What can a dedicated florist create with 30,000 fresh walnut leaves, 2 kg in pins a Styrofoam circle and Gorgeous “Merengue” Cyclame

checkout the making of movie http://www.flowerweb.com/en/article/172270

More info: www.flowerweb.com


    “Infinity” by Natallia Sakalova

    What can a dedicated florist create with 30,000 fresh walnut leaves, 2 kg in pins a Styrofoam circle and Gorgeous “Merengue” Cyclame

    checkout the making of movie http://www.flowerweb.com/en/article/172270

    Infinite circles out of 30,000 fresh walnut leaves!

    What can a dedicated florist create with 30,000 fresh walnut leaves, 2 kg in pins a Styrofoam circle and Gorgeous “Merengue” Cyclame

    checkout the making of movie http://www.flowerweb.com/en/article/172270

    The dried and crispy leaves resemble a brittle “Merengue” fresh from the oven


    What can a dedicated florist create with 30,000 fresh walnut leaves, 2 kg in pins a Styrofoam circle and Gorgeous “Merengue” Cyclame


    checkout the making of movie http://www.flowerweb.com/en/article/172270

    “Infinity” by Natallia Sakalova

    What can a dedicated florist create with 30,000 fresh walnut leaves, 2 kg in pins a Styrofoam circle and Gorgeous “Merengue” Cyclame

    checkout the making of movie http://www.flowerweb.com/en/article/172270