People tend to think that love can only be shown with grand, extraordinary gestures that the world can see. It’s arguable, though, that ‘true’ love exists in the small and seemingly mundane, yet intimate moments shared between two hearts. Auckland-based, Korean-born artist Lynn Choi is acutely aware of this fact, and has crafted a few illustrations that brilliantly capture those heartwarming ‘everyday’ experiences we all share with the ones we hold dear. Aren’t homemade pancakes on a lazy Sunday morning one hundred times better than a fancy dinner out, anyway?

Scroll down to see them all, and enjoy more of Choi’s work on her Instagram.


    Waking up in the morning to find you making breakfast for me

    Having you as my personal feeding assistant while working at home

    Keeping me safe and warm, even when I have bad dreams


    Keeping me entertained when it’s Saturday afternoon and there’s nothing else to do

    Sharing takeout while catching up on our Netflix time


    You somehow manage to make every activity a blast

    Even waiting for the bus is a little more fun with you