Bride Asks Brother-In-Law Not To Bring His Dog To Her Wedding, BIL Ends Up Being Kicked Out For Ignoring Bride’s Request
Getting engaged and finally planning the wedding of your dreams is a challenging yet exciting process; you want everything to be flawless, but you’re also aware of all the stress that is bound to fall upon you as you try to manage everyone’s expectations.
Guest list, deciding on what dress will be “the one”, and dealing with your difficult family members; yes, everyone’s household has one or two individuals who won’t miss a chance to somehow mess with their long-awaited celebration.
Sometimes it’s your or your future spouse’s divorced parents that absolutely despise each other – other times, it’s your brother-in-law who decides to disrespect your wishes and bring a badly behaved German Shepherd to your big day.
More info: Reddit
Respecting people’s wedding rules is essential – however, some people are too ill-mannered to understand it
Image credits: Dmitry Kalinin (not the actual image)
“AITA For Kicking my brother in law out of my wedding when he brought his dog with him?” – this online user turned to one of the most well-liked Reddit communities to seek advice from the members and, perhaps, find out whether she was indeed wrong to kick her 21 Y.O. brother-in-law out of her wedding because he didn’t respect her rules and brought his misbehaving German shepherd to the party. The post received over 3.5K upvotes and 386 worth of comments discussing the situation.
Woman wonders if she’s a jerk for kicking her BIL out of her wedding because he went against her wishes and brought his misbehaving German shepherd with him
Image credits: u/Philly467997
The author began her post by revealing that she and her husband recently got married; regrettably, not everything went according to the plan and it was mainly her brother-in-law’s fault. The guy is 21 years old, the youngest in the family, extremely well cared for and, frankly, spoiled.
Image credits: u/Philly467997
The OP then revealed that the 21-year-old doesn’t like her. He’s always been extremely passive-aggressive towards the woman and made terrible comments about her on several occasions.
Jack has a German shepherd, a big and a very active boy that he truly adores and takes everywhere. According to the guy’s mother, he wanted the future spouses to include his dog in the wedding invitation they sent him – however, the author told the woman that Jack could not bring his furry friend to the ceremony.
The MIL was highly confused and told the OP that her son didn’t appreciate how disrespectful the future wife was towards his dog.
Image credits: JEDM (not the actual image)
Image credits: u/Philly467997
Still, the author insisted that no dogs were allowed; and while it did cause some disagreements, the woman strongly believed that the conflict was solved.
But – surprise, surprise – Jack showed up with his dog, wearing a t-shirt with the words “dog dad” on it. The bride-to-be was dumbfounded, at the very least.
Image credits: u/Philly467997
The woman revealed that the German shepherd was running around ruining everything; it was causing loud noise and even made some of the bride’s dearest friends leave.
Finally, when the author couldn’t take it anymore, she demanded Jack take his dog elsewhere, where someone else could babysit it until the wedding was over. Naturally, the man refused and the OP told him to leave.
Image credits: WordRidden (not the actual image)
Image credits: u/Philly467997
MIL told the author that she was being unreasonable and even said that she was the one actually ruining the wedding; she then asked her to calm down and let Jack enjoy his brother’s wedding.
What’s peculiar is that the new husband barely said a thing and only mentioned that they should’ve eloped instead if that’s how everyone was behaving at the wedding.
The OP put her foot down and asked the 21-year-old to leave, and while he did try to argue, he eventually gave in, took his dog and left. The family were upset and said that the bride shouldn’t have taken away Jack’s excitement to share his beloved brother’s happiness on this significant day.
Image credits: u/Philly467997
Jack’s mother was deeply upset and said that the author had overreacted; she declared that the new wife made it personal and was, in fact, acting like a “bridezilla”.
The OP then mentioned that she already made it clear but her brother-in-law disrespected her by going against her wishes, yet, somehow, she’s the one to blame.
Image credits: u/Philly467997
What do you think about this situation? Is the author a jerk for kicking her brother-in-law and his dog out of her wedding?
Fellow Redditors shared their thoughts regarding this uneasy situation
I may have second guessed this marriage if the groom isn't going to stand behind his bride. The 21 year old is a spoiled brat. And this is from someone who has a GERMAN SHEPHERD.
This. Through the whole family away, including the new husband who can't stand up to his family.
Load More Replies...An unruly German Shepherd at a wedding !? are you kidding ?! NTA !!
I love dogs. And cats. All animals, really. I even ran into our burning house to rescue one of my cats (he'd already ran outside, thankfully). However, I'd never bring my pets to someone's wedding, ffs! This is just common sense! When he did it after being directly asked not to, the GROOM should have done something about it, not just stand there with his hands in his pockets. What the hell is wrong with people?!
I may have second guessed this marriage if the groom isn't going to stand behind his bride. The 21 year old is a spoiled brat. And this is from someone who has a GERMAN SHEPHERD.
This. Through the whole family away, including the new husband who can't stand up to his family.
Load More Replies...An unruly German Shepherd at a wedding !? are you kidding ?! NTA !!
I love dogs. And cats. All animals, really. I even ran into our burning house to rescue one of my cats (he'd already ran outside, thankfully). However, I'd never bring my pets to someone's wedding, ffs! This is just common sense! When he did it after being directly asked not to, the GROOM should have done something about it, not just stand there with his hands in his pockets. What the hell is wrong with people?!