This Local Donut Shop Waiting Line Always Starts Behind A Cat Who’s Obsessed With Sweet Treats
The same way everyone knows the iconic ginger tabby cat Garfield who loves lasagna and sleeping, here in Chapin, South Carolina, everyone knows Oreo, a chunky, furry neighbor who rushes to Chickenbutt Donuts each morning to get his favorite treats.
The local stray cat has become a true celebrity due to his hilarious morning routine.
More info: Chickenbutt Donuts
The local cat named Oreo waits each morning at the front door of Chickenbutt Donuts in Chapin, South Carolina, to get his favorite treats
Image credits: Chickenbutt Donuts / Facebook
Image credits: Chickenbutt Donuts / Facebook
Image credits: Chickenbutt Donuts / Facebook
From classic glazed to wild, gourmet flavors, donuts are probably some of the most delicious and satisfying treats, and in Chapin, South Carolina, many people love to start their day by getting some at their local bakery, called Chickenbutt Donuts. Yet there’s always one furry guy who gets in the line first.
Local stray cat Oreo is the most loyal client of all. The cat is obsessed with Chickenbutt’s sweet treats, so he refuses to let anyone into the bakery before him.
“We open at 6am. Line starts behind this guy,” Chickenbutt Donuts shared on their Facebook next to the hilarious photos of the cat patently sitting right in front of the door and looking inside.
It appears that Oreo does this every single morning before sunrise, while bakery staff are still preparing trays of donuts and fritters for their opening.
“Business hours do not apply to him because he is cat. Assist him right meow,” one of the commenters wrote.
“See, this is how it really works, you actually tricked him! He saw the word chicken in the name of your business and thought you served chicken. You should be ashamed for tricking the poor cat!” another one added.
“You guys should make him a chicken donut!” the other one noted.
The local stray cat became a true celebrity after Chickenbutt Donuts shared the cat’s hilarious morning routine on their social media
Image credits: Chickenbutt Donuts / Facebook
Image credits: Chickenbutt Donuts / Facebook
While for many of us, waking up before 6am may seem painfully early, this cat doesn’t seem to make a big deal of it since he knows how delicious the freshest donuts can be.
The stuff from Chickenbutt Donuts explained that Oreo has been a staple in their little corner of White Rock for a good long while.
“We all keep food on hand for him, and the good people at SIR make sure he’s got cover when the weather gets rough. After the wild success of this morning’s post, it seemed like a good time to introduce him to the world!” shared the bakery right after their first publication’s about the cat, which instantly went viral, and also noted that sometimes they just can’t help but give in to the cat’s desires.
And that can be perfectly seen in another post by Chickenbutt Donuts where the short clip shows the cat running to get a bite of a donut.
“Chonky boy got his donut, y’all!” the bakery wrote next to the video.
The cat really seems to like the taste of the soft treat, as well as the cuddles that always come on the side.
While the residents of Chapin might not always get the first delicious treats at Chickenbutt Donuts’, they are also not mad about the situation since they love to see their furry neighbor waiting at the front door.
Image credits: Chickenbutt Donuts / Facebook
Speaking of donuts, their roots are traced to Dutch immigrants in 17th and 18th century New York, then New Netherland. Back then, they made fried dough balls called ‘olie koeken’ or ‘olykoeks’, which meant ‘oil cakes.’ These sweets were similar to modern doughnuts, yet they did not yet have the iconic ring shape.
The ring-shaped ones were invented by American Hanson Gregory in 1847 aboard a lime-trading ship when he was 16 years old and this changed the world of donuts forever.
According to My Shipley Donuts shop, nowadays Americans consume an astonishing 10 billion of these soft and irresistibly delicious sweets every year! Therefore, it’s not surprising that the sweet tooth Oreo can relate to this too.
The once abandoned stray cat now is well taken care of and definitely has become a true celebrity in the neighborhood due to his adorable addiction to tempting donuts.
Chickenbutt Donuts’ furry loyal customer put a smile on the faces of thousands of people on the internet
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All my kitties LOVE ice cream, sweet iced tea, cake, donuts, etc. They say cats can't taste sweet, but you couldn't prove it by me.
All my kitties LOVE ice cream, sweet iced tea, cake, donuts, etc. They say cats can't taste sweet, but you couldn't prove it by me.