Every job has an ugly side. Customer service advisors get yelled at a lot. Fire lookouts have to be all but alone most of the time. And while the fast-paced environment of restaurant work might be appealing for some, there are infuriating customers that treat staff like garbage to drain all its joy.
Ranging from fake $100 bills as a tip to absentee parents who let their children run wild in the restaurant, shrieking and running into waiters' legs to their heart’s content (ugh!), these types of customers are pretty common. And they deserve a special place in hell. Today, Bored Panda has collected some of the most horrible examples from all over the internet to demonstrate exactly what servers have to put up with. If you thought leaving a 2% tip is evil, the photos on this list will make your head spin.
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This Rude Lady Left A Review To Mislead Customers At The Restaurant I Work At
Perfect! People like this, need to be banned for life. Even if they come in as an individual. Just listen to them explain to their wives why they cannot eat there anymore ..
If you've ever worked in the dining industry, you know well that customers can be a mixed bag. Everything from being interrupted during your intro ("Hi, how are yo-" "Breadsticks, now.") to snapping fingers to get your attention are all-time classics. And while there are some exceptions - kind, easy to serve customers that leave a generous tip - dining clientele has been behaving reportedly more and more obnoxiously towards servers as the years go by.
At one point, in 2021, one restaurant in Massachusetts felt obliged to close for a 'Day of Kindness' after customers' rude behavior made the staff cry. "People are always rude to restaurant workers, but this far exceeds anything I’ve seen in my 20 years,” said the head chef and co-owner of the place in one interview.
Restaurant Owner's Instant Karma
You may think that voluntary isolation, heightened anxiety and life-altering changes of the last few years are to blame. And to some extent, you are not wrong. "We’re going through a time where physiologically, people’s threat system is at a heightened level,” Bernard Golden, a psychologist and the author of 'Overcoming Destructive Anger', explained to TIME. Even science supports this.
But this was a prevalent issue even before the pandemic. As a survey done by Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association employee union reported back in 2018, 87% of fast food staff (in Australia) had experienced some form of abuse from their customers. This includes everything from snide comments and insults to yelling and screaming.
"It’s very easy to blame the pandemic for a multitude of bad behavior, but it’s not an excuse," Diane Gottsman, a national etiquette expert and the owner of The Protocol School of Texas, told Bored Panda in an email. "Bad manners at a restaurant generally means their behavior is consistent in other areas as well."
Left One Star Review On The Super Bowl Sunday
This Couple Were Blasting Baby Shark And Other Kid Music To Their Children In A Restaurant We Paid Tons Of Money To Eat In
A Generous Tip For Someone Working At A Restaurant
Another valid explanation for customers' outright awful behavior at dining establishments can be explained by power dynamics. While some customers may feel entitled to mistreat restaurant staff because of low wages, this is not a valid excuse, regardless of how much they are paid.
“Waiters may be thought of as taking a subservient role and where clientele may have power over them,” Daniel Redhead, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, explained to Guardian once, adding that extreme wealth, fame and influential, high-powered jobs are the usual factors for these troubling power dynamics at play. Which brings to mind the story of chef Lee Skeet, who called out and banned obnoxious customers for harassing one of his waiters.
People Who Leave This Instead Of A Tip
Parents At The Restaurant Allowing Their Children To Walk On The Table. Also Saw Them Sticking The Salt Shaker In Their Mouths
A Review Written About A 15-Year-Old Server At My Work Place. This Guy Was In His 50's And Made Her Cry In The Middle Of The Restaurant
Hmm, 50 year old guy going to personal attacks and commenting on a 15 year old girls body. Disturbing on so many levels.
Interestingly enough, there now exist places where the tables are turned and customers get to experience what it's like to be on the receiving end of the stick. "I went to the new Karen’s Diner and I've never been verbally abused so much while eating a burger," one attention-grabbing headline reads. Sure, this may seem counterintuitive, even outright disrespectful. But for some establishments, like 'Wiener's Circle' in Chicago, it's all part of the experience.
Reportedly, you may likely be served a middle finger as a side-dish with your fries. Or get napkins thrown at your face. Just imagine what it would be like to bring your parents to one of these places without proper forewarning...
But what does it say about us or about the times we live in? For one, there's a case to be made that we, as humans, became progressively more tolerant towards rudeness and disrespect (in which case most people who work in the customer service industry must be immune to it).
Leaving Diapers Behind You In A Cafe
The Customer Left A Note On The Receipt Telling The Waitress To Call Him Cuz She Has "Beautiful Nipples"
However, Matt Johnson, a consumer neuroscientist, founder of the human nature blog, and author of "Branding That Means Business", has another theory. "The purposefully obnoxious diners may fill an interesting need: it provides people with a clear set of norms for how to treat staff, which they in turn have ostensibly agreed to," he told Bored Panda via email.
Of course, being the butt of a joke is not everyone's idea of a great time. But for someone who's just coming out of the pandemic with rusty social skills and an appetite for something different, Johnson thinks, "this kind of environment may be especially appealing."
To Think I Really Did Dream Of Being A Waitress
Since they didn't sign the receipt, that makes it credit card fraud and theft. Prosecute.
A Mother Letting Her Child Drink Syrup Directly From A Communal Syrup Bottle While Watching Street Outlaws On Her Phone
Gotta be from here in the South. Only explanation. See it all the time... especially at Waffle House and Dennys
I Work In A Restaurant. A Customer Just Left An Unusual Tip
While we're still here, talking about purposefully awful places where you should most definitely not spend your first date: why do we tend to go back to establishments that don't meet our expectations? Think of your favorite pizzeria where the service is just genuinely terrible. McDonald’s (the official second-worst place for a first date) and its painstakingly slow service. Why do you keep going back despite there the clear evidence that it, well, sucks? Matt believes this is the fault of a psychological phenomenon known as the prediction error.
"Prediction error is the difference between what we expect to happen and what actually happens," explained Johnson. "For example, imagine going to a restaurant expecting it to be so-so. But when you get there, the food is amazing, the waitstaff is friendly, and it’s an overall fantastic experience. This is a large, positive prediction error."
In other words, the more you are far off from your expectations, the more you'll seek to repeat that experience. It's also why personalized or attentive service can help make up for a subpar meal and vice versa. Just like a nice, generous tip can soften the blow of obnoxious customers.
Customer Ordered All This Food On Uber Eats And Cancelled The Order The Moment I Finished Making Everything
McDonald's In Finland
Oh so it's not just in America; every other person that goes to McDonald's the world over is gross.
So Inappropriate To Let The Dog Sit On The Table Where Everyone Eats
This Military Spouse Was Demanding To Have Her Next Meal For Free
Stealing Art From A Restaurant Bathroom Wall
I Took My Kids To McDonald's Drive-Thru. I'm Guessing The Person In The Car In Front Of Me Asked For No Pickles
My Pizza Hut Was A Target Of Prank Orders Today. All Of This Food Now Has To Be Thrown Out
Someone Shaved In The Sink At A Restaurant And Left It Like This. This Isn't Even The First Time Someone Has Bathed, Hotboxed, Shaved, Rolled Blunts In The Bathroom
This Woman's Disgusting Feet On A Cafe Table
The McDonald's At Queen And Spadina
This Lady With Her Shoes On The Counter At McDonald's. She Then Proceeded To Shout At The Staff
This Guy Was Staring Through The Cracks At The Girls Working At McDonald's
Bit of an assumption. Maybe the dude wanted to look at the kitchens. Maybe he's neurodiverse and wanted to know the inner workings. Maybe he knows someone and was waiting and checking if they were done yet. All mine are assumptions, your assumption went straight to the worst option.
This Guy Watching Inappropriate Video At Starbucks
This Man And His Son Were Watching Stuff On Three Different Devices. All Of Them With Their Volume On Max, In A Public Restaurant
That's Just Disrespectful
Restaurant Closed 15 Minutes Ago, And These People Are Oblivious That The Whole Staff Is Standing Around Waiting For Them To Leave
We closed 15 mins ago, would you like a takeaway bag, NO ok well we will have to ask you to leave...
Letting Your Child Do This At A Restaurant And Then Stiffing Your Server
My grandma took me and my sisters (9 and 5) to a restaurant, where they were constantly messing with things. My grandma said it was fine any time i tried to stop them. In the end there was a huge mess, and they all ran to the car, but i stopped to clean up. My grandma also didn’t leave a tip, so I, a fifteen year old, found an old 20 in my bag and left it with a note apologizing. My grandmas name is Karen. I wish I was joking.
I Hate This Guy
Me. You need a lobotomy as you do not use any of your brain ... so lets just take it out!
When People Do Things Like This
This Dude Brought His Own TV To Watch Movies At McDonald's
I Get That Parenting Is Hard, But Changing Your Baby On The Restaurant Table?
Was Handed This As A Tip
Sign the number up with all of the most aggressive telemarketers and scammers
This Guy Hangs Out At All The Fast Food Restaurants In My Town. He Sets Up His Little Cardboard Fort And Uses Their Wi-Fi To Watch Hentai
He Took His Kid To Dinner And Watched A Movie On His Phone The Entire Time Without Headphones At Full Volume
The Guy Behind Me At McDonald's Was Taking Advantage Of The Free WiFi
Side story - my neighborhood was hit with a huge windstorm, and lost power for over a week and it was below freezing. The McD's a couple miles over started welcoming everyone in to use the free wifi. They set up power stations and didn't mind how long you stayed. They would hook you up with chargers if needed. Had movies on the screens for the kids. I ate more nuggets that week than humanly possible, and I've never gone back to the McD's closer to my home since.
How To Use The Tips Line For Free Meals
From A Yelp Restaurant Review In Houston
This Was Left As A Tip At My Restaurant
Right now? Sure. In a few minutes, after I catch up with you in the parking lot after you left this at my table, well probably not.
Just What I Want To See When I'm Eating Lunch
"Ummm help, health department, I think we may have a code violation. You should get here asap. Thank you "
1 Star Review
I heard Veronica said it was a great place to break up with with a whiner at.
"They Don't Know It Yet, But We Finna Dine And Dash." If Only They Had Tagged Themselves At The Waffle House
One Star Review Because They Came After The Restaurant Closed
Someone Cut Their Dreads At A Taco Bell Drive-Thru And Left Them On A Bush
A Friend Got This As A Tip Last Night
At A Wendy's
In A Kentucky Starbucks At Noon. Small Children All-Around
I Work At Starbucks, And Someone Tried To Pay With These $20 Bills Today
Bahaha! Aa if the matching serial numbers weren't a dead giveaway. There are so many ways to spot a counterfeit that it surprises me people still try. Good on this person with the keen eye! Bravo
Capital Punishment For People Who Treat Service Workers Like Pigs
Somebody Brought Their Desktop Computer To Starbucks
The Most Insulting Tip. And It Was Contactless
My Girlfriend Received This As A Tip On A $50 Bill. The Woman Stuffed It Behind The Plastic, So She Had To Pick Each One Out
I Appreciate The Extra Tip
Good advice-- you already have a tip from the gratuity-- the fact that they are trying to get you to tip twice is annoying as all get out.
This Entitled Person
the tables are empty because the people who made the reservations haven’t showed up yet, if they turned you away it’s cos they’re full
A Group Of Rich Girls From Stanford Came To My Bar, Tried A Million Samples, Held Up The Line, And All Tipped Like This
How Some Customers Left A Table Today. Some Of It Is The Food We Don't Even Serve
That's why I like not make my table that messy when am going to eat outside even in my house,I try to clean after me
I Was Told I Did An Excellent Job And Earned An "Early Christmas Gift." Instead I Came Back With A Fake $15 Tip
People Who Leave Tables Like This
McDonald's Is The Walmart Of Fast Food
People Who Don't Understand The Restaurant Industry
If you cant afford to tip, go to a fast food place where they get paid minimum and not $2.50. I fully agree laws need to change and I also hate tipping culture but its not the usually teen servers fault the system is the way it is. Stop punishing them when you know the system is flawed.
This Racist Review Threatens To Send Immigration To A Mexican Restaurant
I Got This Lovely Note In My Christmas Stocking From A Wonderful Customer Today. I Love Working At Starbucks
Who The Hell Wakes Up In The Morning And Thinks To Themselves: "I'm Gonna Throw An Entire Roll Of Toilet Paper Into The Toilet At A Public Restaurant"?
Only At The Waffle House
I Work At An Upscale Restaurant. Today A Customer Wearing A Dolphins Jersey And A Wig Left This
Acting Like This At A Sushi Restaurant
Don't think she actually did that. Looks like bad photoshop to me.
If You Leave A Table Like This, You'll Have A Special Place In Hell
I Just Got This Dollar From A Customer At My Cafe
The Only Table In This Restaurant That Has A Sign
These People With Their Guns
just wait til they find out that wearing a flag is technically flag desecration
This Couple At The Upscale Restaurant Getting Handsy
People Who Find The Need To Do This In A Nice Restaurant Bathroom
A Customer At The Pizza Place I Deliver To Paid With Coins Instead Of Euros. Now The Delivery Driver Has To Pay The Missing Money
Unfortunately this is a common scam - or might even have been an accident. This Thai coin (10 Bath) is close enough to a 2 Euro coin that even vending machines accept it, looks nearly the same but is worth about 20 cents instead of 2 Euros. As you can see at https://www.muenchen.tv/storage/thumbs/732x/117467.webp. It is quite possible that the cutsomer even did not notice but was given this coin somewhere else and had not been looking at it. Well, at least it is actual currency.
Passed Out Drunk In A Subway
One Of Our Customers At Our Restaurant Came To Us With His Food And A Nail
He said that he found a nail in the broccoli. So either some lunatic was nailing nails into broccolis, or the broccoli had consumed the nail while growing.
Sure happened while transport or something, once i found a screw in my ordered food Pasta with Bolognese Sauce. The Restaurant replaced it apologized and say they checked the Kitchen equipment for missing screws after i called them. things sadly happens from time to time and it's no ones fault.
These People Smoking Cigarettes Inside Next To A Table Of Children
Were they in a designated smoking area? If so, then the parents are wrong-- especially since this looks to be a bar
Thank You To Whoever Let Their Kid Play Around With A Display Piece In My Restaurant
This Is How A Customer Walked In At The Restaurant I Work At
I Work In A Small Cafe, And Someone Came In And Stuck These Posters All Over The Tables
Looks like glue and it is super sticky.
Call the number on the poster and tell them you are sending them the cleaning bill and any cost of repairs
Stealing From Whole Foods Just Went To A Whole New Level Of Classy
My Family Of 5 Couldn't Find A Table To Sit At Because Of People Like That. There Were Plenty Of 2 Seaters
And what if these 2 ladies came in before you and all the two-seaters we're taken at that moment?
I Should Have Just Quit After This
I Found This At My Local Wendy's
Mom Of Six Steals A $4000 Bottle Of Cognac From Behind The Bar At A Restaurant
We Had To Throw Out Six Heads Of Lettuce At Jimmy John's The Other Day Because A Customer Complained That It Was "Too Brown" And Demanded We Make Him A New Sandwich
This Person At Wendy's
So what? Maybe she had a stone in her sock or something, she not even touched the Floor with her foot. Just mind your own business.
What I Got For A Tip. So Confused
A Lady Guest At Our Restaurant Just Left This On The Seat. A Sweat Stain
As a Christian, I always found the fake tips/scripture deplorable. If you want to leave scripture, that’s great, but it better be next to at least a 20% tip, preferably 40%. Leaving the fake stuff is just going push people away and it’s a jerk move.
So many concerning tips. Why don't American employers just pay staff a decent wage?
Gee, why didn’t we think of that? It’s not like that’s been a major source of contention in the country for decades and millions of us have been calling on the politicians to fix this system, or anything. So, glad you brought this to our attention for the first time ever. We’ve definitely never had this discussion on BP a hundred times. Now that we know, I’m sure they’ll change the laws immediately! Go ahead and downvote me, but I’m tired of people ignoring the actual problem we’re having and acting like this is some simple fix. That’s not how our government works. We have far less control than the rest of the world seems to think we have. A lot of us are trying to get this changed, but, until that happens, not tipping your servers only hurts them and doesn’t change anything. They have less power than anyone, so stop advocating for us to punish them by not tipping. If a restaurant owner has to make up wages from non-tipping, they fire the server. They don’t suffer, and...
Load More Replies...I always tip, but I tip in cash. That way, the server gets to keep the whole amount, with no taxes taken out.
These are awful. What are people teaching their children that they think it’s acceptable to behave like this?
I blame ALL of this on the "customer is always right" dictum. Get rid of that saying, America. Get rid of it. Customers are almost always f*****g idiots.
It's going to come to a point where table service will no longer be available, everything will be take out and many of these restaurants will close because they either have a hard time getting employees to stay or they have to go broke paying outrageous wages to keep the staff they had. These owners say "No one wants to work anymore." No...no one wants to endure abusive customers for c**p wages. Time for management to learn that the customer is not always right and to start backing their employees when dealing with A-hole customers. Start banning these idiots and stop letting them railroad over your employees.
Outrageous wages? The rest of the world pays their waitstaff a living wage and don't go out of business. Its just America that has this $2 minimum wage bullsh!t
Load More Replies...Exactly why I won't work with the public and stay in factories. I would stay in so much trouble. People suck
I used to work as a server, only lasted a couple months (6 at best) because 2.15 and hour isn’t worth it, you solely rely on tips. I had one man get a coffee at $3.15 and tip me 75cents 🤣 best tip to cost ratio. Never did make enough in tips, most other servers would steal tips or claim to help you and take them, so after that, I just left. This really needs a huge change in America.
The tip is called gratuity. If you weren't left with one it used to mean they didn't like the service. Somewhere the term gratuity changed to "you must leave one".
Then the restaurants should pay minimum wage. In some states, restaurants and bars are allowed to pay far below minimum wage. Some people get perfectly adequate service and don't tip because they're nasty cheapskates.
Load More Replies...As a Christian, I always found the fake tips/scripture deplorable. If you want to leave scripture, that’s great, but it better be next to at least a 20% tip, preferably 40%. Leaving the fake stuff is just going push people away and it’s a jerk move.
So many concerning tips. Why don't American employers just pay staff a decent wage?
Gee, why didn’t we think of that? It’s not like that’s been a major source of contention in the country for decades and millions of us have been calling on the politicians to fix this system, or anything. So, glad you brought this to our attention for the first time ever. We’ve definitely never had this discussion on BP a hundred times. Now that we know, I’m sure they’ll change the laws immediately! Go ahead and downvote me, but I’m tired of people ignoring the actual problem we’re having and acting like this is some simple fix. That’s not how our government works. We have far less control than the rest of the world seems to think we have. A lot of us are trying to get this changed, but, until that happens, not tipping your servers only hurts them and doesn’t change anything. They have less power than anyone, so stop advocating for us to punish them by not tipping. If a restaurant owner has to make up wages from non-tipping, they fire the server. They don’t suffer, and...
Load More Replies...I always tip, but I tip in cash. That way, the server gets to keep the whole amount, with no taxes taken out.
These are awful. What are people teaching their children that they think it’s acceptable to behave like this?
I blame ALL of this on the "customer is always right" dictum. Get rid of that saying, America. Get rid of it. Customers are almost always f*****g idiots.
It's going to come to a point where table service will no longer be available, everything will be take out and many of these restaurants will close because they either have a hard time getting employees to stay or they have to go broke paying outrageous wages to keep the staff they had. These owners say "No one wants to work anymore." No...no one wants to endure abusive customers for c**p wages. Time for management to learn that the customer is not always right and to start backing their employees when dealing with A-hole customers. Start banning these idiots and stop letting them railroad over your employees.
Outrageous wages? The rest of the world pays their waitstaff a living wage and don't go out of business. Its just America that has this $2 minimum wage bullsh!t
Load More Replies...Exactly why I won't work with the public and stay in factories. I would stay in so much trouble. People suck
I used to work as a server, only lasted a couple months (6 at best) because 2.15 and hour isn’t worth it, you solely rely on tips. I had one man get a coffee at $3.15 and tip me 75cents 🤣 best tip to cost ratio. Never did make enough in tips, most other servers would steal tips or claim to help you and take them, so after that, I just left. This really needs a huge change in America.
The tip is called gratuity. If you weren't left with one it used to mean they didn't like the service. Somewhere the term gratuity changed to "you must leave one".
Then the restaurants should pay minimum wage. In some states, restaurants and bars are allowed to pay far below minimum wage. Some people get perfectly adequate service and don't tip because they're nasty cheapskates.
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