Oscar Wilde once famously said that "life imitates art far more than art imitates life". We often assume that works of creative art are based off events in the real world, but what if it's really the other way around? These examples could be the only proof we need.
Anti-mimesis, as it's known in the philosophical community, is the theory that people learn about self-expression from art and fiction. Our actions and thoughts are directly inspired by the art we see, rather than art being a reflection of our organic imagination. This could either be an Inception-level revelation, or just a series of funny coincidences.
Whichever side of the coin you choose to look at, just try to deny the shocking similarities between life and art below, and feel free to add your own to our list.
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No, fly away! Her skin is magical and it will transform you into a tattoo, just like the other five!
Hahah even the hole in the plastic looks like a bird.. great!
I didn't go 10 years to medical school to be called "Mr" Thank you...🤙
Ok, someone's gonna right it anyway, so what the hell...."draw me like one of your french girls" hahaha (>_<)
And that's how big the little teacup pigs grow up to be... still cute, though, but huge!
Reincarnation? :-) "Oh look honey, I was a tired knight in past!" - "Well honey, some things does not change." :-)
I suppose this would be art imitating art imitating life - because it's a tattoo of a photo of a real dog. That said, it's a really good tattoo, a really cute photo, and an awesome real dog .
Its a joke ffs u wouldn't say that if a white man was being used as an example beside the kangaroo ..stop making racism out of nothing more than ajoke