‘Nobody’s perfect!’ the character of the classic old comedy declared, and you know – it’s damn fair. After all, what we may consider to be an undoubted shortcoming in another person, other people may well consider to be a virtue. Even if the other person doesn’t like dogs…
Imagine – this does happen, although in my personal opinion, doggos are among the best creatures that ever existed… But let’s not get distracted. So, the user u/CheapBeautiful6357, the author of this our story today, really doesn’t like dogs, and this is only recently seems to have cost him many years of friendship. Okay, now let’s talk about everything in order.
The author of the post, as he himself admits, is not a dog person at all
Image credits: Juli Kosolapova (not the actual photo)
Moreover, some of the guy’s previous relationships even ended because of this reason
Image credits: CheapBeautiful6357
However, the author’s current fiancee shares his beliefs – but their friends have a doggo and are huge dog lovers
Image credits: Xochi (not the actual photo)
Image credits: CheapBeautiful6357
Recently, after seeing that the friends brought their dog to their joint dinner, the author even stormed out of the restaurant – and got called a jerk for doing so
Meet the Original Poster (OP) – a 27 Y.O. guy who, in his own words, can’t stand dogs at all. Yes, this is the truth – he’s absolutely not a dog person. Moreover, the author admits that in the past, several of his relationships even ended for this particular reason. But now the man has found himself a girlfriend who completely shares his attitude towards dogs.
At the same time, the OP and his fiancee have a couple of friends who, in turn, are devoted dog owners. They got a dog over COVID, and since then they have literally doted on her. However, friendship is friendship, and they, respecting the original poster’s beliefs, try to hire a dog-sitter when they go to hang out somewhere together.
This time, however, it turned out differently. The friends agreed to meet in one restaurant, from the pet-friendly category, where there is a patio with tables for dog owners. However, the OP, as always, asked his friends in advance not to take their pet with him. Imagine the surprise, disappointment and indignation of the author and his fiancee when, upon entering the bar, they found their friends at a table on the patio – along with their dog.
According to one of the dog owners, the petsitter was unable to come this time, so they took the dog with them. But the original poster had already seen red and, not wanting to ‘share his lunch with an animal,’ he first looked for other places in the bar, and when he couldn’t find them, just announced that he and his fiancee were leaving.
And so they left. Of course, the author’s friend was no less indignant, and wrote several angry texts about how rudely he acted. To this, the original poster replied that he did not want to spend time with his dog. However, the OP’s unshakable confidence in his rightness seems to have cracked a bit – otherwise he probably wouldn’t have asked the question “AITA?”
Image credits: Susn Matthiessen (not the actual photo)
Before we begin to make any judgments, let’s first ask ourselves a completely logical question – do people really have reasonable motives not to like dogs? No, not an allergy, but mainly psychological reasons. And the experts confidently answer us: “Yes!”
For example, according to this material on the Holiday Barn pet resort website, there are four main reasons why people may avoid dogs in everyday life:
• lack of association with dogs,
• the belief that dogs are dirty and should be left outside,
• aversion to dog odor,
• bad past experience.
Moreover, according to this study, conducted back in 2012, some people even have genetic preconditions for hostility towards dogs (or cats). In other words, some of us, even despite our upbringing, seem really predisposed to seek out the company of pets.
As we can see from the title of this study, the age category in which the research was conducted was middle-aged men – and the original poster, at the age of 27, is confidently approaching this category. On the other hand, it’s always easy to explain your not-so-nice actions with external reasons, isn’t it?
As for the commenters on the original post, their opinions were strongly divided. Some argue that the author simply behaved incredibly rudely towards his friends, who are not to blame for the fact that the pet-sitter could not come. Someone thinks that everyone here was wrong – because the friends could at least have warned about the current situation in advance.
And many commenters are also justifying the original poster’s actions, arguing that he has every right to have his own beliefs about animals, and his friends are probably poor pet owners. “Who needs a dog sitter to go out to dinner for a couple of hours (considering the dog isn’t a new puppy)? Ridiculous,” one of the folks in the comments summarizes. So what do you, our dear readers, think about this story?
Meanwhile, the internet was very divided over this question – but it turns out, there are several reasons for people to dislike dogs, other than allergies
Image credits: Petr Urbanek (not the actual photo)
I really don't like dogs. I don't like to touch them, I hate it when they bark, I don't like the smell on my hands. But a quiet dog laying under a table not touching me? I couldn't care less. It's like the one commenter said: they make their hate of dogs the whole point of their personality and that is strange. My MIL has a poodle. She brings her everywhere. She doesn't bark, she doesn't smell and as soon as she's settled I forget she's there. They don't bring her into my home because I have cats and she would try to hunt them. They respect that. But I wouldn't dream of making such a drama about her anyplace else just because she's existing. That's nasty and far over the line of reason.
He's NTA. I LOVE DOGS, have had them all my life. But someone who has a problem with dogs should not be subjected to having dogs forced on them. That is so wrong. My dog is the BEST DOGGO in the whole world, but if someone has a phobia, I'm not letting him near them. It's simply manners, people. Whatever happened to MANNERS? BigM-656a2...3c0580.jpg
Load More Replies...I have dogs, I love dogs, they are part of our family .. but i don't understand people who feel the need to take their dogs everywhere. And truthfully some dog parents are insufferable with their animals .. like you can leave your dog for 10 minutes without checking on her Todd. She will be fine
I think that's the difference. You are one of the rare few dog parents who are actually aware of the difference, and you are aware that your dogs aren't your children and you don't treat them as such. There are too many dog parents who treat their dogs better than ttheir children and those I can't stand because they make their dogs the centre of their universe and you can't do anything with them without having their dogs there with them. We're also the only family on our street who doesn't have a dog. All our neighbours, except one with small kids, do so I'm used to being around dogs and I'm not going to be unkind to them, but I'm never getting one. They're a lot of work!
Load More Replies...The OP doesn't suggest that it was too cold outside, nor give any other reason why sitting outside was not acceptable to them. Sounds very much TA to me, the dog wouldn't inconvenience them in the least. On the plus side with that sort of attitude they'll lose their friends very quickly - if it's not about dogs, it will be about kids later, or they'll find something else they expect their friends to work around. I foresee a lonely old age for them
Easily, the friend with the dog could have called OP to let them know he couldn't find another sitter. Let's reschedule or do you mind? Nope. He decided to dump the dog on the couple. The friend with the dog is TA here, not OP.
Load More Replies...A dog sitter to go out at night? Seriously? Yeah they do sound like the sort of "pet parents" who are annoying af
If the dog has been alone the whole (work) day, yes they need someone. If not, than no unless the dog has serious case of separation anxiety and would tear down the house or something
Load More Replies...Dear dog owners. Your dog is your dog. Your joy, your friend... but also your problem. Don't make it other people's problem.
The guy wasn't really making it OP's problem though. The dog did literally nothing. What annoyed OP was the mere fact that the dog was there. It would be the same as OP's friend wearing a colour that OP didn't like.
Load More Replies...I am tired of seeing dogs at restaurants (indoor and outdoor), Lowes, etc. And I love dogs! But there is a time and a place.
I love dogs, I am a lifelong dog person, I have two dogs right now (GSD mix and a Belgian Malinois puppy.) But I LOATHE when people just casually walk into a grocery store with their leashed dog/dog in a purse/arms. Or a pharmacy. Or a doctor’s office. Basically if it isn’t a place that is clearly dog-friendly (like Home Depot), then get your dog out. I worked in a grocery store for 2 years and people used to walk in with their dogs all the time. Inevitably some of the dogs would pee (or have diarrhea) on the floor, and we employees would have to clean it up.
Load More Replies...I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t like a well behaved dog. And if my dog doesn’t like you, that’s a HUGE red flag.
I like dogs. I’ve got a dog. If someone said “I don’t like dogs,” I wouldn’t bring my (awesome) dog. But perhaps you’re a bully who pushes people around - a HUGE red flag.
Load More Replies...I'm not a dog person, I would never harm a dog, I will occasionally stroke a friend's dog but I don't want them around me when I eat. I've now stopped going to my once favourite cafe as they now allow dogs inside. A lot of dog people act like you are some kind of apocalypse demon if you don't instantly fall in love with their fur baby. I don't force visitors to my home to interact with my cats, so don't force me to love your dog.
they are extremely well trained and well behaved dogs that are taught how to act in places like that. there's a big difference and they are a medical need.
Load More Replies...NTA! They had a choice and they made it. Just as did the friends when they brought the dog. And I'm sorry, u don't need a "dog sitter" to go out for a meal.
ESH. Friends should have given a heads up knowing about their feelings about dogs, but if the dog was really just laying there and not interacting, their reaction was pretty over the top. Unless the weather made the patio uncomfortable, they could have sat outside and ignored the dog. But also, if you can't leave your dog home to go out to dinner without a sitter, your dog needs better training. I don't understand people who feel like they have to bring their dog everywhere all the time.
Terrible headline, Bored Panda! They aren't "dog haters;" they just don't want to be around them when eating. We've had dogs in the past and have several family members who have them now, but none of us would ever consider taking them to a restaurant!
OP is absolutely a dog hater. He doesn't like the dog because it's a dog. Among other things, he literally said "I'm not spending time with you(sic) dog". Nothing to do with the meal, everything to do with the dog.
Load More Replies...I’ve had five dogs (and three cats). They were never allowed near the table during meals. Not allowed to look on the counters. Never fed from the table. I do not want any animals in a restaurant where I may find a dog hair in my food. They smell. They bite without warning if they don’t like someone they will attack without reason. Leave the dog at home. Even the dog will be happier.
The friends with the dog are TAs here. Why not call ahead to let your friends know? Why get there early in order to get a pet friendly patio? The A....le friends come across as manipulative.
I'm tired of people complaining about dogs, people have had dogs since the fkn stone age. Get used to them. It would be cruel to get a dog (who are pack animals that don't like being left on their own for too long), and then just leave them at home to do nothing all day while you go out and have fun. I get if dogs aren't welcome at grocery stores or chemists where people who may be allergic NEED to go, but no one needs to sit outside at a bar/restaurant. So let the dogs be as long as they behave (if they don't that's another thing, same for cats or birds or whatever. Also keeping them on a lead when in public is a fair request as well.) it's not an issue. EDIT: The friend even tried to accommodate OP by finding a sitter, but they couldn't show. If OP cares that little about seeing his friends then why even stay friends.
Even if you don't like animals why is it a problem? 'Not having dinner with that' the only THATS at that table would have been you and your partner. There's something not right with people who look down on animals as much as you do and I'd be automatically not interested in someone like you. Huge red flag
If they need a dog sitter so they can go out for a few hours, there’s no way that dog was going to sit quietly under the table while they ate. Therefore, NTA.
In Europe dois are allowed everywhere except grocery stores. So every café and restaurant has dogs under tables and they behave impeccably.
Load More Replies...This guy sounds like a moron. I don't have kids and never wanted them but I don't ruin friendships with those that have kids. Am I supposed to have a temper tantrum when they bring their kids? No. This is the same thing. These friends of his are better off without him.
It might surprise you to hear this, but dogs aren't kids Also this would be entirely fine if it was with kids. If I don't like kids and someone is with their kid all day, we'll hang out less, it's only natural. If we schedule alone and they bringing theirs kids I'll be pissed
Load More Replies...TA. if the dog just lays down next to them and is many feet away from you, cuz its at the other end of the table, then there is no reason to leave AND be a total A**HOLE to ur friends because the DOGSITTER was the one who didnt show up to baby sit their dog so that their dog didnt (not on purpose, obvi) cause trouble! plus, even if that happened and they were closer than you would perfer, you could say to your friend(owner of dog) "hey, could the dog be moved further away from me or could you perhaps find someone, like, a friend of yours to watch your dog instead of the petsitter?" bruh 100% TA.
As someone who has been scared of dogs since I was bitten by a big one when I was 7 years old, i completely understand not wanting to sit down to eat beside one. I have learned that not all dogs are savage beasts, but paying good money for a meal I would not be able to enjoy. No way. I say NTA
Pfft this guy is 100% yta. Grow up. If the patio allows dogs then too bad. If the dog is trained, its allowed to exist. I would stop being friends with such an immature loser.
NTA Ya like dags? I do. But leave your mutt home - it wasn't invited.
I think part of the problem is, that over covid a number of people adopted dogs. Those dogs got used to their humans around them all the time, and so, if the owner goes away for any reasonable amount of time the dog stresses. This can be trained out if the owners get proper training in how to deal with this. So unless dog goes everywhere, all the time with the friends they'll find issues coming up if they don't do something to fix this as not all places will welcome dogs.
ESH. I love dogs and have always had them. If I had plans for dinner, my dogs would stay home. Frankly, I wouldn't want to be friends either with someone who makes pet-hating his entire personality or with someone who can't go anywhere without their dog. They all need to grow up.
YTA BIGSTYLE I suspect your selfish cold heart hates babies and cats and the elderly. I hope if you 2 jerks have a baby, you have all kinds of "friends" comment on his big nose, his foul smell, his constant bawling, his puking everywhere, his fat stumpy legs, his breaking other peoples expensive items and make you feel very unwelcome to bring him. I hope if you do have the nerve to bring him, they tell you to make sure to bring a cage for him. I hope they tell you to stick the wee monster in a spare bathroom in his pen so no one can hear "it" screaming over nothing. YOU ARE A HUGE A*****E!!!!!
I am asthmatic, and also terrified of dogs (attacked as a kid by a neighbour's animal) and I quite agree with you. I'd have left too. There are not many outside areas which don't allow them now, and so many pubs, cafes, restaurants letting them in, even indoors. Trains, buses. They are everywhere. It is restrictive to those who cannot or do not wish to be near them. My asthma kicks off quickly, even with some hypoallergenic ones (and I have to be near a furry animal to know if it will start an attack - not a test I want to do!) and I cannot breathe properly for 24-48 hours. I am unsafe in these places therefore, and that restricts my life. Because of a medical need. Care for disabilities does not extend to this issue and it is unfair and terrifying. I don't mind what pet you have, and I love animals, but some people don't want, or cannot have, them around them. Please don't inflict it on others. Especially when you know there is a reason, or a medical need to avoid fur.
NTA. It shouldn't matter if they brought a dog, a screaming newborn or OPs ex GF... they didn't want to be around the third party so they had every right to leave and since OP's friends clearly knew Op and his fiancé didn't like dogs and even had a sitter (not sure why they would need one for a few hours though) they brought the dog along with no warning and hoping OP would just go along with it. He didn't. That's on them. I have three dogs, two cats, three kids and if I'm meeting up with friends I'm not bringing anything or anyone who wasn't also included in the plans beforehand. That's rude!
Come on now. Obviously the AH for not being able to sit at a table where there is a dog. What would you do if there would be only one available table near a service dog would you throw a child tantrum. Boo hoo get over yourself. This is called living with humanity. Goes to say calling an animal an IT shows you have none and should do therapy where they can show you videos of how much such IT animals are more compassionate then humans. Good luck to you or stay home man
I mean, whatever your reasons are, I imagine any animal would sense that hostility, and so the owners cannot say what will or will not happen. You did the right thing.
So I'm allergic to dogs and have been bitten and chased a few times so I do not like them in general. But if someone brings one to a restaurant outside and it sits quietly and does nothing else that's fine. If however it shoves its face on my lap begging for my food then I am out. Unfortunately, too many dog parents in my country do not train them well and they do this a lot, especially at barbecues. So I now have a habit of standing to eat at these functions so that I don't get slobbered on.
I sort of get this to an extent. My husband and I went out for dinner with friends and they brought their dog unannounced. They also talked the restaurant owners into letting them bring their dog into the restaurant. The dog was not well behaved. I also am not a dog person and I had a hard time enjoying my meal because the dog had a hard time settling. But I suffered through it and then we just never went out with those friends again.
Op seems to just dislike dogs in general. I’m afraid of dogs so if Op is also afraid of them, it’s understandable. I don’t really understand why Op insisted on staying indoors only though
To avoid dogs. He said in his post that most restaurants in his area have dog friendly patios, but dogs aren’t allowed inside.
Load More Replies...I love dogs, we used to have one. Still, the mere thought of a dog shaking off hairs, which fly in the air and drop on my plate, disgusts me. Our irish setter was never allowed in the living room during lunch or dinner. It's just unhygienic.
I very rarely form friendships with non dog people. My dog has anxiety so he comes with me anywhere he is allowed. If I take him to a friend's house I will ask first of course but I don't need anyone's permission to drive him in my car to a pet friendly patio.
i don't get it... they know you don't like dogs, but bring them anyways and it was to a restaurant? unless a service animal, the last thing i want to eat around is someone's pet. it's one thing if you guys are out walking with the dog and stop by a cafe for a cup of coffee and sit out on the patio, but a planned outing? then we have a "dogsitter"? like i have 3 needy bonded cats right now(bengals), i've had dogs in the past and i love my animals, but a sitter for a couple of hours? we'd only consider a sitter for the girls if we were gone overnight due to their diet(raw). dogs do need more attention with their need to go for walks, but you can leave them long enough to have a meal and movie etc. if their dog has separation anxiety, there are ways to deal with it and they're not helping the poor dog. how do these people function? people are saying they have made dog hating part of their personality, but what about these people not being able to function without their dog with them?
ESH. Regarding OP's friends: If you feel like you literally can't leave the dog alone, either find a replacement dogsitter or cancel the dinner. Also, if the dog *needs* someone with it, your reassurances to other people that it will do nothing to bother them are going to sound hollow. That said, the OP's problem seems to be the mere presence of the dog. I thought I was going to be reading a story about how the dog is uncontrollable and the owners can't or won't control it, but no. He just doesn't want the dog present at all. So, the dog could still be the best behaved dog in the world, not bother him, not even look at him, and he would still have a huge problem with it. That is a pretty s****y personality trait. OP needs to get over himself. His friends need to be more considerate. Hence, ESH.
if someone refers to my pet as "that" like they're an inanimate object, they're not my friend anymore. animals aren't an it, or a that. and that tells me a lot about a persons character, and not in a good way.
You don't like dogs. You were surprised and upset. All understandable, but you handled it sooo dramatically. Could have been handled tactfully. Your bad call on this one.
NTA - if it had been they who invited you, I would say fair enough, but you invited them, so you choose where you sit. For a restaurant meal I prefer to eat indoors.anyway.
I'm not a dog person; I wouldn't date someone who has a dog, and I wouldn't date someone who didn't like cats either. It's my personal choice. I don't like dogs inside restaurants simply because they are often a nuisance (bad owners not paying attention). If I'm sitting outside on a terrace and I can't smell the dog and it's lying down quietly, I'm fine with it.
The friend could have called. But at the same time. People who say they hate the fact they don't leave the dog at home, suggesting like they behave to a dog like to a child is kinda weird to me. It doesn't need to be that you don't want your dog to be alone. It's what your dog might do. The text says it's covid dogs. Dogs from this period have socialisation problems. It can manifest aggression, at home towards unknown people, in public towards strangers walking in a to them threatening manner, fear, or it can lead to the dog hating to be left alone at Home. That will result in the dog destroying the home out of anxiety. And this isn't faulty training. This is something of a... not sure if mental illness is correct word, but psychosis for sure. Plus this doesn't even need to stem from it being covid dog. Some dogs just have this naturally. The dog is so superb that it lays downed for hours on end,brings shot animals from water, field, high grass etc, and at home it goes on rampage
We are dog breeders and we got hunting dogs with pedigree. We do hunting cynology and we attend dogshows. The dogs we have are extremely energetic animals that require a lot of attention and when you leave home you either take them with you, have someone watch over them or put them in a kennel (large outdoor closed up area where the dog has comfort/there isn't anything the dog could mess up). Most dogs can stay a few hours at home. Some can't. Out of 20 dogs we had for extended period of time, about 5 were not possible to be left alone. There's just too little info about the dog and its owners to judge. From the information given, the person who had problem with the dog is a*****e
Load More Replies...Friends didn't need sitter. He's a jerk for the way he handled the situation. Not a jerk for disliking dogs. If you want to have friends, you should learn to communicate better with them.
YTA…..actually YTBA (you’re the biggest A). No way would I ever throw a fit over a friends pet or ever be so insulting to a person who is my friend. It has nothing to do with not liking pets, it has to do with liking your friends more than your own selfish wants. You are a man child. If you were that uncomfortable just make an excuse and leave instead you were rude and disrespectful. “I am not doing this” statement says it all….it is all about you.
It is presumptuous to include someone else for dinner for a night out with friends, or for lunch with a friend or whatever and this includes animals! I do not go anywhere that my Dachshund isn't welcomed, so I would not make plans to meet friends anywhere but they would know this in advance. The fact that the so-called friend called him names for leaving the restaurant shows his true character and good riddance. I also resent that the dog-guy chose the outdoor setting while our LW intended to eat indoors. NTA!
I can understand that some people don't want certain pets for any number of reasons. I understand that some people have a fear of certain animals. But what I don't understand is people who profess to "hate" ALL dogs or cats or what have you. You don't *know* all dogs. How can you hate them all? It seems pretty intolerant. To spend less time with their friends because they had the gall to get a dog just smacks of some sort of narcissism to me. Their dog loving friends are better off without them.
To me this has nothing to do with dogs. It wasn’t polite for them to change the nature of the dinner (forced to stay outside the entire time) without notice. But this was a huge overreaction. Sometimes our friends annoy us, but the solution is not to throw a fit and walk out.
I don't care about pets in general, but I think no one is the A here. Just one side being somewhat inconsiderate and the other being overly dramatic.
I would go with ESH here. But the whole thing seems so childish, they are grown adults and should have been able to make a compromise this one time to have the meal. I love my doggos but I don't bring them to restaurants for a number of reasons 1. Most places where I am are not dog friendly. 2. One of my friends is very allergic. 3. Some people just aren't comfortable with dogs in a restaurant and I feel because it's not a necessity for me to have the dog there (I.e. not a service dog) then who am I to foist my dog on other people? And lastly 4. I have friends who have dogs that aren't well behaved (basically they are baf owners and haven't trained them properly) and I would hate to have to eat I. A restaurant with these dogs at the table. If OPs friends have to get a dog sitter for a max of a couple of hours then sounds to me their friends are bad owners who haven't fostered a healthy independent relationship with their dog. This seems to be more common since covid though.
You are right re covid. Too many people got dogs in lockdown without thinking enough about the future and how that would work with a doggo in it. I know a couple of people with dogs they will NOT leave alone for even ten minutes (!), it's so unhealthy for them and the dogs (and the dogs are badly behaved too) and honestly, it's a huge pain - and s real shame, because they both have the potential to be nice dogs and they're both bright.
Load More Replies...YTA. What do you mean, brought it bowling? I didn't rent it shoes. I'm not buying it a f***ing beer. He's not taking your f***ing turn, Dude. Eat the lunch with your friend and ignore the dog. If the owner is not able to reign it in and the dog repeatedly pesters you throw $ on the table for your drinks and leave, but to just leave at the sight of a dog is a a-hole move.
YTA it's just a dog get over it. Did you know that when you are anywhere there are wild f*****g animals all over the place. Even when you go inside there are a*****e humans like you that have manners no bettter than a f*****g dog so I show you less respect because at least you should know better.
By “People with no manners” do you mean the friend who turned up with the dog, despite the OP explicitly not wanting them to? If so, you’ve nailed it.
Load More Replies...Being very averse to dogs... Friend should have phone/messaged "dogsitter fell through". Dog sleeping under table is no issue IF NO OTHER DOGS FROM OTHERS AROUND. But the way he words it, it's just a hill he wants to die on, "it's me or that dog". So, YDOOTTA (You're definitely one of the AHs).
I feel like this is ESH. OP should have grown up and dealt with having the dog there; the friends should have called to let them know they were bringing the dog with them. As for the question of why the dog needs a sitter, the dog could have separation anxiety and needs someone around.
The OP did deal with it; he left to avoid being forced into a situation he was t comfortable with. This is how grown-ups deal with uncomfortable situations.
Load More Replies...ESH. OP just sucks in general, beyond throwing a fit over a dog. The dog owners... umm... yeah, you don't just spring a dog on people like that. Doggo should be fine at home on its own for a few hours.
Wait, so the patio was dog friendly and likely would have had other dogs on it, which is presumedly ok? OP isn’t allergic to dogs, doesn’t speak of trauma or PTS, but personally just doesn’t like them? (That should be the clue right there) Ok, fair enough. I don’t like cologne, cheaply made yet expensive handbags and pleated khakis. I also don’t like messenger bags. Would I bail on friend who plopped a messenger bag or LV purse down near me? Nah. I’m not so fragile & my expectations of society or the real world are pretty astute. I just don’t get how friends having a dog or anything else living or inanimate, is an excuse to avoid them or bail on them. Boundaries need purpose & functionality. Where is the line with this? What if instead of dog, it was gay people? Or redheads? Or any other preference? This isn’t about appropriateness or needs of the dog. It’s about one, maybe two, people not getting their way.
yes not liking dogs or gay people is exactly the same. why fo people need to accept a dog if the dont like it. even if the owner says the dog will just lay there for one hour or more you cant promise that. theres a lot of stimuli for a dog in a restaurant. i totally get someone who has told his friends many times he doesnt like dogs cancels when they bring a dog anyway
Load More Replies...The people commenting "Who needs a dog sitter if your only going out for a couple of hours" clearly never had a dog. Not all dogs handle being alone. Like my own, some have separation anxiety and go crazy when left alone and just because one is fine with it, does not mean all are. It's naive to lump them all together like that. They are just as much living creatures like you and me who have their own personalities. Every other point both for the nta and yta are all valid otherwise.
"dog friendly" patios shouldnt even be a thing either, i do like dogs but restaurants are not places for pets, except for actual medical ones, if people want to take their dog somewhere to eat then they should go to a dog park with a picnic
I'd rather sit next to a dog than to a lot of people or their screaming kids.
There doesn't seem to be any reason for refusing to be in proximity to a dog. He doesn't say it's badly behaved, or smelly, or they put it on their lap at the table, or he or partner are phobic, or allergic, or even that it's uncomfortable outside. Just randomly hates dogs. If there is a real reason, that has been clearly communicated, why you don't want the dog coming to dinner, NTA. Otherwise, if it's a dog-friendly restaurant, YTA. A well behaved dog under the table is usually ignorable. Suck it up, or lose the friendship, because "No dogs can come anywhere near us" and "We take our dog everywhere all the time" are not really compatible.
I judge you hard AF if you don't like dogs. Unless you have like been attacked or have some type of reason to fear dogs, you're just a weirdo imo. There's this lady that walks in my neighborhood that makes a HUGE scene of dramatically running to one side of the walk when she sees me & my Frenchie out. He's literally ignoring her & doing his thing and she's making weird grunting noises & tiptoeing in this weird over the top fashion to "get around" us when the walkway is like 8 feet wide. F*****g weirdo.
Something seriously wrong with people who don't like animals!!! I've met a few and they are just odd and off!! I'll stick with animal lovers anyday
Everyone is the a**e here. 1st a dog does not need a sitter for only a few hours. 2nd dogs/pets have no business being in restaurants or stores unless they are for special needs. 3rd many people are allergic to animals and being in the vicinity can cause severe flare up and even asthma attacks. 4th OP is quite imature and needs to get over himself.
Dogs tend to have body odor, but outdoors it should not be a problem. I LOVE dogs, but hate their BO. This guy went overboard in his reaction, IMHO. I would not have an issue with poor Rover lying on the ground during dinner!
“Man explained that he was not situation with situation which he had been presented with against his wishes, and then left.” I’m *fairly* sure he didn’t go overboard.
Load More Replies...Since you identified her as female, it's fiancée, not fiancé. Anyway, I'm with you 100% on the damned dogs. I don't go anywhere with people who insist on bringing theirs, nor do I invite them to my house. I'm the same way with small children. If you can't reason with it, it doesn't belong in public.
Well, I suppose the 'people with dogs' are not overly saddened by you not coming near them...
Load More Replies...I really don't like dogs. I don't like to touch them, I hate it when they bark, I don't like the smell on my hands. But a quiet dog laying under a table not touching me? I couldn't care less. It's like the one commenter said: they make their hate of dogs the whole point of their personality and that is strange. My MIL has a poodle. She brings her everywhere. She doesn't bark, she doesn't smell and as soon as she's settled I forget she's there. They don't bring her into my home because I have cats and she would try to hunt them. They respect that. But I wouldn't dream of making such a drama about her anyplace else just because she's existing. That's nasty and far over the line of reason.
He's NTA. I LOVE DOGS, have had them all my life. But someone who has a problem with dogs should not be subjected to having dogs forced on them. That is so wrong. My dog is the BEST DOGGO in the whole world, but if someone has a phobia, I'm not letting him near them. It's simply manners, people. Whatever happened to MANNERS? BigM-656a2...3c0580.jpg
Load More Replies...I have dogs, I love dogs, they are part of our family .. but i don't understand people who feel the need to take their dogs everywhere. And truthfully some dog parents are insufferable with their animals .. like you can leave your dog for 10 minutes without checking on her Todd. She will be fine
I think that's the difference. You are one of the rare few dog parents who are actually aware of the difference, and you are aware that your dogs aren't your children and you don't treat them as such. There are too many dog parents who treat their dogs better than ttheir children and those I can't stand because they make their dogs the centre of their universe and you can't do anything with them without having their dogs there with them. We're also the only family on our street who doesn't have a dog. All our neighbours, except one with small kids, do so I'm used to being around dogs and I'm not going to be unkind to them, but I'm never getting one. They're a lot of work!
Load More Replies...The OP doesn't suggest that it was too cold outside, nor give any other reason why sitting outside was not acceptable to them. Sounds very much TA to me, the dog wouldn't inconvenience them in the least. On the plus side with that sort of attitude they'll lose their friends very quickly - if it's not about dogs, it will be about kids later, or they'll find something else they expect their friends to work around. I foresee a lonely old age for them
Easily, the friend with the dog could have called OP to let them know he couldn't find another sitter. Let's reschedule or do you mind? Nope. He decided to dump the dog on the couple. The friend with the dog is TA here, not OP.
Load More Replies...A dog sitter to go out at night? Seriously? Yeah they do sound like the sort of "pet parents" who are annoying af
If the dog has been alone the whole (work) day, yes they need someone. If not, than no unless the dog has serious case of separation anxiety and would tear down the house or something
Load More Replies...Dear dog owners. Your dog is your dog. Your joy, your friend... but also your problem. Don't make it other people's problem.
The guy wasn't really making it OP's problem though. The dog did literally nothing. What annoyed OP was the mere fact that the dog was there. It would be the same as OP's friend wearing a colour that OP didn't like.
Load More Replies...I am tired of seeing dogs at restaurants (indoor and outdoor), Lowes, etc. And I love dogs! But there is a time and a place.
I love dogs, I am a lifelong dog person, I have two dogs right now (GSD mix and a Belgian Malinois puppy.) But I LOATHE when people just casually walk into a grocery store with their leashed dog/dog in a purse/arms. Or a pharmacy. Or a doctor’s office. Basically if it isn’t a place that is clearly dog-friendly (like Home Depot), then get your dog out. I worked in a grocery store for 2 years and people used to walk in with their dogs all the time. Inevitably some of the dogs would pee (or have diarrhea) on the floor, and we employees would have to clean it up.
Load More Replies...I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t like a well behaved dog. And if my dog doesn’t like you, that’s a HUGE red flag.
I like dogs. I’ve got a dog. If someone said “I don’t like dogs,” I wouldn’t bring my (awesome) dog. But perhaps you’re a bully who pushes people around - a HUGE red flag.
Load More Replies...I'm not a dog person, I would never harm a dog, I will occasionally stroke a friend's dog but I don't want them around me when I eat. I've now stopped going to my once favourite cafe as they now allow dogs inside. A lot of dog people act like you are some kind of apocalypse demon if you don't instantly fall in love with their fur baby. I don't force visitors to my home to interact with my cats, so don't force me to love your dog.
they are extremely well trained and well behaved dogs that are taught how to act in places like that. there's a big difference and they are a medical need.
Load More Replies...NTA! They had a choice and they made it. Just as did the friends when they brought the dog. And I'm sorry, u don't need a "dog sitter" to go out for a meal.
ESH. Friends should have given a heads up knowing about their feelings about dogs, but if the dog was really just laying there and not interacting, their reaction was pretty over the top. Unless the weather made the patio uncomfortable, they could have sat outside and ignored the dog. But also, if you can't leave your dog home to go out to dinner without a sitter, your dog needs better training. I don't understand people who feel like they have to bring their dog everywhere all the time.
Terrible headline, Bored Panda! They aren't "dog haters;" they just don't want to be around them when eating. We've had dogs in the past and have several family members who have them now, but none of us would ever consider taking them to a restaurant!
OP is absolutely a dog hater. He doesn't like the dog because it's a dog. Among other things, he literally said "I'm not spending time with you(sic) dog". Nothing to do with the meal, everything to do with the dog.
Load More Replies...I’ve had five dogs (and three cats). They were never allowed near the table during meals. Not allowed to look on the counters. Never fed from the table. I do not want any animals in a restaurant where I may find a dog hair in my food. They smell. They bite without warning if they don’t like someone they will attack without reason. Leave the dog at home. Even the dog will be happier.
The friends with the dog are TAs here. Why not call ahead to let your friends know? Why get there early in order to get a pet friendly patio? The A....le friends come across as manipulative.
I'm tired of people complaining about dogs, people have had dogs since the fkn stone age. Get used to them. It would be cruel to get a dog (who are pack animals that don't like being left on their own for too long), and then just leave them at home to do nothing all day while you go out and have fun. I get if dogs aren't welcome at grocery stores or chemists where people who may be allergic NEED to go, but no one needs to sit outside at a bar/restaurant. So let the dogs be as long as they behave (if they don't that's another thing, same for cats or birds or whatever. Also keeping them on a lead when in public is a fair request as well.) it's not an issue. EDIT: The friend even tried to accommodate OP by finding a sitter, but they couldn't show. If OP cares that little about seeing his friends then why even stay friends.
Even if you don't like animals why is it a problem? 'Not having dinner with that' the only THATS at that table would have been you and your partner. There's something not right with people who look down on animals as much as you do and I'd be automatically not interested in someone like you. Huge red flag
If they need a dog sitter so they can go out for a few hours, there’s no way that dog was going to sit quietly under the table while they ate. Therefore, NTA.
In Europe dois are allowed everywhere except grocery stores. So every café and restaurant has dogs under tables and they behave impeccably.
Load More Replies...This guy sounds like a moron. I don't have kids and never wanted them but I don't ruin friendships with those that have kids. Am I supposed to have a temper tantrum when they bring their kids? No. This is the same thing. These friends of his are better off without him.
It might surprise you to hear this, but dogs aren't kids Also this would be entirely fine if it was with kids. If I don't like kids and someone is with their kid all day, we'll hang out less, it's only natural. If we schedule alone and they bringing theirs kids I'll be pissed
Load More Replies...TA. if the dog just lays down next to them and is many feet away from you, cuz its at the other end of the table, then there is no reason to leave AND be a total A**HOLE to ur friends because the DOGSITTER was the one who didnt show up to baby sit their dog so that their dog didnt (not on purpose, obvi) cause trouble! plus, even if that happened and they were closer than you would perfer, you could say to your friend(owner of dog) "hey, could the dog be moved further away from me or could you perhaps find someone, like, a friend of yours to watch your dog instead of the petsitter?" bruh 100% TA.
As someone who has been scared of dogs since I was bitten by a big one when I was 7 years old, i completely understand not wanting to sit down to eat beside one. I have learned that not all dogs are savage beasts, but paying good money for a meal I would not be able to enjoy. No way. I say NTA
Pfft this guy is 100% yta. Grow up. If the patio allows dogs then too bad. If the dog is trained, its allowed to exist. I would stop being friends with such an immature loser.
NTA Ya like dags? I do. But leave your mutt home - it wasn't invited.
I think part of the problem is, that over covid a number of people adopted dogs. Those dogs got used to their humans around them all the time, and so, if the owner goes away for any reasonable amount of time the dog stresses. This can be trained out if the owners get proper training in how to deal with this. So unless dog goes everywhere, all the time with the friends they'll find issues coming up if they don't do something to fix this as not all places will welcome dogs.
ESH. I love dogs and have always had them. If I had plans for dinner, my dogs would stay home. Frankly, I wouldn't want to be friends either with someone who makes pet-hating his entire personality or with someone who can't go anywhere without their dog. They all need to grow up.
YTA BIGSTYLE I suspect your selfish cold heart hates babies and cats and the elderly. I hope if you 2 jerks have a baby, you have all kinds of "friends" comment on his big nose, his foul smell, his constant bawling, his puking everywhere, his fat stumpy legs, his breaking other peoples expensive items and make you feel very unwelcome to bring him. I hope if you do have the nerve to bring him, they tell you to make sure to bring a cage for him. I hope they tell you to stick the wee monster in a spare bathroom in his pen so no one can hear "it" screaming over nothing. YOU ARE A HUGE A*****E!!!!!
I am asthmatic, and also terrified of dogs (attacked as a kid by a neighbour's animal) and I quite agree with you. I'd have left too. There are not many outside areas which don't allow them now, and so many pubs, cafes, restaurants letting them in, even indoors. Trains, buses. They are everywhere. It is restrictive to those who cannot or do not wish to be near them. My asthma kicks off quickly, even with some hypoallergenic ones (and I have to be near a furry animal to know if it will start an attack - not a test I want to do!) and I cannot breathe properly for 24-48 hours. I am unsafe in these places therefore, and that restricts my life. Because of a medical need. Care for disabilities does not extend to this issue and it is unfair and terrifying. I don't mind what pet you have, and I love animals, but some people don't want, or cannot have, them around them. Please don't inflict it on others. Especially when you know there is a reason, or a medical need to avoid fur.
NTA. It shouldn't matter if they brought a dog, a screaming newborn or OPs ex GF... they didn't want to be around the third party so they had every right to leave and since OP's friends clearly knew Op and his fiancé didn't like dogs and even had a sitter (not sure why they would need one for a few hours though) they brought the dog along with no warning and hoping OP would just go along with it. He didn't. That's on them. I have three dogs, two cats, three kids and if I'm meeting up with friends I'm not bringing anything or anyone who wasn't also included in the plans beforehand. That's rude!
Come on now. Obviously the AH for not being able to sit at a table where there is a dog. What would you do if there would be only one available table near a service dog would you throw a child tantrum. Boo hoo get over yourself. This is called living with humanity. Goes to say calling an animal an IT shows you have none and should do therapy where they can show you videos of how much such IT animals are more compassionate then humans. Good luck to you or stay home man
I mean, whatever your reasons are, I imagine any animal would sense that hostility, and so the owners cannot say what will or will not happen. You did the right thing.
So I'm allergic to dogs and have been bitten and chased a few times so I do not like them in general. But if someone brings one to a restaurant outside and it sits quietly and does nothing else that's fine. If however it shoves its face on my lap begging for my food then I am out. Unfortunately, too many dog parents in my country do not train them well and they do this a lot, especially at barbecues. So I now have a habit of standing to eat at these functions so that I don't get slobbered on.
I sort of get this to an extent. My husband and I went out for dinner with friends and they brought their dog unannounced. They also talked the restaurant owners into letting them bring their dog into the restaurant. The dog was not well behaved. I also am not a dog person and I had a hard time enjoying my meal because the dog had a hard time settling. But I suffered through it and then we just never went out with those friends again.
Op seems to just dislike dogs in general. I’m afraid of dogs so if Op is also afraid of them, it’s understandable. I don’t really understand why Op insisted on staying indoors only though
To avoid dogs. He said in his post that most restaurants in his area have dog friendly patios, but dogs aren’t allowed inside.
Load More Replies...I love dogs, we used to have one. Still, the mere thought of a dog shaking off hairs, which fly in the air and drop on my plate, disgusts me. Our irish setter was never allowed in the living room during lunch or dinner. It's just unhygienic.
I very rarely form friendships with non dog people. My dog has anxiety so he comes with me anywhere he is allowed. If I take him to a friend's house I will ask first of course but I don't need anyone's permission to drive him in my car to a pet friendly patio.
i don't get it... they know you don't like dogs, but bring them anyways and it was to a restaurant? unless a service animal, the last thing i want to eat around is someone's pet. it's one thing if you guys are out walking with the dog and stop by a cafe for a cup of coffee and sit out on the patio, but a planned outing? then we have a "dogsitter"? like i have 3 needy bonded cats right now(bengals), i've had dogs in the past and i love my animals, but a sitter for a couple of hours? we'd only consider a sitter for the girls if we were gone overnight due to their diet(raw). dogs do need more attention with their need to go for walks, but you can leave them long enough to have a meal and movie etc. if their dog has separation anxiety, there are ways to deal with it and they're not helping the poor dog. how do these people function? people are saying they have made dog hating part of their personality, but what about these people not being able to function without their dog with them?
ESH. Regarding OP's friends: If you feel like you literally can't leave the dog alone, either find a replacement dogsitter or cancel the dinner. Also, if the dog *needs* someone with it, your reassurances to other people that it will do nothing to bother them are going to sound hollow. That said, the OP's problem seems to be the mere presence of the dog. I thought I was going to be reading a story about how the dog is uncontrollable and the owners can't or won't control it, but no. He just doesn't want the dog present at all. So, the dog could still be the best behaved dog in the world, not bother him, not even look at him, and he would still have a huge problem with it. That is a pretty s****y personality trait. OP needs to get over himself. His friends need to be more considerate. Hence, ESH.
if someone refers to my pet as "that" like they're an inanimate object, they're not my friend anymore. animals aren't an it, or a that. and that tells me a lot about a persons character, and not in a good way.
You don't like dogs. You were surprised and upset. All understandable, but you handled it sooo dramatically. Could have been handled tactfully. Your bad call on this one.
NTA - if it had been they who invited you, I would say fair enough, but you invited them, so you choose where you sit. For a restaurant meal I prefer to eat indoors.anyway.
I'm not a dog person; I wouldn't date someone who has a dog, and I wouldn't date someone who didn't like cats either. It's my personal choice. I don't like dogs inside restaurants simply because they are often a nuisance (bad owners not paying attention). If I'm sitting outside on a terrace and I can't smell the dog and it's lying down quietly, I'm fine with it.
The friend could have called. But at the same time. People who say they hate the fact they don't leave the dog at home, suggesting like they behave to a dog like to a child is kinda weird to me. It doesn't need to be that you don't want your dog to be alone. It's what your dog might do. The text says it's covid dogs. Dogs from this period have socialisation problems. It can manifest aggression, at home towards unknown people, in public towards strangers walking in a to them threatening manner, fear, or it can lead to the dog hating to be left alone at Home. That will result in the dog destroying the home out of anxiety. And this isn't faulty training. This is something of a... not sure if mental illness is correct word, but psychosis for sure. Plus this doesn't even need to stem from it being covid dog. Some dogs just have this naturally. The dog is so superb that it lays downed for hours on end,brings shot animals from water, field, high grass etc, and at home it goes on rampage
We are dog breeders and we got hunting dogs with pedigree. We do hunting cynology and we attend dogshows. The dogs we have are extremely energetic animals that require a lot of attention and when you leave home you either take them with you, have someone watch over them or put them in a kennel (large outdoor closed up area where the dog has comfort/there isn't anything the dog could mess up). Most dogs can stay a few hours at home. Some can't. Out of 20 dogs we had for extended period of time, about 5 were not possible to be left alone. There's just too little info about the dog and its owners to judge. From the information given, the person who had problem with the dog is a*****e
Load More Replies...Friends didn't need sitter. He's a jerk for the way he handled the situation. Not a jerk for disliking dogs. If you want to have friends, you should learn to communicate better with them.
YTA…..actually YTBA (you’re the biggest A). No way would I ever throw a fit over a friends pet or ever be so insulting to a person who is my friend. It has nothing to do with not liking pets, it has to do with liking your friends more than your own selfish wants. You are a man child. If you were that uncomfortable just make an excuse and leave instead you were rude and disrespectful. “I am not doing this” statement says it all….it is all about you.
It is presumptuous to include someone else for dinner for a night out with friends, or for lunch with a friend or whatever and this includes animals! I do not go anywhere that my Dachshund isn't welcomed, so I would not make plans to meet friends anywhere but they would know this in advance. The fact that the so-called friend called him names for leaving the restaurant shows his true character and good riddance. I also resent that the dog-guy chose the outdoor setting while our LW intended to eat indoors. NTA!
I can understand that some people don't want certain pets for any number of reasons. I understand that some people have a fear of certain animals. But what I don't understand is people who profess to "hate" ALL dogs or cats or what have you. You don't *know* all dogs. How can you hate them all? It seems pretty intolerant. To spend less time with their friends because they had the gall to get a dog just smacks of some sort of narcissism to me. Their dog loving friends are better off without them.
To me this has nothing to do with dogs. It wasn’t polite for them to change the nature of the dinner (forced to stay outside the entire time) without notice. But this was a huge overreaction. Sometimes our friends annoy us, but the solution is not to throw a fit and walk out.
I don't care about pets in general, but I think no one is the A here. Just one side being somewhat inconsiderate and the other being overly dramatic.
I would go with ESH here. But the whole thing seems so childish, they are grown adults and should have been able to make a compromise this one time to have the meal. I love my doggos but I don't bring them to restaurants for a number of reasons 1. Most places where I am are not dog friendly. 2. One of my friends is very allergic. 3. Some people just aren't comfortable with dogs in a restaurant and I feel because it's not a necessity for me to have the dog there (I.e. not a service dog) then who am I to foist my dog on other people? And lastly 4. I have friends who have dogs that aren't well behaved (basically they are baf owners and haven't trained them properly) and I would hate to have to eat I. A restaurant with these dogs at the table. If OPs friends have to get a dog sitter for a max of a couple of hours then sounds to me their friends are bad owners who haven't fostered a healthy independent relationship with their dog. This seems to be more common since covid though.
You are right re covid. Too many people got dogs in lockdown without thinking enough about the future and how that would work with a doggo in it. I know a couple of people with dogs they will NOT leave alone for even ten minutes (!), it's so unhealthy for them and the dogs (and the dogs are badly behaved too) and honestly, it's a huge pain - and s real shame, because they both have the potential to be nice dogs and they're both bright.
Load More Replies...YTA. What do you mean, brought it bowling? I didn't rent it shoes. I'm not buying it a f***ing beer. He's not taking your f***ing turn, Dude. Eat the lunch with your friend and ignore the dog. If the owner is not able to reign it in and the dog repeatedly pesters you throw $ on the table for your drinks and leave, but to just leave at the sight of a dog is a a-hole move.
YTA it's just a dog get over it. Did you know that when you are anywhere there are wild f*****g animals all over the place. Even when you go inside there are a*****e humans like you that have manners no bettter than a f*****g dog so I show you less respect because at least you should know better.
By “People with no manners” do you mean the friend who turned up with the dog, despite the OP explicitly not wanting them to? If so, you’ve nailed it.
Load More Replies...Being very averse to dogs... Friend should have phone/messaged "dogsitter fell through". Dog sleeping under table is no issue IF NO OTHER DOGS FROM OTHERS AROUND. But the way he words it, it's just a hill he wants to die on, "it's me or that dog". So, YDOOTTA (You're definitely one of the AHs).
I feel like this is ESH. OP should have grown up and dealt with having the dog there; the friends should have called to let them know they were bringing the dog with them. As for the question of why the dog needs a sitter, the dog could have separation anxiety and needs someone around.
The OP did deal with it; he left to avoid being forced into a situation he was t comfortable with. This is how grown-ups deal with uncomfortable situations.
Load More Replies...ESH. OP just sucks in general, beyond throwing a fit over a dog. The dog owners... umm... yeah, you don't just spring a dog on people like that. Doggo should be fine at home on its own for a few hours.
Wait, so the patio was dog friendly and likely would have had other dogs on it, which is presumedly ok? OP isn’t allergic to dogs, doesn’t speak of trauma or PTS, but personally just doesn’t like them? (That should be the clue right there) Ok, fair enough. I don’t like cologne, cheaply made yet expensive handbags and pleated khakis. I also don’t like messenger bags. Would I bail on friend who plopped a messenger bag or LV purse down near me? Nah. I’m not so fragile & my expectations of society or the real world are pretty astute. I just don’t get how friends having a dog or anything else living or inanimate, is an excuse to avoid them or bail on them. Boundaries need purpose & functionality. Where is the line with this? What if instead of dog, it was gay people? Or redheads? Or any other preference? This isn’t about appropriateness or needs of the dog. It’s about one, maybe two, people not getting their way.
yes not liking dogs or gay people is exactly the same. why fo people need to accept a dog if the dont like it. even if the owner says the dog will just lay there for one hour or more you cant promise that. theres a lot of stimuli for a dog in a restaurant. i totally get someone who has told his friends many times he doesnt like dogs cancels when they bring a dog anyway
Load More Replies...The people commenting "Who needs a dog sitter if your only going out for a couple of hours" clearly never had a dog. Not all dogs handle being alone. Like my own, some have separation anxiety and go crazy when left alone and just because one is fine with it, does not mean all are. It's naive to lump them all together like that. They are just as much living creatures like you and me who have their own personalities. Every other point both for the nta and yta are all valid otherwise.
"dog friendly" patios shouldnt even be a thing either, i do like dogs but restaurants are not places for pets, except for actual medical ones, if people want to take their dog somewhere to eat then they should go to a dog park with a picnic
I'd rather sit next to a dog than to a lot of people or their screaming kids.
There doesn't seem to be any reason for refusing to be in proximity to a dog. He doesn't say it's badly behaved, or smelly, or they put it on their lap at the table, or he or partner are phobic, or allergic, or even that it's uncomfortable outside. Just randomly hates dogs. If there is a real reason, that has been clearly communicated, why you don't want the dog coming to dinner, NTA. Otherwise, if it's a dog-friendly restaurant, YTA. A well behaved dog under the table is usually ignorable. Suck it up, or lose the friendship, because "No dogs can come anywhere near us" and "We take our dog everywhere all the time" are not really compatible.
I judge you hard AF if you don't like dogs. Unless you have like been attacked or have some type of reason to fear dogs, you're just a weirdo imo. There's this lady that walks in my neighborhood that makes a HUGE scene of dramatically running to one side of the walk when she sees me & my Frenchie out. He's literally ignoring her & doing his thing and she's making weird grunting noises & tiptoeing in this weird over the top fashion to "get around" us when the walkway is like 8 feet wide. F*****g weirdo.
Something seriously wrong with people who don't like animals!!! I've met a few and they are just odd and off!! I'll stick with animal lovers anyday
Everyone is the a**e here. 1st a dog does not need a sitter for only a few hours. 2nd dogs/pets have no business being in restaurants or stores unless they are for special needs. 3rd many people are allergic to animals and being in the vicinity can cause severe flare up and even asthma attacks. 4th OP is quite imature and needs to get over himself.
Dogs tend to have body odor, but outdoors it should not be a problem. I LOVE dogs, but hate their BO. This guy went overboard in his reaction, IMHO. I would not have an issue with poor Rover lying on the ground during dinner!
“Man explained that he was not situation with situation which he had been presented with against his wishes, and then left.” I’m *fairly* sure he didn’t go overboard.
Load More Replies...Since you identified her as female, it's fiancée, not fiancé. Anyway, I'm with you 100% on the damned dogs. I don't go anywhere with people who insist on bringing theirs, nor do I invite them to my house. I'm the same way with small children. If you can't reason with it, it doesn't belong in public.
Well, I suppose the 'people with dogs' are not overly saddened by you not coming near them...
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