30 Creepy Things That Are Actually Perfectly Legal, Pointed Out By Folks Online
Interview With AuthorWe humans are very weird creatures, when you think about it. We are all so different, but also, there are so many things about what we agree on. For example, using a urinal next to another person while there are many others available is very creepy and not normal. Or, for instance, standing on your porch in the middle of the night. You know, I am speaking about things which are legal and there are no rules forbidding them, but it still feels creepy and seeing somebody do it makes you feel uneasy.
Hold that thought, though, because recently one Redditor asked folks to name things which are perfectly legal but are creepy as hell. Community members shared many different weird things, starting from creating websites that count when celebrities turn 18, finishing with walking down the street with a glass of water. So buckle up, check out the best, or to be more specific, the creepiest things and write what makes you feel weird in the comments!
More info: Reddit
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Child beauty pageants.
The fact that Epstein’s client list hasn’t been released
Bored Panda got in touch with the author of this thread, u/ArpanMondal270, and he kindly agreed to share more insights behind the inspiration of this discussion and favorite responses.
“Much of the internet is repetition. Statistics say the same for the front page of the internet - Reddit.”
So the author says that claiming that this thread was an original creation of his would be a downright lie. However, all of our ideas come from somewhere else. “As Tarantino says, ‘I steal from every single movie.’ I stole it too and then edited. The original form was - 'What is something creepy but legal in the US?'" the Redditor shares.
“And at past 1AM when I was creeping around r/askreddit, the idea clicked. That's how I started that thread.”
Exploiting your kids for fame on social media.
I am not planning on having children, but I think the idea they are property is wrong. My parents weren't the greatest, but they were OK. No abuse, little judgement, and they clearly loved me. They also taught me I am my own person.
Divorce lawyer here. People fighting like mad to get the dog in the divorce and then turning it over to a shelter out of spite. Although now in CA there can be SERIOUS consequences for doing that due to recent law changes about pets and divorce, but it wasn't always that way.
Glad to hear they changed that law in CA. Hoping all the other states catch on, if they haven't already. What a shi**y thing to do.
Speaking about the responses from folks online, he says that he was expecting a good response, though didn't think that it would blow up.
“When I woke up at 7 am , brushed my teeth and opened Reddit, I was like: ‘Hot damn! 5K+ upvotes!!’
Knocking on someone’s front door to sell them something, talk about religion, collect charity etc.
in the UK here it's illegal after 7pm for unsolicited callers to do that (hawking it's called I believe).... friends and family are obviously exempt (though I'd welcome them banned too ! ) ......also remember you are under no legal obligation to actually answer your door if someone knocks on it
Additionally, he shares that one specific answer caught him off guard. “It said 'Adopting a 17-year-old by an 18-year-old is perfectly legal in the US.’ Needless to say, it was shocking. Dirty mind, you know. Hehehe, not my fault.”
“But yeah, when I searched on Google, I got to know that it's TRUE!”
Filming the scene of accidents while emergency health care is being delivered.
35+ year old people, Who wait for months until someone turns 18 to hit on them.
The day they turn 18, they are in their DM's, etc.
Why is this creepy? Because they are predators and trying to seduce (read: manipulate) someone who is adult by law, but pretty much still a child. And if the law allowed younger, then they would do it.
The fact that google, Facebook and Elon Musk can buy the whole internet and that's not considered monopoly
Moreover, the author says that every subreddit has its own momentum. He was aware that these inquiries go viral. Additionally, it relies on the ideal moment and day… “Saw it someplace.”
And finally, check out the author’s Quora’s profile as he is more active there!
Marrying a child is legal in 40 US states.
Not okay. A document the child can't properly consent to doesn't make it any morally different than rape or statutory rape.
I babysat for this couple that had a 3 and 6 year old. They both still breastfed.
They were pretty normal otherwise. I don’t even mind extended breastfeeding. Like the 3 year old was whatever.
Seeing that 6 year old pull down her Mother’s shirt and latch was creepy.
Just my opinion, but a 6 year old should not be latched on to mommy's booby.
yes i think a lot of it comes back to the over sexualisation of women. in africa they find it shocking that the breast is seen as sexual as they associate it (rightly) with childhood and baby feeding. that creepy feeling you describe probably comes from your subconscious over sexualisation of the breast and that woman.
it's sad to see the down votes. with all the wrongs in the world, a child being fed is not one of them. not to mention the miraculous healing benefits of breast milk for micro biome and immune system. Breasts are so much more than the "sexy lumps" our society sees them as, sad. very sad.
Load More Replies...People get so worked up over something that has been normal for Homo Sapiens since the first H. Sapiens suckled on their mommy's breast. It was and still is in more grounded societies the norm to breastfeed a minimum of 3 years on average up to 6 years for the last child. I didn't know that until I researched the issue and also thought a child older than 1 breastfeeding must be weird, sexual or has detachment issues. Now I know I was wrong
Thank you!!! This is the best and most tolerant comment in this thread!😊
Load More Replies...lol reminds me of a UK sketch show "little Britain" and a grown man still breast feeding "bitty" I'm sure there's YouTube vids for it
I would not breastfeed a 6yo but it’s none of my business if another mother does. Some of you people here clearly have no idea how breastfeeding and looking after small children works. People getting freaked out by breastfeeding and bedsharing with children 3yo + need to do some research on the subject or just leave it honestly
I’d love to see people let mom’s be with less judgement. Everyone is doing the best they can and what they think is right. Parenting is hard, I think if breastfeeding is the only worry we have they’re doing a good job. Let’s focus on the parents who don’t give their kids consequences and excuse their behavior and the parents who abuse or neglect their kids. Can’t we agree those are the parents we should be talking about, judging, and pushing to make changes? If the kids are happy, well cared for, respectful, following rules, etc do we need to care if they breastfeed?
Load More Replies...Yeah, agreed, it's creepy and uncomfortable. As a server I once had two ladies out to a late lunch with their children. One mom ordered her 5yo some sorta pasta dish and then begins to whip out her tít and latch the 5yo to it. 5yo fed 'til lunch came and then ate like a normal child, ate half, and then latched back onto Mom. I've had plenty of women at my tables breast feed and that is the ONLY time it really freaked me out; otherwise, jam that boob in the baby's face, I don't want to hear it cry. 🤣
This should not be here. "creepy" should not equate to illegal. There is nothing inherently wrong with breast feeding.
I find extended breast feeding a tad weird but I don't think it should be illegal. Oldest I have seen personally was 5 but most mothers stop long before that. At the older ages it is (perhaps obviously) not so much about food and more about a comfort thing. Either for the kid or the mom though is the question.
Ok so here you are wrong. May not be ok for you but it is still ok if the family is ok with it. In many cultures children breastfeed for that long and it is not surprising. Many 6yos still use dummies / pacifiers and wear nappies too
only if you allow it. Wouldn't a 6 yo sitting in his classroom with a pacifier get picked on?Nappies? Do you mean diapers or a blanket?
Load More Replies...My wife breastfed my children (3) for up to 2 years. But her milk was available until the youngest was 10 or 11 years old. They drank from her breasts when they were sick. (Remember there were nude beaches all over Europe, they are slowly closing down since pictures can be tagged on social media. )
So that's an opinion, however there are many scientific/historical documentation showing that human's natural weaning age can be anywhere between about 2.5 to 7 years old. This is based on observation of tribes in the world who don't rely on formula and the fact that we can date very accurately (to the month) when a child was weaned (that information is retained in the teeth). So when a child's body is unearthed from any time period, it is possible to tell how late they were breastfed. Quite fascinating! It is more of a cultural issue rather than something that should be illegal as a 6 yr old breastfeeding, as odd as it may look in our society, is not something to worry about.
There was a woman in England maybe 15 years ago that was still breastfeeding her eight year old. She'd decided her kids would choose to ween when they were ready. The older daughter, who was ten at the time, stopped nursing at five. The reporter asked her several questions. The only one I can remember is what the breast milk tasted like. The girl said it was sweeter than cow's milk.
Yup, breastfeeding my 3 yo before bed (never anymore during the day) and I will till she or I don't want it anymore.
Load More Replies...Just because it makes some people uncomfortable to think of breasts other than sexual objects, I really don't see how this should be on the list of things that are "oddly not illegal"...
I worked with a woman once who slept with her 7 year old son (who had no health/developmental disabilities) rather than her husband...super weird!!
Totally normal to sleep with your children wth is wrong with you people?!?
Load More Replies...The 1st time I met a mutual friend's friend got awkward. She was breastfeeding her 3yo, which a family member had done, so I wasn't freaked out... It was when her 6yo walked up, grabbed her other breast, & STOOD next to her while he latched on. She continued to breastfeed them through ages 4yo & 7yo. I'm not saying that f'd those kids up, but they are definitely some strange adults now.
The 6 year old might have regressed when the 3 year old was born. I don't understand though why they hadn't been weened by this point.
I want to add that the 6 year old pulling down the mother's shirt is what I find more disturbing. At 6 it is past time to teach respect for bodily autonomy especially for moms. Children who respect the autonomy of their parents are children who will respect and create boundaries for themselves.
Load More Replies...I used to fly for an airline in New Guinea, frequently landing on mountain airstrips where I sometimes saw women suckling piglets. (The piglets were never more than a month or so old - something I was able to assess because my father once had a pig farm - and in fact, why piglets of that age are called suckling pigs.)
I'd always heard that it was a form of birth control, as the mother's chances were a lot less of getting pregnant while still breastfeeding. Of course the 6 yro kid in-between mom & pop could also be a turnoff. . .!
I wonder when she intends to stop. This is no longer about nutrition.
I'm pretty sure that the inclusion of teeth should be a natural time to evolve past breast feeding.
I should have told my 4 month old ' no more milk now'
Load More Replies...Yeah that seems a little even in the pioneer days I don't think kids at 6 did that
I’m pro Brest feeding but not when they are old enough to make their sandwich.
If you are potty trained you should also be weaned.........imo
If you want to feed your child breastmilk until however old that is your choice. I just think when say they are above 3 pumping might be healthier. I just say that because it is not the best for a child to use a binky or a bottle past a certain age.
To be clear, the 6 yo couldn't possibly know any better. The mother has a mental illness and needs to seek professional help.
So, you're her psychiatrist and can make that diagnosis?
Load More Replies...Sitting beside someone in a bus/train when there are multiple available seats.
whoever made these amazing Drifloon covid-era train seats knew what they were doing.
Taking photos of strangers
In Japan, all phones have a clicking sound when used because of all the pervs. Like you can't turn the sound off.
The Trade Federation blockade around Naboo
Tabloid journalism, speculating random BS things about famous people off creep photos from paparazzi, speculating about health, relationships, etc... even going so far as to doctor photos just to sell the story they want.
My friends dad took us to the gym when we were kids. There was a line of like 30 treadmills with only one person, a lady on the end. He proceeds to pick the only treadmill adjacent to hers. Lol even as a kid I was like cmon man
Making those websites that count down to, usually female, celebrities turning 18.
Sorry what? Is this really a thing? Like what happens when they turn 18? Or is the a really creepy perv thing
Children modeling. The industry is creepy and bad.
All the way up until my daughter was ~10 I was constantly asked why I didn't sign her up for modelling, my ex-MIL badgered me constantly, even tried to set up a photoshoot and trick me to taking her. She could not understand I wanted my daughter to just have a childhood, I didn't want her to be critiqued on appearance before she could even walk, I wanted her to have a teenage life where she wasn't obsessing over her appearance. Not to mention pervs. All I ever got was "bUt ThInK aBoUt ThE mOnEy" - f**k that, her life and mental wellbeing was worth more than anything of monetary value.
Really specific, but this is my job, so I know about it. In the EU there is a lot of restrictions on how you handle animals for research (Directive 2010/63/EU).
But there is no restrictions on the kind of animal DATA you use for research, as long as you didn't collect the data from living animal subjects in an EU member state.
So you can USE data that was drawn from animals living in the most appalling conditions and in contravention with any and all animal welfare standards and its perfectly legal.
Nice loophole. Somewhat similar to the way medical research profited from experiments done in nazi death camps or scientists offering their medical expertise in a pseudo humanitarian project while actually abusing their unsuspecting patients as human guinea pigs (Guatemala syphilis experiments for just one example)
If you are on a public sidewalk, you can film through people’s windows into their house. There is no expectation to privacy for anything that can be viewed from a public space. If you want the inside of your home truly private, close your windows
Edit: in the USA
This just isn't true at all in most places. This is largely illegal. They are called voyeurism laws, and can range in misdemeanor to felony. BP really does not fact check a single thing it allows to be posted
Sitting at a pool, with a camera. Fully clothed.
There is still some issues with people being able to fly drones and spy on folks because of FAA regs in not being able to shoot them down.
I want to shoot so many drones. Thankfully my house is entirely obscured by trees, but I still just want to shoot drones.
Lawyer here: I once had a client drink another person’s unflushed pee from a public toilet. The judge clearly hated that he had to dismiss my client’s case…
Edit: Lots of great questions, but I will remember what I learned at an MCLE training from Michael Jackson’s lawyer: “no comment” is never the wrong answer.
Yeah, No Comment is exactly the wrong answer here. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to post that on the internet without an explanation.
Smelling a seat when someone stands up
I've never done this... I've never seen anyone else do this and I have never heard anyone talk about this being done! Until now... and honestly, I would have been OK with going the rest of my life without ever hearing this lol
Smelling people.
Does "people" refer to the pasta, the shrimps or the china in the pic?
mowing my lawn in nothing but a speedo bathing suit.
Walking into an elevator and not turning around.
How about people walking around talking on speakerphone in public? Like your facetime should not be interupting my normal conversation
well... whatabout people blasting their music on speakers in public???
Load More Replies...Clickbait. Slideshow websites. Random insertion of advertising on free-with-ads streaming services. Spam. Telemarketers.
YouTube making money by adding advertisements to films they didn't even make to begin with.
Load More Replies...Most forms of continuous harassment are legal (such as persistently and deliberately misgendering someone who is clearly distressed by it, or harping on aspects of a person's appearance that they have no control over). It's considered rude and uncouth, but usually nobody says or does anything to actually stop the behavior from continuing. There are twisted individuals who exploit this social loophole to make life absolutely miserable for certain people with no repercussions of note.
1 more point should be added to the list: Not increasing salary wages or just giving 2-3% hike on current CTC. How are we expected to deal with annual inflation when the increments range from just 2 to 5%?
Try being disabled and having $750 a month to live on? I make it just fine you adapt and maybe don't drive a car when there's busses don't buy a cottage boat 3 cars house $300 cable TV air-conditioning house and car insurance don't be greedy and wonder why you're broke and I have 4 pets I care for vet check and feed don't need pets either really
Load More Replies...Guys the title is the post is "Creepy" not "rude"... creepy implies sexual...
Idling in your parked car on a perfectly, mild weather day.
Idling in your parked car on a perfectly good, mild weather day.
How about people walking around talking on speakerphone in public? Like your facetime should not be interupting my normal conversation
well... whatabout people blasting their music on speakers in public???
Load More Replies...Clickbait. Slideshow websites. Random insertion of advertising on free-with-ads streaming services. Spam. Telemarketers.
YouTube making money by adding advertisements to films they didn't even make to begin with.
Load More Replies...Most forms of continuous harassment are legal (such as persistently and deliberately misgendering someone who is clearly distressed by it, or harping on aspects of a person's appearance that they have no control over). It's considered rude and uncouth, but usually nobody says or does anything to actually stop the behavior from continuing. There are twisted individuals who exploit this social loophole to make life absolutely miserable for certain people with no repercussions of note.
1 more point should be added to the list: Not increasing salary wages or just giving 2-3% hike on current CTC. How are we expected to deal with annual inflation when the increments range from just 2 to 5%?
Try being disabled and having $750 a month to live on? I make it just fine you adapt and maybe don't drive a car when there's busses don't buy a cottage boat 3 cars house $300 cable TV air-conditioning house and car insurance don't be greedy and wonder why you're broke and I have 4 pets I care for vet check and feed don't need pets either really
Load More Replies...Guys the title is the post is "Creepy" not "rude"... creepy implies sexual...
Idling in your parked car on a perfectly, mild weather day.
Idling in your parked car on a perfectly good, mild weather day.