Tired of hearing Despacito in every pub, shop, restaurant or square? Millions of people around the world feel you. That’s how citizens of Kaunas, Lithuania, felt until recently. The city municipality have decided to put a halt to the worldwide phenomenon of tacky music.

The authorities have decided to include a prohibition to play the song in the official form of permission for a public event in the city.

The idea born on a hot July afternoon when Despacito was played for the 15th time that day was instantly approved in the next sitting of the city council. ‘I missed vintage music from 2016, or any other music in the streets, really’, an anonymous source from the idea committee told us.

‘Of course we’ve read the reports about Despacito’s influence on tourism in its home country Puerto Rico, and that’s great – it’s not that we don’t like Puerto Rico or Puerto Ricans, we are just really tired of the song’, explains Visvaldas Matijošaitis, mayor of Kaunas city, commenting on the news.


    ‘We are just really tired of the song’, explains Mayor of Kaunas city

    You shouldn’t hear it while walking along the Laisvės avenue…


    …neither while having a fresh break next to the fountain…


    …nor relaxing in the shade of the linden trees

    Kaunas is the first city in the world that has already banned Despacito