Here’s a fun, festive Christmas project I’ve been meaning to do for ages!

A knitted gingerbread house can be as easy or hard as you want it to be. You can knit the base using basic knit and purl (stocking stitch) and then decide how to decorate. If you are new to knitting instead of making the more complex peppermints I have done you can do simpler pompoms or even cut candies out of felt!

If you want to try something like mine, in addition to the wools you will need:

– Cardboard

– Duct Tape

– Box Cutter

– Ruler

– Glue Gun

– Scissors

– Crochet hook (to edge some of the sides)

– 4x double-pointed needles (I used 4mm for the fine, white icing and 6mm for the peppermints)

Skills you will need include:

– Knit Stitch

– Purl Stitch

– Casting on and off

– Knitting in the Round

– Cabling

– Increasing and Decreasing Stitches

The sides of the house are knit in stocking stitch (knit one row, purl one row). To shape the gabled roof at the front and back I decreased one stitch on both sides of the right side row (knit stitch) until there were only two stitches left.

To made the pattern on the roof I cast on 48 sts (must be a multiple of 8) and created diamond cables with white on top of the tan/brown wool).


The peppermints are knit in the round by casting on 8 sts with white; next round inc1 in every st adding the red wool for each inc st; working one round alternating red, white; inc1 every other st, using the red for the inc; working one round alternating red and white (following the pattern of the previous round) then doing all those previous steps in reverse by decreasing instead of increasing until you are back to 8 sts!

I have many tutorials on my site for the basic skills and you can feel free to comment here or contact me on instagram at @karlacourtney with any questions!

Happy knitting!

More info: Instagram