LoveByte has been helping couples stay together even when they're apart since 2014, but they aren't just an app designer: their Love Is... webcomic has become a favorite for those struck by Cupid's arrow.
"The app aims to help couples stay connected and create their love story by documenting their happy memories in their own private space,” LoveByte told Bored Panda. “We started these mini stories to capture the different interpretations of love and the special connections and moments that lovers share.”
More info: | Facebook (h/t: huffpost)
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The girl with two buns on her head looks exactly like Mayoi from acchi Kocchi!!!!
This was me and my late hubby. We each would randomly say "I love you" to the other at least 3-4 times daily. It was never forced... it just came naturally, and it never, ever got old!! I wish he were still here for me to say it again.
When my late hubby and I first met, it was online. He lived in CT, and I was in NY. For a month we only spoke online or by phone until he could make the trip to NY to meet me. Sometimes our phone calls would last 6-7 hours, because neither of us would want to end the call. Often, we'd keep talking until we were both in bed, and whoever fell asleep first, the other would hang up.
There's an alternative to this one... I never forced my Eph to go shopping with me because I knew he disliked it. Sometimes even grocery shopping would get on his nerves... he wanted to be in & out quick, with just the few items on our list, while I wanted to check all the aisles in case I would notice something I forgot to list, or just found a bargain I wanted to add. Eventually, to avoid any arguments, we'd set a time limit of say 20 minutes. He'd take the original list and get those items, while I would go down the aisles from left to right to see if there were any non-listed items I wanted to add. We'd meet at the cash register & check out together. It worked!! For other types of shopping, I'd go alone - usually while he was napping. He'd wake up and I'd have a new outfit on or a new pair of shoes, lol.
LOL - this is so true. My Eph was extremely knowledgeable about all things tech... but just the mechanics of it. He could put together a complicated surround-sound system, connect the pc to the tv, etc. I had no idea about any of that. My forte was in using new online features - like Facebook, Twitter, and even online games. So he would patiently try to teach me how to set up the surround sound system (I admit I never really got it), and I would show him how to get a Facebook account, and find online games I knew he would enjoy too, so that we could play them together!!
LOL - never had to worry about that with Eph. Both of us only ever had eyes for each other. Of course, he did know that my very first crush (when I was 12) was for Barry Manilow... so one year when Barry was playing at our local sports arena, Eph surprised me with a ticket... to the best seats in the house!! He only bought the one ticket. He wasn't a big Manilow fan, and while we always enjoyed doing things together, in that case, he preferred to spend the money it would have cost for his ticket to get me a much, much better seat instead. Granted, he never had anything to worry about, of course - I wasn't going to run off with Barry, lol. But it was his thoughtfulness about what would make the experience as great as possible for me, and willingness to give up his own place beside me for my sake, was the most heart touching thing of all. He was such an awesome man, and every day he'd just naturally (because it was who he was) do things that only made me love him more!!
All of these are true, even if they didn't all apply to every couple. I was lucky enough to have found the most awesome and perfect husband. It took more than 40 years, and surviving 2 very bad relationships, before I found him... but eventually I did. We were inseparable from the very start, even though we lived in different states. For the first month we spent upwards of 5-6 hrs daily talking by phone. When he would visit me, it would be for a week at a time... and we dreaded when he had to go back. Within 3 months he had tied up his loose ends at home and moved to NYC to live with me. A year later we were married. -- We only had a short time together, sadly. We met in 2005, married in 2006, and he died of cancer in 2014. But those 9 years together were the highlight of my life. I had never felt so loved, so understood, so accepted for who I was - no change required. I may, someday, find another partner.... but no one could be a part of my soul like Eph was.
The format is identical to Kim Casali's Love is... series of cartoons from the 60's. Were you inspired by her work?
Reminds me a lot of the work by this artist Kim Casali. Were you inspired by her work?
Is cute but I agree with Piotrek. HJ-story is about the same but cooler. They even have minigames:
#1 Nope, we work on weekends #2 Wanting my heals #3 Mhm, because then we could play games FOREVER! #4 I usually oversleep and he's already at work #5 Agreed (although unintentionally) #6 Playing HOTS with me when I'm sick #7 Or to simply say good morning #8 Nope, too lazy #9 Usually too drunk to remember I even have him #10 Not random. When he brings food #11 We don't have TV #12 Holy s**t, she's having halucinations! #13 We have dish washer #14 There is usually cat in between us #15 Like leveling? #16 I only cry from anger and that's when he keeps his distance #17 Like ... nothing? #18 True, like that he should take shower at least monthly #19 Like Ami, hehe Emotikona smile #20 Age of smartphones? Low battery? #21 I looove selfies, true. He usually runs away. #22 PPL? #23 Like mastering Jaina #24 Walking dead and Pokemon #25 Now this is perfectly true #26 We ping each other in the right direction
All of these are true, even if they didn't all apply to every couple. I was lucky enough to have found the most awesome and perfect husband. It took more than 40 years, and surviving 2 very bad relationships, before I found him... but eventually I did. We were inseparable from the very start, even though we lived in different states. For the first month we spent upwards of 5-6 hrs daily talking by phone. When he would visit me, it would be for a week at a time... and we dreaded when he had to go back. Within 3 months he had tied up his loose ends at home and moved to NYC to live with me. A year later we were married. -- We only had a short time together, sadly. We met in 2005, married in 2006, and he died of cancer in 2014. But those 9 years together were the highlight of my life. I had never felt so loved, so understood, so accepted for who I was - no change required. I may, someday, find another partner.... but no one could be a part of my soul like Eph was.
The format is identical to Kim Casali's Love is... series of cartoons from the 60's. Were you inspired by her work?
Reminds me a lot of the work by this artist Kim Casali. Were you inspired by her work?
Is cute but I agree with Piotrek. HJ-story is about the same but cooler. They even have minigames:
#1 Nope, we work on weekends #2 Wanting my heals #3 Mhm, because then we could play games FOREVER! #4 I usually oversleep and he's already at work #5 Agreed (although unintentionally) #6 Playing HOTS with me when I'm sick #7 Or to simply say good morning #8 Nope, too lazy #9 Usually too drunk to remember I even have him #10 Not random. When he brings food #11 We don't have TV #12 Holy s**t, she's having halucinations! #13 We have dish washer #14 There is usually cat in between us #15 Like leveling? #16 I only cry from anger and that's when he keeps his distance #17 Like ... nothing? #18 True, like that he should take shower at least monthly #19 Like Ami, hehe Emotikona smile #20 Age of smartphones? Low battery? #21 I looove selfies, true. He usually runs away. #22 PPL? #23 Like mastering Jaina #24 Walking dead and Pokemon #25 Now this is perfectly true #26 We ping each other in the right direction