Welcome to r/EntitledKids! The subreddit where people share stories about all the spoiled and whiny children they encounter. It's hard to accurately describe its menu, but here you will find a range of behaviors that vary from small daily displays of spoiled-ness (trying to blow out your sibling's candles on their birthday) to full-on schemes (ordering $300 worth of toys without your parents knowing) that are supposed to get the world dancing according to your tune. Here are some of the all-time most-upvoted posts you can find on the sub!
This post may include affiliate links.
Saw This On Facebook Today, Made Me Giggle A Bit
Parenting expert Amy McCready calls this type of behavior “The Me, Me, Me Epidemic,” and believes it happens in tiny little ways every single day, even when parents aren't conscious of it.
"We've all known kids (maybe even in our own families) who feel entitled to have things go their way, who expect the best of life without rolling up their sleeves, and for whom gratitude is not a part of their attitude," McCready wrote in TODAY.
"While these kids can be hard to live with now, over-entitled kids eventually become high-maintenance employees and demanding spouses with the same childish attitudes, only on a greater scale. It’s a big problem because kids who feel entitled to call the shots all the time are unable to handle it when things don’t go their way (like here in the real world)."
The good news? She says it's totally curable.
This A-Hole Kid Who Ages 20 Years In The Last Panel
Nice Try Kiddo
"While we can point fingers and blame social media, reality TV, and a host of other outside influences, one of the biggest factors in the spread of this 'epidemic' is us — the parents," McCready explained.
Of course, moms and dads want the best for their kids and none of them intend to raise an entitled child, but McCready believes that often in their loving attempts to do the best for their little ones, people over-parent.
"We over-indulge, over-praise, and mow down any obstacle in their path with ninja-like swiftness. And when we do? We rob kids of the opportunity to do for themselves, learn from mistakes, or overcome adversity."
Ek Lies To Mum To Try Get My Girlfriend In Trouble
Thisnis the kind of thing that makes me want to wear a body cam so I dont get thrown under the bus when some entitled crotch goblin gets out of hand.
Pretty Sure This Belongs Here
Kids Smash Glass Artwork Whole Parents Stand Back And Film
Stupid parents. There are those rope barriers There for a reason.
For everyone's sake, McCready suggests considering these five strategies:
1. Expect more and give your kids some credit. "They can and SHOULD make meaningful contributions to the family. Expect your toddlers to teens to do Family Contributions (not “chores”) on a daily basis and expect them to take on increasing amounts of responsibility through the years. After all, they are part of the family and everyone’s contributions matter. When you hold your kids to a higher standard, they WILL meet it — and often exceed it. What they’ll get in return will be life skills they need to head out into the world as happier, more successful and self-sufficient human beings. And you? You get to know that you helped to make that happen. (Way to go!)"
I Found This While Looking At Reviews For An Okay Gaming Headset
Beats aren't actually that good, and they are way overpriced. There's better stuff for less money.
Found This Gem
Sounds Like Someone Needs To Either Stop Playing, Or Get Anger Management...
If that is a child then the parents need to stop buying him TV's or ban him from playing fortnite.
2. Give up on giving in. "Do you ever say YES when you really want to say No? Cave at the candy counter at checkout? Pacify with the treat when your kid is throwing a fit? It’s time to turn over a new leaf and have the courage to say “NO” and mean it! You’ll teach your kids that life won’t always go their way and that’s OK. You’ll be establishing — and sticking — to healthy boundaries. And your little ones and big ones will learn that fit-throwing, eye-rolling, and pouting isn’t going to do the trick. Now, for all of you who struggle with this — repeat after me: I’m NOT being a bad guy — I’m being a good PARENT. You can do this!"
A Child In My Daughters School (They Are Both 14)
We Told Someone That We Couldn’t Sell The Fish And Their Kid Threw A Tantrum And Threw A Decoration Through The Tank
The Face Makes Me Want To Flush Her Down The Toilet For Good
I would have tried to return them or donated them just to teach a lesson. Although I'm curious to know how kids are purchasing things online? If a child can do it, what's stopping others who may get hold of your phone. Not very secure.
3. Hand over the reins. "Every time we rescue our kids from their mistakes, intervene on their behalf, or smooth the way so things are easier for them, we rob them of a learning opportunity — the chance to be responsible, to figure it out for themselves, or to face a scary situation. Little by little they just stop trying. It’s time to hand over the reins to their rightful owner. Instead of rushing the homework to school so your kids don’t get in trouble, let them know with love (and plenty of training so they can be successful) that it’s their responsibility to remember what they need each day."
Instead, let them know that having their own conversations with teachers, coaches, and peers about issues that arise is a powerful part of growing up. "You can help prepare them by role-playing so THEY can have respectful conversations and learn problem-solving skills," McCready said.
"Trust in your kids’ ability and turn over the reins so they can learn from their successes and failures. You’ll be there to support them — but they’ll feel so much more empowered by handling things on their own without you intervening or rescuing."
Teen Thinks That His Actions Don’t Effect People On The Other Side Of His Screen
There is a reason why anonymous posting should be banned.
Load More Replies...After a girl was found guilty of participating in the death of a guy that committed suicide, I would think again buddy. She's still sitting in jail.
Yeah, I mean my hobby is crafts, but playing with vulnerable people's heads for shuts and giggles is a 'hobby' too. For a very disturbed person. At least it's only 'slightly' morally questionable 🙄 that person needs to work on their "put yourself in someone else's shoes" part of their morals
In my opinion what he does makes him mentally unstable.
Load More Replies...thanks for making me remember why I didn't have any kids. reason #4876.
this entire article is a great advert for condoms
Load More Replies...In the height of my depression, a 'friend' of mine telling me this would have tipped me over the edge completely. I'm lucky I have great friends and not this dangerous idiot
That's not a hobby. It's someone playing around with a person in trouble for their own amusement . It's just really creepy.
First, learn to spell, the word is flip not "fillip". Next, get professional help right away. Yes, you do show sociopathic and masochistic tendencies
F**k you. As someone who was physically impeded by my depression and social anxiety at one point, f**k you. This might have pushed me to the brink to commit suicide. This literal kid might have deaths on his conscience.
I'm surprised nobody's slapped him yet. Or at least told him off for being a jackass
What he needs is a good old-fashioned ass kicking.
Load More Replies...as someone with both- WOW. You really have no idea how much harm that can do.
7 year's later : "killing people is a fun hobby that is slightly morally questionable"
When this person's future children commit suicide due to lack of support, we can look back to this post and remember.
That kid is a sociopath. Or a psychopath. Depends on whether he can actually feel.
WOW! Just wait til someone act on something you've said such as suicide. There's consequences for your behavior. You are the worst kind of evil.
sick little b#$&^$, you just told the world how much you need to go to a mental hospital, for the remainder of your life.
Looks like we got a clear sociopath here. I'm not sure of that can be cured though, and I don't think such people would get depressed, since they are devoid of empathy or lack of ability to relate or understand. Pity his soul and friends if he has any.
Oh but seeing you crying isnt that bad, just makes me feel a tiny bit bad, maybe flip the card and start being sweet as your getting beat? Hm dont really see the issue sweetheart, i would suggest not saying ,or posting that again darling
its not funny, i have both and ptsd, things like that make me want to see your blood on my hands, just makes me feel a tiny bit bad, people tell me its a sick hobby but i dont really see the issue. Its not wrong is it? Its just a fun hobby thats slightly morally questionable. Try posting s**t like that again and ill make you regret ever posting it
Classic case of “oops, we should have used “affect” here instead of “effect”
Wow, ok I'm humorous with people and have a dark sense of humor, but if you can't see this is actually cruel then you should probably be the one getting help. I'm all for depression and anxiety being overblown right now considering it's actually a human emotional state and everyone does feel it. People do forget that it has to go on at a certain base for a certain amount of time to be considered an actual problem. However, I'd never look someone who is telling me they are depressed or anxious in the face and tell them how little they were. They already feel little. I might WANT to especially over something I find stupid or little, but I wouldn't. Much less get a rise out of it. That's usually what separates empathy from sociopathy.
Ignorant fk. Would love to see how she would handle depression or anxiety. She’d probably curl up in a ball and expect everyone to rally round her. To a point I can understand she’s trying to shock them out of it but her smug sentence at the end saying it’s her fun hobby. Fk you. I hope you suffer depression and anxiety someday.
«slightly » morally questionnable ? « SLIGHTLY » MORALLY QUESTIONNABLE ?????
That sounds like such a teenager. Thoughts of a child in the words of an adult. Usually accompanied by some dumb question to try to get responses. Such as. "Am I too mean? Was that wrong?" I thought being a teenager was hard but being around them is much harder.
Just means you're a really really bad person. And after telling you this you would feel bad and sulk and then it would be great to have someone laugh at you for what you're going through!
It is bad, no one wants to hear that...it isn't very supportive...you should just stop at telling them that it takes hard work...and leave it at that
No one would come to this person about their issues ever again. Thats just rude.
That- wow. I know several people with depression, or have gone through it. Like MY MOTHER AND BEST FREIND for example. This makes me want to punch the a$$h0le.
You call hobby hurting other people's feelings? Change your hobbies or you deserve living a lonely life
I bet this person has aided in ending lives at some point, this is disgusting
Can't help but wonder how many people have committed suicide because of this prick
i wanna dropkick this brat into the SUN right now upvote if you would too
Oh you poor, stupid little thing. Since I’m not in complete lack of empathy towards other human or dumber than s**t, I actually hope things will get better for you one day. Best of all would probably be if you got depressed, that may give you some insight and save you from remaining the bag of d***s who will die without anybody on the planet caring in any way at all. This is just plain sad.
Wow...You could've caused someone serious mental pain.. You need help
Hope people are just as supportive to you if you get anxiety or depression. You do realise you could tip someone over the edge into suicide by doing this you selfish piece of crap
What a d**k. I can't believe this psycho horseshit has gotten 179 upvotes so far.
It's a cruel act that shows the people this person is tormenting, just how low and classless he or she really is.
Just shut up. Ignore your urge to "help". Thank you for causing people to consider suicide. Depression and anxiety are not just "moods".
There is a lot to be said about having to say this to peoples faces instead of cowardly trolling. You got real reactions.. & if you were a big enough jerk you got your ar$e handed to you. You learn why it’s not ok to be a sociopath instead of this repercussion-less cowardly approach.
What a real d**k head. There are no words. His parents should be slapped.
without the laughing and extreme enjoyment this person is putting into another persons pain.... if done with a bit moe care, its like a ton of psychology tricks all wrapped in one.... you building them, then challenging them and most people will see that as lower expectation and want to prove wrong...
Are you kidding me? Why are there evil people like this in the world? Did they have such a horrible upbringing that they never learned kindness towards others? Mental health issues are real and debilitating and life threatening and we, as a world society, still don't know enough about helping people with these medical problems -- but her "hobby" sure as heck (can I swear on here?) isn't anywhere near the right approach. Wow.
Heyyy, wanna get killed? Cause this is how you get killed. Or how you kill someone else.
Gimme a C! Gimme a U! Gimme an N! Gimme a T! What's that spell?
You have to be the biggest piece of garbage to mess with a depressed person's head for entertainment.
I think this post was just a weird little attention seeker who thrives on the shocked reaction of others. I think you've all fallen into their trap🙄🙄🙄
don't block out the name. tell us so we know never to interact with the asshole
If you not part of solution, you're part of the problem. I've suffered from depression and self harmed, so this kind of post makes me seethe. You never want to be the reason you never see anyone again, only as an obituary.
Are you freaking serious right now!? People have depression because of abuse, neglect, harassment, stress, and many other physical AND mental issues. Don't be so stupid just because you don't have depression.
Load More Replies...The Photo Says It All
If you can afford it, buy it. Then give it either to someone else in the family, a charity shop or, just to be the most vindictive, some random little kid. Just don't give it to your kid
This Happened A While Ago, Still Not Really Sure If This Person Was Messing With Me Or Not
4. Shut down the ATM. "Instant gratification is king in today’s society. 'I want it, I get it. Now.' The best way to fight this phenomenon with our kids is to stop handing over $20 whenever they ask for it."
"Set a specific allowance amount per week and a list of expenses your child is now responsible to cover. Little kids can use allowance for 'treats' when they go to the store, big kids can be responsible for school lunches, school clothing, and entertainment. Allowance is an essential tool to teach delayed gratification and fiscal responsibility — how to spend wisely, save, budget, and give charitably. How will our kids be successful with a real paycheck and bigger expenses if they don’t learn those important life skills at home? Teach them the tools and help them flourish."
I Have No Words
Wow The Cajones On This Entitled Kid
"My Chocolate Is More Important Than Your Groceries!!!!"
My Sister Who Is 7 Years Old Wanted A Frappuccino At 9 O’clock And Has School Tomorrow Is Throwing A Tantrum Because My Mom Didn’t Let Her Get It Late At Night
5. Un-center their universe. "The research is clear that those with an 'attitude of gratitude' in life are happier, less depressed, take stress in stride, and see life with healthy optimism. In our over-indulged culture, we know that gratitude takes practice. It’s something we have to teach our kids."
Try to model for kids and let them know the world doesn’t owe anyone anything — we all have to do our part to make it a better place.
"Help kids learn to appreciate their circumstances. When you practice daily gratitude rituals at home, actively seek to do random acts of kindness, and find opportunities to serve others throughout the year (not just during the holidays) — you are helping to set your children and your family on the path to a much more rewarding life," McCready concluded.
Of course, these tips may not solve all your problems. Every child and every situation are different. But they can lead to huge improvements.
Trash Dumping, Seat Kicking Gremlin
Girls Pushed A Random Guy Into A Frozen Lake And After Being Called Out Here's What They Said
They’re clearly just horrible people. I hope this act of random violence isn’t the precursor to more serious offences. Little psychos.
Ek Came Into My Store Today And Made A Mess. When She Couldn’t Find What She Wanted She Had A Full Blown Tantrum And Rolled Around On The Floor Crying. She Was Like 8 Jesus. I Love My Job
This Entitled Bratt
I kind of get that it's really hard for a 15 year old who has been an only child for 14 years to suddenly share everything. And I also think it's the parents fault if he or she has to include the sister in every plan. Still, saying something like that is really the worst. But also, kids need to learn and say mean things in the heat of the moment
My Brother Threw A Soccer Ball And Chair At Our TV
Entitled Kid Threatened To Report Me To Yt... Because They Didn't Like A Video I Posted
I hope he got bullied back at school for being such an entitled dumbass
Entitled Girl Is Mad That Her Parents Are Taking Her To Disneyland Instead Of Taking Her To The Mall To Buy *more* X-Mas Presents (She Already Bought Some And Is Now Demanding More, Even Though She’s Getting A Ton On The 25 Too)
Omg it's Dudley Dursley! "That's two less than last year!"
Ek Fakes His Brain Cancer And Admits It
This Kid Thinks Life Is Free If You Fake Some Pain
Even the kid knows that he/she/they is trash, look at the kid's username (in the messaging thing at the bottom)
Entitled Brother Refusing To Understand Why He Can't Visit His Girlfriend During Lockdown
I was just thinking the same thing. If the parent's had said "no" every once in a while and followed through with consequences to bad behavior, most of these kids wouldn't be on this thread.
Load More Replies...My son then 4 really wanted a kinder egg. I said no. He started to pull the wrapper off in front of the cassiere. So, now I have to buy it. Jokes on you, you little clown, now it's my egg. It tasted very good haha. He never tried to do that again 😂
It really doesn't take a whole lot of correction to keep your kids from being entitled brats. You only had to do that one freaking time! He learned his lesson. I asked my mom about how she taught us this stuff since I can't even remember a time where I didn't know better. Same as you. We tried to push that boundary once or twice and she just never allowed it. She was very clear that you cannot give in once, especially not the first time they try it. If you do, they'll know they can push you.
Load More Replies...The vast majority of kids are lovely, decent, small human beings. But these horrible monsters do exist. Most of them will grow out of it. The rest turn into Donald Trump.
Idk, there’s a whollllllllllllle lot that grow up just as bad, millions of people. How else do you explain the whole Republican Party?
Load More Replies...I once read a story about how a photographer went to a village somewhere in Africa and took pictures of the people for an article. The children were fascinated by his camera especially when he was able to show them the pictures he had just taken of them on the little digital screen. The next day when the photographer returned he saw the kids posing and laughing in front of another kid who had a cube shaped rock. When the reporter asked what they were doing the mother of one of the kids laughed and said "they're pretending to have their photo taken. One of them found the rock and is pretending to take photos with it and then gives it to one of the others to have a go at pretending to be you taking the photos". The reporter thought it was hilarious. But that's the difference between these cultures. These spoilt brats here are just as their parents made them in a way. The Me me me gimmie gimmie gimmie attitude should be nipped in the bud as soon as it surfaces. Then they will know not to act this way. All the technology is still out there and all kids want it but not all kids are spoilt ungrateful little brats, and that is all to do with how they are brought up. I just think that it's sad that there are kids in this world who are nasty like this and yet on the other side of the world there are kids. who found more joy then they ever did by playing with a rock pretending it was a camera.
I do blame most on the parents, but there comes a time when you give them independence. Some people are just bad, sociopathic and what not.. I thank people like this for outing themselves early..shame. we'll never see Mars
And some of these kids are acting this way because of peer pressure. They have school friends who act like this & think it's the only way to be accepted in the "cool group".
Load More Replies...Generally shitty parenting leads to shitty kids, that’s not exactly a revelation.
Most of these are apt but some could be neurodivergent and not aware of their impact - just a consideration
Can't we move all these "parents" and their spawn to an isolated location so everyone else can live in peace? If not, then the older human in these mobs of chaos needs to carry cards with their insurance info for lawsuit purposes. Entitlement means food, bed, medical, school as possible.
Mars. Send them to Mars in the first settlement colony. I've read that the first colonizers of Mars won't survive. Good way to clean up the gene pool.
Load More Replies...Parents, please make sure your children are actually ok! This is making me mad reading about these unruly hellions because their parents don't know how to be parents!
I told that lil f*cker not to peek out the windows as I unloaded his 8th birthday gift, the year's ultimate toy, Mattel's D-Rex pet dinosaur! As I lifted it out of the trunk, I saw the front curtains part just enough to throw a shaft of light onto the darkened sidewalk. My son was peeking, and saw his surprise gift! The next morning, he sobbed dramatically through the Walmart parking lot as he made his way to the returns desk with the still unopened toy.
The kid that wanted to blow out the candle, I think I've heard that story. The family has a tradition in which all the cousins blow out the candles together. But the birthday boy didn't want to participate, so his father said 'okay'. However, that brat still didn't acknowledge that fact and tried to blow it out, but then cried when he couldn't.
One time I was babysitting a five year old at my house. I refused to give the kid candy, because he was already off the walls hyper. He then wanted to watch Teen Titans. Well, I told him I don't have Cartoon Network on my TV. I went to the restroom and was gone for all of maybe 7 minutes. In that time, the kid slashed my ballet shoes (which cost about 90 dollars) ripped my tutu (which cost around 130 dollars, it was my costume) and was about to snap my Mardi Gras mask in half (40 dollars) when I caught him. I immediately called his parents, and then when his mother did come, she blamed me. You know why? The kid's explanation was "She told me to sit on the floor and stay there for hours!! She also didn't let me eat!!" Not true. I gave him crackers, and a whole entire meal. I also let him watch Star Wars for six hours, which he loved the whole time.
I was a horrible, entitled, child and teenager. It wasn't my parents fault, or mine, it's just how I processed the world around me (thanks internet) and my own emotions. The good news is that I - and most grown up brats I know - am a much better adult, having experienced how destructive negative attitudes are (and my parents still love me).
My daughter is like one of these kids. I don’t give in. For example if she wants 2 sweets and I say 1. It’s very hard though. She goes to about midnight or more. Won’t stop. She throws things hits us all and her language. And her dad just got her a phone for Xmas. Not any discussion. Nothing. She’s on TikTok Snapchat everything. I’m furious. She’s been a nasty child since coming back. He had them this year.
Don't wait to start putting limits on your kids' behavior. Start when they are toddlers and don't give into the tantrums. Not ever.
Are these really, really, really real? What about their parents? Are they wet floor cloths, or what? IF these are genuine stories, I think we'd better prepare to have ourselves an overpopulation of psychopaths the very near future...
Oh wow I know times has changed and the lessons from my childhood would be absolutely illegal but dayum! If I pulled any of these stunts as a kid, I would probably get slapped so hard I'll be eating out of a straw for a month. And then there is the leather belt whipping.
I don't think you necessarily need corporal punishment to correct these behaviors. I learned to behave without it. My parents were very consistent in rules and consequences. Those consequences tended to be loss of privileges. Time outs. No TV. Grounding, so no going out with my friends. That sort of thing. I learned at a young age that pitching a fit was going to get me the opposite of what I wanted.
Load More Replies...Please back off the blanket statement. Some people have kids with brain injury or autism or sensory issues, which are neither the parents or the kid’s fault. These people should be allowed out in public. Unless you have walked a mile in my shoes, keep your opinions to yourself. Have you ever been scorned for making a cute little girl dramatically wail (aka rightly punishing her) in public? Sometimes parents just can’t win, no matter how hard we try.
I hear a lot of people say it's all on the parenting. Take a moment and think back to how you thought and behaved when you were 5, 8 or 15. I'll accept that perhaps at under 4 it is the parents, but over that age you are dealing with the expression of the same sociopathic genes of the parent(s), and no amount of empathy and understanding will turn them into healthy people.
I think it may be time to revisit the argument on whether on not people should beat their kids, and we might think about if beating a few parents is acceptable as well..
They will grow up to be the pricks that make the world a f****d up place. Kill ‘em now.
Everyone of these kids need a spanking. No you don't beat them it's called discipline. Parents start when their kid is a baby. How else will they learn respect, morality, empathy. Otherwise they end up like these unreal kids.
Most of these kids need parenting which is not their fault. Some kids who throw 'tantrums' are autistic or have other conditions. It's hard when you have a child who looks 'normal' but will act much younger than their age. Please try not to judge if you don't know.
I think most of these are probably just badly parented “normal“ kids.
Load More Replies...I was just thinking the same thing. If the parent's had said "no" every once in a while and followed through with consequences to bad behavior, most of these kids wouldn't be on this thread.
Load More Replies...My son then 4 really wanted a kinder egg. I said no. He started to pull the wrapper off in front of the cassiere. So, now I have to buy it. Jokes on you, you little clown, now it's my egg. It tasted very good haha. He never tried to do that again 😂
It really doesn't take a whole lot of correction to keep your kids from being entitled brats. You only had to do that one freaking time! He learned his lesson. I asked my mom about how she taught us this stuff since I can't even remember a time where I didn't know better. Same as you. We tried to push that boundary once or twice and she just never allowed it. She was very clear that you cannot give in once, especially not the first time they try it. If you do, they'll know they can push you.
Load More Replies...The vast majority of kids are lovely, decent, small human beings. But these horrible monsters do exist. Most of them will grow out of it. The rest turn into Donald Trump.
Idk, there’s a whollllllllllllle lot that grow up just as bad, millions of people. How else do you explain the whole Republican Party?
Load More Replies...I once read a story about how a photographer went to a village somewhere in Africa and took pictures of the people for an article. The children were fascinated by his camera especially when he was able to show them the pictures he had just taken of them on the little digital screen. The next day when the photographer returned he saw the kids posing and laughing in front of another kid who had a cube shaped rock. When the reporter asked what they were doing the mother of one of the kids laughed and said "they're pretending to have their photo taken. One of them found the rock and is pretending to take photos with it and then gives it to one of the others to have a go at pretending to be you taking the photos". The reporter thought it was hilarious. But that's the difference between these cultures. These spoilt brats here are just as their parents made them in a way. The Me me me gimmie gimmie gimmie attitude should be nipped in the bud as soon as it surfaces. Then they will know not to act this way. All the technology is still out there and all kids want it but not all kids are spoilt ungrateful little brats, and that is all to do with how they are brought up. I just think that it's sad that there are kids in this world who are nasty like this and yet on the other side of the world there are kids. who found more joy then they ever did by playing with a rock pretending it was a camera.
I do blame most on the parents, but there comes a time when you give them independence. Some people are just bad, sociopathic and what not.. I thank people like this for outing themselves early..shame. we'll never see Mars
And some of these kids are acting this way because of peer pressure. They have school friends who act like this & think it's the only way to be accepted in the "cool group".
Load More Replies...Generally shitty parenting leads to shitty kids, that’s not exactly a revelation.
Most of these are apt but some could be neurodivergent and not aware of their impact - just a consideration
Can't we move all these "parents" and their spawn to an isolated location so everyone else can live in peace? If not, then the older human in these mobs of chaos needs to carry cards with their insurance info for lawsuit purposes. Entitlement means food, bed, medical, school as possible.
Mars. Send them to Mars in the first settlement colony. I've read that the first colonizers of Mars won't survive. Good way to clean up the gene pool.
Load More Replies...Parents, please make sure your children are actually ok! This is making me mad reading about these unruly hellions because their parents don't know how to be parents!
I told that lil f*cker not to peek out the windows as I unloaded his 8th birthday gift, the year's ultimate toy, Mattel's D-Rex pet dinosaur! As I lifted it out of the trunk, I saw the front curtains part just enough to throw a shaft of light onto the darkened sidewalk. My son was peeking, and saw his surprise gift! The next morning, he sobbed dramatically through the Walmart parking lot as he made his way to the returns desk with the still unopened toy.
The kid that wanted to blow out the candle, I think I've heard that story. The family has a tradition in which all the cousins blow out the candles together. But the birthday boy didn't want to participate, so his father said 'okay'. However, that brat still didn't acknowledge that fact and tried to blow it out, but then cried when he couldn't.
One time I was babysitting a five year old at my house. I refused to give the kid candy, because he was already off the walls hyper. He then wanted to watch Teen Titans. Well, I told him I don't have Cartoon Network on my TV. I went to the restroom and was gone for all of maybe 7 minutes. In that time, the kid slashed my ballet shoes (which cost about 90 dollars) ripped my tutu (which cost around 130 dollars, it was my costume) and was about to snap my Mardi Gras mask in half (40 dollars) when I caught him. I immediately called his parents, and then when his mother did come, she blamed me. You know why? The kid's explanation was "She told me to sit on the floor and stay there for hours!! She also didn't let me eat!!" Not true. I gave him crackers, and a whole entire meal. I also let him watch Star Wars for six hours, which he loved the whole time.
I was a horrible, entitled, child and teenager. It wasn't my parents fault, or mine, it's just how I processed the world around me (thanks internet) and my own emotions. The good news is that I - and most grown up brats I know - am a much better adult, having experienced how destructive negative attitudes are (and my parents still love me).
My daughter is like one of these kids. I don’t give in. For example if she wants 2 sweets and I say 1. It’s very hard though. She goes to about midnight or more. Won’t stop. She throws things hits us all and her language. And her dad just got her a phone for Xmas. Not any discussion. Nothing. She’s on TikTok Snapchat everything. I’m furious. She’s been a nasty child since coming back. He had them this year.
Don't wait to start putting limits on your kids' behavior. Start when they are toddlers and don't give into the tantrums. Not ever.
Are these really, really, really real? What about their parents? Are they wet floor cloths, or what? IF these are genuine stories, I think we'd better prepare to have ourselves an overpopulation of psychopaths the very near future...
Oh wow I know times has changed and the lessons from my childhood would be absolutely illegal but dayum! If I pulled any of these stunts as a kid, I would probably get slapped so hard I'll be eating out of a straw for a month. And then there is the leather belt whipping.
I don't think you necessarily need corporal punishment to correct these behaviors. I learned to behave without it. My parents were very consistent in rules and consequences. Those consequences tended to be loss of privileges. Time outs. No TV. Grounding, so no going out with my friends. That sort of thing. I learned at a young age that pitching a fit was going to get me the opposite of what I wanted.
Load More Replies...Please back off the blanket statement. Some people have kids with brain injury or autism or sensory issues, which are neither the parents or the kid’s fault. These people should be allowed out in public. Unless you have walked a mile in my shoes, keep your opinions to yourself. Have you ever been scorned for making a cute little girl dramatically wail (aka rightly punishing her) in public? Sometimes parents just can’t win, no matter how hard we try.
I hear a lot of people say it's all on the parenting. Take a moment and think back to how you thought and behaved when you were 5, 8 or 15. I'll accept that perhaps at under 4 it is the parents, but over that age you are dealing with the expression of the same sociopathic genes of the parent(s), and no amount of empathy and understanding will turn them into healthy people.
I think it may be time to revisit the argument on whether on not people should beat their kids, and we might think about if beating a few parents is acceptable as well..
They will grow up to be the pricks that make the world a f****d up place. Kill ‘em now.
Everyone of these kids need a spanking. No you don't beat them it's called discipline. Parents start when their kid is a baby. How else will they learn respect, morality, empathy. Otherwise they end up like these unreal kids.
Most of these kids need parenting which is not their fault. Some kids who throw 'tantrums' are autistic or have other conditions. It's hard when you have a child who looks 'normal' but will act much younger than their age. Please try not to judge if you don't know.
I think most of these are probably just badly parented “normal“ kids.
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