Here are some lessons I learned from my Granfer before the Altzhimers took him.


    “Always speak well of people, especially behind their back.” “Remember, when times are toughest humanity wins. If you can’t share you’re barely human”

    “Don’t allow the ‘stuff’ ya know, material things to get in the way. They don’t matter. Only love matters, only sharing matters.” “To care for another is the greatest gift in the world” “What I need you to know most of all is, Never ever trust what you’re told, check for yourself, then check your thinking.” “There are no stupid questions” “Keep asking why? Especially of authority”

    “If you can’t do anything to help at least don’t do anything to harm. In other words, my Girl, try not to f^(k anyone over.” “Be slow to judge, everyone is different, that’s okay”