Man Discovers Stranded Dog On Remote Island And Changes His Life Forever
InterviewFive years ago, a photographer named Wesley White unexpectedly came across a starving puppy in the middle of the waters off the coast of Belize. The dog was left alone near an abandoned fishing shack, so Wesley took it upon himself to bring the dog back to safety in his kayak.
Since Wesley was only visiting, his flight home was scheduled for 36 hours later. To ensure the safety and care of the dog, whom he named Winston, Wesley found a vet and arranged for foster care to nurse Winston back to health. A couple of months later, Wesley and Winston were reunited, and fast forward to today, Winston lives the happy life he deserves.
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Meet Winston, an adorable pup, who was stranded on a small mangrove fishing shack off the coast of Belize. Thanks to an incredible rescue, he now lives happily miles away in Montana
Image credits: winston_bz
Winston was unexpectedly found by a photographer, Wesley White, who was traveling in Belize and decided to kayak to a nearby island
Image credits: winston_bz
The photographer took a short break to eat when he was unexpectedly approached by a malnourished dog wagging his tail
Image credits: winston_bz
We interviewed Wesley to learn more about his story with Winston. He described their initial meeting in the middle of the open waters.
“The moment I found the puppy was surreal. Resting in the shade of mangroves, I suddenly noticed a sweet, wiggling puppy on an abandoned fishing shack.”
“Seeing him without food or water, I felt an overwhelming urge to help. The thought of leaving him to fend for himself, knowing survival was impossible, was unbearable,” wrote Wesley
Image credits: winston_bz
Determined to save Winston, Wesley brought the dog into his kayak and paddled back to the mainland. With only 36 hours left in Belize, Wesley had to act quickly to ensure Winston’s safety
Image credits: winston_bz
We were wondering what motivated Wesley to take immediate action to help the starving puppy, knowing he only had 36 hours left in Belize.
“My motivation stemmed from the belief that, in today’s interconnected world, I could reach out to a global community of animal lovers for support. Despite the time constraint of only 36 hours, I knew I had to act quickly to give him a fighting chance,” wrote Wesley.
Image credits: winston_bz
Image credits: winston_bz
“The rescue effort came together seamlessly with the help of friends on social media and the locals, particularly employees at the resort I was photographing”
Image credits: winston_bz
“They connected me with Dr. Mia and a local humane society. With their support, a network of helpers—including Dr. Mia and resort staff—rallied to ensure the puppy, later named Winston, received the care he needed.”
Image credits: winston_bz
After Wesley left Belize, he stayed committed to reuniting with Winston once the dog was healthy and cleared for travel
Image credits: winston_bz
In the meantime, Winston was taken care of by Melanie, a foster mom at a humane society in Belize. She kept Wesley updated with photos and messages about Winston’s recovery
Image credits: winston_bz
Wesley also shared what it was like to receive updates from Dr. Mia about Winston’s recovery.
He wrote: “The first update was unforgettable—learning Winston’s blood test results were positive and that he would survive was a huge relief. Updates from Dr. Mia and his foster mother, Melanie, were constant reminders of his progress. Watching Winston gain weight and grow healthier was heartwarming, and the speed of his transformation was astonishing.”
Image credits: winston_bz
Image credits: winston_bz
After nearly two months, Winston was finally ready to fly to his forever home
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Image credits: winston_bz
Image credits: winston_bz
“Reuniting with Winston was emotional and heartwarming. Since then, he has become a cherished member of our family”
Image credits: winston_bz
“His excitement to be with us each morning and his affectionate kisses remind me daily of the incredible journey we’ve shared. Winston’s love and gratitude have only deepened our bond.”
Image credits: winston_bz
Image credits: winston_bz
Five years later, Winston still looks happy, living his best life with his family
Image credits: winston_bz
Image credits: winston_bz
Image credits: winston_bz
Share on FacebookAmen! The world should treat us the way we treat animals.
Load More Replies...I'm amazed Winston was still alive, being that malnourished. *Someone* wanted Wesley to find Winston. Great story + so glad Winston has a great forever home.
Amen! The world should treat us the way we treat animals.
Load More Replies...I'm amazed Winston was still alive, being that malnourished. *Someone* wanted Wesley to find Winston. Great story + so glad Winston has a great forever home.