Comparing things is something we naturally do. Whether it's looking at how things are now versus how they used to be or comparing the world today to the past, it's a common human tendency.
Today, we've got some interesting comparisons that might change how you see the world. We're not just talking about now and then; there's much more to it. We'll compare lightsabers of different prices and show how fully grown cats can look very different from each other. Get ready and check them out! And if you like any of them, don't forget to upvote!
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Then And Now: Cancer Patient vs. Cancer Survivor
People often compare themselves and others in areas like looks, money, intelligence, and success. Studies suggest that about 10 percent of our thoughts involve these kinds of comparisons. The social comparison theory, developed by psychologist Leon Festinger in 1954, says that we judge our own worth based on how we stack up against others. However, constant comparisons can not only lead to motivation for improvement, but can also result in feelings of dissatisfaction, guilt, or even harmful behaviors like lying or unhealthy eating.
One Year Of Good Care And Love
10 Year Old Me vs. 25 Year Old Me
When people compare themselves to others to track their personal growth or get inspired to do better and build a more positive self-image, it can be a good thing. But it's important to be careful not to fall into the trap of making negative comparisons. Who we compare ourselves to matters a lot: If we just want a self-esteem boost, we tend to compare ourselves to people who are worse off than us, but this can become unhealthy. When we aim to improve, we often compare ourselves to peers who are similar to us but excel in a specific area.
My 10 Year Progress Pic To Becoming An Rn
Elliot's Owner Shares What He Looked Like At 4 Weeks vs. Full Grown, With His Favorite Toy
First Portrait I Ever Did Back In 2011 vs. Most Recent Portrait From 2021, It's Been A Long Journey
Using our social connections to drive progress can be really effective. For example, in a study, friendly competition motivated people to exercise more because they encouraged each other to do better. This "social ratchet effect" meant that each person's effort inspired others to step up. On the other hand, social networks where people simply offered positive support were not as helpful.
The Day After Asher Was Adopted In 2012 vs. Today
The same with my stripy fatty. We took him from violent ppl. His jaw was broken badly, so one of his teeth much more prominent than others. He got scared every time someone just tried to hold him. Now he is sleeping with his belly up, and following me all over the garden. I literally do everything in his company.
Man Shares Picture Before And After A Liver Transplant
How It Started vs. How Its Going
People tend to make two types of comparisons: upward and downward. In upward comparisons, we measure ourselves against those we perceive as better in some way, while in downward comparisons, we do the opposite. As expected, research shows that downward comparisons tend to boost our self-esteem, but both approaches come with risks – upward comparisons can lead to feelings of insecurity and jealousy, while downward comparisons can foster overconfidence and arrogance.
That Is A Wonderful Accomplishment And Much Harder To Achieve Staying At The Same Company
From A Little Bean To A Majestic Queen
My Wife’s Face On Our Wedding Day Compared To When She Met Rob
Theodore Roosevelt once referred to comparison as "the thief of joy," and his observation might hold some truth. Social comparison can be a source of motivation for self-improvement, but it can also encourage judgmental, biased, overly competitive, or superior attitudes. Most people have the social skills and self-control to keep their standards for social comparison to themselves, refraining from acting on any envy or resentment triggered by making comparisons. However, their true feelings may surface in other ways.
Adding The Backstitches To My Cross-Stitch Embroidery
We Have Two Skinny Cats, And One Fat One
The Difference 11 Days Can Make For This Maple Tree
Comparisons tend to make us feel bad when we only measure ourselves against people who excel in certain qualities. For instance, when we think our social lives are less active, we often compare ourselves to the most social people we know. Recognizing this bias can help us make more realistic and motivating comparisons.
My Client Asked To Make This Rug With Her Rats
B2 Stealth Bomber Compared To A Falcon
My Brother And His Friend, Both Age 13. We Loved The Difference In Height
I (female) was super tall during my early teens with all my guy friends of the same age being several meters shorter. Parents used to find it so hilarious, always commenting on the difference and taking photos. Out in the public people often assumed I was an adult woman and I was treated as such. It was truly uncomfortable for me. Hated being made fun of something that I had no control over. In the end it was all just an early growth spurt, not that I’m a tall person (I’m just 167 cm (5’ 6”) tall now).
That's really common in girls, it's nearly always girls that are the tallest in class for the first couple of years of secondary school. Sadly I never had a growth spurt! 158cm since age 10
Load More Replies...My kid was always tall for his age. It kinda sucked because adults always thought he was older than the other kids and expected him to know more than them.
I was 6' 2" when I was thirteen. I looked older. Now I'm 6'4" and seventy-two. I look my exact age.
My colleague's daughter was like this with her friends. She used to be mistaked for being a mother with her daughters. She's about 6'4" now!
Man that`s tall for a girl. (193cm) Does she get called Brienne a lot?
Load More Replies...This was my at that age. I was already 5'9 at around 11 years old. Adolescence is a wild time!
Not as extreme, but when my youngest son was 11, I took a photo of him and his best friend (who was just one month older), and they were over a foot different in height (my son being the smaller).
OP’s brother shouldn’t worry. I was in high school with a guy who was short, like 5’4” tall, in 10th and 11th grades. But when we came back to school on the first day of senior year, he was like 6’4”! He had had an OTT growth spurt over the summer and grew 12”—-an entire foot in height! So never fear, OP’s brother! You will be catching up, and maybe even surpassing, your early growth spurt friend by the time you’re both 18.
I knew a guy who grew 5 inches in college. 6'2" when we met. 6'7" at the end. Everyone thought he played basketball. Nope. Didn't happen until college.
Load More Replies...Makes me think of my nephews, the oldest turns 13 next week and is already 6'2''! His younger brother is 11 and 4'7'' they look so different that my sister often gets asked if they have different dads but they don't! (One is very pale and has blonde hair and blue eyes, the other has a darker complexion, black hair and brown eyes)
I knew a guy back in school. 15 years old, yet he was around 4 feet tall
Reminds me of my nephew’s grade eight grad pics with his friends. Some had hit puberty, others were still working on it. A few months later, they mostly evened up.
thats what me and my twin look like. if you could guess im the smaller one
Two of my grandkids were 6foot by 13... wth? I was like 5 foot nothing....
My brother was like that tall kid. By the time he was 13, he was about 6'2". Everyone thought he was older than he was.
teaching middle school was like this for me. Can't judge a look by its cover
Looks like my and my first boyfriend except he was 2 years younger, despite being taller!
Is the taller guy autistic? If so then this photo makes sense. Of course the guy on right good have come from tall parents.
People confused me and my mom for siblings since I got my dad's height.
I knew a young man who was 6'2" (1.88 m) at 13. He grew to 6' 10" (2.08 m) at adulthood.
This is what's wrong with middle school! I was the kid on the left, and could have been held back two years without any knowing any better.
you sure bt that? idk man looks like a 9yr old and a 15 yr old
The taller boy looks like he has a little paunch or belly. Is that normal for thirteen also?
Adolescents already feel awkward. Leave him alone. Probably getting ready for another growth spurt.
Load More Replies...Spending too much time on social media, where we see images of exciting events, can lower self-esteem and contribute to feeling down. However, these risks seem to affect mainly people who are very anxious, while some studies suggest that social media can actually boost self-esteem, especially when we look back at our own happy moments with friends.
From Broken Legs To Long Legs
I know this isn‘t funny or anything, but it looks SO damn cute with those casts.
Summer Body vs. Winter Body
Size Comparison Of My Maine Coon To My American Shorthair
To be less affected by painful comparisons, pay attention to what triggers this behavior, practice deep gratitude for the good things in your life, and remember that wanting what others have is often a waste of time unless it's something truly valuable, like their kindness or generosity.
Smoker vs. Non-Smoker
Ski Trail Sign In Summer vs. In Winter
Either that is genuinely a huge amount of snow, or it's a really big stool that you're standing on.
Visited The Same Model Village 25 Years Apart
In the end, it's not about comparing ourselves to others; it's about becoming the best versions of ourselves, cultivating self-acceptance, and finding contentment in the journey toward personal growth and fulfillment. Check out our previous editions on cool comparisons.
A Pic I Took Of My Husband With All The Books He Wrote Oc
The Size Of A Tornado Compared To The Size Of Wind Turbines
The Clear Blue In Front Of Me Compared To The Dark Abyss Behind Me
Beautiful Christmas Tree Before And After
Chinese Explorer Zheng He's Ship Compared To Christopher Columbus' Santa Maria. They Both Lived In The Same Era
Movie vs. Real Life
My Husband Started 17th Grade (His Masters Program) On The Same Day My Daughter Started 5th Grade. They’re Both Ecstatic About Back To School
Grandma Has Had Long Hair Since She Was My Age, We Took A Photo For Comparison
Same hair texture and slight curling around the tips, genetics at work here 💕
Here Is A Comparison Of My Original Sketch Compared To The Finished Product! Happy With How Accurate I've Been Able To Get On These
Fluffy Corgi vs. Regular Coat
At The Beach vs. Cleaning Feet After
Coming Home vs. Leaving
Human Skeleton Compared To Gorilla Skeleton
Real Japan vs. Anime
We Live Next To The Ocean, Here's The Comparison Between The Outside And Inside Doorknob
World's Smallest Computer Compared To A Grain Of Rice
Same Location, Two Different Times
Barcelona During The Day vs. During The Night
Nearly 25 Years After The Fall Of The Berlin Wall, The Difference In Types Of Light Bulbs Can Still Be Seen From Space
Two Dogs Of The Same Breed: One Shaved And Second One - Not Yet
Graphics Then vs. Graphics Now
I prefer the old ones, the modern ones are to orelaistic for being a game
Eagle Claws Are Pretty Big Even In Comparison With Mammalian Predators
This Fake Hundred Dollar Bill My Coworker Accepted. (Real Bill For Comparison.)
The Difference Between A Norwegian Soldier 75 Years Ago And Today
Same Place, Different Time. March vs. June
Ken 1985 vs. Ken 2018
This is the 5th or 6th time one hasn't worked this week. Is it just the app or the website as well?
I couldn't sign in to the app for almost a week. It couldn't connect with Bored Panda, it said. My activity has been hit or miss. Sometimes I can access it, sometimes I can't. I dislike the slowness of the site, and the drop-down comments, so I don't really use it. While I wasn't able to sign in on the app, though, I was able to just fine on the site. The cats both insist that there's a soft can-opener to blame.
Load More Replies...This is the 5th or 6th time one hasn't worked this week. Is it just the app or the website as well?
I couldn't sign in to the app for almost a week. It couldn't connect with Bored Panda, it said. My activity has been hit or miss. Sometimes I can access it, sometimes I can't. I dislike the slowness of the site, and the drop-down comments, so I don't really use it. While I wasn't able to sign in on the app, though, I was able to just fine on the site. The cats both insist that there's a soft can-opener to blame.
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