This Online Group Is Dedicated To Shaming Greedy And Delusional Landlords, And Here Are Their 40 Best Posts
If you've ever lived in a rented apartment, you know the drill. Mold is sneaking out from the corner of your bedroom? Call the landlord. Your only hot water source for the past week has been a kettle? Call the proprietor. But often, it sounds easier said than done.
Not only are landladies and landlords notorious offenders in not picking up the phone when you need them the most, they are also sometimes known for “look at all these property problems, I don’t give a damn.” Spoilers: zero damns given.
So no wonder many tenants are taking photo evidence as their last resort in a fight to make their houses somewhat more livable. And the corner of Reddit called LandlordLove [sarcasm detected] documents the most troubling cases of "leeching landlords" in hopes to "abolish the archaic practice of landlording where housing is not considered a right but a privilege to be paid for."
Of course, troublesome tenant and landlord dynamics don’t end there. Sometimes, the former are not innocent either when refusing to pay rent or subletting their couch to some random dude at uni. And although we may never find the truth, we can at least take a glimpse into what it takes.
Psst! More examples of how some landlords neglect their tenants can be find in our previous post right here.
This post may include affiliate links.
Be Aware Of Your Rights, Everybody
As if the communication between landlords and tenants wasn’t hard enough already, the worldwide pandemic has put an extra strain on it. In a previous in-depth interview with Bored Panda, Joshua Browder, the CEO of DoNotPay, which is the world’s first robot lawyer, explained more about the current situation in the US.
“Landlords are straining their relationship because they are desperate. Across the world, there are laws in place that prevent evictions and allow tenants to get an extension on their rent.” According to Joshua, “landlords are using extraordinary tactics, including even checking a tenant's tax refund with the IRS, to get a payment.”
My Landlord Pretended To Do Work The Flat But Ended Up Installing This 360° WiFi Surveillance Camera Which Also Records Audio Without Telling Me About It
Landlord Would Like Picture Proof The Hot Water Isn’t Working
what kind of photo did you expect? One where you can feel what temperature it is through the screen?
In addition to common property problems that don’t always get sorted with one phone call, many tenants are feeling pressured to pay up during quarantine. However, Joshua suggested that tenants ignore the pressure since “There is nothing the landlord can do and they are best by not responding.”
“If the landlord keeps messaging or visiting the tenant, then they should document these actions and may even have the basis for a harassment claim.”
Landlords Are Among The Worst People Ever To Exist
Get that f ing landlord look at those little boys in the face and tell them what he did to their daddy!!
Imagine Paying For Someone’s Negligence
Mask Off
My Landlord Told Me He’d Pressure Wash My Deck
Wall Of Shame
With the pandemic putting our lives as we knew them before to the test, Josh believes that changes will stay in the rented property market too.
“Over the past two years, landlords have had the upper hand. They have treated tenants as disposable customers that they could charge incredibly high prices. In the future, not only will landlords be much more reasonable about prices, but also focus on retaining tenants by treating them with much more respect and leniency,” he said.
Landlords Don't Deserve Rights
Won’t Anybody Think Of The Poor, Unfortunate L A N D L O R D S ?!
Why is being a landlord not a job? You have to maintain the property, collect rent, advertise vacancies, field inquiries and tenant issues, etc. I've never heard someone say that being a landlord isn't a job, but apparently this is a common thought. My WWII vet grandfather owned a few apartments. You better believe he treated that as a job.
Are You Sure?
In the US, you pay for a mold expert to come in, then they bill your landlord for their services after notifying the state licensing/etc. people that the properties are unsafe. There are mold expderts who will not charge *you* at all. I found one once.
This Is How The Landlord Fixed The Leaky Ceiling
My Landlord Is Super Serious About Fire Safety
In What Reality Is This Normal?
It's not .... mass rent refusal, then boycott and protest to stop others being snagged in the same trap !!
Josh expects landlords to be much more compliant in order to “keep the tenant for the longer term.” This may change some of their common tactics like charging a late fee if the tenant was unable to pay their rent on time. However, these are just forecasts and the overall dynamics may well stay just as problematic.
I'm Pretty Sure This Is Illegal
It’s Almost Like What’s Bad For Landlords Is Good For Everyone Else
"Landlords Provide A Service, You Should Feel Lucky!"
Landlord Commits A Federal Crime To Try And Get Rent
When Landlords Can't Legally Evict, They'll Do Whatever They Can To Get You To Self-Evict
Christians Love Abandoning Their Morals When It Comes To C A P I T A L
People don't seem to understand, that even though they got out of paying rent for X amount of months, the landlord still has to pay the mortgage to the bank, otherwise the property will be foreclosed on. The landlord then loses the property, and the tenant still ends up out on the street. And generally that rental income is what is paying the mortgage.
Left The House This Morning With A Small Leak Dripping From The Ceiling. I Informed My Landlord And He Said He Would Take A Look At It Today. I Came Home At Night To This
NYC Landlords Like
Paint Job
Most Leeches Are Morally Bankrupt But Trump Really Takes The Cake
we all know that Trump has no regard for anyone else. Glad that he is no longer president and I am not American.
Landlord Left A Note Saying That We Need To Be Prepared For Tours From 8:00am-8:00pm For Two Weeks
Landlord Decided To Turn Down The Heat Today In My Mn Apartment As It Reached -40°. But The Idiot Must Have Forgotten He Pays My Electric And Doesn't Realize That I Value My Comfort Over Safety Or Energy Conservation
Its -40 and he's turning the heating DOWN? that's not even being a d**k, that's being borderline criminal.
Landlords Response To Coronavirus. Had A Fever, Sore Throat, Cough, All The Symptoms And He Simply Disregards
Even Though His Tenants Didn't Pay Rent, This Generous Landlord Helped Them Move Out
Joined A Facebook Group Looking To Rent A Place That Turned Out To Be 95% Landlords, Here's A Nice Comment One Left On A Post
Any Tips On Making A Couple Homeless Before Christmas
Landlords Grow Rich In Their Sleep
he did't have more money... the value of his property has increase... so his TAXES as well... i understand this one to be angry but he need to understand the economics. if my house value raise so do my taxes for my house. yeah i could make more money IF i sell it but for now, the same house cost me more money to live in.
A Rodent Died Under Our Sunroom This Winter And Stunk Up The House. This Was My Landlord's Answer To Fixing The Smell
Ok, i don't get it: the death of the rodent is not the landlord's fault. Why does he have to solve this?
I read that first as a student died. Man am I glad it was not a student.
Soap bars? Really? Also, why does a dead rodent outside have to be the landlord's responsibility?
Irish Spring soap will actually keep rodents and bugs away.
Load More Replies...I wonder how he thinks a dead rodent is gonna wash itself with soap
Bars of Soap ..wow... that will do it.does he know .rats eat soap!!
How else would one fix this problem? Unfortunately, when something dies in your house in an unreachable spot, you have two options: (1) smash the wall, dig up the floor, etc . (2) wait until time does its thing. Source: being a homeowner that has had multiple creature pass away in unreachable spots.
remove the body with a tool and fix up the floors?
Load More Replies...That's One Way To Install It
Room Temperature Is A Privilege
Landlord Brings Jesus Into The Conversation
“To the Levites I have given every tithe in Israel for an inheritance, in return for their service that they do, their service in the tent of meeting" Not very Christian of the landlord.
How My Landlord Handled A Nest Of Spiders In The Closet Of The Apartment I Used To Rent
It's Rape, Dont Call It Anything Else
For those defending the trash: Sex requires informed and willing consent. By having the option of being homeless or sleeping with your landlord, though you are making an informed decision to not be homeless, you are being coerced into doing the act, and thus not willing, which withdraws the consent, making it rape.
Our Landlord Just Parked This Out Front... Time To Start Apartment Hunting
I cant' even read that article till the end. This is simply too infuriating. I am fuming, I need to hit a landlord with a heavy chair.
The worst part is knowing that in most cases the police or court will do nothing to protect the tenants. We live in a roten society.
Load More Replies...I'm probably going to get flak posting as a landlord. I would rather return the security deposit if possible than running serious repairs, changing locks, doing major cleaning and stuff. But a lot of the tenants I had are simply not that courteous. So far only one lady kept the house such a good condition, I did not need to do anything besides hiring a cleaning crew after moving day. I've had people breaking pipes, furniture, doors even the floor tiles. One idiot even jerry rigged some wiring dangerously.
Oh no, that doesn't sound good. In my country (Finland) it is rare for the tenant to damage anything, unless they are addicts etc. Even the house deep cleaning is done by the tenant when moving out!
Load More Replies...I guess there is no point waiting for a post about tenants from hell (and that could be a very very long one).
downvote me all you want, but whatever the context, the people in the comment sections of this thread honestly sound like first graders who just learned how to insult people and swear. moral of the story? calm down, people.
BP users get dumber by the moment. Even some of the old regulars just seem to have let their brains wander off. I hope when the kids go back to class, things can go back to normal.
Load More Replies...Rental system in UK is an absolute joke. I am currently paying more money in rent than I would do for a mortgage. I can't save for a deposit because my income goes on rent. All my friends who have a mortgage have been given deposits by family members, mine and my husband's family are not in a position to do this and neither do we expect them to. It's just such a frustrating situation!
We were in a similar position, but luckily for us we live in a fairly cheap city. We lived in a one bed flat £400pm until we saved enough to buy a house. But I know so many people that are living in 300k houses simply cuz mum/dad/aunt were able to give them deposits no questions asked. Our house is tiny but at least we got it, I also know so many people that are stuck renting
Load More Replies...This list is appalling. HOWEVER, I do think there should have been some thought put into rent freezes - were there also mortgage payment freezes? At least in the UK, few landlords own the rented property absolutely outright (look up buy-to-let mortgages). So the landlord still has expenses that need to be covered as well. It's no good to the tenant if the landlord cannot make the mortgage payment and the bank forecloses - the tenant still ends up homeless. Rent increases just to line a landlord's pocket should be outlawed, and if they don't look after the maintenance of the property (as contractually obligated) the tenant should be entitled to compensation for their rent. And security deposits should be returned if the property is still in a livable condition. There need to be protections in both directions - not for nothing are there shows about slum landlords and tenants from hell
I don't want anyone to think I'm endorsing buy-to-let by the way. I think it's a scummy practice that has unnecessarily pushed up property prices beyond the reach of most first time buyers. I just also happen to know "landlords" who are paying the mortgage on two properties because they have had to relocate and selling wasn't a good option - renting out the second property at least covered the mortgage on that property.
Load More Replies...I know everyone just loves to hate landlords, but there’s all bad tenants. People who just deliberately don’t pay rent, or have like 10 extra people living there, who went they move out leave behind three dumpsters worth of garbage including used diapers? There’s scummy landlords, and scummy tenants. Unfortunately it never works out that a bad landlord gets a bad tenant.
this makes me want to be a landlord, just not an asshole one. the one i want to be is one who actually fixes the problems instead of going "oh you disagreed with me, okay get out." the landlords on here are just assholes.
No landlord tells good money to get out just because they disagree. None. People want money more than respect.
Load More Replies...I had a landlord once who acted like we were SO lucky he was willing to replace the furnace when it quit on us in the middle of winter. Dude. This is literally why we pay you. If you don't enjoy fixing/ replacing things when they break down, then you should probably be selling houses instead of renting them.
I have to say something good about landlords: I hated renting from them so much I worked my tail off and bought my own place so I would never have to deal with a landlord or landlady again.
I feel the opposite. I’m so done with property ownership. I have money and I want to rent forever. Nicer places and less of a headache, more flexibility, and someone to clean up what’s broken. It’s a much better life.
Load More Replies...Not sure if people are aware of this, but I own a house for less a month then when I rented property. I am completely serious. I think I put off buying a home for so long because I thought that I couldn't afford to own. If you can pay rent, you can own a house. Plus, you actually get a return on your investment, don't have to deal with neighbors, and you can customize your abode without consulting someone else. Paying rent is permanently throwing money into a hole. I'm sure someone people will be triggered by this, but my intent is to inform people that home ownership is more affordable then many people think.
Load More Replies...My boyfriend has a house he rents out. He pays a mortgage on it. He got it a few years ago and he rented to the same family since he got it. They just moved out two months ago. They trashed the house. There are several things broken and the back yard is a small fenced in yard they kept their two Huskys back there all the time there is no grass left and the entire yard is covered in holes of different sizes. They had a small child and it looks like the wall was stabbed in multiple places with something sharp. There is also crayon on nearly every wall on the bottom. A couple appliances are broken in some way and need to be replaced. A door needs to be replaced. Two windows need to be fixed. Their deposit was $1,000 my boyfriend returned $800. That 200 doesn't cover the repairs needed. But he felt bad for them so he only kept a small amount.
he should inspect the property before giving back the deposit
Load More Replies...My bedroom window frame was so rotten the pane of glass could be pushed out at the bottom. Landlord agreed to replace it then decided that it would be better to replace all the windows so I was fully double-glazed. He then said you do realise your rent is going to go up now! The landlord is a multi-millionaire, lives in a once grand manor house using just one room because it saves on the heating and lighting. Doesn’t like to waste his money.
not giving away money is how u get rich. also he is right
Load More Replies...The vulnerability of tenants is unjustified and undignified. I am ever more grateful for the wonderful landlord I have!
Housing is pretty Fug Dub right now, pretty much everywhere. In case a market isn't in a state of equilibrium, which is the case in the US, most of the EU and so on, a market will get onesided even further. Landlords benefit from this undeserved, and gain an undeserved position of power. Decent people wouldn't exploit this situation and their tenants, while uncaring and greedy SOBs do exactly so, and still feel entitled to bidge around about each and every measure taken to counter this. Decent landlords are rare and precious - got one? Keep!
Thankfully mine was decent until he passed & his kids wanted more money. I refused & they put the house up for sale. I live there for 7 years & not once did he put the rent up or neglect repairs. His children on the other hand really just wanted the money quick.
Load More Replies...All of these make me shudder. I’ve just bought my first home with my husband & our 5 children after YEARS of renting & it was the cheapest of cheap. You have to move out as soon as they don’t like something or want more money & you can’t afford it. I made a vow NEVER to buy a another property to rent out. There’s a shortage of decent homes for families world over ‘cause greedy ppl buy em up & rent them out to the poorer people.
My landlord refuses to pay for anything even when I offer to meet half way. Told him when we first moved in that the vanity needed replaced cuz previous tenant let the pipes leak and it was caved in, turns out it ruined subfloor, then the pipes burst in shower ruined quite a bit of dry wall downstairs. Had to cut into the wall of my kids room to reach shower pipes (and buy access panel to cover it up). Decided to buy a new toilet cuz old one didn’t work found out subfloor under toilet was ruined. Landlord bought a new vanity for $100 but it was smaller than first so walls needed painted. I asked him to pay for the stuff needed to fix shower pipes, the sub floor and the drywall downstairs. I would cover the toilet cuz that was my choice, the flooring for bathroom and the paint. He said he wouldn’t pay for any of it cuz it was cosmetic. Told me he won’t pay for any repairs over $100. My neighbor hasn’t had heat all winter. Bought a used furnace to replace the oil furnace.
This post really opened my eyes. I am looking to sell my house because it isn't working for my business anymore. I was looking at a property that included 3 rental units. It seemed like a good way to earn extra money. But I had no idea that landlords were viewed so negatively. Or that people would be so angry that they have to pay their rent. My grandfather spent so much time at his apartments, and had such a positive experience with it. (He was a fabulous gardener, could fix anything, and had a heart of gold.) I guess I have an idealized version of the experience. He took care of those people.
I have lived in the same apartment for almost 8 years now. I live in California and each year our summer gets hotter and hotter. Our apartment did not come with air conditioning, but when I moved here it was an emergency situation that I leave my previous residents. After the first year I had asked if I could install an air conditioner and was told no because it required a permit by the fire dept, which is not true. 5 years later I watched my neighbors installing window units in all of their windows, which was annoying after asking if I could stall one of a 5 year period. Finally they gave the ok two years ago. I am sure it is not the fact that our temperatures are reaching 110 degrees each summer but I have a feeling they had already told the neighbors they could and then couldnt prevent me from doing the same.
This post made me so angry I have to go and look at pictures of puppies. Bye.
S**t! I'm a landlord myself (adding 250 euros at my writer / editor salary), I rent a small (50 sq.m.) apartment in my house to French or Italian students studying Medicine in my hometown, but they are not tenants, they are friends! We play guitar together, we visit one another for a beer, I even invited one of 'em to sing (very good Sade-like voice) with my band at one of our gigs - and each time one of these friends finishes the 6 years at the University gives the key to a younger mate, to live here. It's like an open house, with friends all around. They also enjoy the fact I speak their languages and I can help 'em a lot, also with the autorities here. F*uc*k the landlords shown in this entry!
when my son married my mom-surprisingly-bought them a small starter home. when they moved from their apt the landlord tried to keep their deposit & charge for 'repairs' that weren't needed & threatened to take to court if 'damages' weren't paid. DIL had a list of what was worn when she moved in. i helped compose ltr to landlord w/copy of list, also w/copies of laws re renters rights/court. never heard from landlord after receiving letter stating he would have to pay them 3x security deposit for falsifying his claim. guess it helps when your MIL/mom knows the law.
I usually finish bored panda articles to the end, this one disgusts me so much I only got to 25
i dont get this way of renting and this right of landlords. in my area, we have rules for what are duties and rights of both parties. never ever would a landlord control my thermostat nor he can kick me out whenever he wants to...
I had one who was a convicted slumlord. In the 16 months or so we lived there, there were at least 4 managers and several months with none. The building was falling apart and infested with bugs. It got worse near the end of our tenancy. We lived in one of 3 penthouses located behind the actual building. All utilities were included but we'd often find the water shut off all day with no warning. She drilled out the locks on the doors leading to the penthouses, effectively allowing anyone to access our balconies and homes if the door was unlocked. She tried to cut the phone line into our apartments claiming the building inspector said she had to as it was a hazard. I called him and he told me that if she did, he was going to have her arrested because he absolutely did NOT say that (not to mention it would have rendered the units illegal because rentals are required to have working phone jacks). We ended up getting almost $500 each as part of a class action settlement against her and I believe the city took the building.
I cant' even read that article till the end. This is simply too infuriating. I am fuming, I need to hit a landlord with a heavy chair.
The worst part is knowing that in most cases the police or court will do nothing to protect the tenants. We live in a roten society.
Load More Replies...I'm probably going to get flak posting as a landlord. I would rather return the security deposit if possible than running serious repairs, changing locks, doing major cleaning and stuff. But a lot of the tenants I had are simply not that courteous. So far only one lady kept the house such a good condition, I did not need to do anything besides hiring a cleaning crew after moving day. I've had people breaking pipes, furniture, doors even the floor tiles. One idiot even jerry rigged some wiring dangerously.
Oh no, that doesn't sound good. In my country (Finland) it is rare for the tenant to damage anything, unless they are addicts etc. Even the house deep cleaning is done by the tenant when moving out!
Load More Replies...I guess there is no point waiting for a post about tenants from hell (and that could be a very very long one).
downvote me all you want, but whatever the context, the people in the comment sections of this thread honestly sound like first graders who just learned how to insult people and swear. moral of the story? calm down, people.
BP users get dumber by the moment. Even some of the old regulars just seem to have let their brains wander off. I hope when the kids go back to class, things can go back to normal.
Load More Replies...Rental system in UK is an absolute joke. I am currently paying more money in rent than I would do for a mortgage. I can't save for a deposit because my income goes on rent. All my friends who have a mortgage have been given deposits by family members, mine and my husband's family are not in a position to do this and neither do we expect them to. It's just such a frustrating situation!
We were in a similar position, but luckily for us we live in a fairly cheap city. We lived in a one bed flat £400pm until we saved enough to buy a house. But I know so many people that are living in 300k houses simply cuz mum/dad/aunt were able to give them deposits no questions asked. Our house is tiny but at least we got it, I also know so many people that are stuck renting
Load More Replies...This list is appalling. HOWEVER, I do think there should have been some thought put into rent freezes - were there also mortgage payment freezes? At least in the UK, few landlords own the rented property absolutely outright (look up buy-to-let mortgages). So the landlord still has expenses that need to be covered as well. It's no good to the tenant if the landlord cannot make the mortgage payment and the bank forecloses - the tenant still ends up homeless. Rent increases just to line a landlord's pocket should be outlawed, and if they don't look after the maintenance of the property (as contractually obligated) the tenant should be entitled to compensation for their rent. And security deposits should be returned if the property is still in a livable condition. There need to be protections in both directions - not for nothing are there shows about slum landlords and tenants from hell
I don't want anyone to think I'm endorsing buy-to-let by the way. I think it's a scummy practice that has unnecessarily pushed up property prices beyond the reach of most first time buyers. I just also happen to know "landlords" who are paying the mortgage on two properties because they have had to relocate and selling wasn't a good option - renting out the second property at least covered the mortgage on that property.
Load More Replies...I know everyone just loves to hate landlords, but there’s all bad tenants. People who just deliberately don’t pay rent, or have like 10 extra people living there, who went they move out leave behind three dumpsters worth of garbage including used diapers? There’s scummy landlords, and scummy tenants. Unfortunately it never works out that a bad landlord gets a bad tenant.
this makes me want to be a landlord, just not an asshole one. the one i want to be is one who actually fixes the problems instead of going "oh you disagreed with me, okay get out." the landlords on here are just assholes.
No landlord tells good money to get out just because they disagree. None. People want money more than respect.
Load More Replies...I had a landlord once who acted like we were SO lucky he was willing to replace the furnace when it quit on us in the middle of winter. Dude. This is literally why we pay you. If you don't enjoy fixing/ replacing things when they break down, then you should probably be selling houses instead of renting them.
I have to say something good about landlords: I hated renting from them so much I worked my tail off and bought my own place so I would never have to deal with a landlord or landlady again.
I feel the opposite. I’m so done with property ownership. I have money and I want to rent forever. Nicer places and less of a headache, more flexibility, and someone to clean up what’s broken. It’s a much better life.
Load More Replies...Not sure if people are aware of this, but I own a house for less a month then when I rented property. I am completely serious. I think I put off buying a home for so long because I thought that I couldn't afford to own. If you can pay rent, you can own a house. Plus, you actually get a return on your investment, don't have to deal with neighbors, and you can customize your abode without consulting someone else. Paying rent is permanently throwing money into a hole. I'm sure someone people will be triggered by this, but my intent is to inform people that home ownership is more affordable then many people think.
Load More Replies...My boyfriend has a house he rents out. He pays a mortgage on it. He got it a few years ago and he rented to the same family since he got it. They just moved out two months ago. They trashed the house. There are several things broken and the back yard is a small fenced in yard they kept their two Huskys back there all the time there is no grass left and the entire yard is covered in holes of different sizes. They had a small child and it looks like the wall was stabbed in multiple places with something sharp. There is also crayon on nearly every wall on the bottom. A couple appliances are broken in some way and need to be replaced. A door needs to be replaced. Two windows need to be fixed. Their deposit was $1,000 my boyfriend returned $800. That 200 doesn't cover the repairs needed. But he felt bad for them so he only kept a small amount.
he should inspect the property before giving back the deposit
Load More Replies...My bedroom window frame was so rotten the pane of glass could be pushed out at the bottom. Landlord agreed to replace it then decided that it would be better to replace all the windows so I was fully double-glazed. He then said you do realise your rent is going to go up now! The landlord is a multi-millionaire, lives in a once grand manor house using just one room because it saves on the heating and lighting. Doesn’t like to waste his money.
not giving away money is how u get rich. also he is right
Load More Replies...The vulnerability of tenants is unjustified and undignified. I am ever more grateful for the wonderful landlord I have!
Housing is pretty Fug Dub right now, pretty much everywhere. In case a market isn't in a state of equilibrium, which is the case in the US, most of the EU and so on, a market will get onesided even further. Landlords benefit from this undeserved, and gain an undeserved position of power. Decent people wouldn't exploit this situation and their tenants, while uncaring and greedy SOBs do exactly so, and still feel entitled to bidge around about each and every measure taken to counter this. Decent landlords are rare and precious - got one? Keep!
Thankfully mine was decent until he passed & his kids wanted more money. I refused & they put the house up for sale. I live there for 7 years & not once did he put the rent up or neglect repairs. His children on the other hand really just wanted the money quick.
Load More Replies...All of these make me shudder. I’ve just bought my first home with my husband & our 5 children after YEARS of renting & it was the cheapest of cheap. You have to move out as soon as they don’t like something or want more money & you can’t afford it. I made a vow NEVER to buy a another property to rent out. There’s a shortage of decent homes for families world over ‘cause greedy ppl buy em up & rent them out to the poorer people.
My landlord refuses to pay for anything even when I offer to meet half way. Told him when we first moved in that the vanity needed replaced cuz previous tenant let the pipes leak and it was caved in, turns out it ruined subfloor, then the pipes burst in shower ruined quite a bit of dry wall downstairs. Had to cut into the wall of my kids room to reach shower pipes (and buy access panel to cover it up). Decided to buy a new toilet cuz old one didn’t work found out subfloor under toilet was ruined. Landlord bought a new vanity for $100 but it was smaller than first so walls needed painted. I asked him to pay for the stuff needed to fix shower pipes, the sub floor and the drywall downstairs. I would cover the toilet cuz that was my choice, the flooring for bathroom and the paint. He said he wouldn’t pay for any of it cuz it was cosmetic. Told me he won’t pay for any repairs over $100. My neighbor hasn’t had heat all winter. Bought a used furnace to replace the oil furnace.
This post really opened my eyes. I am looking to sell my house because it isn't working for my business anymore. I was looking at a property that included 3 rental units. It seemed like a good way to earn extra money. But I had no idea that landlords were viewed so negatively. Or that people would be so angry that they have to pay their rent. My grandfather spent so much time at his apartments, and had such a positive experience with it. (He was a fabulous gardener, could fix anything, and had a heart of gold.) I guess I have an idealized version of the experience. He took care of those people.
I have lived in the same apartment for almost 8 years now. I live in California and each year our summer gets hotter and hotter. Our apartment did not come with air conditioning, but when I moved here it was an emergency situation that I leave my previous residents. After the first year I had asked if I could install an air conditioner and was told no because it required a permit by the fire dept, which is not true. 5 years later I watched my neighbors installing window units in all of their windows, which was annoying after asking if I could stall one of a 5 year period. Finally they gave the ok two years ago. I am sure it is not the fact that our temperatures are reaching 110 degrees each summer but I have a feeling they had already told the neighbors they could and then couldnt prevent me from doing the same.
This post made me so angry I have to go and look at pictures of puppies. Bye.
S**t! I'm a landlord myself (adding 250 euros at my writer / editor salary), I rent a small (50 sq.m.) apartment in my house to French or Italian students studying Medicine in my hometown, but they are not tenants, they are friends! We play guitar together, we visit one another for a beer, I even invited one of 'em to sing (very good Sade-like voice) with my band at one of our gigs - and each time one of these friends finishes the 6 years at the University gives the key to a younger mate, to live here. It's like an open house, with friends all around. They also enjoy the fact I speak their languages and I can help 'em a lot, also with the autorities here. F*uc*k the landlords shown in this entry!
when my son married my mom-surprisingly-bought them a small starter home. when they moved from their apt the landlord tried to keep their deposit & charge for 'repairs' that weren't needed & threatened to take to court if 'damages' weren't paid. DIL had a list of what was worn when she moved in. i helped compose ltr to landlord w/copy of list, also w/copies of laws re renters rights/court. never heard from landlord after receiving letter stating he would have to pay them 3x security deposit for falsifying his claim. guess it helps when your MIL/mom knows the law.
I usually finish bored panda articles to the end, this one disgusts me so much I only got to 25
i dont get this way of renting and this right of landlords. in my area, we have rules for what are duties and rights of both parties. never ever would a landlord control my thermostat nor he can kick me out whenever he wants to...
I had one who was a convicted slumlord. In the 16 months or so we lived there, there were at least 4 managers and several months with none. The building was falling apart and infested with bugs. It got worse near the end of our tenancy. We lived in one of 3 penthouses located behind the actual building. All utilities were included but we'd often find the water shut off all day with no warning. She drilled out the locks on the doors leading to the penthouses, effectively allowing anyone to access our balconies and homes if the door was unlocked. She tried to cut the phone line into our apartments claiming the building inspector said she had to as it was a hazard. I called him and he told me that if she did, he was going to have her arrested because he absolutely did NOT say that (not to mention it would have rendered the units illegal because rentals are required to have working phone jacks). We ended up getting almost $500 each as part of a class action settlement against her and I believe the city took the building.