50 Screenshots Of Americans Being Peak Dumb That May Make You Feel Like A Genius (New Pics)
InterviewThe United States is a fascinating place. Where else can you find stunning beaches, amazing mountains, vast deserts, spray cheese in a can and some of the most patriotic people on the planet? The U.S. will always hold a very special place in my heart, and I’m convinced that I’ll never find tastier peanut butter anywhere else in the world.
But just like any other country, there are a wide range of citizens, spanning from brilliant scholars with PhDs to people who probably shouldn’t have access to social media. We took a trip to the [Stuff] Americans Say subreddit and gathered some of their funniest screenshots below. Keep reading to also find a conversation with one of the moderators of the group, and please remember, pandas, that these posts are all in good fun!
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To Remember How Many Feet There Are In A Mile, U Just Gotta Use 5 Tomatoes
"People Who Leave Their Phones Set To Military Time Are F**kin War Criminals"
In military time, you start over at 24. "Sounds good to me." - Leonardo DeCaprio.
Will Europeans Be Suprised About My Mixed Heritage?
Whether you’re from the United States or not, there’s a good chance you know quite a bit about the country. American media tends to dominate movie theatres and Netflix accounts across the globe, and I have yet to visit a country where I didn’t hear American pop music playing on the radio or in a random grocery store.
But one of the downsides of having all of this exposure is that the country becomes the butt of many jokes too. And if anyone gets caught posting ignorant remarks online, there’s no chance they’ll get away with it. That’s where the [Stuff] Americans Say subreddit comes in. This group has amassed an impressive 675K members since its creation in 2013, and it never seems to run out of content.
"You're Gonna Mansplain Ireland To Me When I'm Irish?"
No,no, no. Some distant ancestor of hers once had a pint of Guinness. No one is more Irish than her.
"I'm Norwegian (Not From There But Grandpa Is)
I can remove that tumor for you. I'm not a surgeon but my next door neighbor's friend's son-in-law is.
"Can Anybody Tell Me If Portugal Has Running Water Like In The States?"
To find out more about [Stuff] Americans Say, we reached out to the group’s moderator team. Lucky for us, one member was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and share some background info about the community.
“It seems to have been started in 2013 by a British user who also created a number of other subs around the same time (e.g. r/britishproblems, r/metal, r/worstof, r/america etc.). It was quickly followed by r/[Stuff]EuropeansSay, which seems to have been set up by someone who objected to this sub, but is now moderated by many of the same people as this sub.”
"Real Brave Of You To Insult Our Military"
"This Is America Gotta Speak English"
I'm Italian And This Hurt Me Tbh
The person replied in Italian stating that it is a traditional dish from the region of puglia. The alleged Italian person did not understand that the person responded in Italian and not Spanish
The moderator also shared that the community has grown fairly organically, “that is to say without much promotional effort (it was Subreddit of the Day a few years ago, though).”
“When I first subscribed to it circa 2017, there were probably around 20,000 here. Now, we gain on average about 25,000 new subscribers every quarter, though most posts tend to come from the same smallish subset of users,” the mod continued.
Is There A Rome In Italy?
Only Because Americans Pay For The Healthcare Of Europe
The lies of the ultra conservatives. Add this to my list of stupidities.
"Why Would They Speak Spanish In Europe"
The group’s growth has also impacted how the mod team makes sure that the rules of the community are respected. “We've had to increase our reliance on automated tools/bots over time to assist in identifying potential troublemakers (users from certain rabidly pro-American subs often stop by to troll here, for example),” the moderator shared.
A Wisconsin School District Says Students Can “Become Spoiled” With Free Meals And Opts Out Of Biden’s Free-Lunch Program
‘Texas Is Like Twice The Size Of Europe Alone’
"China Bombed Pearl Harbor"
We also asked the moderator why they believe Americans are caught sharing ignorant posts online so often. “As Americans make up a plurality of users on Reddit (and on many other social media platforms) the quantity of suitable material is greater than for other nationalities,” they explained. “Though, I don't think the proportion of ‘stupid/ignorant people’ is necessarily much different than you'd find in any other nationality.”
""Paddy" Is The N Word For Irish"
"I Don't Get Hungover"
Vacations Are Only Interesting For About Four Days And Beyond That You're Basically Just A Lazy Bum
Currently into my 18th day of leave and still have 8 to go (that's inclusive of weekends and Statutory days) More than happy to be a 'bum'...
“Due to the historical and geographical isolation of the USA, many Americans have erroneous/dated/stereotypical ideas about the rest of the world, which we find amusing,” the moderator continued. “Also, they will often be quite arrogant about their confidently incorrect opinions and have a tendency to double down when challenged, which makes it even more entertaining.”
Save Australia
Oh fűck. Are the emus on the march again? Sending thoughts and prayers to the Antipodes.
They're Still Staying On American Soil, Which Is As Free As It Gets
And when this country had slavery, the slaves were all on American soil, so ...
Georgia Is A State Not A Country
So what is the community like in this subreddit? “Generally, the established members 'get' what the sub is about,” the moderator says. “It's not about tarring all Americans with the same brush - we're not criticizing all Americans (or the country itself, there are already subs for that). But we do engage in banter, which Americans often misinterpret and assume is genuine criticism aimed at Americans/America as a whole.”
It Says West Coast On The Train. America
Who'd have thunk that an island would have a west coast?
On One Side, Single Digit. On The Other Side, Wacky Numbers, All With Lots Of Extra Numbers On The End
Do Americans Have An Accent?
“Generally, people [who are offended by the group] become extremely defensive and argumentative, which we can usually w**d out fairly rapidly as a result,” the moderator continued. “It is a lighthearted sub, not a debate sub, and we try to keep it that way. In order to maintain the high quality of posts, we do have a large number of rules, which people sometimes complain about, but it simplifies the moderation process and reduces the amount of ‘lawyering’ arguments.”
English Please, Reddit Is An American Website (German Subreddit Btw)
I just love that this happens often enough on this subreddit that they have an automoderator bot that steps in telling people how to learn German.
Do Europeans Have A Spice Rack?
We only colonised all those countries to make money from the spices, not use them.
“Jobs That Require Me To Speak More Than One Language Should Be Illegal!”
This kind of thinking is one of a myriad reasons we're so backwards and ignorant. The problem stems from such thinking as: wherever in the world we travel, we're going to be able to speak English as comfortably as we do at home; English is the main world language, so everyone ought to speak it so we can all communicate; a refusal to believe that other countries can exhibit nationalistic pride in their language; the myth of Manifest Destiny; a belief that English speakers are superior to other people - and the list goes on. I have encountered all these idiocies in my midwest American state. I wish The Ugly American was required reading for all students. It changed my attitude entirely.
We also asked the moderator if they could share some of their personal favorite posts from the group. They noted that several “themes” pop up often, including tipping culture and heritage. Apparently, pizza is a common conversation topic in the group too, as well as healthcare. The mod also shared a couple funny examples of when “the ‘information bubble’ that many Americans exist in is confronted by the reality of the rest of the world.” You can find those posts here and here.
"No Europe Is More Walkable Because It's Socialist And Therefore Poor"
Will My Right To Bear Arms Be Honoured In England Or Germany?
But short-sleeved shirts are OK, so you can still bare arms in England and Germany. (The Vatican has a stricter dress code, however.)
Finally, the moderator wanted to make it clear that this group is not out to bash the United States. “Many people think we moderators are somehow 'anti-American' simply for pointing out the dumb things some Americans sometimes say,” they told Bored Panda. “In fact, we represent several nationalities, some of us are actually American ourselves or dual citizens (which is advantageous when trying to determine whether posts are 'uniquely American' or not). It's also not '[Stuff]RepublicansSay', as Democrats have their own brand of stupidity (as well as some overlap with Republicans, of course).”
Europe Sucks
"Inc*st Is Literally Celebrated In Europe So I'm Not Surprised At All " (Talking About Completely Normal Age Gaps. Again)
The accuser needs to study their own laws before throwing stones... (though the less said about the Habsburgs the better..) Using the UK as an example. The Royal bloodlines are convoluted. Elizabeth and Philip were second cousins once removed (by descent from Christian IX of Denmark and Louise of Hesse-Kassel) and third cousins (by descent from Queen Victoria and Prince Albert). So considerable gap between bloodlines. I believe the right to marry a cousin in the UK is under debate in parliament at this time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin_marriage_law_in_the_United_States
Electrical Outlets
I would hope this idiot wouldn't do something like this in someone's home. When you travel, YOU ARE A GUEST SO BE RESPECTFUL!! MORON!!
Turns Out She Was Spanish, Not White
To the ‘true’ Americans only Xtian Caucasians of Northwest European origin are White.
Norway Here I Come!
Getting A Tattoo Of Your Ancestry.com Results
The day before you get an email saying that they got your results mixed up.
There Should A Law Against This. This Is Socialism
For some people, socialism is anything that helps people who aren't like them.
"The USA Has Not Ever Committed A Single War Crime!"
I don't think I have enough crayons to explain it to those four above.
Sad: 11 Year Old Arrested At School After Refusing To Stand For The Pledge
“Why Do We Think Of Knights As Being On Horseback When Horses Are From North America”
I’ve seen The Holy Grail. Here in the U.K. we used coconut shells to imitate the sound of horses hooves, that was the case until we could import horses from the U.S.
British Customs
"The Cops In Our School"
The fact that this is an accepted part of American life is just shameful! I feel sad for kids today.
Nobody Takes A Train From Germany To France
🤣 Never mind anything else: some people walk from Germany to France. I mean, what with them, erm, sharing a land border? Imfamously, plenty of soldiers have done so (in both directions - Napoleon came before Kaiser Bill) ... 😬
Extreme Restrictions On Free Speech
Obviously, never been to Europe. Where are they getting these ridiculous ideas from?
"Who Would Be Paying For All The Food"
When even Afghanistan has better "thoughts and prayer", than you ....
Don't You Miss Owning A Car?
I was just made aware,depending upon state, that Americans living outside the US are still subject to US income tax. Why???
2 In 1: What Is A Litre & The English Language Is Owned By The United States!
“Are Y’all Really That Discriminatory? I Can Feel Hatred Burning Through Generations”
Sas: Come To America Where Our Dialects Are So Different Some Count As Completely Different Languages
"Sad Truth"
A 5k Marathon Isn't A 5 Mile Run It's A 3 Mile Run
Come on these posts only represent 74% of the US people. The other 52% are really smart people.
But that's only correct 129% of the time....
Load More Replies...I think I am almost ashamed to admit I'm American. What is this country coming to? The level of ignorance shown here is mind-boggling.
You should be. Look who your country elected twice and soon to be convicted of 34 charges. Racists. Intolerance and ignorant.
Load More Replies...Hey I’m unfortunately American and I would like to apologize on behalf of my country. (This feels like when you’re a mom and your toddler bites someone and you say “so sorry we’re working on the behavioral issues please have patience.”)
Get you, but .... the world had patience once already. Just try to establish a voting process where there is actually a choice, every vote counts directly for the end result, and the outcome is a coalition of two or three parties. This is how most of the European voting works.
Load More Replies...Come on these posts only represent 74% of the US people. The other 52% are really smart people.
But that's only correct 129% of the time....
Load More Replies...I think I am almost ashamed to admit I'm American. What is this country coming to? The level of ignorance shown here is mind-boggling.
You should be. Look who your country elected twice and soon to be convicted of 34 charges. Racists. Intolerance and ignorant.
Load More Replies...Hey I’m unfortunately American and I would like to apologize on behalf of my country. (This feels like when you’re a mom and your toddler bites someone and you say “so sorry we’re working on the behavioral issues please have patience.”)
Get you, but .... the world had patience once already. Just try to establish a voting process where there is actually a choice, every vote counts directly for the end result, and the outcome is a coalition of two or three parties. This is how most of the European voting works.
Load More Replies...