This photo series is based on Volkswagen Beetle. Ever since I saw this car I’m in love with it. As a child or an adult I was or I am! so obsessed with die-cast model cars and action figures. And then, when I involved myself in photography, I took toy photography genre as my media of expressing how I feel about them. So I decided to show my love for this bug by taking photos of It’s die-cast model.

Since this model is going on extinct, this is the only way to make it memorable in our minds.


    A retro city,where people never stop.

    And the journey begins..

    We have a long way to go! But the sky is getting darker and darker.


    And then suddenly It’s raining..

    After the rain…

    Sun kissed the Volkswagen Beetle!


    And then we are again ready to move!


    From one place..

    to another.

    From a tough road,

    to the dead end!

    Sometimes our media might change,but our goal is to keep moving.


    Keep on moving to explore the world,


    keep on moving to live.

    No matter what’s the situation is,good or bad. We have to keep moving forward.

    Because we know, after the strom the sun will rise again.

    Finally we will see the light again.The sun will bless us again,

    with his light to remove our darkness.