Many people would probably agree that doctors should be skilled, disciplined, emotionally resilient, and knowledgeable in their craft. Even though all of these things are important in making a medical expert good, they’re not enough for greatness. Their bedside manner is vital, too. Poor communication and a lack of respect and empathy are only going to leave folks frustrated.
Some of those patients take to the popular r/mildlyinfuriating online group to vent their frustrations. Today, our team at Bored Panda is featuring stories that prove that many health professionals still have a long way to go when it comes to their behavior. Scroll down to check them out.
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Doctor’s Office Turned Away My Dad For Arriving At 9:50 For His 10:00 Appointment
They said their policy is to arrive 30 minutes early; therefore, he was 20 minutes late and they wouldn’t see him. He is NOT a new patient.
That is a 9:30 appointment, then, not 10:00! 😡
Update to add more details:
My parents have been seeing this doctor for years. They’re very punctual and always arrive early to appointments.
They were not told of this requirement to be there 30 minutes early, nor has it ever come up in all the other times they’ve arrived 10-15 minutes before their appointment.
This was just an annual checkup, made for 10:00 and not rescheduled from another time.
I personally think this is either a new policy they weren’t told about, or an old, unenforced policy that someone having a bad day decided to enforce today.
I hate that this kind of thing has happened to so many of you. ☹️ Probably more than mildly infuriating
Wow, that's total bullshite! I've never heard of an office doing that before.
Got This In The Mail Recently. Charged Interest On 0$ By Doctors Office. Then Sent To Collection Over 6 Years Later Without Ever Once Being Contacted By Said Office
Doctor's Office Left A Message Cancelling My Appointment With 1 Hour's Notice; The Next Day I Made An Online Request For A Prescription Renewal (Which I'd Planned To Do During The Visit); They Wouldn't Send It In Because I Hadn't Seen The Doctor Recently Enough
In the two days before the appointment they'd asked me to confirm THREE times (twice by text, once by email).
I only found out about the prescription denial when I checked the pharmacy a couple of days later and they hadn't received anything, so I called the doctor's office to find out why it hadn't been sent in. They finally sent it in when I pointed out they'd cancelled my appointment when I was almost on my way to see the doctor, and they hadn't had a new available appointment for weeks.
The r/mildlyinfuriating subreddit is very widely known around the internet. Currently, it has around 7.8 million members, who share stories about being slightly inconvenienced in various situations.
For some folks, their interactions with their doctors left such a bad taste in their mouths that they wanted to call out their less-than-exemplary behavior.
Woman With Ovarian Cancer Told Just Overweight By Doctors
My Dr Thinks He Is Dr House
I was at the VA a Couple weeks ago after waiting 6 months to see the bone doctor for a worsening preexisting injury afflicting both of my legs. The doctor spent the entire time playing with the keyboard, not typing anything (i can see the monitor with nothing on it) just tappy tap tapping away, never even makes eyes contact, then proceed to tell me my 16 year old injury must be caused by gout and we will do blood work to confirm but also here is the gout medication because he is correct about this. He then shoo's me out of the room with an "I'm done with you now". I get the blood work done (throw out the prescription) and 5 days later get a call letting me know to stop taking the medication because I don't have gout. YA DONT SAY?!
VA has some of the worst doctors ever I'm sure there are some good ones, but I've never seen any. I swear they hire the drs no one else will.
This Doctors Office Has A Window Behind The Bench And Claims The Blinds Don’t Close. My Sibling Had To Strip Down In Front Of A Parking Lot
Ideally, we’d want every doctor to have good communication and leadership skills. But the reality is that not everyone has them. Some medical professionals simply don’t have enough experience interacting with their patients. Others might simply have low emotional intelligence or lack empathy.
Still, other doctors might not see the point in being kind or genuinely caring about their patients.
This Endless Automated Text Loop Trying To Cancel An Upcoming Doctor Appointment For My Dad Who Died Yesterday
Whats The Point Of Making An Appointment To See A Doctor But Still Waiting 1 Hour Later
I've left before when I doctor did that to me. I understand that it's not always their fault, but my time is important too. Plus it's ridiculous that they'll make you wait an hour to see the doctor but cancel your appointment if you're 15 minutes late!
Sitting In The Doctors Office At 2:10 Listening To Him Bullsh*t About His Weekend In The Room Next To Me When My Appointment Was At 1:30
It can’t be understated how much empathy and proper communication can help patients. They’re naturally worried about their health, procedures, treatments, surgeries, and futures.
They’re anxious. They’re scared. In these situations, many people need emotional support. So, how a doctor delivers a diagnosis or phrases things becomes just as important—if not more so—than the actual information they’re delivering.
Got Charged 9k For Doctor To Tell Me It Was Just Period Cramps, And After Going To Another Doctor It Was A Ruptured Ovarian Cyst
I wonder why insurance didn't cover more of that? I've never had a single bill that expensive in my life. And unfortunately I'm at the doctor/hospital quite a bit. Maybe I'm just lucky to have always had very good insurance? I know they're not all the same. And yes, I agree that the US is ridiculous when it comes to health care. We shouldn't have to pay for anything.
This Exposed Outlet In The Children's Area Of The Doctors Waiting Room
This Doctors' Handwriting
I thought this was someone testing if their pen worked! Or trying to cross something out. LOL!
Take a moment to imagine a physician who bluntly tells their patient that they might have a horrendous disease versus one who gently explains what’s happening, explains all the options available, and provides them with realistic hope.
The news will come as a shock either way, but in the latter case, the patient might be left with more determination and a feeling that their doctor will have their back, come hell or high water. A touch of empathy can be the difference between hope and devastation.
I’ve Been Sitting In The Waiting Room Of This Doctors Office For Over An Hour And This Painting Is Really Pissing Me Off
If you have to wait more than an hour you're entitled to pull them off the wall and place them together. (Also: I feel like there should be another one between the second and third ones.)
Doctor Requires You To Be 1 Hour Early For 5 Minutes Of Paperwork, Only To Be Running 2.5 Hours Behind. Why Is This Acceptable?
Especially irritating when they rush the appointment after that. Sometimes it takes longer than ten minutes to discuss my medical issues
My Doctor's Appointment Is Scheduled For 1:30
According to Michigan Instruments, the foundation of any successful relationship between doctors and their patients is made up of trust. A professional who is empathetic, genuinely cares about their patients, and actively listens to them is going to build that trust.
Meanwhile, someone who is completely detached from their patients won’t inspire much trust at all. In the former case, patients are more likely to follow through with their treatment plans and medical advice.
Miss A Call From The Doctors, Call Back And Told I Will Receive A Letter And Follow The Instructions. 6 Days Later Get The Letter Telling Me I Missed A Call From Them And To Call Back
Doctor Decides Tell Me That My Beneficial New Supplement Was Just The Placebo Effect
I started telling her how I’ve felt much better since I started taking supplement X. She stops me to say that supplement X doesn’t work - it only works because I think it’s working, from the placebo effect…
Driving home, feeling deflated and a bit silly, it hit me that she could’ve just said nothing, and allow me to keep thinking it was working
I support the doctor here. Unfortunately it's become more common for people to fall for the placebo effect, and then take supplements and the like instead of getting vaccinated. Maybe it hurt the patient in the short term, but it stopped a dangerous spread of misinformation that could've killed not only the patient but any friends and family the patient convinced.
Every Time I Go To This Doctor I Want To Pull That Tape
My dentist has all stickers and tape around his tv. I'm considering paying him to let me tear them out
Every time. Wow that's some self control. First time, tape is peeled up to see what's underneath, maybe put back down?
To put it simply, patients who know their doctors care about them and their welfare are more likely to listen to what they tell them they should do.
They’ll be more likely to follow through with any medication regimens and attend follow-up appointments. They’ll actually listen when their physicians tell them to eat better and move more, which should prevent some health problems in the future.
This Sticker My Niece Received From The Dentist
This Note From My Doctor… How Am I Supposed To Send This To My School?
This glitch is quite common when a pdf to Google Docs conversion is attempted.
My Doctors Office
Empathetic doctors are good for absolutely everyone. Their patients will be more likely to get better and won’t clog up the system, meaning experts won’t be as overworked.
The doctors with good bedside manners will have a good reputation, which, by extension, will improve the standing of their workplace, bringing in more business and investments. And, on a wider scale, fewer sick people and more trust in the community are good for society as a whole.
Doctor Wanted To Prescribe Me Eczema Medication That My Insurance Wouldn’t Cover… This Is The Cost With The Goodrx Discount
In which case you talk to the insurance rep and find out what they WILL cover, and then the doc writes you a script for that. Sometimes the doctor's office will even take care of that for you. It's not ideal, but doctors are used to having to do it. Why some insurance companies only cover certain meds and not others is beyond me. Kickbacks probably.
Trying To Confirm A Doctors Appointment
The Floor At My Doctors Office... Where I Go To Get Treatment For Ocd
St. George’s University School of Medicine points out that some people are naturally good communicators. However, communication, like any other skill, is something that can be learned and developed. It will happen slowly, over time, as medical experts interact with their patients. However, prospective medics can learn proper bedside manners during simulations, too.
I Booked A Doctors Appointment For 1pm (My Work Lunch Break) And It’s Now 1:45pm, I’m Late Coming Back To Work And I Still Haven’t Been Seen. I Literally Only Need A Script Filled Out
This Medicine Cabinet At My Doctors Office
I Texted My Doctor About My Foot Pain And This Was His Only Response
Another thing to keep front of mind is that few patients are going to have the same medical knowledge as the medical staff. So, doctors need to find a way to explain what’s happening to their patients in a way that’s both informative and easy to understand.
That means using fewer technical terms and medical jargon or at least explaining what everything means in a simple way. The goal is for both sides to be on the same page, not to flex one’s fancy medical degree and the plethora of knowledge they amassed.
The Patient Didnt Even Understand The Doctor
Did the patient then "remind" the doctor, with the best intentions of course?
Doctors Office Said I Didn’t Confirm My Appointment After I Confirmed It Twice
A text message is non-verbal communication, so technically it’s true. They didn’t ’hear’ from you. (Still seems nit picky.)
The Doctor Looked At Our Son's Cut, Said It Wasn't A Big Deal, And Told Us To Go Home
Again I wonder about the insurance. Maybe these people have high deductible plans? That's really a lot for one visit. For reference I was in the ICU for several days last year and only paid a few hundred dollars for the ER admission fee. My insurance covered everything else.
We’d like to hear your thoughts on the topic, dear Pandas. What is the worst or weirdest interaction that you’ve ever had with your doctors? What style of communication and skills do you value the most in medical pros?
Do we have any Doctor Pandas here today? If so, what do you personally do to build a sense of trust with your patients? You can share your opinions and experiences in the comments section at the bottom of this post.
Unhygienic Switch For The Bathroom Light At The Doctors Office
One Of The Drawers At My Doctor's Office That Always Annoys Me
What was the carpenter thinking when he built that? What was anybody thinking? WAS anybody thinking?
At The Doctors Office. Every Door Marked Keep Closed At All Times Is Open
Doctor Appointment At 8:20, Currently 10:00, Still No Sign Of Even A Nurse
Go to the front desk and COMPLAIN. I can't believe the amount of people who will tolerate this nonsense. Or, maybe I'm just cranky. I don't know. But, I'd never tolerate it.
Private Hospital After Charging Insane Amounts Still Ask For Donations For Doctors
I'm sure some of those personal messages would make very interesting reading.
These Signs/Wall Decorations At My Doctor's Office
This “Inspirational” Poster On The Ceiling Of My Doctors Office
These Light Switches At The Doctor's Office
Wife Pays Over 400$ A Month For There To Be Only Two Doctors In The City. Insurance Is Bullsh*t
After college I moved to a town of about 18,000. I was so excited to have health insurance so I could get a general physician and a gyno. I called the first doctor in the phone book (this was in 2000ish) and they said not accepting new patients. Ok, I call the next #, turns out it is the same office. All 3 doctors listed in town, no new patients. I had to drive to a nearby city and find the planned parenthood to at least get basic gyno help.
Guess Which Country I Go To The Doctor In. Taken Inside An Exam Room
Pharma lobbying needs to stop. Including all the incentives/bribes they give to MD practices.
Guess Even Time We Need Off For Doctors Appointments Will Be Denied
Dressing Room At The Doctors Office Has The Lock On The Outside!
Once nude, many people cannot resist the siren song telling them to run screaming through the crowded doctors office.
Art At Doctor Office
How People Leave Their Shoes At The Doctor’s Office
My Doctors Enthusiastic Bandaging
Broke My Hand And Doctors Are Acting Like It’s Nothing
From OP on Reddit: "I broke my hand roller skating 4 days ago and they said to talk to an orthopedic surgeon to find out if I need surgery or not, since I broke the scaphoid bone and if it’s displaced or doesn’t heal enough in a certain time frame, will need surgery. The 4 walk in clinics we went to either didn’t take Medicaid, didn’t take united healthcare, or only did what the ER already did. Called my Doctor and she put in an urgent request to children’s mercy and an AUTOMATED ROBOT said they give us a call back in 3-5 BUSINESS DAYS. They said I needed to be in a cast by day 10. It’s day 5. A call back in 3-5 business days PLUS the time needed to schedule an appointment. I hate American healthcare"
The Floor At My Doctors Office
Better than the example I just looked this has some semblance of a pattern.
Apparently This Guy Is My New Doctor
Doctor Gave Me A Cd Rom To View My Sons X Rays
So? Aside from some sloppy labeling, this is secure. Provided you still have something with a CD player ;)
At The Doctors Office
This happened last week- I had an appt with a new PCP (primary care physician) that I had to wait 2 months to see. I knew it was scheduled for this week but couldn’t remember the exact date and time. I called the office, leaving a detailed message asking to be called back. 2 days later I called again. No return call. 2 days later I call again saying if I didn’t hear from someone by end of the day to just cancel my appt. 20 minutes later I get a call from the pissy nurse/ receptionist saying she didn’t appreciate being threatened. (Wtf?!?) She gave me the date and time but if it’s that hard to get an answer to such a simple question how can I expect to be treated for something more serious? The day of my appt I get a call (3 days later) to tell me the Dr wouldn’t be able to see me that day and needed to reschedule. I told them to forget it. I went to their website to leave a review. That Dr is no longer working there as of a month ago.
So you had an appointment with someone who doesn't even work there anymore? 🤦🏿♀️
Load More Replies...I am so happy we have health care that's free at point of need, free ambulances, etc. ------ My best story is I was having problems after a chest infection. I couldn't quite catch my breath. My husband phoned the GP's office, and arranged a telephone consultation for the end of the day. The GP spoke with my husband (I'd lost my voice) and heard my coughing. The GP said 'How quickly can you get here?' He stayed late for me, and came in early for me the following morning. Definitely a man who looked after his patients!
You're very lucky indeed! I've had one very nice doctor who actually listened and one that left me waiting when I was on the floor screaming in pain (IBS, but to him it was "period pain", I was already in menopause then)
Load More Replies...Ah doctor's offices. Can't live with them, can't live without them. One time I had to wait 4 and a half hours in a waiting room for the doctor. Only to see everyone locking the building up! Turns out they had somehow forgotten me (I had an appointment so I don't see how), and the doc practically ran through the appointment so they could leave. Another time, (technically in the lab not the doctor's fault, but same vein) I had the head of the blood labs come out to get upset with me. I signed in for my labs, they slowly called people one every 15 mins or so. I had a fasting lab that needed to be done at or before 8 am, but I wasn't aware of that at the time. I signed in at 7:30 am, by 9 I hadn't been called back yet. When I went up to the reception, they told me my labs *needed* to have been done by 8 am, and since it was an hour past that they could not take my blood for the doctor. They got upset with me for that of course. My doctor did straighten them out, and was actually (1/2)
upset with them. I think for not noticing it when they were signing me in. After that they made a new sign in sheet that had a box to check if you were there for labs needed at 8 am. The doctor was very apologetic at least, so one point to doctors. I tried to format this, but it didn't take... (2/2)
Load More Replies...I'm dealing with insurance right mow about a prescription. Dr gives me script for ozempic, I pick it up at Walgreens that day. I schedule a refill with Walgreens on July 3rd to pick up on July 5th after work, they say they need the insurance company to review and authorize the refill, still waiting. How does that work, I had it filled once why is there a problem with the refill?
So many stories of people waiting hours for a doctor even though they had an appointment. The most i ever waited for a doctor was 15 minutes and i was annoyed then.
i read 2 magazines cover to cover-every word-in a new doctors office years ago. i told receptionest i was leaving and she asked if i wanted to reschedule. that was the last time i ever was in that building.
Load More grandma was sick and dying from covid, so this was a while ago. they offered her a breathing treatment, which she didnt want. the nurse forced her mouth open, and shoved it down her throat.
Went to an eating disorder clinic (one of the best in USA) and the doctor told me no one would ever want me to gain weight. She also said I should try eating less 🥲
someones after us. we both got downvoted
Load More Replies...My doctor schedules me for a 15 minute appointment, sees me within a few minutes of that time and spends 30 minutes or more talking to me.
Reading these i really think Americans (mainly) need to rise up against it. They get drummed into them that being a "commie" is bad but the Universal Healthcare is awesome. 100% communism wont ever work as long as there are greedy people in power but bits of it absolutely can. Trade Unions, universal health care etc.
I once waited for a blood test at the doctor's surgery, the phlebotomist's door was directly off the reception and in clear view, so I knew no one went in or out during the half hour I was waiting - when I was finally called in, the phlebotomist was busily stashing her box of cereal and bowl under her desk. Another time, I got a letter from the surgery telling me off for failing to attend an appointment - the reason I hadn't attended was because I'd been ended up having an urgent appt a few days earlier, I asked the doctor if I needed to cancel the other appt with reception, they'd said they'd do it, it didn't get cancelled properly - no apology given, but they did state they'd delete the non-attendance letter from my file.
Doctors are self entitled a*s***es My parents were doctors, dishonest lying pieces of sh** never trust them and remember a vet is so much more qualified than those tossers.
This happened last week- I had an appt with a new PCP (primary care physician) that I had to wait 2 months to see. I knew it was scheduled for this week but couldn’t remember the exact date and time. I called the office, leaving a detailed message asking to be called back. 2 days later I called again. No return call. 2 days later I call again saying if I didn’t hear from someone by end of the day to just cancel my appt. 20 minutes later I get a call from the pissy nurse/ receptionist saying she didn’t appreciate being threatened. (Wtf?!?) She gave me the date and time but if it’s that hard to get an answer to such a simple question how can I expect to be treated for something more serious? The day of my appt I get a call (3 days later) to tell me the Dr wouldn’t be able to see me that day and needed to reschedule. I told them to forget it. I went to their website to leave a review. That Dr is no longer working there as of a month ago.
So you had an appointment with someone who doesn't even work there anymore? 🤦🏿♀️
Load More Replies...I am so happy we have health care that's free at point of need, free ambulances, etc. ------ My best story is I was having problems after a chest infection. I couldn't quite catch my breath. My husband phoned the GP's office, and arranged a telephone consultation for the end of the day. The GP spoke with my husband (I'd lost my voice) and heard my coughing. The GP said 'How quickly can you get here?' He stayed late for me, and came in early for me the following morning. Definitely a man who looked after his patients!
You're very lucky indeed! I've had one very nice doctor who actually listened and one that left me waiting when I was on the floor screaming in pain (IBS, but to him it was "period pain", I was already in menopause then)
Load More Replies...Ah doctor's offices. Can't live with them, can't live without them. One time I had to wait 4 and a half hours in a waiting room for the doctor. Only to see everyone locking the building up! Turns out they had somehow forgotten me (I had an appointment so I don't see how), and the doc practically ran through the appointment so they could leave. Another time, (technically in the lab not the doctor's fault, but same vein) I had the head of the blood labs come out to get upset with me. I signed in for my labs, they slowly called people one every 15 mins or so. I had a fasting lab that needed to be done at or before 8 am, but I wasn't aware of that at the time. I signed in at 7:30 am, by 9 I hadn't been called back yet. When I went up to the reception, they told me my labs *needed* to have been done by 8 am, and since it was an hour past that they could not take my blood for the doctor. They got upset with me for that of course. My doctor did straighten them out, and was actually (1/2)
upset with them. I think for not noticing it when they were signing me in. After that they made a new sign in sheet that had a box to check if you were there for labs needed at 8 am. The doctor was very apologetic at least, so one point to doctors. I tried to format this, but it didn't take... (2/2)
Load More Replies...I'm dealing with insurance right mow about a prescription. Dr gives me script for ozempic, I pick it up at Walgreens that day. I schedule a refill with Walgreens on July 3rd to pick up on July 5th after work, they say they need the insurance company to review and authorize the refill, still waiting. How does that work, I had it filled once why is there a problem with the refill?
So many stories of people waiting hours for a doctor even though they had an appointment. The most i ever waited for a doctor was 15 minutes and i was annoyed then.
i read 2 magazines cover to cover-every word-in a new doctors office years ago. i told receptionest i was leaving and she asked if i wanted to reschedule. that was the last time i ever was in that building.
Load More grandma was sick and dying from covid, so this was a while ago. they offered her a breathing treatment, which she didnt want. the nurse forced her mouth open, and shoved it down her throat.
Went to an eating disorder clinic (one of the best in USA) and the doctor told me no one would ever want me to gain weight. She also said I should try eating less 🥲
someones after us. we both got downvoted
Load More Replies...My doctor schedules me for a 15 minute appointment, sees me within a few minutes of that time and spends 30 minutes or more talking to me.
Reading these i really think Americans (mainly) need to rise up against it. They get drummed into them that being a "commie" is bad but the Universal Healthcare is awesome. 100% communism wont ever work as long as there are greedy people in power but bits of it absolutely can. Trade Unions, universal health care etc.
I once waited for a blood test at the doctor's surgery, the phlebotomist's door was directly off the reception and in clear view, so I knew no one went in or out during the half hour I was waiting - when I was finally called in, the phlebotomist was busily stashing her box of cereal and bowl under her desk. Another time, I got a letter from the surgery telling me off for failing to attend an appointment - the reason I hadn't attended was because I'd been ended up having an urgent appt a few days earlier, I asked the doctor if I needed to cancel the other appt with reception, they'd said they'd do it, it didn't get cancelled properly - no apology given, but they did state they'd delete the non-attendance letter from my file.
Doctors are self entitled a*s***es My parents were doctors, dishonest lying pieces of sh** never trust them and remember a vet is so much more qualified than those tossers.