This lovely lady’s name is Lola and she was found in Mexico; a lost puppy wandering in a Mexican village. She is supposed to be half coyote and dog, but one thing is for sure – she is a very smart girl. Today she is 4 years old and happily lives with me in Czech Republic. I fell in love with Lola during one of my trips and, thus, I decided to bring her with me to Europe. I love Lola very much and it seems she loves to participate in my art projects as well. For example, once Lola wore human skin-like fabric to fight against animal fur industry.
But this time is different – I took these photos for fun. They show how Lola and I love meditating together.
Share on Facebookgreat photos! greatest model!!! What an outstanding, patient dog friend!!! which I could meet her!
great photos! greatest model!!! What an outstanding, patient dog friend!!! which I could meet her!