I’ve Started 2019 Watercolor Calendar Challenge: 12 Paintings In Less Than 2 Months
Hi everybody! I’ve started my 2019 watercolor Calendar challenge and this year the task became more difficult. Last year I painted watercolor landscapes of 12 different countries and this time I decided that I have to paint landscapes from 12 new countries, that are not repeated with the previous ones. I try to select unique and beautiful places and sights which would be interesting to show you.
Why do I call it “challenge”? The main idea is to paint 12 landscapes on A3 paper in less than two months, and yes, it’s still difficult for me, because I feel that A4 paper size is more comfortable. But we have to create challenges for ourselves to come out the comfort zone to improve our skills, right? :) And such kind of challenge is also very informative: there’s a countless number of beautiful places that you haven’t even heard about! It’s a perfect chance to have a digital “travelling” :)
So, here’s first five landscapes, and I have to paint seven more in very short time – until 25th of December.
More info: Etsy