We’ve all been there — our parents do something so embarrassing that we can’t help but cringe and hide our faces. But after an hour or two, we calm down and we realize that we may have overreacted. What’s more, we realize that we’ll probably end up with a few embarrassing stories for our kids as well. It’s just the natural order of things. But some kids can’t forgive their parents for what they’ve done, and went for public shaming online for their ‘insane’ behavior.
Behold! Here’s a list of the craziest, most jaw-droppingly, and unbelievably crazy stories kids have chosen to shame their parents online for, all found on the popular Insane Parents subreddit, which has lots of bad parenting stories. From overprotective parents tracking your location on dates to asking for money, there’s hardly a kid alive who could stand for this nonsense! So upvote your faves, share with your friends, and drop us a comment below. Oh, and scroll down to read our interviews with the head moderator of the Insane Parents subreddit, a Redditor whose mother put cameras in their bedroom, and another Reddit user whose mom asked for a huge loan!
We know you like our awesome posts about parenting and raising kids, so also be sure to check out our lists about the funniest parents ever, jerk parents who ruined their children’s lives, and the times parents shared the most messed up things their kids have done.
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It’s Time To D D D D D D D D Duel
Nothing Good Will Happen To Me Bcz I Told My Mom I Could No Longer Help Her After Moving On My Own At 19 Because She Got Evicted Twice In The Span Of 4 Months And Put A Power Bill In My Name Without Me Knowing Which I Now Owe 700 To The Power Company
The daughter has higher standards and lifegoals than the mother.
Sometimes Insane Is Just A Birth Defect!
Now, some of us have heard our parents joke about how they’ll install security cameras in our rooms if we can’t behave ourselves. Well, that’s exactly what one Reddit user’s mother did. Fortunately, the internet user didn’t give in. They wrote online that they’re doing something about it: “I've got into the account she’s using for the camera and disabled playback and sound recording. I'm also trying to move the camera to a point where it doesn't actually see anything.”
“If you haven't done anything to provoke [putting up] cameras or helicopter parenting, then I'm pretty sure you can call CPS [Child Protective Services] and they will help,” the Redditor told Bored Panda some advice on what to do in situations like this one.
Mom Of The Year Over Here...
Well that's a nice start she's giving her daughter. I looked Monat up and it's just another pyramid scheme that sells useless hairproducts. The mother will end up with a shedload of "hair care" products and the daughter will pursue a career in the fastfood business. Nice going, mom.
My Mom Is Putting Up Cameras In My Room Now
The Reddit user talked to Bored Panda about the unusual situation: “My mother is out quite a bit, so maybe that was the reason she put up the camera. Maybe she felt that she needed to watch me while she was out, but she never told me the exact reason.” They also said that they have “already confronted” their mother “with the argument that what she's doing is illegal and an invasion of privacy. So now I've taken them down and plan to keep taking the cameras down if she puts up more.”
Ah Sweet Unconditional Love
Meanwhile, Redditor CHIEFXx posted how their mother asked for a 600 dollar loan, even though they work a minimum wage job.
“My advice for others dealing with the same [crap] is to just push through it. If you know you’re right then you’re probably right. Don’t get pushed around, stand up for yourself and make your feelings known, regardless of how your parents may feel,” the Reddit user explained their thoughts to Bored Panda.
Another mind-boggling case of ‘insane’ parenting happened to Reddit user TheCityKitten, who couldn’t believe that their father was tracking them while they were out on a date.
My Father Tracking Me While I’m On A Date
Controlling your kids in this way is a sure way to make them leave the house as soon as they can and not coming back anymore.
Mom Makes Son Show Her All Of His Social Media Accounts
I Dont Even Know What To Say
You’d think that stories like these were rare, but that’s not entirely true. Turns out, there’s a whole community on Reddit called Insane Parents that chronicles just such events. The subreddit describes itself as “a weird place where you can post those crazy parents who post in those woo-woo anti-vax groups on facebook and do things harmful (directly and indirectly) to their children.” The group’s description also states that it’s a place for both support and laughter.
Shooting A Schools Computer Because Your Daughter Is Talking To Boys...
Mom Just Asked Me For 600$ When I Work A Minimum Wage Job Then Tells Me To Stop Spending?
CHIEFXx told Bored Panda that when their mother asked them for money, “before seeing the amount i was ready to give it, yet 600 dollars is a lot of [effing] money. So i was confused after seeing all that money expected from me.”
“We had a talk about it a little afterwards through text but it didn’t do anything, all it accomplished was her thinking I was a selfish piece of [crap]. I don’t really plan on talking to her much about this,” the Redditor explained.
What The Hell
Bored Panda talked to the head moderator of the subreddit more about the community itself — mynameisethan182. According to the Redditor, the subreddit “started off just as a one-off comment” on one thread.
“From there it kinda morphed into what it is today. This weird chaotic place where people can post about their real issues and hopefully some awareness can be raised about some of the darker sides of the internet.”
When asked what the most insane stories about parents the moderator has come across, he replied that it’s “two cases of mothers giving their children bleach,” while “the proper authorities were alerted, given the information, and did nothing to stop it.”
I Hate It When Doctors Act Like They Have A Medical Degree
In order to reduce the costs of the health care system all expensive doctors and nurses should be replaced by informed moms who received their education at Google University. It should be good for patients because these Google graduates know everything better than anyone else.
My Parents Force Me To Update Everything I Do To Them And Verbally Abuse Me If I Don't. They Wonder Where The Depression Came From
She's Old Enough To Get Married But Not Old Enough To Be Trusted Around Another Man's Penis In This House
“If you can — reach out to a trusted authority member (teachers, principals, professors, etc.),” mynameisethan182 gave advice to kids dealing with ‘insane’ parents. “If you can, document what is happening; however, things do get better. There is always the opportunity to get away from these people and cut them out of your lives. Whether it is joining the military at age 17 or 18 or any other available option. You can get away from it.”
My Mother, After She Kicked Me Out When She Found Letters My Girlfriend Wrote For Me (We're Both Girls)
The Children Deserved Better Than Her Anyways
Poor Poor Kid
“I wish more people knew about certain issues kids are seeming to face today. There are parents who seem to think it is okay to track their children — it is the most common thing I see. It causes nothing but problems and resentment,” the subreddit moderator remarked. “You may think you're doing the right thing, but you're not. You have to trust your kid and allow them to make mistakes. They cannot grow into fully actualized people without those mistakes. Your job is to guide them and to be there to pick them up when they do make those mistakes.”
Saw This On Twitter
Already Dislikes Her Baby Before It’s Born...
My Financé Son Used Some Of My Daughters Nail Polish And He Posted It To Twitter
We can understand why kids would be ashamed of their parents when they monitor them or ask for ridiculously large loans. But why is it that kids are embarrassed by their parents in general? Well, Fatherly writes that this embarrassment usually starts appearing between 9 and 13 years of age, right when a major shift in attitude occurs. As kids become more independent and try to figure out the ‘rules of the game’ in society, they reject what their parents stand for.
Meanwhile, Empowering Parents suggests that parents shouldn’t take things personally when kids act up and should give their offspring some space grow. And, whatever happens, we can all agree that setting up cameras in someone’s room should be avoided at all costs.
My Mom Tried Calling Me Multiple Times In Less Than A One Minute And Then Threatened To Not Help Me Fix My AC. (What’s Even Funnier Is That They Live With Me So They Wouldn’t Have Ac Either)
All Because I Wouldn't Pay Rent In Advance Because She Spent Her Pay On Endone Like She Asks For Every Week Because Of Drugs
My Mum Is Abusing Our Brand New Security System
"no tech" day, she is actually asking you to throw all tech out of the house, including the security, now please do as you are told.
Mother Impersonated Me To Bofa To Remove $1500 From My Account Of My Awarded Scholarship Money As Punishment For Her Ex Husband Not Paying For Her Vacation
My Dad Is Sending Me To Boot Camp This Month Because I Didn't Get My Hair Cut The Way He Wanted But He Didn't Tell He How He Wanted It. I Was Sobbing In The Back Off My Work When He Sent Me These Messages
One Of Many Times My Narcissistic Mother When She Took Her Frustrations Out On Me
So I Forgot To Do One Thing While I Was Rushed To Get Out The Door, They Are Apparently Charging Me Money? Also The Second Charge Is Literally Made Up. So She’s Piling On Debt Charges For Things I’m Not Doing Now, And If I Don’t Pay Her I’m Screwed. Feels Like 1700’s British Debt
That Guy That Had His Parents Put Up Cameras? Heres Mine. There Are More
She's A Good Mom She Just Has Her Moments
This is why I hate the whole "you should always respect/love your parents" idea. No. Some parents are complete a******s, there's nothing wrong with realizing that and acting accordingly. The basic process of creating a child really isn't that complicated to be considered this highly valued (the giving birth part sure but not that much). The taking care of for years is.
These posts hit me really hard. I thought I had healed but turns out it's not so easy. She's gradually changing for the better but the damage has been done.
My parents have a tendency to be pretty toxic. I'm 33 and my stepdad calls me in the middle of my work shifts, leaves me these long drawn out messages about why he's such a bad parent (he sexually abused me as a kid so I don't really communicate anymore) and how sorry he is and cries and all that... my history with the man... all that makes me anxious to be around him... yet I'm ungrateful at the same time. And if I don't answer, I hate him. Well, buddy, I kind of do
If there is anyone here, who is living with this kind of parental / adult behaviour, please know that this is THEIR F****D UP S**T!!!!!!!! Yes, you have to deal with it... but it is 1000000% their f****d up s**t. Having grown up (& successfully escaped) from this insanity, this is how I did it: saved money as soon as I could. Whether it be selling stuff, or working, saving pocket money / gift money (if ever it existed). I was too young to have my own private bank account, and no adult believed the hell I was going through. So, I HID THE MONEY (imagination can be a great resource). In the down-times (lunch time at school / when parents were out etc), I did research re: getting my own place. Turned 18. Got a job. Got a small, s****y s****y flat, within walking distance of my restaurant job.... and left with the basics. You only need eg jeans, 3-5 t-shirts, coat, sneakers, work shoes & work clothes (2 sets will allow you to survive). Furniture was a sleeping bag + floor.
I could add to this, my mom stole my information and signed my up for 5 credit cards when I told her to cancel them all she maxed them out instead, putting me in debt and making my credit score so low I couldn't get approved to finance a 500 dollar mattress
Wow, most of these parents are ridiculous. I find some so hard to believe but then again I have heard some crazy a*s s**t before so wouldn’t surprise me if these were in fact genuine.
I can't stand when people say you can't cut off your family.. you can and should when they are toxic to you. I don't have a relationship with any relatives but my mom and I barely speak to her because all she wants to talk about are my horrible siblings. Cut them out and form your own family.
This is not judgemental or anything, but think most of these were American (there was 1 Australian). What is it about Americans and the whole control thing? As a kid I used to watch US tv shows and laugh at kid characters calling their father Sir.
After all this, I'm openly asking all the adults who had left their parents, are your life better after moving away? Just wondering because I'm 16
These are the same parents who whine about their children cutting off or restricting contact years later. "My kids want nothing to do with me and I have no idea whyyyyyy!!"
My parents aren’t terrible like I’ve never been abused or neglected but I feel like I can never be right. Even if I have factual evidence to support my claims it just feels as though my parents can’t seem to accept that I might know something they don’t. I get that as a teen I don’t know nearly as much as I think I do but arguing with me about something from a children’s cartoon when I have evidence that I’m right seems to be going a bit too far.
I'm not going to say too much, but I can relate to some of these kids a little too much. I'll be 18 in 448 days, then I won't have to deal with my parent's b******t any longer.
As crazy as so much of this sounds... some of it sounds terribly... uhm... "familiar" - mostly the "you didn't do the thing I never told you to do? You're going to pay for that, you horrible ingrate!" - it's one of the (many) reasons I do not, will not have children. Also, another reason I feel so uncomfortable with the "Hollywood picket fence" notion that "you should do everything and anything for your parents regardless of any abuses". Also sick of being shamed by "friends" (who, by the way, all have supportive, loving and GOOD parents...) who tell me the same "But it's your MOM/DAD" -... yeeah.. it's my mom/dad that told me pretty much everyday of my life that I'm a horrible, life-ruining mistake... and also seriously considered fostering me because I dated a white guy... heeelllooo...?
I can relate not to one, but... almost each of those stories :( And much more. I was beaten. Abused. Yelled at, called names, slapped in the face as early as age of seven. I had to do hores for 5-ppl family. Giving up every money I got to my mother. Giving up anything I felt attached to to my younger sibling "to learn how to share" or "because he deserves it more". I was A grade student, who escaped problems that way - by kearning more - not allowed to take part in any kind of additional courses or competitions apart of my normal lessons. I was forced into relationship!!!! I was thrown away from home the exact day I turned 18. Never spoke to any of them again. Still got questions about why I do so or being lectured that I should respect and contact my family no matter what. I have no contact with my blood relatives - none of them. And I must say it is the best decision of my whole life.
This makes me so grateful for my strict-but-privacy-respecting parents!
This is idealistic and unrealistic, I know! But just like how adoption is a lengthy process in making sure the future parents are FIT to provide care and a healthy environment prior to approval, I'm all for a similar process before couples decide to procreate. Again, totally hypothetical.
My mother used to tell me that she always wished for a girl so she was so excited when she found out she was expecting me. While giving birth to me, I apparently kicked her in the heart on my way out and ever since then I have been told what a horrible ungrateful kid I am (I am now 32). I broke contact with her and left for the last time 3 years ago. Last time I heard from her was almost 2 years ago when she sent me a message demanding that I pay for her vacation “or else”. She has always viewed me as an ATM, I have lost count of how much money she has taken from me since I was a kid. I have so many stories to match the ones in here, I could probably write a book about it. Leaving was one the hardest things in my life, but I knew I had to. I hope these “kids” will be able to move on from these parents to. It’s insanely hard and I still struggle with it, but I know I deserve better and she will never change.
I sometimes wonder if I'm being a good mom. This really hard-line proves to me I could be doing SO MUCH WORSE. I'm a great mom compared to these a******s!
yesterday i had a day off from work for which i planned to do a little excursion to a castle with my gf. my father texted me if i could be at home at 5.30 pm cause of some dude coming over to paint the ceiling in the bathroom. i answered that it wasn't possible, since i was not home and had 1 hour to come back. so what happened: he got mad at me, because he planned things while it wasn't even sure that he was home for that time. in other words it is my fault for not being at home at a day off while some dude has to paint our ceiling at a time when no one is home.
Control freaks, the lot of them. Some nerve, eh? I guarantee you every single one of them (not just the obviously nutty and irresponsible ones) has massive, massive personal responsibility and emotion regulation issues, among others, that they're not dealing with like adults, and are taking it out on their kids using religion and other b******t. No one needs to put up with this kind of gaslighting and abuse from ANYBODY, blood or no. #AskMeHowIKnow
This whole post made me feel sick. My parents are a pair of control freaks. Well, were. My "father" apparently died last year. My mother is unfortunately still alive. I'm probably a horcrux. When I stopped pandering to their every selfish whim, they turned my son against me.
My parents are great. A little unorthodox and veering into the overprotective side maybe but I always remind myself parents are just people too and they make mistakes. Now, some of these parents do not deserve the benefit of the doubt. Good parents in my opinion respect their children's views, space, and lives. That does not mean being pushovers but treating your kids as much as you'd like to be treated. Parents are people too but so are kids.
I feel so sorry for the kids. No wonder kids are going into therapy these days, the problem is the parents
-Do you want to delete humanity from the Earth's history? -Yes. -Restarting Earth now.
I feel much much better that I'm not alone with crazy parents <3 I'm 23 yo and they don't let me leave the house after 8p.m. becauce people will think that I'm a prostitute or druggy
Never have I felt more grateful for my parents that love me and only want the best for me
Hate to say I can identify with sooooo much of this. Walk away from your parents, kids. These people don't deserve you. I was unfortunately 38 before I figured this out but now at 42 (almost) I"m the happiest I have ever been and haven't spoken a word to them in 3.5 years.
i feel a lot better about my parenting skills now.. What some absolute arseholes! Disgusting.
I canąt believe people can act like that. It just is bezond mz comprehension.
I need to show my 17 year old son these. I ask for respect, not attitude. I ask that he just lets me know where he is going to be and then I tell him to have fun. I don't think I am demanding whatsoever compared to these nutjobs.
Many of the parents are gearing up to be poisoned by their next meal. That's what I would do and its way easier than you all think it is too. Tons of toxic plants grow in your backyard without a bad taste either.... enjoy
These are terrifying! So abuse. And yyou can see how the parents think their behavious os totally normal and justified. The poor poor children. I hope they survive somehow.
This reminds me of my mom. She doesn't let me out of the house to do anything (homeschooled) unless I've "earned it".
Some of these commetments you can tell are written by people who do not have kids or are kids themselves. You can't have it both ways. You can't shame parents for not doing enough and then shame them when they do what you consider "too much". Until you have your own, stay in your lane.
I started reading these on reddit and then stopped. While I would agree that most of these are "insane", we also do not know the full context or story. I'm sure if we heard the parents' side of the story, it might be a little interesting.
This is why I hate the whole "you should always respect/love your parents" idea. No. Some parents are complete a******s, there's nothing wrong with realizing that and acting accordingly. The basic process of creating a child really isn't that complicated to be considered this highly valued (the giving birth part sure but not that much). The taking care of for years is.
These posts hit me really hard. I thought I had healed but turns out it's not so easy. She's gradually changing for the better but the damage has been done.
My parents have a tendency to be pretty toxic. I'm 33 and my stepdad calls me in the middle of my work shifts, leaves me these long drawn out messages about why he's such a bad parent (he sexually abused me as a kid so I don't really communicate anymore) and how sorry he is and cries and all that... my history with the man... all that makes me anxious to be around him... yet I'm ungrateful at the same time. And if I don't answer, I hate him. Well, buddy, I kind of do
If there is anyone here, who is living with this kind of parental / adult behaviour, please know that this is THEIR F****D UP S**T!!!!!!!! Yes, you have to deal with it... but it is 1000000% their f****d up s**t. Having grown up (& successfully escaped) from this insanity, this is how I did it: saved money as soon as I could. Whether it be selling stuff, or working, saving pocket money / gift money (if ever it existed). I was too young to have my own private bank account, and no adult believed the hell I was going through. So, I HID THE MONEY (imagination can be a great resource). In the down-times (lunch time at school / when parents were out etc), I did research re: getting my own place. Turned 18. Got a job. Got a small, s****y s****y flat, within walking distance of my restaurant job.... and left with the basics. You only need eg jeans, 3-5 t-shirts, coat, sneakers, work shoes & work clothes (2 sets will allow you to survive). Furniture was a sleeping bag + floor.
I could add to this, my mom stole my information and signed my up for 5 credit cards when I told her to cancel them all she maxed them out instead, putting me in debt and making my credit score so low I couldn't get approved to finance a 500 dollar mattress
Wow, most of these parents are ridiculous. I find some so hard to believe but then again I have heard some crazy a*s s**t before so wouldn’t surprise me if these were in fact genuine.
I can't stand when people say you can't cut off your family.. you can and should when they are toxic to you. I don't have a relationship with any relatives but my mom and I barely speak to her because all she wants to talk about are my horrible siblings. Cut them out and form your own family.
This is not judgemental or anything, but think most of these were American (there was 1 Australian). What is it about Americans and the whole control thing? As a kid I used to watch US tv shows and laugh at kid characters calling their father Sir.
After all this, I'm openly asking all the adults who had left their parents, are your life better after moving away? Just wondering because I'm 16
These are the same parents who whine about their children cutting off or restricting contact years later. "My kids want nothing to do with me and I have no idea whyyyyyy!!"
My parents aren’t terrible like I’ve never been abused or neglected but I feel like I can never be right. Even if I have factual evidence to support my claims it just feels as though my parents can’t seem to accept that I might know something they don’t. I get that as a teen I don’t know nearly as much as I think I do but arguing with me about something from a children’s cartoon when I have evidence that I’m right seems to be going a bit too far.
I'm not going to say too much, but I can relate to some of these kids a little too much. I'll be 18 in 448 days, then I won't have to deal with my parent's b******t any longer.
As crazy as so much of this sounds... some of it sounds terribly... uhm... "familiar" - mostly the "you didn't do the thing I never told you to do? You're going to pay for that, you horrible ingrate!" - it's one of the (many) reasons I do not, will not have children. Also, another reason I feel so uncomfortable with the "Hollywood picket fence" notion that "you should do everything and anything for your parents regardless of any abuses". Also sick of being shamed by "friends" (who, by the way, all have supportive, loving and GOOD parents...) who tell me the same "But it's your MOM/DAD" -... yeeah.. it's my mom/dad that told me pretty much everyday of my life that I'm a horrible, life-ruining mistake... and also seriously considered fostering me because I dated a white guy... heeelllooo...?
I can relate not to one, but... almost each of those stories :( And much more. I was beaten. Abused. Yelled at, called names, slapped in the face as early as age of seven. I had to do hores for 5-ppl family. Giving up every money I got to my mother. Giving up anything I felt attached to to my younger sibling "to learn how to share" or "because he deserves it more". I was A grade student, who escaped problems that way - by kearning more - not allowed to take part in any kind of additional courses or competitions apart of my normal lessons. I was forced into relationship!!!! I was thrown away from home the exact day I turned 18. Never spoke to any of them again. Still got questions about why I do so or being lectured that I should respect and contact my family no matter what. I have no contact with my blood relatives - none of them. And I must say it is the best decision of my whole life.
This makes me so grateful for my strict-but-privacy-respecting parents!
This is idealistic and unrealistic, I know! But just like how adoption is a lengthy process in making sure the future parents are FIT to provide care and a healthy environment prior to approval, I'm all for a similar process before couples decide to procreate. Again, totally hypothetical.
My mother used to tell me that she always wished for a girl so she was so excited when she found out she was expecting me. While giving birth to me, I apparently kicked her in the heart on my way out and ever since then I have been told what a horrible ungrateful kid I am (I am now 32). I broke contact with her and left for the last time 3 years ago. Last time I heard from her was almost 2 years ago when she sent me a message demanding that I pay for her vacation “or else”. She has always viewed me as an ATM, I have lost count of how much money she has taken from me since I was a kid. I have so many stories to match the ones in here, I could probably write a book about it. Leaving was one the hardest things in my life, but I knew I had to. I hope these “kids” will be able to move on from these parents to. It’s insanely hard and I still struggle with it, but I know I deserve better and she will never change.
I sometimes wonder if I'm being a good mom. This really hard-line proves to me I could be doing SO MUCH WORSE. I'm a great mom compared to these a******s!
yesterday i had a day off from work for which i planned to do a little excursion to a castle with my gf. my father texted me if i could be at home at 5.30 pm cause of some dude coming over to paint the ceiling in the bathroom. i answered that it wasn't possible, since i was not home and had 1 hour to come back. so what happened: he got mad at me, because he planned things while it wasn't even sure that he was home for that time. in other words it is my fault for not being at home at a day off while some dude has to paint our ceiling at a time when no one is home.
Control freaks, the lot of them. Some nerve, eh? I guarantee you every single one of them (not just the obviously nutty and irresponsible ones) has massive, massive personal responsibility and emotion regulation issues, among others, that they're not dealing with like adults, and are taking it out on their kids using religion and other b******t. No one needs to put up with this kind of gaslighting and abuse from ANYBODY, blood or no. #AskMeHowIKnow
This whole post made me feel sick. My parents are a pair of control freaks. Well, were. My "father" apparently died last year. My mother is unfortunately still alive. I'm probably a horcrux. When I stopped pandering to their every selfish whim, they turned my son against me.
My parents are great. A little unorthodox and veering into the overprotective side maybe but I always remind myself parents are just people too and they make mistakes. Now, some of these parents do not deserve the benefit of the doubt. Good parents in my opinion respect their children's views, space, and lives. That does not mean being pushovers but treating your kids as much as you'd like to be treated. Parents are people too but so are kids.
I feel so sorry for the kids. No wonder kids are going into therapy these days, the problem is the parents
-Do you want to delete humanity from the Earth's history? -Yes. -Restarting Earth now.
I feel much much better that I'm not alone with crazy parents <3 I'm 23 yo and they don't let me leave the house after 8p.m. becauce people will think that I'm a prostitute or druggy
Never have I felt more grateful for my parents that love me and only want the best for me
Hate to say I can identify with sooooo much of this. Walk away from your parents, kids. These people don't deserve you. I was unfortunately 38 before I figured this out but now at 42 (almost) I"m the happiest I have ever been and haven't spoken a word to them in 3.5 years.
i feel a lot better about my parenting skills now.. What some absolute arseholes! Disgusting.
I canąt believe people can act like that. It just is bezond mz comprehension.
I need to show my 17 year old son these. I ask for respect, not attitude. I ask that he just lets me know where he is going to be and then I tell him to have fun. I don't think I am demanding whatsoever compared to these nutjobs.
Many of the parents are gearing up to be poisoned by their next meal. That's what I would do and its way easier than you all think it is too. Tons of toxic plants grow in your backyard without a bad taste either.... enjoy
These are terrifying! So abuse. And yyou can see how the parents think their behavious os totally normal and justified. The poor poor children. I hope they survive somehow.
This reminds me of my mom. She doesn't let me out of the house to do anything (homeschooled) unless I've "earned it".
Some of these commetments you can tell are written by people who do not have kids or are kids themselves. You can't have it both ways. You can't shame parents for not doing enough and then shame them when they do what you consider "too much". Until you have your own, stay in your lane.
I started reading these on reddit and then stopped. While I would agree that most of these are "insane", we also do not know the full context or story. I'm sure if we heard the parents' side of the story, it might be a little interesting.