Someone Is Editing Celeb Pics To Fit Today’s Influencer Beauty Standards And People Have Mixed Feelings (30 Pics)
Social media, like Disney World, was supposed to be the happiest place on Earth until we realized it may be doing more harm than good. Especially when it comes to the so-called Insta aesthetics that promote heavily altered and photoshopped images to show a flawless physique. And as they have now become the norm, people are also realizing the damage they are doing to our self-esteem, mental health, and body image.
One Twitter user @ivadixit has spoken out against the new “trend among aesthetic Instagram accounts” that take old pictures of female celebrities and run them through face alteration apps to give them the hot Insta look. The problem is that the women in the images are already extremely beautiful, and Photoshop is only taking them further away from reality.
While people on social media are showing their mixed feelings about this trend, let’s take a look at the Insta-hot celebrity edits to find out what all this stir is about.
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Julia Roberts
Angelina Jolie
Kristen Stewart
We all seem to know the fact that social media is not the best place for anyone suffering from poor body image and low self esteem, especially teenagers who tend to be at their most vulnerable. The recent #StatusOfMind survey, which covered almost 1,500 teens and young adults, showed that Instagram is the worst social media network for mental health and wellbeing.
And even though it got points for self-expression and self-identity, the survey revealed the platform is associated with anxiety, depression, bullying, and the fear of missing out. The latter is precisely the reason why so many young people still use the platform, even though they’re aware of the negative effect it has on them.
Anne Hathaway
Brooke Shields
Kate Winslet
"Seeing friends constantly on holiday or enjoying nights out can make young people feel like they are missing out while others enjoy life,” the #StatusOfMind report states. “These feelings can promote a ‘compare and despair’ attitude.”
This is especially true when it comes to hugely popular beauty and fashion posts. Instagram users have created the whole Insta-hot look that features a perfectly glammed-up face, a carefully arranged background, flawless plump skin, and full lips. This cyborgian look was further escalated by social media influencers, Facetune, and plastic surgery.
Catherine Zeta Jones
Monica Bellucci
Angelina Jolie
And even if magazines have long edited photos of celebrities, thanks to Photoshop, Facetune, and other selfie alteration apps, the picture-perfect look has become available to virtually anyone.
As the boundaries of real and fictional are increasingly blurred, it may be easy to forget that many of the images on social media are chasing down a look that was never born in the real world. Lifeless and even terrifying, it begs us to rethink how we allowed these distorted beauty standards to become the norm.
Margot Robbie
Jennifer Aniston
Brooke Shields
Cameron Diaz
Julia Roberts
No... The first one just has so much more personality, like you could go up and talk to them and just hang out
Anne Hathaway
Jennifer Lawrence
Why wouldn't they show the same picture side by side to compare, like the rest of this list has?
Johnny Depp And Winona Ryder
Anne Hathaway
Penelope Cruz
Miley Cyrus
Jennifer Aniston
Mila Kunis
Emilia Clarke
Natalie Portman
Aishwarya Rai
So basically they blur the skin to be perfectly smooth and add more dramatic eyeliner. Filters really screw up our perception of what skin looks like. Also, everyone looks the same when you photoshop images so much. Makes people forgettable. They actually say that pretty people with a 'flaw' are seen as the most sexual attractive because everyone notices that 'flaw' and assumes that other people would think they are ugly so they have a better shot at the person.
I felt like they all ended up looking the same. Like store mannequins. Yech.
Its like a soul removing filter. They all look the same. And more than half are descending into the uncanny valley
Someone should just make a filter called "Kardashian" and be done with it.
These are all horrible. Their entire character is taken away and replaced with some plastic looking mask.
Every original is better than the 'touch up'- everything that makes these women beautiful in their own ways has been leveled out and made generic... blah.
It makes everyone look the same age, older celebs look younger (although not as recognisable) and younger celebs look older (and again, not as recognisable). In my opinion, it's the same as bad botox.
I think everyone was already beautiful without makeup. No one is perfect, and the media sets very high beauty standards that aren't even true.
Most of these are nothing glamour photographers haven't been doing for a good many years. The people who did these just don't do it as well.
I think this is all a processed trend. Apparently, Denise Richards is our current standard for beauty, as is "glowing skin" and extremely white eyes surrounding the pupils. In a couple of years, it'll be something else.
So basically they blur the images they found just like many of these celebs have done when they were on magazine covers?
When even famous movie stars are not good looking enough for today's extremely insane beauty standards, you know we took a very wrong turn at some point.
The message is that even some of the most beautiful people in the world still need fixing - smh. (and every last one looks better before.)
The first ones all look much better and less photoshopped. They're more realistic and look less like each girl had plastic surgery.
They all look the same though? literal carbon copies of each other. What's the matter with moles, beauty spots, hooded eyes, blemished skin, not wearing make-up? you can go f**k your beauty standards. Different is what's beautiful, not having the personality of a door k**b is beautiful. not this s**t.
What about the over the top wide ass and mini waist surgical modifications? _(´ཀ`)_
This whole instagram (or smartphone with tons of filters) trend is getting very sick. Some people can't seem to live in the real world these days. Get rid of those filters and see reality for a change.
Please please please know that you are perfect and don't have to live up to ANYONE'S (espically ot influencers) beauty standards. Embrace who you are. YOU ARE WONDERFUL!!
all of these are super wrong.girls shouldn't have to believe that they should have to wear makeup or change their face and body to be "beautiful" all of these women are already so pretty. to be honest all the artists did was make these women look like lifeless mannequins
I don't understand. What do they call "modern beauty"? One thing I understood is if they are photoshopping Merilyn Monroe and Monica Bellucci they seriously need help.
Stupid people get bored....and this is what they do. These peoples' faces are interesting BECAUSE they aren't "perfect".
Real face with flaws and personality will always be prettier than anything fake including both photo editing and plastic surgery
I like seeing real women in their natural beauty not cartoon characters.
Sometimes, the altered picture does not look exactly like the celebrity. It looks kind of far away from what people remember the celebrities in movies. Why bother doing these to celebrity pictures? Does everyone think celebrities will like it? I understand if the celebrity did pay someone to do this, but if not, what will people gain from it. Kind of bizarre. I would seem logical if someone did this to their own picture.
Being a professional videographer/photographer, what you're seeing is typical everyday photo retouching. It used to be movie posters and actor/actress headshots were they only ones getting "the treatment" but now even phones and video editing software have filters for applying these techniques. Bottom line, EVERYTHING today is retouched so don't be duped into thinking the perfect complexion is attainable. Assume everything you see in media has been filtered.
Instagrammers and influencers have ruined our perception of reality, made us more judgmental of ourselves and others. It’s a shame.
ok so what i learned today: being beutiful today is: use 3 times too dark fondation GOT IT ty xDDD
Over the years people’s facial features match in at least one thing in style at that time. That’s why men in the fifties have a lot of features that are very rare for these times. Celebrities look like the times they live in, you don’t need to “fix” them, they’re all very beautiful in their own styles. Classical features may not be in now, but in three years they might. All the photoshopper is doing is slapping more lipstick on. My question is: Why didn’t they edit any men?
Who has the right to decide what is Beauty? I agree with Liam Walsh, these ladies have a certain appeal, like Julia Roberts with her large smile, Jennifer Aniston with her Girl Next Door looks, etc. The Photoshopped shots make them bland, boring look-alikes. The only thing wrong with the originals was maybe some fuzziness, or over-exposure, nothing wrong in sharpening the shot, and reducing the over-exposure. I was an amateur photographer, learnt a lot over the years.
...I can see dead people. That's what the filtered pictures looknlikecto me. Soulless and dead.
You don't use your common sense and breaks when doing stuff to try and copy influencers photoshopped pics... You just don't. All of these are too subtle and comply to common sense in biology and physics. Looking at actual sick photoshopped influencers I feel they could have done much better here. And when I say better, I mean go all the way to crazy photoshop land.
this only prove that the use of PS BS take the soul out the real photo
Thing is, the people who do this routinely to their photos are a) going to be ashamed every time they look in a mirror, b) have to keep doing this all their lives and c) will believe when they are older that this is how they really looked when they were young and detest old age even more than normal.
Not sure about this one. Mostly it just got me thinking "holy damn these are some beautiful god damn women". (in the left pics ofc)
So, I'ma be a little bit contrarian here and say I'm not sure why most of these were "wrong"? Some were clearly over-the-top, but from what I could tell (and I admit to skimming through pretty quickly) they just did to the celebs what they do to themselves (or have done) with makeup and lighting -- brightened the eyes, did some facial contouring, etc. Now, do I think there needs to be one "beauty aesthetic" we all follow? Hell, no. But I can't see anything particularly "wrong" in making one's eyes look a bit brighter or wearing party makeup when going out to a party. People can have more than one "look" depending on if they're running to the grocery store or going out for a fancy party. But no, we shouldn't all try to copy one "ideal" aesthetic.
This is the most useless and ridiculous post I've ever seen. I want 5 mins of my life back please!!!
i just don't get it. these women are extremely beautiful already. 2020 beauty means looking like a bitch. there's no appreciation for the sweet, kind beauty that is so uncommon, like kristen bell, or emma watson.
You guys are 100 percent guilty of perpetuating this with the weekly "Disney Princesses get a modern makeover!" posts
So basically they blur the skin to be perfectly smooth and add more dramatic eyeliner. Filters really screw up our perception of what skin looks like. Also, everyone looks the same when you photoshop images so much. Makes people forgettable. They actually say that pretty people with a 'flaw' are seen as the most sexual attractive because everyone notices that 'flaw' and assumes that other people would think they are ugly so they have a better shot at the person.
I felt like they all ended up looking the same. Like store mannequins. Yech.
Its like a soul removing filter. They all look the same. And more than half are descending into the uncanny valley
Someone should just make a filter called "Kardashian" and be done with it.
These are all horrible. Their entire character is taken away and replaced with some plastic looking mask.
Every original is better than the 'touch up'- everything that makes these women beautiful in their own ways has been leveled out and made generic... blah.
It makes everyone look the same age, older celebs look younger (although not as recognisable) and younger celebs look older (and again, not as recognisable). In my opinion, it's the same as bad botox.
I think everyone was already beautiful without makeup. No one is perfect, and the media sets very high beauty standards that aren't even true.
Most of these are nothing glamour photographers haven't been doing for a good many years. The people who did these just don't do it as well.
I think this is all a processed trend. Apparently, Denise Richards is our current standard for beauty, as is "glowing skin" and extremely white eyes surrounding the pupils. In a couple of years, it'll be something else.
So basically they blur the images they found just like many of these celebs have done when they were on magazine covers?
When even famous movie stars are not good looking enough for today's extremely insane beauty standards, you know we took a very wrong turn at some point.
The message is that even some of the most beautiful people in the world still need fixing - smh. (and every last one looks better before.)
The first ones all look much better and less photoshopped. They're more realistic and look less like each girl had plastic surgery.
They all look the same though? literal carbon copies of each other. What's the matter with moles, beauty spots, hooded eyes, blemished skin, not wearing make-up? you can go f**k your beauty standards. Different is what's beautiful, not having the personality of a door k**b is beautiful. not this s**t.
What about the over the top wide ass and mini waist surgical modifications? _(´ཀ`)_
This whole instagram (or smartphone with tons of filters) trend is getting very sick. Some people can't seem to live in the real world these days. Get rid of those filters and see reality for a change.
Please please please know that you are perfect and don't have to live up to ANYONE'S (espically ot influencers) beauty standards. Embrace who you are. YOU ARE WONDERFUL!!
all of these are super wrong.girls shouldn't have to believe that they should have to wear makeup or change their face and body to be "beautiful" all of these women are already so pretty. to be honest all the artists did was make these women look like lifeless mannequins
I don't understand. What do they call "modern beauty"? One thing I understood is if they are photoshopping Merilyn Monroe and Monica Bellucci they seriously need help.
Stupid people get bored....and this is what they do. These peoples' faces are interesting BECAUSE they aren't "perfect".
Real face with flaws and personality will always be prettier than anything fake including both photo editing and plastic surgery
I like seeing real women in their natural beauty not cartoon characters.
Sometimes, the altered picture does not look exactly like the celebrity. It looks kind of far away from what people remember the celebrities in movies. Why bother doing these to celebrity pictures? Does everyone think celebrities will like it? I understand if the celebrity did pay someone to do this, but if not, what will people gain from it. Kind of bizarre. I would seem logical if someone did this to their own picture.
Being a professional videographer/photographer, what you're seeing is typical everyday photo retouching. It used to be movie posters and actor/actress headshots were they only ones getting "the treatment" but now even phones and video editing software have filters for applying these techniques. Bottom line, EVERYTHING today is retouched so don't be duped into thinking the perfect complexion is attainable. Assume everything you see in media has been filtered.
Instagrammers and influencers have ruined our perception of reality, made us more judgmental of ourselves and others. It’s a shame.
ok so what i learned today: being beutiful today is: use 3 times too dark fondation GOT IT ty xDDD
Over the years people’s facial features match in at least one thing in style at that time. That’s why men in the fifties have a lot of features that are very rare for these times. Celebrities look like the times they live in, you don’t need to “fix” them, they’re all very beautiful in their own styles. Classical features may not be in now, but in three years they might. All the photoshopper is doing is slapping more lipstick on. My question is: Why didn’t they edit any men?
Who has the right to decide what is Beauty? I agree with Liam Walsh, these ladies have a certain appeal, like Julia Roberts with her large smile, Jennifer Aniston with her Girl Next Door looks, etc. The Photoshopped shots make them bland, boring look-alikes. The only thing wrong with the originals was maybe some fuzziness, or over-exposure, nothing wrong in sharpening the shot, and reducing the over-exposure. I was an amateur photographer, learnt a lot over the years.
...I can see dead people. That's what the filtered pictures looknlikecto me. Soulless and dead.
You don't use your common sense and breaks when doing stuff to try and copy influencers photoshopped pics... You just don't. All of these are too subtle and comply to common sense in biology and physics. Looking at actual sick photoshopped influencers I feel they could have done much better here. And when I say better, I mean go all the way to crazy photoshop land.
this only prove that the use of PS BS take the soul out the real photo
Thing is, the people who do this routinely to their photos are a) going to be ashamed every time they look in a mirror, b) have to keep doing this all their lives and c) will believe when they are older that this is how they really looked when they were young and detest old age even more than normal.
Not sure about this one. Mostly it just got me thinking "holy damn these are some beautiful god damn women". (in the left pics ofc)
So, I'ma be a little bit contrarian here and say I'm not sure why most of these were "wrong"? Some were clearly over-the-top, but from what I could tell (and I admit to skimming through pretty quickly) they just did to the celebs what they do to themselves (or have done) with makeup and lighting -- brightened the eyes, did some facial contouring, etc. Now, do I think there needs to be one "beauty aesthetic" we all follow? Hell, no. But I can't see anything particularly "wrong" in making one's eyes look a bit brighter or wearing party makeup when going out to a party. People can have more than one "look" depending on if they're running to the grocery store or going out for a fancy party. But no, we shouldn't all try to copy one "ideal" aesthetic.
This is the most useless and ridiculous post I've ever seen. I want 5 mins of my life back please!!!
i just don't get it. these women are extremely beautiful already. 2020 beauty means looking like a bitch. there's no appreciation for the sweet, kind beauty that is so uncommon, like kristen bell, or emma watson.
You guys are 100 percent guilty of perpetuating this with the weekly "Disney Princesses get a modern makeover!" posts