which he had walked.



    Magical Love Story Told With 100 Drawings

    Aylea, I must show you something. Aylea had stopped moving. She was standing in blackness, seemingly alone. And then out of the dark appeared a wolf, a beautiful white wolf, larger than any she had ever seen. She felt a tinge of fear, but quickly suppressed it. “Who are you?” she asked. The wolf stared at her with amber eyes. “I am Furud, the shepherd of this realm. Your friend calls me Golo. Both of you have been fooled. Climb on my back child. There is an evil creature bent on stealing your souls.” The scenery around them changed. In the distance a giant monster proceeded to destroy a city. “This is your foe,” said Furud, “you must defeat him if you wish to escape.”


    Magical Love Story Told With 100 Drawings

    Even after the incidents which took place in “Serva Me, Servabo Te” were far in the past, Aylea was frequently haunted by the memories of that shifting, magical place. This, many scholars believe, is the reason why Aylea never stopped travelling. Even in her later years, she was still obsessed with visiting places and going on adventures. She could never stay in one place or else she would have dreams, terrible strange nightmares of floating through empty space, being caught beneath random skies, and being trapped.



    Magical Love Story Told With 100 Drawings


    When Aylea and Korri returned home with the tale of Meretha’s Orb and of their adventures in Shawr, they became famous throughout the world. Their story soon passed into legend, and it became known as “Serva Me, Servabo Te.” The names of Aylea Andrae and Korri Veren became synonymous with heroism and bravery and courage, and although they would fall in love later in life, as adolescents, Aylea and Korri were best friends, and they travelled the globe, never tiring of adventures, nor of each other.

    Collect the complete story for free on NeonMob –