Depressing: 50 Harsh Truths About Reality From The ‘Lost Generation’ Online Group (New Pics)
A quick Google search will tell you that “The Lost Generation” refers to the people who came of age during World War I. It was believed they felt disillusioned by the turmoil, supposedly turning them into rebellious and aimless individuals.
But nowadays, the term seems to apply to all existing generations: boomers stuck in their ways, millennials left jaded from chasing their dreams, and Gen Z folks trying to find their place in today’s society measured by Instagram likes and TikTok followers.
Whichever group you belong to, the Lost Generation subreddit will likely have something for you. This group of 376,000 members has no shortage of posts that express frustrations about student loans, rising healthcare costs, and wealth inequality.
We’ve compiled some of them into this post, which may (or may not) stir some emotions.
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Things Are Getting More Expensive, And Wages Are Stagnating. We Will Die
Tip For Pro-Lifers
They don't ignore them, though. They send thoughts and prayers.
“Who Do You Work For?”
Guess a jacket would be too small for some. More like a cape. 4 mtrs long
American novelist Gertrude Stein coined the term “lost generation” during the “Great War.” According to accounts, she heard it said by a garage owner speaking to a young employee.
Fellow author Ernest Hemingway then used it as an epigraph to his 1926 novel, “The Sun Also Rises.” It was believed to be an accusation towards younger people in their 20s and 30s and their supposed lack of purpose during the First World War.
Fair Advice
Shockingly True
A society where houses are left empty and good food is thrown out just because it can't generate profit is a failed society.
Lake Superior Really Be Swinging
In our intro, we discussed a common trait among many boomers: their unwillingness to change their old ways of thinking and doing things. As it turns out, some do so out of necessity.
An April survey by real estate company Redfin revealed that 78% of older Americans would choose to stay in their current homes, many of which are larger houses that used to accommodate their children.
We Are Not Free
Amerians need to do what the French would do. Riot, behead some rich people and then learn to make good cheese, bread and chocolate.
Some Of Us Are Hardly Living A Fulfilled Life
Nobody Wants To Fish
Aging in place, as it is known, is when baby boomers refuse to leave their homes because there isn’t much financial incentive if they let it go. 54% have no mortgage, and 46% have lower interest rates. It would be unwise to shell out much more for a new home.
However, aging in place has caused a housing shortage since empty nesters own 28% of three-bedroom houses in the United States. That leaves only 14% for millennials with children.
And with a shortage comes price hikes. In May, Bankrate released a report revealing that the median home sale price as of that month was $419,300, a 5% increase from 2023.
It Shouldn't Be
Pretty sure they did this in Melbourne Australia in a suburb and the local council came and cut all the trees down.
Tax The Rich!
Greedy Landlords And Depressed Wages Are The Problem!
Many millennials grew up following a general life path paved by their parents: get a good education and a stable job to eventually own a home and raise a family. However, getting to step three has been nearly impossible, thanks to the housing crisis.
This has urged many to delay marriage and having children. A recent survey by the Pew Research Center revealed that the average marrying age for a man is 30 and 28 for a woman. That’s a four-year delay for both genders compared to 1987.
What A Society We Live In
This Is What We're Up Against
It's Pro Birth Not Pro Life
Student debt is another obstacle for many millennials. A 2019 triennial survey of consumer finances revealed that the net worth of millennials aged 35-44 is 20% lower than that of their baby boomer and Gen X counterparts.
According to a 2023 Forbes report, the median student loan repayment amount of $25,000 to $30,000 per borrower could be a factor. Given such a debt load, many cannot afford long-term savings for a down payment on a home or retirement.
No Words Describe This Tweet
A politician in Australia committed treason during last term of Government and didn't get so much as a fine and their identity is protected... climate protesters get 5+ years in jail.
Americans Live In Fear Of Others Abusing Their Own Freedoms
Trump has his followers believing there are thousands of immigrant rapists and murderers coming into the country so that we all need to live in permanent fear and get a gun for protection. The only fear I have is that an angry white man with a gun will take out his frustration on random people.
But It Must Be Those Damn Phones, Amirite?
The planet is boiling alive because we cut down trees to build homes, businesses, and parking lots and NEVER PLANT MORE! Plant trees, grass, and other plants and you'll make the world cooler, return its beauty, and help the delicate lifecycle of the world. It's not difficult, but it's not being done.
For Gen Z, mental health has been an issue. According to research by the Walton Family Foundation, people under the age of 25 are twice as likely to battle depression and feelings of hopelessness. They are also thrice as likely to contemplate self-harm.
For experts from Hofstra University, the obsession with technology and social media could be one reason. Associate professor Jamie Mitus says tech addiction may result in psychological disorders like depression, repetitive motion disorder, anxiety, and sleep deprivation, to name a few.
“When you’re getting a device at five years old, you haven’t developed that ability to regulate yet,” he explained. “So it’s easier to slip into the impulsivity of using the technology and having a harder time breaking away from it.”
Pro Life Until You're Born
House GOP leaders were among the 192 Republicans who voted against providing $28 million in aid to the Food and D**g Administration to address the shortage of baby formula — within days of criticizing President Biden for not doing enough on the issue. (Source - Washington Post).
Of Course We Do
What Do You Think?
The mental health crisis among Gen Z has also left them struggling to land jobs. In January, the New York Post reported a survey involving 800 hiring managers and executives in the U.S.
They revealed that recent college graduates are failing job interviews, urging 60% of employers to offer more benefits to attract older workers.
Experts like publishing entrepreneur Stephanie Kaplan Lewis are pointing to anxiety as a likely cause. In a January interview with The Guardian, she stated that Gen Z “won’t use corporate speech” and “may struggle with eye contact, body language, fidgeting, or not holding their phones.”
"Angry Oinking Noises"
I Mean, I’d Rather Die Than Owe Medical Bills For The Rest Of My Life
The Myth Of Hard Work
...and many more millionaires would have experience of what it means to work in the service industry (let alone work hard).
Despite these generational struggles, Boston University experts say we have many good reasons to be optimistic about the future.
An article published on the school’s official website in early 2024 mentioned greater acceptance of mental health matters, the use of AI to speed up scientific discovery of new drugs, and the improvement of healthcare as some things to look forward to. It isn't all doom and gloom, after all.
We Need More Financial Literacy
This is also why religions want you to have a big family. If you are poor and struggling to survive you don't have time to question authority.
Are You Burned Out Or Are You Having A Normal One?
American's Experience In Wonderland
And people still believe that there is any overlap between capitalism and freedom...
Now, let’s shift the discussion to you. What generation are you a part of? Are you going through any of these issues? Let us know in the comments!
Yup, Sounds About Right
Me Too
Both parties are bought and paid for....Bernie was "too far out there." It scared them
Yeah, Sounds About Right
I'm going to get downvoted to s**t. You may be able to afford the mortgage, but by the time you figure in insurance on the house a year, property taxes, maintenance, and all your monthly expenses like car payments, utilities, and food, it's going to get expensive if you don't have the yearly income to support all of this. That is what the bank is taking into account. Don't forget about having to buy new appliances when the others take a s**t, new roof and A/C. I don't know what I'm going to do when I need a new roof as they have doubled or tripled in price. It's just constant stress with all the upkeep. If you can comfortably afford an apartment, stay there.
You're Not Supposed To Say The Quiet Part Out Loud
You Can Leave The World(Country) If You Do Not Like...yes This Is An America's Face
She Was His Queen. And God Help Anyone Who Dared To Disrespect His Queen
There Is A Reason They Won't Defund The Police And Are Increasing Funding Everywhere For Upcoming Mass Disobedience
Cancel My Student Debt So I Can Pay My Medical Debt
I can now put the $38 monthly student loan payment towards my $440 medications.
Monopoly Power
But, but, but the market needs to regulate itself! Everything else is communism! /s
Ha Ha Ha Ha Sports
At least sportsmen, while horribly overpaid, still have to put some effort into their source of income. The real problem are those who make 100x as much money without lifting a finger.
Moses' Classmate Wants To Give Me Tips On How To Live Today
This may not be a popular opinion, but one of the biggest reasons tuition is unaffordable is because Congress initiated government guaranteed student loans so "everyone can go to college." Now the colleges can charge whatever they want because they know they'll get their money. Before that, someone who wasn't from a rich family COULD pay their own way by working while going to classes.
“I Feared For My Life!!”
Fastest Way To Increase Your Salary
Life Imitates Art
70 years old and I now realize the forces maintaining capitalistic predatory authoritarianism is much more organized and powerful than the forces of compassion. Republicans only want to destroy any government agencies that protect the average person from the predatory rich. But when Democrats got any kind of power, they failed to use it much for the good of the people. We really could use a multi party system to have more choices.
Those Days Never Comes Again
3 Year Old Reminder That It Was Never About The Kids
Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican. Protect the fetus, scr*w the post-born child.
Does This Belong Here
Wait, No, He’s Got A Point
Student Loan Debt Is Still Our Country Problem
Rawdogging The Decline Of Man
This stuff needs to be repeated over and over, whether people are sick of hearing about it or not. You're welcome to repost it a million times, BP
Yank prisons are deliberately filled with the poor and Black people not to "stop crime" but to take away voting rights from a significant percentage of the population. Look at all the racist laws and deliberate targeting of non-white and poor people, imposed "plea deals" that result in prison sentences and loss of voting rights. Functioning democracies allow prisoners to vote; the yank policy of banning them from voting AFTER they leave prison is plutocracy, ensuring only the wealthy, white, and privileged can vote. Canada has less than 50,000 people in prisons (provincially and federally) and they are ALLOWED to vote in elections WHILE incarcerated (and they do, in percentages close to the national populace).
... wouldn't the 'lost' generation be the one that wasn't even mentioned in the intro paragraph? *ahem* Gen-X here... (Yeeah... boomers to Millenials to Gen-Z? Y'all realize where the term 'boomers' originated from, yeah? So... what... a bunch of 65+ year olds all birthed the Millenials?)
This stuff needs to be repeated over and over, whether people are sick of hearing about it or not. You're welcome to repost it a million times, BP
Yank prisons are deliberately filled with the poor and Black people not to "stop crime" but to take away voting rights from a significant percentage of the population. Look at all the racist laws and deliberate targeting of non-white and poor people, imposed "plea deals" that result in prison sentences and loss of voting rights. Functioning democracies allow prisoners to vote; the yank policy of banning them from voting AFTER they leave prison is plutocracy, ensuring only the wealthy, white, and privileged can vote. Canada has less than 50,000 people in prisons (provincially and federally) and they are ALLOWED to vote in elections WHILE incarcerated (and they do, in percentages close to the national populace).
... wouldn't the 'lost' generation be the one that wasn't even mentioned in the intro paragraph? *ahem* Gen-X here... (Yeeah... boomers to Millenials to Gen-Z? Y'all realize where the term 'boomers' originated from, yeah? So... what... a bunch of 65+ year olds all birthed the Millenials?)