There is no place like the internet. Especially if you are more on the introverted side. Since the beginning of time, extroverts have been put on a pedestal for being more social, outgoing, and better at life. But a lot has changed since the use of the internet boomed. Online friendships, communities, and even shopping are the new normal. The internet has provided a safe space for introverts to express themselves and connect with others without having face-to-face interactions.
But besides that, introverts are still introverts, and even though now we as a society are more accepting, some meme-provoking traits are not going away any time soon. Therefore, to laugh and reflect on ourselves, an Instagram account called introvert.feels was made. It is time to explore, normalize and make fun of what it feels like to be an introvert in the wild.
Let us know which of these is more relatable than the others in the comments below.
More info: Instagram
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I've taken to literally stopping and saying out loud, "NO. Bad brain!" The intrusive thoughts were always horrible, but man are they getting worse during perimenopause.
The terms introvert and extrovert have been used only since the 1900s, but especially nowadays, it is widely known and is used to understand why another person feels and acts differently from you. In some cases, it can be quite difficult to determine whether a person belongs to one group of people or another since we all have introverted and extroverted sides to us. The primary difference between extroverts and introverts is that extroverts tend to be energized by external stimuli, such as being around other people and participating in social activities. On the other hand, introverts are energized by internal stimuli, such as their thoughts and emotions. They tend to be more reserved and reflective and enjoy spending time alone.
You've hit the nail on the head with this one... and sometimes it feels like you LITERALLY have!
Researchers estimate that extroverts make up 50 - 74 percent of the population, so there are rather fewer introverted people in the world. Though, not all introverts are at the same level of introversion. A lot of the behaviors are learned through experience. Even if a child is born introverted, by having enough positive experiences with social time, they may enjoy pushing the top of their range. Negative experiences may cause a child to become more reclusive and quiet.
Imagine the result when someone's watching you park into that only available spot
The topic of introversion and its impact on individuals and society has been studied by researchers, writers, and experts in psychology, sociology, and other fields. They have explored how the trait of introversion, which is characterized by a preference for solitude and a tendency to be inwardly focused, affects people's lives and the way society views and interacts with introverted individuals.
Society's expectation of extroversion and constant connectivity can be challenging for introverted individuals, who may feel pressure to conform to social norms and may be drained by excessive social interaction and stimulation.
With the world being more digital than ever, introverts can finally bloom. But socializing on the internet can have its toll as well. Some people claim that even though in real life they are introverts, online they tend to lean on the extroverted side. But for introverts in all aspects of their life, it is perfectly normal to feel as though social media drains you like a wild party.
The realization that you can feel differently about your social and online life is almost proof that they are just two different realities that coexist. So with that in mind, if we can have two separate personalities, we have the capacity to accept the reality that there are people in the world who think and feel differently than us.
The only reason I pick up when someone calls, is because nobody calls me to begin with, so it's usually something important if they call.
Late in life diagnosed autistic female...this is the story of my life.
Same but also I found out what boundaries were and well...most people didn't like that I made some 🤔
Load More Replies...Me pushing people away because my pea brain thinks it's best for them not to be associated with me. 😔
I was diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder at 10, and just an FYI this is a pretty huge diagnostic pointer for it. Not that anyone should self diagnose, but if this is causing you great distress you should bring it up to your doctor.
me :( im not an introvert cause i dont feel energized by alone time but i have poor social skills so i can relate
... and yet.. if you're self-aware enough to know that your communication skills blow (or you can't get sh** done the same way/speed as everyone else due to a diagnosis)... maaybe JUST MAYBE actually WORK with it? Nothing more irritating when someone thinks it's 'no big deal' to screw others over, blame the diagnosis (even worse when it's the same one I have, and I KNOW it can be improved) then proceed to do **nothing** to screw people over with less consistency. Diagnosis does not make you free to be a jackhole.
me listening to that one song that triggers me anyway cuz its really good
Doggo got a ball and won’t give it up oohhh just wanna cuddle squishy cutie…. Umm yeah done that…and No F’s Given
"yeah im pretty tired lately, i just am having so much trouble waking up lately. *cough* i meant, im good, what about you?"
That was me on NYE!!! Except I was under the table eating grapes because TikTok and I went to sleep 12.03!!
Once my mum used abbreviation and I was like mum did your phone get hacked?
*Realizing I have a full life of overthinking overthinking ahead of me. NOOOOOOOOO
No pen? I take my own pen everywhere. This makes me and my pen anxious.
I hate when I accidentally make the wrong reaction face when I'm on autopilot listening to someone talking. Makes for a very awkward moment.
I’m being generous if a third of this list is actually about introverts, whose defining trait is needing to ‘recharge’ by mostly being alone/not interacting with others. So, apparently BP/ Reddit need to hear this again: - not all (but some) introverts have social anxiety (and extroverts/ambiverts can have it too) - not all introverts are overthinkers (and extroverts/ambiverts can be overthinkers too) - not all introverts have, somehow?, trouble sleeping (and extroverts/ambiverts can have it too) - not all introverts are depressed: I really don’t know which idiot made that one up.
For the eight millionth time: social anxiety and mood disorders ARE NOT THE SAME THING AS INTROVERTS. For the love of god, bp. Why are we still doing this once a week???
Obviously they have no clue about the difference between introversion and anti social personality disorder which is what a lot of this sounds like. Introverts like people…just not all at once and not all the time.
Load More Replies...Social anxiety, shyness, and being introverted are not all the same thing. FFS
I am SO glad I am not the only person irritated with the fact that the majority of these were actually memes about mental illness and NOT introversion. Labeling these as introvert memes is about as ignorant as assuming all introverts are shy. I am extremely introverted and not at all shy. And not every person who'd rather hang out at home with their dog and a good book on a Friday night is necessarily depressed. Very few of these were actually relatable to a genuine introvert.
This made me feel better after my gift for the whole community got -3 points, thanks BP
I'm an introvert but I don't dwell on it or feel it's a bad thing or a handicap. Maybe 2 or 3 of these things were relatable two me. Not sure what the rest of them were about.
I’m being generous if a third of this list is actually about introverts, whose defining trait is needing to ‘recharge’ by mostly being alone/not interacting with others. So, apparently BP/ Reddit need to hear this again: - not all (but some) introverts have social anxiety (and extroverts/ambiverts can have it too) - not all introverts are overthinkers (and extroverts/ambiverts can be overthinkers too) - not all introverts have, somehow?, trouble sleeping (and extroverts/ambiverts can have it too) - not all introverts are depressed: I really don’t know which idiot made that one up.
For the eight millionth time: social anxiety and mood disorders ARE NOT THE SAME THING AS INTROVERTS. For the love of god, bp. Why are we still doing this once a week???
Obviously they have no clue about the difference between introversion and anti social personality disorder which is what a lot of this sounds like. Introverts like people…just not all at once and not all the time.
Load More Replies...Social anxiety, shyness, and being introverted are not all the same thing. FFS
I am SO glad I am not the only person irritated with the fact that the majority of these were actually memes about mental illness and NOT introversion. Labeling these as introvert memes is about as ignorant as assuming all introverts are shy. I am extremely introverted and not at all shy. And not every person who'd rather hang out at home with their dog and a good book on a Friday night is necessarily depressed. Very few of these were actually relatable to a genuine introvert.
This made me feel better after my gift for the whole community got -3 points, thanks BP
I'm an introvert but I don't dwell on it or feel it's a bad thing or a handicap. Maybe 2 or 3 of these things were relatable two me. Not sure what the rest of them were about.