It’s spooky time! I enjoy Halloween and cats (And dogs, but I’ll save those for Christmas!) so why not combine them together. Without further ado, here are my drawings of cats in Halloween costumes!


    MUMMIFIED! (Toilet paper or bandages, who knows?)

    Ghostie! Is it transparent?

    na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na BAT.. cat?


    Matching personalities!

    ShIvEr Me TiMbErS, a pirate cat!

    Why did I not make this a black cat? We can only wonder.

    Skele-kitty! A kitty cat in a human skeleton?


    I ran out of ideas for costumes. (Tell me more in the comments.) Here is other random halloween stuff.

    creepy crawlies!

    naughty or nice! (I’m sorry, it’s to early for christmas.)

    SIKE! It is never to early for christmas, I’ve had my countdown since January! This is one of the three ghosts from A Christmas Carol! Anyway byeeeee!