“I Need Police Here”: Karen Throws A Fit Over Homeless Man Buying Food, Gets Taught A Lesson
Interview With AuthorMany of us might walk right past beggars and homeless people, but a few kind souls will stop and perhaps give them a little pocket change or something to eat. The vast majority of the population tends to see this as a good thing. But as always, there are some entitled folks who think they know better.
A woman handed a homeless man $4 and was almost immediately berated by a “Karen” who insisted that this was “enabling” his lifestyle. So OP decided to get a little bit of revenge. We also got in touch with her to learn more.
Giving the homeless some money for food is generally seen as a good thing
Image credits: Timur Weber / pexels (not the actual photo)
But one woman ended up being shouted at by a “Karen” who thought she knew better
Image credits: Ümit Yıldırım / pexels (not the actual photo)
Image credits: thatonedonut88
OP shared her thoughts on what might cause some people to become Karens
Bored Panda got in touch with OP and she was kind enough to share her thoughts and some other encounters she has had with Karens. To start, we wanted to know her thoughts on what creates “Karens” in the first place. “As far as my thoughts on why these sorts of people act this way, I think they had parents that gave in if they acted a downright fool and they just continued to do it well into adulthood.”
“Karens/entitled people assume you’d rather give them what they want instead of dealing with the fight, and end up having to see it through when you call their bluff. Then at that point, they’re too far gone for any sort of rational thought to tell them that it’s time to stop. The world absolutely has to work the way they want it to, that if they get belligerent it will make the world do what they want, and have no clue how to process what happens when it doesn’t.”
If you work in a customer-facing job, you will encounter your fair share of Karens
Image credits: Polina Zimmerman / pexels (not the actual photo)
OP has had her fair share of experiences with Karens, perhaps why she handled this one so well. She was willing to detail another encounter she had in the past. “Back in 2014 to 2015, I worked as a floor manager at Macy’s. My main departments were the jewelry and handbag areas. At the time, the Michael Kors brand was all the rage, particularly purses. We’d just gotten a new series of purses in the brand, which came in 4 colors. ONLY 4 colors, that’s the key to this story.”
“So, we get the usual rush of customers to grab one of these purses, the rush dying down around 7 pm. I remember the approximate time, as it corresponded with the last hour of my shift. Anyway, in walks HER. The Karen look hadn’t quite been widely known, but working in luxury retail, we knew the look. The huge Gucci sunglasses, the Michael Kors jogging suit (that for some reason was insanely popular), the completely fried highlighted hair, and heels with a jogging suit. She makes a beeline for the purses and starts yanking these expensive handbags off our holders and shelves like she’s digging through a closet in a cartoon.”
“All the while I’m watching, realizing I’m going to spend the last hour of my shift picking them all up. Then she snaps at one of my associates. I stepped in since I’ve always been the type of manager who doesn’t tolerate treating a coworker like an animal. Before I could even finish my “Can I help you find something?”, she snapped again and demanded that I get her an MK purse in a specific color. A color that wasn’t one of the 4 colors that style was produced in. Apparently, that was NOT the correct answer. She tells me to go find it in that color. I told her again, that particular style of MK bag didn’t come in that color, only the 4 that we had displayed. This goes back and forth about 5 or 6 times, with this woman steadily getting louder and adding more profanities.”
Most retail workers will find OP’s story sadly relatable
Image credits: Veronica / pexels (not the actual photo)
“Everything from I need to “send someone to the other Macy’s to get it”, to “I know people that work for Michael Kors and I know they made that color, go get it!” We’ve now gotten to about half an hour of arguing, she demands a manager. I tell her I’m the manager, so she demands my manager. I had the authority to tell customers no unless it was a real complaint, which I told her. I then tell her as firmly as I can, that the bag did not come in that color, but we can find her either a different brand or maybe she can take a better look at the 4 colors it did come in and she comes unhinged. I expected more yelling, cursing, and maybe even storming out (hoping anyway). Nope! This woman, I want to say late 40s, drops to the ground like a 2-year-old.”
“I wouldn’t even have believed this had I not been standing there to witness it. She lays flat and starts flailing her arms and legs against the floor. Full-blown tantrum, screaming that I am going to get her this purse in the color she wants, RIGHT NOW! Security finally comes running over, but as you’re probably aware, we can’t actually touch her unless she requests some sort of physical aid. I told my security guard to call the police, and then try to ask her to get off the floor and act like an adult. Does it end there? Nope. She does sit up, but crosses her arms in front of her chest, still like a toddler, and yells that she will hold her breath until we get the purse. So if she suffocated, it’s our fault. I tell her – again – that the color doesn’t exist so she literally takes in a lung full of air and holds her breath. Thankfully this only lasted about 15 seconds, but she kept trying to “hold her breath”, for the next about 10 minutes until police arrived (we had a local PD storefront in the strip mall that shared the parking lot with our mall).”
“Police had to physically haul her to her feet, cuff her and all but drag her out of the store while she’s alternating between screaming that we were being selfish because we were keeping the purse she wanted for ourselves, and trying to hit or kick any merchandise around her. Finally, my actual store manager appeared (I’m 99% sure he was hiding), and filed trespassing against her with one of the officers. The said woman showed up a few days later, but we were able to get an officer there quickly to get her out before we had a repeat of that fiasco… and yes, she did come back to demand the purse in the nonexistent color.”
Some readers wanted more details
Netizens thought her actions were hilarious
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I just hate those type of people like the karen in this story, some humans are just awful.
How we treat, interact, engage with the unhoused, regardless of why they are (cost of living, mental health, substance/medical issues, etc), is the universe’s way of gauging our humanity & kindness. It’s all indicative of our individual worldviews and the assumptions we make about people & situations we know little personal detail about.
Load More Replies...There is a homeless guy in my town that will do what he can to get by. One of the local convenience stores will hire him to do a little bit of cleaning every so often. He is also good friends with my former manager at a pizza place. She would allow him to come by every once in a while to get pizza or a sandwich or whatever he wanted. One day, he was digging through the dumpster to get some pizza scraps for his pet cats. A girl I used to work with had a full meltdown because she didn't know why he was digging in the dumpster. The manager on duty and I both thought that she was being absolutely ridiculous. Who cares that he was digging in the dumpster. It's a dumpster.
After some bad experiences with fakes when I was younger, I only give food and water these days to street beggers, I feel if they truly need it, they will accept it, the fakes will curse me out. For a while there was a homeless looking begger right near my local 7/11 he always was happy for water and food I would get him from there (learned he really liked the Pre-packed very unhealthy $2 cherry pies so I would get him that). But I no longer give casg
Same and during the summer I always carry at least 5 spare water bottles to hand out. Can never be too careful (Arizona)
Load More Replies...I admire petty revenge. Many thanks for your service to a community of people who need help. I have a hard time wrapping my head around people who are homeless and hungry in a country who claims to be the Greatest Nation ". A Nation is as great as all it's people's.
I understand why most people prefer to give food rather than cash, but I really don't mind what they spend it on. I'd rather contribute to a junky buying a bag than have them maybe break into my car and steal to fund it. And tbh, if I was having to sleep on the street I'd want something to knock me out at night. Addiction is an illness, not a moral weakness.
I was homeless for a brief period of time. There was one night when I was really down. I was also a smoker at the time and not having cigarettes didn't help. Someone I knew a little gave me $20. I knew the responsible thing was to go buy some food I could keep in my pack or whatever. Instead(this was a long time ago) I bought a pack of smokes, a 2 litre Coke, and a gram of weed. That night ranks with the best nights I've ever had, homeless or not. For one night I got to actually enjoy myself. I just sat in the park, got really stoned and relished every smoke. The thing that really hurt me was feeling so alienated from society. Homeless people are literally outcasts. For that one night I got to have fun and feel like a normal person. I can't tell you what that meant to me, to just feel like a normal person having a fun night out. I wish people knew that before they don't give someone money because "they're just going to spend it on drugs or booze".
Load More Replies...Unfortunately, there are a lot of fakes panhandling - and then climbing into their newish SUV and driving home with a couple hundred bucks free cash. If they really look down on their luck, I'll give cash. But I prefer getting grocery store gift cards and giving them to elderly shoppers who have a minimum of items in their cart and are using a calculator to make sure they have enough money for everything.
Last time I gave my change to a guy on LDN underground, the guy actually sitting next to me told me that the other guy beats him up on the streets as he too is homeless and obviously I knew that... dude, you have a ticket to ride, he didn't, he asked, he got. There was no win in this for anyone in that carriage that day.
In HS (mid 80s) there was a lady who used to stand on the freeway exit of 405 - her sign said she was homeless and had 2 kids, anything would help. We used to see her at least 3-4 days out of the week. Some people would give her food (bread, sandwiches, etc.) and some would give her money. We (being kind of stupid teens) followed her to her car (a nice new BMW) and tailed her to her very nice neighborhood and house. We also witnessed her throwing the food away!!!
This story clearly illustrates that one ought NEVER help their fellow man because everyone has evil intentions, wants to steal your hard-earned money, and then drive home to their mansions in their European cars!
Load More Replies...I live in an area that has developed into a homeless haven over the last two years. I've gotten to know many of them anecdotally just walking the dog. I don't have much disposable income myself but I try to help those who fall in the charity middle. The 20 something guys can (and do) fight for the interstate off ramp corner with the light where they get 500 cars an hour. Starbucks lets the one legged war veteran have a spot at their drive-thru entrance. I try to help the 30 something guy who barely speaks English and hurt his back on a construction site as an illegal alien so he can't work anymore and has no home to go back to. He physically can't fight for a good corner and he's not "pathetic" enough to get the pity dollar. I'd rather my tax dollars were building homes instead but that's not working in the US.
Some time ago my wife and I were in the truck about to leave the Dairy Queen when we saw a woman, who appeared to be homeless, digging through the garbage can. She didn't see me until I walked up and handed her $5.00 (this was many years ago, when that would buy a good meal). That was $5.00 well spent. Then on the other hand, a few years ago we had a guy show up at church just before the service was about to start asking for gas money to get to relatives in Louisiana. One of the elders offered to meet him at the gas station 1/2 mile away and fill his tank for him. He didn't want to do that. He only wanted money. He didn't get any.
Anyone else think this 'Karen' is simply mentally ill? Expecting someone to pay $40 for her gas is entirely unhinged.
How is it people like this woman get such traction? We should all learn to ignore them just like we do to a toddlers tantrum - because tgats exactly what it is, a tantrum. Her parents should have done a better job of teaching her to be an adult
I was walking into a convenience store, and a man sitting next to the entrance asked me for money. I told him I didn't have cash on me right now, but I would get him some when I paid for my items with my card. I asked him to wait a few minutes, as I could see the line at the cashier station. I came out with my stuff and $10.00 for him. He was gone, and my front drivers side tire had a knife sticking out of it. One of his buddies said the guy didn't WANT to wait. Not all homeless people are helpless displaced angels.
You go, Karen! Make sure everyone suffers as much as you feel they should! You can feel good for causing those people to suffer the maximum amount of pain! Why should a homeless man get to enjoy himself for an hour? Do your BEST to make sure that every moment of their lives is HELL! Deny them anything they need! They’re not human beings; for cow’s sake, they’re HOMELESS! They don’t deserve even two minutes of mercy, you stupid donkey! You’re not doing ENOUGH to make sure they suffer! Get in there and get busy making ‘em feel worse! (And can anyone explain to me why you don’t want your money spent on drugs or alcohol? Is it that you enjoy watching someone wish to be dead so he can stop suffering? Is that it? It’s a turn-on for you to watch an addict be sick?) (If you answered “yes” to that, I hope you suffer ten times worse than the addict does; THAT would turn ME on.) (Note that you wouldn’t survive suffering that; you’d be dead from having run in front of a bus to stop the pain.)
The first comment (about 'Steve' and 'Dave') is absolute BS. The average monthly Social Security disability payment in 2023 was just under $1500 a month. That's not enough to buy a house, and certainly not enough to buy a house AND a new car every 4 years.
Pretty sure he bought the house with the lawsuit he won... idk as much about the car but he's also got a gf and who knows how much other family support
Load More Replies...How we respond to someone who says they are in need is our karma. How they choose to use our goodwill is THEIR karma. I'd rather help a liar than not help someone who legitimately was in need because there is a chance they are lying.
Some homeless are just looking for the next scam, some made a wrong choice in life.
Same goes for the non-homeless. Heck, I’d wager that a higher percentage of the non-homeless are “just looking for the next scam, and made a wrong decision in life.” I raise my glass to you for not ever making a wrong decision in your life! 🍺
Load More Replies...So it's 2007 or so, and I'm waiting in the Cracker Barrel parking lot. I'm waiting on my ex hubs to show up so that I can hand over our kid, she's been visiting for the last couple weeks or so. Kid decided she needed to potty, so off we go. When we come back out to head back to the car, there's a pickup truck *sitting in the middle of the parking lot* watching people walk through. I mumble "take a Fcking photo it lasts longer" and here they come pulling up...a youngish guy and a small boy. What does he want? Money. They don't have any and the kid is hungry. I tell them we don't carry any cash (and correct my kid when she piped up she had some--no you don't. We lock ourselves in the car til the ex gets there. So you're asking yourself why we didn't help? My heart bleeds for you--but you sat in the parking lot and *watched us* walk to our car. That doesn't tell me you're hungry, that tells me you're looking for someone to rob/kidnap or worse. My priority was my own kid. Hope he got help.
I've never pre-paid for gas in my life. But then again I don't ever pay for anything with cash. You just stick your credit card in the machine before you start pumping and it gets charged for whatever you end up filling.
Where I’m from, it’s the law to prepay for gas. But if you don’t pump all the gas you paid for (say I paid for $60 but only needed $55) the extra money will be refunded to your card, or you just walk back in to get your change from the cashier. It’s very simple. That way, if your card is declined, you’re not driving away with a tank of stolen gas.
Load More Replies...I just hate those type of people like the karen in this story, some humans are just awful.
How we treat, interact, engage with the unhoused, regardless of why they are (cost of living, mental health, substance/medical issues, etc), is the universe’s way of gauging our humanity & kindness. It’s all indicative of our individual worldviews and the assumptions we make about people & situations we know little personal detail about.
Load More Replies...There is a homeless guy in my town that will do what he can to get by. One of the local convenience stores will hire him to do a little bit of cleaning every so often. He is also good friends with my former manager at a pizza place. She would allow him to come by every once in a while to get pizza or a sandwich or whatever he wanted. One day, he was digging through the dumpster to get some pizza scraps for his pet cats. A girl I used to work with had a full meltdown because she didn't know why he was digging in the dumpster. The manager on duty and I both thought that she was being absolutely ridiculous. Who cares that he was digging in the dumpster. It's a dumpster.
After some bad experiences with fakes when I was younger, I only give food and water these days to street beggers, I feel if they truly need it, they will accept it, the fakes will curse me out. For a while there was a homeless looking begger right near my local 7/11 he always was happy for water and food I would get him from there (learned he really liked the Pre-packed very unhealthy $2 cherry pies so I would get him that). But I no longer give casg
Same and during the summer I always carry at least 5 spare water bottles to hand out. Can never be too careful (Arizona)
Load More Replies...I admire petty revenge. Many thanks for your service to a community of people who need help. I have a hard time wrapping my head around people who are homeless and hungry in a country who claims to be the Greatest Nation ". A Nation is as great as all it's people's.
I understand why most people prefer to give food rather than cash, but I really don't mind what they spend it on. I'd rather contribute to a junky buying a bag than have them maybe break into my car and steal to fund it. And tbh, if I was having to sleep on the street I'd want something to knock me out at night. Addiction is an illness, not a moral weakness.
I was homeless for a brief period of time. There was one night when I was really down. I was also a smoker at the time and not having cigarettes didn't help. Someone I knew a little gave me $20. I knew the responsible thing was to go buy some food I could keep in my pack or whatever. Instead(this was a long time ago) I bought a pack of smokes, a 2 litre Coke, and a gram of weed. That night ranks with the best nights I've ever had, homeless or not. For one night I got to actually enjoy myself. I just sat in the park, got really stoned and relished every smoke. The thing that really hurt me was feeling so alienated from society. Homeless people are literally outcasts. For that one night I got to have fun and feel like a normal person. I can't tell you what that meant to me, to just feel like a normal person having a fun night out. I wish people knew that before they don't give someone money because "they're just going to spend it on drugs or booze".
Load More Replies...Unfortunately, there are a lot of fakes panhandling - and then climbing into their newish SUV and driving home with a couple hundred bucks free cash. If they really look down on their luck, I'll give cash. But I prefer getting grocery store gift cards and giving them to elderly shoppers who have a minimum of items in their cart and are using a calculator to make sure they have enough money for everything.
Last time I gave my change to a guy on LDN underground, the guy actually sitting next to me told me that the other guy beats him up on the streets as he too is homeless and obviously I knew that... dude, you have a ticket to ride, he didn't, he asked, he got. There was no win in this for anyone in that carriage that day.
In HS (mid 80s) there was a lady who used to stand on the freeway exit of 405 - her sign said she was homeless and had 2 kids, anything would help. We used to see her at least 3-4 days out of the week. Some people would give her food (bread, sandwiches, etc.) and some would give her money. We (being kind of stupid teens) followed her to her car (a nice new BMW) and tailed her to her very nice neighborhood and house. We also witnessed her throwing the food away!!!
This story clearly illustrates that one ought NEVER help their fellow man because everyone has evil intentions, wants to steal your hard-earned money, and then drive home to their mansions in their European cars!
Load More Replies...I live in an area that has developed into a homeless haven over the last two years. I've gotten to know many of them anecdotally just walking the dog. I don't have much disposable income myself but I try to help those who fall in the charity middle. The 20 something guys can (and do) fight for the interstate off ramp corner with the light where they get 500 cars an hour. Starbucks lets the one legged war veteran have a spot at their drive-thru entrance. I try to help the 30 something guy who barely speaks English and hurt his back on a construction site as an illegal alien so he can't work anymore and has no home to go back to. He physically can't fight for a good corner and he's not "pathetic" enough to get the pity dollar. I'd rather my tax dollars were building homes instead but that's not working in the US.
Some time ago my wife and I were in the truck about to leave the Dairy Queen when we saw a woman, who appeared to be homeless, digging through the garbage can. She didn't see me until I walked up and handed her $5.00 (this was many years ago, when that would buy a good meal). That was $5.00 well spent. Then on the other hand, a few years ago we had a guy show up at church just before the service was about to start asking for gas money to get to relatives in Louisiana. One of the elders offered to meet him at the gas station 1/2 mile away and fill his tank for him. He didn't want to do that. He only wanted money. He didn't get any.
Anyone else think this 'Karen' is simply mentally ill? Expecting someone to pay $40 for her gas is entirely unhinged.
How is it people like this woman get such traction? We should all learn to ignore them just like we do to a toddlers tantrum - because tgats exactly what it is, a tantrum. Her parents should have done a better job of teaching her to be an adult
I was walking into a convenience store, and a man sitting next to the entrance asked me for money. I told him I didn't have cash on me right now, but I would get him some when I paid for my items with my card. I asked him to wait a few minutes, as I could see the line at the cashier station. I came out with my stuff and $10.00 for him. He was gone, and my front drivers side tire had a knife sticking out of it. One of his buddies said the guy didn't WANT to wait. Not all homeless people are helpless displaced angels.
You go, Karen! Make sure everyone suffers as much as you feel they should! You can feel good for causing those people to suffer the maximum amount of pain! Why should a homeless man get to enjoy himself for an hour? Do your BEST to make sure that every moment of their lives is HELL! Deny them anything they need! They’re not human beings; for cow’s sake, they’re HOMELESS! They don’t deserve even two minutes of mercy, you stupid donkey! You’re not doing ENOUGH to make sure they suffer! Get in there and get busy making ‘em feel worse! (And can anyone explain to me why you don’t want your money spent on drugs or alcohol? Is it that you enjoy watching someone wish to be dead so he can stop suffering? Is that it? It’s a turn-on for you to watch an addict be sick?) (If you answered “yes” to that, I hope you suffer ten times worse than the addict does; THAT would turn ME on.) (Note that you wouldn’t survive suffering that; you’d be dead from having run in front of a bus to stop the pain.)
The first comment (about 'Steve' and 'Dave') is absolute BS. The average monthly Social Security disability payment in 2023 was just under $1500 a month. That's not enough to buy a house, and certainly not enough to buy a house AND a new car every 4 years.
Pretty sure he bought the house with the lawsuit he won... idk as much about the car but he's also got a gf and who knows how much other family support
Load More Replies...How we respond to someone who says they are in need is our karma. How they choose to use our goodwill is THEIR karma. I'd rather help a liar than not help someone who legitimately was in need because there is a chance they are lying.
Some homeless are just looking for the next scam, some made a wrong choice in life.
Same goes for the non-homeless. Heck, I’d wager that a higher percentage of the non-homeless are “just looking for the next scam, and made a wrong decision in life.” I raise my glass to you for not ever making a wrong decision in your life! 🍺
Load More Replies...So it's 2007 or so, and I'm waiting in the Cracker Barrel parking lot. I'm waiting on my ex hubs to show up so that I can hand over our kid, she's been visiting for the last couple weeks or so. Kid decided she needed to potty, so off we go. When we come back out to head back to the car, there's a pickup truck *sitting in the middle of the parking lot* watching people walk through. I mumble "take a Fcking photo it lasts longer" and here they come pulling up...a youngish guy and a small boy. What does he want? Money. They don't have any and the kid is hungry. I tell them we don't carry any cash (and correct my kid when she piped up she had some--no you don't. We lock ourselves in the car til the ex gets there. So you're asking yourself why we didn't help? My heart bleeds for you--but you sat in the parking lot and *watched us* walk to our car. That doesn't tell me you're hungry, that tells me you're looking for someone to rob/kidnap or worse. My priority was my own kid. Hope he got help.
I've never pre-paid for gas in my life. But then again I don't ever pay for anything with cash. You just stick your credit card in the machine before you start pumping and it gets charged for whatever you end up filling.
Where I’m from, it’s the law to prepay for gas. But if you don’t pump all the gas you paid for (say I paid for $60 but only needed $55) the extra money will be refunded to your card, or you just walk back in to get your change from the cashier. It’s very simple. That way, if your card is declined, you’re not driving away with a tank of stolen gas.
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