At this point, we all know that it’s a red flag if your employer claims “you’re all family.” But it’s also not great if they decide to treat their workers like machines rather than humans.

It’s no secret that the workplace has been becoming increasingly toxic in recent years. And one way that bosses love making their employees feel uncomfortable is by posting insulting messages for them.

Bored Panda has scoured the internet to find some of the worst notes companies and employers have published in their workplaces, so we’ve gathered the most shocking ones down below. Good luck scrolling through this list without becoming infuriated, and keep reading to find a conversation with anti-capitalism expert James Foster, who runs Metapolitic on Facebook and Instagram!


My Job Threatened To Withhold My Paycheck To Ensure No One Left Early; I Responded Accordingly

My Job Threatened To Withhold My Paycheck To Ensure No One Left Early; I Responded Accordingly

ClayShooter262 Report

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lmm-kuiper avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I bet you can't clock in more than 5 minutes early, but are expected to start at least 15 minutes early anyway.

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To gain more insight on this topic, we reached out to James Foster, who runs Metapolitic on Facebook and Instagram. James was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and discuss how the current state of capitalism has impacted the workplace.

“Late-stage capitalism has twisted the workplace into a soul-sucking grind. Hating your job, the Monday blues, the snooze button, and the morning coffee needed to function have become clichés in meme culture,” he shared. “Seemingly, no one likes to work anymore, and it’s not because they’re lazy; it’s because folks are disconnected from their work's actual value and importance, as all the profit and benefits are being leached from them.”


Nice Sign I Saw

Nice Sign I Saw

Massive_Yak_8360 Report

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speedygonzala avatar
Calum Joseph
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I like this, much respect for the boss here. Shame people still treat Siri better than some employees

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Only In America Would A Restaurant Display On The Wall That They Don’t Pay Their Staff Enough To Live On

Only In America Would A Restaurant Display On The Wall That They Don’t Pay Their Staff Enough To Live On

M7plusoneequalsm8 Report

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chanakaufman87_2 avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

At this point I believe tipping culture needs to be legislated away. Stop letting tips count toward minimum wage, at the very least.

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“Most of us are barely scraping by. The alienation effects of capitalism disconnect people from the value and meaning of their work, reducing it to a monotonous grind that feels devoid of passion, creativity, or humanity,” James continued. “This detachment turns what could be fulfilling and purposeful into something to dread, breeding resentment and making hating your job a commonplace experience to commiserate over on social media.”


I Left My Job Shortly After Receiving This Prize For My Good Work

I Left My Job Shortly After Receiving This Prize For My Good Work

No-Satisfaction-749 Report

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lmm-kuiper avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Haha, 24 hours notice for a 10 minute break. I take a 10 minute break whenever I want, just to scratch my a*s or look outside or something. Dystopian indeed.

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Recently Posted At Work

Recently Posted At Work

My boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I poop on company time.

Appropriate-Train-57 Report


Came Into Work This Morning To Find This Taped To The Wall. Boss Went On A Tirade Against Me And Co-Worker Yesterday For Taking To Each Other With No Customers In The Store

Came Into Work This Morning To Find This Taped To The Wall. Boss Went On A Tirade Against Me And Co-Worker Yesterday For Taking To Each Other With No Customers In The Store

MrHatesThisWebsite Report

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snowyashton avatar
Snowy Ashton
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And then customers ask why you're not smiling and complain because you're not happy enough. "Oh, sorry. We're not allowed to have fun at work. So that includes smiling. Have an awful day."

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“When work becomes just a means to an end — a way to survive rather than thrive — it’s no wonder many feel trapped and apathetic,” James shared. “Big companies prioritize profits over people, reducing employees into cogs in a machine rather than seeing them as unique and potential-filled human beings with needs and aspirations.”

“The relentless drive for efficiency and cost-cutting has stripped away the dignity and meaning of work, leaving many feeling undervalued, uninspired, and exhausted,” he added. “It’s a system that feeds on the people who sustain it, creating a toxic relationship where burnout is the norm and genuine human connection is rare.”


"Time Theft"

"Time Theft"

The managerial mindset. Why not ask why someone would do such a thing, instead of putting up signs all around the bathroom?
All the managers here are jerks who rarely respect my 30-minute break time, let alone be kind or empathetic.
If I’ve learned anything working in food service or any job, it’s that unhappy workers are unproductive workers.

DeathlessQuotient Report

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farbenzirkel avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In Germany, toilet breaks are considered working time and must be paid accordingly! An employer may not limit the duration and frequency (except in very, very special circumstances). Only if abuse is suspected and the time is used as a break (telephoning, reading, whatever) may the employer take action. And even then, there are strict regulations and individual decisions.

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This Motivational Quote When I Walked In This Morning

This Motivational Quote When I Walked In This Morning Report


A Sign In My Hospital Reminding Nurses To Bill Patients For A Pillow. Yeah USA

A Sign In My Hospital Reminding Nurses To Bill Patients For A Pillow. Yeah USA

Phreakie Report

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lmm-kuiper avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh. Charge as in 'ask money'. I thought electrical charging. Was very confused :D

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As for why bosses put up such insulting notes for their employees, James says, “These derogatory notes and signs are not just a surface issue; they are a symptom of a deeper, more pervasive problem: the erosion of respect and empathy in the workplace. Empathy and humanity are often relegated to the backseat in a system where profits reign supreme.”

“Employers, caught in the relentless pursuit of productivity, often view their workers as mere automatons — robots programmed to carry out tasks — and respond with anger and disciplinary measures when they fail to meet expectations,” he explained. “When productivity and efficiency are prized above all else, it becomes easier for those in positions of power to see us as machines performing tasks rather than as human beings with our thoughts, feelings, and lives.”


Place I Worked For A Month

Place I Worked For A Month

One of the worst places I’ve worked. Super short-staffed, managers are buddies with the crew, always had issues with pay. Was only there a month before I left. Glad I’m not employed there anymore.

tortilini-houdini Report


I’m Probably Going To Be Fired For This, But I Don’t Care

I’m Probably Going To Be Fired For This, But I Don’t Care

Cherry_P0pper Report


This Sign

This Sign

-CherryByte- Report

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blue1steven avatar
Donkey boi
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

'Due to the high and rising food cost, we would rather throw it away than let you have it'. Yeah, that makes sense. I could understand if they said you needed to pay for containers to take the food away in, because they do cost money, but it's clearly not about that.

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“All this is amplified by our human limitations for relationships, what some call the ‘monkey sphere’ or Dunbar’s Number, the maximum number of people we’re capable of maintaining emotional ties and loyalty to, considering them part of ‘our people,’” James told Bored Panda.

“They’re importing the ‘road rage’ mentality into the workplace. These signs aren’t just about asserting control; they reflect a fundamentally broken system where our dignity is routinely sacrificed on the altar of efficiency,” he explained. “It’s more crucial now than ever that we start to demand and revive the effort to be seen, heard, and treated as the human beings we are.”


Injury At Work

Injury At Work

Hello. I work at a Subway franchise in a small town in Tennessee. Tonight, my hand got crushed under the glass that separates the food and customers. I was instructed to go to the walk-in clinic if it was open, and if it wasn’t, to just go tomorrow morning. My supervisor said I could not go to the ER because she would get in trouble. I went to the clinic and they took the info from my supervisor, and the entire clinic staff thought the entire situation was sketchy. They put me in a splint for now and said to come back in the morning because the x-ray tech had already gone home. Apparently it is not being filed as worker's compensation, and instead the office (for this chain of franchises) will pay the bill in cash. My supervisor couldn’t even find any injury forms and said the general manager has never trained her on what to do in this situation. I’m scared to talk to my general manager tomorrow, because I’m worried I'll be tricked into making Subway more responsible.

petalios Report

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terybriggs_1 avatar
Shark bait hoo haha
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is against the law! When you injure yourself at work, it is automatically a workman's comp. The injury is to be reported to the supervisor on duty and if you are the supervisor and you injure yourself, then you contact your supervisor. Paperwork must be filled out. As for the walk-in clinic, Subway might have a contract with them but medical care is not to be denied regardless and if equipment isn't available, then it's off to the ER. If this were me, I would be calling the Labor department after I got home from the ER.

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Sign Posted At A Local Dollar General. Good For Them

Sign Posted At A Local Dollar General. Good For Them

exoenigma Report


Wanted To Share What My Boss Has Been Hanging In The Break Room

Wanted To Share What My Boss Has Been Hanging In The Break Room

mashbrook37 Report

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barrylittle avatar
Phantom Phoenix
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Tell me you're a misogynist with fragile masculinity without telling me you're a misogynist with fragile masculinity

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We also asked James what employees should do when they find messages like these at work. “It's crucial for workers to confront these demeaning messages. Standing up for yourself and your colleagues is essential in pushing back against the dehumanization that’s become so prevalent,” he shared.

“Document the signs, gather support from your coworkers, and address the issue collectively — there’s strength in numbers. If you feel unsafe doing so directly, consider reporting these incidents to labor organizations and unions,” James continued. “Keep sharing them on social media to raise awareness. The more we expose these practices, the harder it becomes for employers to continue mistreating workers without facing consequences.”


So This Is The Sign Posted On The Bathroom Door At Work Today

So This Is The Sign Posted On The Bathroom Door At Work Today

Sir_Garbus Report

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jameskramer avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have had IBS attacks at work in the past. Takes a lot longer than 3 mins but then I work for a reasonable company

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Local Subway Had This Posted On Their Door, I Ask The Manager What The Starting Pay Is And He Couldn't Give Me A Straight Answer

Local Subway Had This Posted On Their Door, I Ask The Manager What The Starting Pay Is And He Couldn't Give Me A Straight Answer

Garlic_Sause Report

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virgilblue avatar
Virgil Blue
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3 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"No one wants to work" in our hellish store environment for the almost slavery wagen we are willing to pay.

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A Department Manager Did This To My Bike When I Had It In The Back For A Single Day

A Department Manager Did This To My Bike When I Had It In The Back For A Single Day

AutismAsylum Report

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michaellargey avatar
Michael Largey
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well, that bike isn't wrapped too tight, and neither is the that manager.

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On the bright side, James says we’re at a juncture where workers hold more power than they might realize. “We have potent tech tools and social media platforms at our disposal, and we can use these very platforms — created by the companies that often perpetuate our mistreatment — against them,” he shared. 


“By leveraging these tools, we can communicate, organize, and mobilize on a scale that was unimaginable just a few years ago. Social media allows us to expose injustices, share strategies, and rally support across communities, breaking down the barriers that once kept workers isolated and powerless,” James noted. “When we use these platforms to unite and coordinate our efforts, we can push back against exploitation and demand the changes we want to see in our workplaces and beyond.” 


The Place My Girlfriend Works At Just Posted This Sign In Their Break Room. The Company Had Record Profits Last Year

The Place My Girlfriend Works At Just Posted This Sign In Their Break Room. The Company Had Record Profits Last Year

harveytheham Report


This Sign At A Chain Pizza Place Left A Bad Taste In My Mouth

This Sign At A Chain Pizza Place Left A Bad Taste In My Mouth

blakleafeon Report


Boss Wrote "Thief" On My Check

Boss Wrote "Thief" On My Check

Filed a wage theft report against my former employer, was told he only paid 80% of what was owned, but I sucked it up. When I picked up the check at the Department of Labor, it had "THIEF" boldly written on the subject line. Super awkward, unfair, and embarrassing, especially with others witnessing it. Is there anything that can be done?

OriginalNotice7957 Report

James also says it’s not too late to fix this problem. “We can turn the tide if we show solidarity and start organizing groups to resist this kind of mistreatment strategically. By coming together and pushing back, we can implement the changes we'd like to see in greater society, reclaiming our dignity and our right to work in environments that respect us as human beings.”

“It's about building a movement that goes beyond individual grievances, creating a collective force for real, lasting change,” he shared. “This isn’t just about a few signs in the workplace; it’s about a broader movement toward reclaiming our dignity, time, and humanity. Don’t be afraid to stand up and speak out—change starts with us and is long overdue.”


Charging Your Phone Is Theft Of Electricity, Apparently

Charging Your Phone Is Theft Of Electricity, Apparently

ketchupandsalt77 Report


Popular Sandwich Chain Had This Tip Sign

Popular Sandwich Chain Had This Tip Sign

I saw this, this weekend. I was shocked, to say the least. It's a popular sandwich chain that has over 200 locations in the US. Not sure what to do, but I did give them a cash tip in the moment. DFW, TX was where I saw this nonsense. Thoughts on what I should do next to help the employees? Or do I let them do something? Not looking to get anyone canned, even though their owner is clearly a POS.

shibbyman342 Report

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sarah-jones avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I never tip through card payment because it's not just in the US that this happens but over here in Europe too

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Saw This Sign At McDonald’s And Thought It Belonged Here

Saw This Sign At McDonald’s And Thought It Belonged Here

honeygar Report

Are you feeling frustrated after looking at all of these photos, pandas? I sincerely hope that you don’t see any notes like these in your own workplace, but if you do, remember that you deserve better. Keep upvoting the pics that you find most atrocious, and let us know in the comments below what the worst note you’ve ever seen from a boss was. Then, if you’d like to check out another Bored Panda piece that might make you anti-capitalist, look no further than right here!  


Punishment For Talking About Wages

Punishment For Talking About Wages

ThanosRuler555 Report

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valkyrie2007 avatar
Deb M.F.
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3 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In the US its not illegal to talk to your co-workers about your wages- employers can not fire you for this.

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This Sign Posted At Our Shop. Don't They Know I Need At Least 3 Days Off A Month For My Mental Health

This Sign Posted At Our Shop. Don't They Know I Need At Least 3 Days Off A Month For My Mental Health

sleepybot0524 Report


I Have No Words

I Have No Words

SlingshotSweatpants Report

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lmm-kuiper avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Haha, funny. Just as funny as the wife being 'the ol' ball and chain'. Aka not funny at all.

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Recent "Sweat Pledge" My Wife Was Asked To Sign Before Employment

Recent "Sweat Pledge" My Wife Was Asked To Sign Before Employment

Casbaxter Report


The Most Toxic Thing I've Ever Seen Hanging On An Office Wall

The Most Toxic Thing I've Ever Seen Hanging On An Office Wall

MiaaaPazzz Report

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lmm-kuiper avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Trust no one, trust Mehan. Mehan is no one? And Mehan is Megan with a parent with a speech impediment?

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I'm So Done With This Petty, Stupid Garbage

I'm So Done With This Petty, Stupid Garbage

doughnutsprinks_ Report

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moiradrake avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'd be stuffing my face, in front of the camera, just before giving them the middle finger and walking out.

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$90,000,000 In Sales And This Target Store Rewarded The Workers With Cupcakes. Yes, Cupcakes

$90,000,000 In Sales And This Target Store Rewarded The Workers With Cupcakes. Yes, Cupcakes

UnionDrip Report


We Got A New District Manager

We Got A New District Manager

I honestly liked my work environment up until now. We got switched to a different district, so now we have a different district manager. I get that everything on here is pretty much industry standard at this point, but she really gets the point across that we are not people to her. She's worse in person.

Remote-Acadia4581 Report


Posted On All The Operating Room Doors Today

Posted On All The Operating Room Doors Today

mykarachi_Ur_jabooty Report


Dollar General Management With An Inspiring Message To Staff

Dollar General Management With An Inspiring Message To Staff

Whadyagot Report

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chanakaufman87_2 avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

New idea: every time we walk into a store as a customer and the cashiers are all standing, we ask to speak to the manager and complain that it makes us uncomfortable.

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My Local Denny's Has This Sign In Plain View

My Local Denny's Has This Sign In Plain View

Pretty aggressive sign at my local Denny’s posted right behind the counter. Been here 15 minutes and already heard a worker complain about being shorted a day on their paycheck. No wonder it’s always short-staffed.

ParteesHere Report

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moiradrake avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As a customer, if I saw that sign, I'd walk out (after snapping a picture), then post said picture on every social media site I could find.

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Saw This Posted On The Schedule After A Coworker Called Out Sick. Is This Even Legal?

Saw This Posted On The Schedule After A Coworker Called Out Sick. Is This Even Legal?

OkDelivery4270 Report

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stevenbennett avatar
The Phantom Stranger
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They can fire you, but they can't force you to come in to work. And this would be the kind of manager who doesn't understand why he can't hire or retain good employees.

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CFO Hung This Up

CFO Hung This Up

They gave everyone the option to either come in when the building didn't have clean water and just clean, or stay home. Most people chose to stay home. They were really mad, so many people didn't volunteer to come in, despite the fact that they "gave us the option".
This was also after they refused to pay us after we had no water at all and made us use sick time or take it unpaid to cover it.

macdennism Report

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jameskramer avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A few years ago my workplace’s water supply was cut off due to a leak somewhere in the area. We were sent to work from home.

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Employees Need A Doctor's Note To Eat At Work

Employees Need A Doctor's Note To Eat At Work

MiladyWillDo Report


When My Grandfather Passed Away, My Boss Asked For A Funeral Note. What Is A Funeral Note?

When My Grandfather Passed Away, My Boss Asked For A Funeral Note. What Is A Funeral Note?

snaresht Report

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federicocantoni avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Here the registry office provides an official statement about the date of passing to any close of kin. If you want to use the mourning leave you are granted by law -up to three days- you need to present it to the employer so the days would not count as personal leave.

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Is This Even Legal? Stopped At A Restaurant For Lunch And Saw This Sign In The Employee Area

Is This Even Legal? Stopped At A Restaurant For Lunch And Saw This Sign In The Employee Area

Cheek_Sorry Report


This Sign At My Work. They Will Charge Staff For Anything As Minimal As A Broken Ice Cream Cone

This Sign At My Work. They Will Charge Staff For Anything As Minimal As A Broken Ice Cream Cone

whatthef__ck Report


I Saw a Bunch Of These Signs In The Checkout Area Of Home Depot. Because Uncomfortable Employees Work Harder

I Saw a Bunch Of These Signs In The Checkout Area Of Home Depot. Because Uncomfortable Employees Work Harder

IamtheRealDill Report

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Sarah Suelzle
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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Defacing "Motivational" Propaganda Posted By Management. Removed Within 24 Hours

Defacing "Motivational" Propaganda Posted By Management. Removed Within 24 Hours

Gyushi Report

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stevenbennett avatar
The Phantom Stranger
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Most of these might be good advice for life in general, but I wouldn't necessarily try to apply them to the workplace.

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This Is The Sign Outside HR Today

This Is The Sign Outside HR Today

winsockie Report

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michaellargey avatar
Michael Largey
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I asked HR "Do I actually have to work to get paid?", and they said NO. So, ...

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Surely It Has Nothing To Do With $2.17 Per Hour And No Benefits. Oh, And Please Make Sure You Pay My Staff For Me And Tip

Surely It Has Nothing To Do With $2.17 Per Hour And No Benefits. Oh, And Please Make Sure You Pay My Staff For Me And Tip

KingdomCulture Report

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stevenbennett avatar
The Phantom Stranger
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If they had just left the first paragraph off, I really wouldn't have an issue with this sign. "We're short staffed--please be patient" is a legitimate request--businesses can experience unexpected staffing crises entirely unrelated to the lame "nobody wants to work" excuse. However, the "please tip" always irritates me--if you feel the need to point it out, it tells me you're underpaying your staff.

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A Thoughtful Message From Management

A Thoughtful Message From Management

BikeGlass2335 Report

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virgilblue avatar
Virgil Blue
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Maybe the ones with a yachts should rescue the drowning and canoe people who suffer a lot more in a storm? Or is that too human.

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Gross "Do Not Sit Unless You Have Doc. Note"

Gross "Do Not Sit Unless You Have Doc. Note"

MosiahJasper Report


When I Used To Work At This Fast-Food Restaurant, They Hung This Sign Up. I Took A Snapchat Of It And Talked To Management

When I Used To Work At This Fast-Food Restaurant, They Hung This Sign Up. I Took A Snapchat Of It And Talked To Management

The_Bovine_Manifesto Report

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stevenbennett avatar
The Phantom Stranger
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Federal Law. Department of Labor. Don't advertise your crimes. How many ways can I say it?

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Note: this post originally had 100 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.