If your tenant invites a bunch of friends over and they wreck the house that belongs to you, you’d probably consider kicking them out before the lease is up, right? That’s how LA-based actress and musician Pin Young started her Twitter thread about being a landlord. Her post went viral with over 392k likes. The main draw was the surprise twist she had in store for us.

We don’t want to spoil too much for you, but let’s just say that Young’s thread was a total whoosh moment, going over the head of a lot of people (us including), fooling them because they took it too literally. Scroll down, have a read, and let us know if she got you too! Be sure to read on for Bored Panda’s in-depth interview with Young: she feels very passionately about the subject and shared a lot of interesting insights.

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    Actress Pin Young turned to Twitter for advice on what she should to with a tenant and his rowdy friends

    Image credits: PinYoungActress

    Image credits: Embroiderista


    Image credits: jeffthomas1961

    Image credits: ZeroMXMXC

    Image credits: CoachGayle

    Image credits: skiddnee


    Image credits: tilksh

    Image credits: PinYoungActress

    Image credits: socrabbi


    Image credits: PinYoungActress

    Image credits: ScoutVotesBlue

    Image credits: EricRubenLaw

    Image credits: PolitiSquirrel

    Image credits: PinYoungActress

    Image credits: illinifan1280

    Image credits: CantPatThis


    Image credits: PinYoungActress

    Image credits: Rechanmole

    Image credits: PinYoungActress

    Image credits: kikibloss

    Image credits: skiddnee

    Image credits: WeatherGeek68

    Image credits: PinYoungActress

    Some very perceptive Twitter users actually played along with Young. However, most people weren’t expecting the twist with President Donald Trump and the events that happened at the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. on January 6.


    Now, things are heating up politically in the United States even more. The people involved in the riots are being identified and arrested. Meanwhile, the Democrats are making moves to remove President Trump from office and then start an impeachment process.

    CNN states that an ABC News/Ipsos poll released on Sunday, January 10, shows that 56 percent of respondents want to see Trump removed from office. Meanwhile, 43 percent believe that he shouldn’t be removed.

    According to the BBC, the first step the Democrats will take will be for the House of Representatives to vote on a resolution to call on Vice-President Mike Pence to “remove Mr. Trump’s presidential powers” by invoking the 25th Amendment.

    The resolution should take place on Monday, January 11, while a formal vote could happen on Tuesday, writes The Guardian. Pence would become the interim president until Biden is inaugurated on January 20.

    However, if that move is unsuccessful, the Democrats aim to charge Trump with “incitement of insurrection.” Nancy Pelosi, the US House Speaker, believes that Trump “represents an imminent threat” to the country’s democracy and its constitution.

    A friend inspired her to create the thread based on a real-life experience

    Young told Bored Panda how she was inspired to start the thread by one of her Facebook friends, contemporary visual artist Mamie Young, who posted a similar analogy about her roommate supposedly robbing her. “That reminded me of an actual tenant that had rented my second bedroom in the past and was all sorts of trouble. Much like Trump, she had broken the terms of the lease on multiple occasions, pathologically lied about it, and tried to stay longer than the lease. I was legitimately scared of what she might do even though she said she’d eventually leave,” the actress said.


    The tenant’s ‘lease’ can be extended if they do a good enough job

    She went into detail about the analogy that she used between Trump and a tenant. “We Americans collectively own the government buildings, and the Capitol is the center of it. The President of the United States is like a live-in employee at the White House, contracted to do work on our property for 4 years. If he does a good job, maybe we’ll extend his lease, and he can live in our guesthouse for another 4 years. If he violates the terms of the lease, we as landlords have a right to terminate the agreement and take legal action if necessary.”

    A theoretical threat to democracy that became a physical one?

    Young acknowledged that President Trump “didn’t actually attack the Capitol” himself. However, she stated that he “incited insurrection and had his ‘friends’ try to occupy the Capitol for him.” In Young’s opinion, Trump had been a theoretical threat to US democracy for the last 4 years and “was a literal physical threat” to American lawmakers and institutions. “We have to treat our country as our own home—because it is.”

    The actress believes that President Trump, guided by the desire for money and attention, is prepared to do practically anything to maintain his influence with his supporters, but might stop short of further radical actions. “I honestly think Trump has been emboldened knowing that there are people who are willing to literally fight and die for him. If social media outlets like Parler and Twitter become unusable, he’ll continue to spread his message through any means necessary. He’ll continue to fundraise, as he has, because, for him, everything is about money and popularity. At the same time, he is afraid of losing all of it and going to prison, so I think he may tread a little more carefully if he listens to anyone around him.”


    Impeachment and conviction are possible before Biden’s inauguration, but only if both parties cooperate

    “It is entirely possible to impeach and convict Trump before Biden’s inauguration if both parties can come together to expedite the process. However, seeing as there are still some Republicans who are standing by Trump, the realistic expectation is that he can be impeached by the House before the inauguration. Then, after Biden’s inauguration, the Senate can debate on whether to convict for the purposes of preventing him from running for office again,” Young said.

    Some people took the story at face value despite the hints

    On a slightly lighter note, Young explained that a lot of people were legitimately concerned for her well-being despite her thinking she made it obvious that she was talking about President Trump. “I feel bad about all the people who took the time to give me advice on what to do, but I have to be honest and say that it was fun and entertaining to keep the analogy going. It shows that we do have kind people in the world—strangers willing to reach out and help people in need (even if they’re being stupid). We need more of that in this world. If we can treat each other with more kindness and empathy while also being able to laugh at ourselves and have a sense of humor, the world would be a much better place.” Words of wisdom. Hopefully, this year will have more of this.


    You can find Bored Panda’s earlier posts about the storming of the Capitol right here, here, and here. So, dear Pandas, what did you think of Young’s thread? Did you think that she was speaking about an actual tenant of hers? What do you think will happen before January 20? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.