KeeWee is a kitten rescued from an apartment complex in Belleville, NJ who had 100 plus cats. New toxic management company didn’t want cats and suddenly they started to disappear. Some cats were poisoned and others trapped in crawl spaces. Illegal leg hold traps were also used. Kittens and cats also seen injured. KeeWee was missing for 1 week and was only a kitten. I knew something happened to her when she failed to come for supper. After one week went by, I thought she was dead. Many would disappear never to be seen again. This was a repeated occurrence at this complex. One day I found her! She was convulsing in the snow in an alley at the apartment complex. She had managed to crawl out of a crawl space. She was having seizures and her eyes and pupils were darting back and fourth left and right. I rushed her to animal hospital. KeeWee had a head wound and Vet suspected someone gave her a blow to head with extreme blunt force. Vet said she had severe neurology problems. Vet wanted to euthanize her and suspected rabies. She left us in room with her to say goodbye. I started crying uncontrollably. I refused to allow this! What if Dr. was wrong? What if Dr. was right? I decided to take a risk and begged Vet to let me keep her. I had to sign her out against medical advise. Soon we discovered she didn’t have rabies. Her wound healed and she started to try and walk. At first she would walk in circles and fall. We had to feed her by hand as she couldn’t control her head movements. It took us a long while to notice KeeWee was deaf. We started using kitty sign language that we made up. We now have a kitty sensory room for her. She falls down a lot and has permanent neurology problems. She can eat all by herself now. I call her my CH cat. She has some of those symptoms. We love our KeeWee and made the right decision that saved her life. Cats continue to disappear at this complex. We are happy KeeWee was found just in time! The Vet had given her a wrong diagnosis. We made the right decision. She has a loving home. She is our forever baby. KeeWee is our little Warrior!

More info: Facebook


    Christmas Keewee

    KeeWee loves Halloween

    Baby KeeWee


    KeeWee loves laying up high on top of cage

    Keewee’s Purr

    KeeWee loves sensory room. She is deaf, but her other senses are heightened.

    Fishy KeeWee



    KeeWee in Scrubs