Homemade Chinese Food Makes MIL Lose It, Leaves DIL Crying In Her Car Whilst Family Dines
Interracial marriages bring about the melding of cultures that enable beautiful, eye-opening experiences for the couple and their families. However, racism can be the ugly downside that unfortunately still exists today.
A Chinese-American woman had to go through such an unpleasant episode during a gathering with her in-laws when she brought her cultural dish. Her mother-in-law rejected it, and her husband brushed off the incident like it was nothing.
The woman is now rethinking her marriage based on her upset family’s suggestions. You’ll find the entire story as you scroll down, along with some outraged responses from readers.
Racism can be one of the ugly downsides of interracial marriages
Image credits: Julias Torten und Törtchen/Pexels (not the actual photo)
A Chinese-American woman brought a dish from her culture which her mother-in-law rejected
Image credits: RDNE Stock project/Pexels (not the actual photo)
Her husband didn’t stand up for her, which made her rethink their marriage
Image credits: anon
Interracial marriages will always be complicated
The couple in the story is part of the growing number of interracial couples in the United States. As of 2021, 19% of marriages in the country involve people from different racial backgrounds, a significant jump from the 11% from two decades prior.
Yet, even with these supposed improvements, interracial marriages remain problematic for the couple. Couples therapist Dr. Racine Henry says it will likely always be that way because such unions are “multi-layered.”
“There comes into play a lot more barriers than what a non-interracial couple will have to face,” she explained in an interview with CBS News.
Dr. Henry used Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as an example of how prejudice remains within interracial families. During her pregnancy, Markle had been worried that their son wouldn’t be granted security and a title and that the color of his skin may be an issue.
If such a problem arises in the royal family, it can happen among normal people.
“No matter how much status or money or privilege you might have, racism is always going to find you,” Dr. Henry pointed out.
A marriage that causes distress is not worth staying in
The author was clearly distraught by her mother-in-law’s actions and her husband’s inaction. In an interview with Mind Body Green, licensed marriage and family therapist Weena Cullins, LCMF, expressed that these are good enough reasons to leave a marriage.
According to relationship coach Kim Polinder, a lack of accountability is another dealbreaker in a marriage.
“Couples get so busy defending themselves that empathy gets lost in the conversation,” she told TODAY.
In this case, the man brushed off the incident without holding his mother responsible for such disgraceful behavior. He also allowed his wife to suffer through such an embarrassing and heartbreaking ordeal.
The author said it herself: her husband does not seem to see why the incident was a big deal. He likely won’t change, and she is already starting to doubt their relationship.
However, the racism is the biggest problem in this story. She will likely experience more of it in the future, and it would be best for her to either distance herself or go for the worst-case scenario and file for divorce. Keeping her peace must be her top priority.
Commenters rallied behind the woman and piled on her mother-in-law and husband
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I love xiaolongbao! I bet the family would have loved it too, if they hadn't been too racist to try it. The marriage won't be successful if the husband is too cowardly to stick up for his wife.
I'm the whitiest white ever to white on this planet and I LOVE every kind of bao. I'm also a huge fan of things like oxtail, pig-ear cartilage, wood ear fungus, and thousand-year/century eggs. I could eat thousand-year eggs all day, actually. I friggin LOVE them. (Being adopted into a Mexican family probably helped - I grew up eating brain taquitos and tongue tacos and other delicious foods made with offal.) I could understand average white people not wanting to try thousand-year eggs or pig ears, but xiaolongbao are just steamed buns! I don't get it! Sigh - now I need to go find a dim sum place just to have some good bao XD
Load More Replies...I feel so sorry for this woman. My elderly Chinese MIL being confronted with a real westerner for the first time in her life eagerly tried what ever I cooked. Obvoiusly, she didn't like it all just as I didn't like everything she made.The rest of the family also politely tried everything.
This is the way. My ex-boyfriend is Chinese (we were together for 23 years) and I tried everything his mom cooked while we were dating. I found some of my most favorite foods on the planet that way XD (mmm, thousand-year eggs....) The most (sadly) hilarious part of this post is that these particular kind of bao are usually made with pork. Nothing outlandish. I'm sure the MIL/family eat pork, so what's the issue with the bao? It's not like it's a dish made with rat testicles or something. Most Chinese dishes are made with NORMAL ingredients; sometimes the presentation isn't what white people are used to and sometimes the vegetables differ, but that's it. They cook with beef, pork, and chicken, just like white people do.
Load More Replies...Isolationism mentality. We can wish away all the other cultures out there and pretend ours is the best. In the end you are standing alone naked because we are influenced and have been influenced by others since man became mobile.
They should have welcomed learning about your culture. I’m embarrassed by her behavior. What kind of grandmother would she be? Could you leave your kids alone with her?
That is a very important point you make here: "Could you leave your kids alone with her?", my guts tell me not!
Load More Replies...And the husband is a right son of a bìtch in every sense of the phrase.
Load More Replies...I don’t think I’ve ever been more disgusted by a racist bxxxxch comment!!!
I'm starting dieting and just finished a small dinner, still famished. My heart is crying revenge for those poor baos! Also, parents-in-law are bastardi, and husband is a stronzo to make her wait an hour by herself in the car.
BOTH families are racist a$$holes. MIL says Eastern food doesn't belong, then the woman says her family was against her marrying a white person not of their culture. "My mom was never happy with me marrying him in the first place and I didn't have a wedding because of it"
I hadn't even realized that was said - "racist" is almost always used to mean a white person. Given that OP did say that, I wonder what the relationship is like between her family & OP's husband.
Load More Replies...OP has a husband problem, not just a MIL problem. I would've taken the car keys + gone home. F**k that husband. He can walk home or have "mommy dearest" take him home. And I'd be getting a divorce lawyer ASAP.
My partner is Chinese. She taught my mother, my brother, and I how to make xiaolongbao. I taught her how to make pasta alla norma. That's what we do. We share the things we love to enrich one another's lives with knowledge and joy. If my parents had told her to keep her culture out of their house, I'd have left that house and banned them from mine. If this man can't be bothered to defend the supposed love of his life from this kind of pernicious stupidity, then he's no partner.
Why did you sit in the car for an hour and wait for your husband? HE should have stood up for you and never have allowed anyone speak to you as his other did. Instead of throwing out your homemade dish, he should have taken the dish away from her and left WITH you. YOU are his family and main concern - and if your husband behaves differently, then THAT is the main concern.
The husband is a spineless pvssy. A real man would have stood up for his wife instead of letting his family humiliate her like that. That her in-laws are white trash goes without saying. Sounds like it might be time to reconsider that particular relationship.
“My parents are racists” is NOT the kind of thing to bring up after something like this, as a kind of “Oh, by the way…” kind of statement. Why TF did he not warn her ahead of time? Is this a thing between him and his parents, where he does whatever he can just to shock them? Was the only reason he married OP nothing more than a “Gotcha!” to his racist family? Time for OP to put her foot down HARD, right on his balls, and read him the riot act. If he doesn’t toe the line, she will serve him with divorce papers. Please let her not be pregnant, because that would be the shitshow from hell with those a******s.
I found it odd that OP said it was the 3rd time she had met her MIL. Husband doesn't seem to be worth "rehabilitating" (but that's not to say OP will only be happy with a husband of her own culture).
Load More Replies...OMG she brought soup dumplings - the most delectable thing ever and this witch wouldn't even try them? She's an idiot. Get out while you still can.
He sounds like another one of those dudes with a weird Asian fetish. Divorce - problem solved.
If that husband can't see what kind of horrid, revolting b*tch his mother is, he is just a sunovabitch.
And what's going to happen if they have children ... They not allowed in the house either?
Are there really people who are eating only "their" food? Never curries, noodles, sushi, dumplings,paella, pasta...??? That family is disrespecting their daughter in law and her husband is also. Everyone has the right to be proud of who they are and where they come from. Only marry someone who appreciate you and your background.
Throwing away Xiaolongbao??? That's eff'in HERESY in my book!!! I seriously hope OP is planning to divorce her no-good, mummy-whipped excuse of a husband because he doesn't seem like he's going to protect or defend her from his miserable witch excuse of a mother anytime soon. Let the whole lot have their own racist cake and swallow it down themselves. probably wouldn't even matter to them either way! >:-(
If husband is supportive and you're happy, divorce is a ridiculous suggestion. But having racist in laws is tough, best advice is just have as little to do with them as possible. Travel during holidays or have your main even be with friends, and just do limited family time. Sounds like OPs family has similar issues. Find a community where mixing cultures is normal, and live your great life.
I agree that it's too early to call for divorce, but the husband does need it explained to him, using words of no more than two syllables if necessary, that he handled the situation poorly, and what he should have done instead. If he can made to understand that, there's hope. If he won't listen, then divorce might be the best option.
Load More Replies...OP is definitely not the AH. Hubby should have shown more support AND warned her in advance so she didn't have to go through this, BUT tolerance and support goes both ways. She said they never had a wedding because her mother didn't want her marrying someone from a different culture, so I have to go with ESH.
Her mother didn't say that, though, only that she wasn't happy with the marriage. Her SISTER suggested marrying someone from their culture on top of divorcing the husband, which OP should absolutely kick this piece of trash and his racist fanily to the curb.
Load More Replies...Oh man....I would've gobbled those right down!!!! I'm so sorry she dealt with this. That sucks. Her husband isn't very supportive and he should've said something BEFORE they even got married. I'm curious how the inlaws acted at their wedding!
Racist like her MIL and her awful spineless son are pure hateful scum and don’t deserve any respect at all.
There are some things you cannot be "neutral" about. If you aren't immediately and strongly against it, then you are enabling and therefore supporting it.
I wouldn't have thrown anything away but would have taken the dish with me to the car, driven myself and my food home. Fixed myself a huge plant of it and eaten myself into a food coma. The next day, I would call a divorce attorney; the MIL is a horrible person, the husband is a horrible husband.
When people do something racist/sexist, you need to step up and make them explain themselves. Ask them why, and tell them to give you details. She should have asked the MIL if that was how she felt about her, too. Then she should have called her husband over and had the MIL explain it to him too. Then tell him if he is OK with that, then he can stay there when you go home and come get his things later.
My wife is Chinese, and if anyone in my family ever acted like that, I would berate them on the spot and disown them if they didn't immediately and sincerely apologize. She should mail her MIL a jar of fermented bean curd (chou dofu). She really should get a divorce, as they will never accept her, and her husband doesn't seem to care. Can you imagine how the MIL would treat any mixed-race grandchildren?
this happened to me once. i was dating a guy and i was at his house alot. wen a jewish holiday came around i wouldnt hang out with him. my dad is jewish and my mom is catholic. wen he finally explained to his family y there were times i didnt see him his parents and siblings said he should break up with me and fine a pure catholic girl. after that he started releasing the anger he had towards his family onto me. he got very abusive cuz of it so i ended it. the reason he got so angry and i got so hurt by that is bc im adopted and have no idea wat religion i was born into and my parents said that i could choose one or both. they never forced religion upon me. he knew this. didnt mean he needed to take his anger out on me tho. i consider myself catholic but i respect my dads religion. i had a catholic ceremony for my wedding but at the reception we included jewish wedding traditions. we couldnt do the chair thing cuz it was 2020 and the venue didnt allow dancing except for the traditional ones. it was my husbands idea to include the jewish traditions and i was so grateful for that. no one should ever be judged based off of religion or race. its wrong and hurtful and unfortunately happens more often then u think
"he said his family didn't seem to care about our relationship at all" - contrary to popular belief apathy not hate is the opposite of love
OMG she brought soup dumplings and this b*tch wouldn't serve them? She's also an idiot.
Never had xiaolongbao, but if they’re basically just dumplings (anything like pelmeņi or pierogi), then I can’t see why or how the MIL could turn them down so vehemently; rejecting it just because it’s foreign and not because it may be something you may not be used to eating or seeing as food (I would personally be hesitant to try octopus, for example, but I wouldn’t dare ask somebody to throw it out if they brought it to my house)? Come on. All cultures likely have their own equivalent of fried/boiled/cooked dough and meat.
OP should come get me and we'll take a trip to her in-laws' together, THEN I'll have a chat with her pansy a*s husband
What would happen if she had children with this dude? "This (slur) child doesn't belong in my family?"
I worked in the vitamins/supplements dept at a grocery store during the pandemic. I'm white (blond curly hair, gray/greenish eyes, paler than white wall paint) and an older white guy was asking me if we carried a specific herb. I said no, but I recommended he check at the Vietnamese supermarket in town. He asked how I knew so much about Asian herbs, and I said my boyfriend was Chinese. Old dude asked if we had any children. I said "uh, no.." and he immediately said "Oh, you two SHOULD! Half Orientals! They'd be so *EXOTIC* and BEAUTIFUL!" I noped out of that conversation right then and there XD Sometimes racism is creepy instead of "just" offensive. (My family, on the other hand, is more of the slur-using racist species. Good times. They used to call my boyfriend some very horrible slurs.)
Load More Replies...How rude. I'd have taken the dish back home and told the husband, if you won't defend me against your Mother now? Is this how it's always going to be? If I didn't like the answer, I'd have left. But if they didnt have a wedding, are they even legally married?
I don't know what's worse in this situation. The mil and her ridiculous views, the husband not defending his wife, the wife sitting alone In the car for an hour, the husband not even seeing a problem or that the husband set her up for this behaviour to start with. He knows his family doesn't accept cultures outside the family so why let the wife work hard cooking a dish he knew his mother would not accept. Wife should divorce this prick
You don't have to marry within your culture the way OP's family said. But you do have to marry someone who accepts your culture, and that includes any family members important to them. Like if he was no contact with his mom, then her racism would be less relevant.
no matter how close you are related you never treat a guest like this- even if you don't like the person or dish. It's called manners
Man, that would be so great to have authentically prepared food from another culture to try! MILwas extremely rude and her husband should have had her back immediately.
They made her throw it out? That's cartoonishly evil. It's hard to believe there are even people that awful.
When my sister married a man from Morocco, he came to the Netherlands with his grandma's handwritten cookbook... recipes were copied and distributed! When his sisters come over here, they want "hutspot" (stew) and dutch cheese. That is only natural? As it should be? Ditch that MIL-minion, he is not worthy of you.
It is not just country, race, or color. My situation was just I was from outside their community. But city vs. rural. I had the same attitude thrown at me. I have been married 45 years. I was accepted by the family after the parents passed. Although, at a certain point, I quit wrenching. I looked at it as a mental illness and showed grace and mercy when needed. I began to just let them have their opinion. I am not married to them. I have a wonderful husband , wonderful life, wonderful children, a wonderful career, and a wonderful home. When I was young I wrestled with my emotions over it. At a certain point, I realized, I cannot change other people, I can only change me. I.changed my thinking. They say, the best revenge is doing well. BTW... I LOVE authentic Chinese food. I am fortunate have many Chinese friends who teach me how to cook it. Yummy!!!!
This is so extremely sad, poor woman. :( The family is awful, cuisine from Asia is so wonderful, and so healthy compared to that ""western"" cuisine she must mean as an alternative. And it didn't actually matter, she should never have said anything like that, nor behave like that. The perfect way to handle foods that don't agree with our palate is too NOT EAT THEM. Not throw them away and disrespect their authors.
Every culture's cuisine has healthy and unhealthy dishes. There are many "western" dishes that are perfectly healthy.
Load More Replies...Wtf dude?! Not a laughing matter, you insensitive twatwaffle!
Load More Replies...I love xiaolongbao! I bet the family would have loved it too, if they hadn't been too racist to try it. The marriage won't be successful if the husband is too cowardly to stick up for his wife.
I'm the whitiest white ever to white on this planet and I LOVE every kind of bao. I'm also a huge fan of things like oxtail, pig-ear cartilage, wood ear fungus, and thousand-year/century eggs. I could eat thousand-year eggs all day, actually. I friggin LOVE them. (Being adopted into a Mexican family probably helped - I grew up eating brain taquitos and tongue tacos and other delicious foods made with offal.) I could understand average white people not wanting to try thousand-year eggs or pig ears, but xiaolongbao are just steamed buns! I don't get it! Sigh - now I need to go find a dim sum place just to have some good bao XD
Load More Replies...I feel so sorry for this woman. My elderly Chinese MIL being confronted with a real westerner for the first time in her life eagerly tried what ever I cooked. Obvoiusly, she didn't like it all just as I didn't like everything she made.The rest of the family also politely tried everything.
This is the way. My ex-boyfriend is Chinese (we were together for 23 years) and I tried everything his mom cooked while we were dating. I found some of my most favorite foods on the planet that way XD (mmm, thousand-year eggs....) The most (sadly) hilarious part of this post is that these particular kind of bao are usually made with pork. Nothing outlandish. I'm sure the MIL/family eat pork, so what's the issue with the bao? It's not like it's a dish made with rat testicles or something. Most Chinese dishes are made with NORMAL ingredients; sometimes the presentation isn't what white people are used to and sometimes the vegetables differ, but that's it. They cook with beef, pork, and chicken, just like white people do.
Load More Replies...Isolationism mentality. We can wish away all the other cultures out there and pretend ours is the best. In the end you are standing alone naked because we are influenced and have been influenced by others since man became mobile.
They should have welcomed learning about your culture. I’m embarrassed by her behavior. What kind of grandmother would she be? Could you leave your kids alone with her?
That is a very important point you make here: "Could you leave your kids alone with her?", my guts tell me not!
Load More Replies...And the husband is a right son of a bìtch in every sense of the phrase.
Load More Replies...I don’t think I’ve ever been more disgusted by a racist bxxxxch comment!!!
I'm starting dieting and just finished a small dinner, still famished. My heart is crying revenge for those poor baos! Also, parents-in-law are bastardi, and husband is a stronzo to make her wait an hour by herself in the car.
BOTH families are racist a$$holes. MIL says Eastern food doesn't belong, then the woman says her family was against her marrying a white person not of their culture. "My mom was never happy with me marrying him in the first place and I didn't have a wedding because of it"
I hadn't even realized that was said - "racist" is almost always used to mean a white person. Given that OP did say that, I wonder what the relationship is like between her family & OP's husband.
Load More Replies...OP has a husband problem, not just a MIL problem. I would've taken the car keys + gone home. F**k that husband. He can walk home or have "mommy dearest" take him home. And I'd be getting a divorce lawyer ASAP.
My partner is Chinese. She taught my mother, my brother, and I how to make xiaolongbao. I taught her how to make pasta alla norma. That's what we do. We share the things we love to enrich one another's lives with knowledge and joy. If my parents had told her to keep her culture out of their house, I'd have left that house and banned them from mine. If this man can't be bothered to defend the supposed love of his life from this kind of pernicious stupidity, then he's no partner.
Why did you sit in the car for an hour and wait for your husband? HE should have stood up for you and never have allowed anyone speak to you as his other did. Instead of throwing out your homemade dish, he should have taken the dish away from her and left WITH you. YOU are his family and main concern - and if your husband behaves differently, then THAT is the main concern.
The husband is a spineless pvssy. A real man would have stood up for his wife instead of letting his family humiliate her like that. That her in-laws are white trash goes without saying. Sounds like it might be time to reconsider that particular relationship.
“My parents are racists” is NOT the kind of thing to bring up after something like this, as a kind of “Oh, by the way…” kind of statement. Why TF did he not warn her ahead of time? Is this a thing between him and his parents, where he does whatever he can just to shock them? Was the only reason he married OP nothing more than a “Gotcha!” to his racist family? Time for OP to put her foot down HARD, right on his balls, and read him the riot act. If he doesn’t toe the line, she will serve him with divorce papers. Please let her not be pregnant, because that would be the shitshow from hell with those a******s.
I found it odd that OP said it was the 3rd time she had met her MIL. Husband doesn't seem to be worth "rehabilitating" (but that's not to say OP will only be happy with a husband of her own culture).
Load More Replies...OMG she brought soup dumplings - the most delectable thing ever and this witch wouldn't even try them? She's an idiot. Get out while you still can.
He sounds like another one of those dudes with a weird Asian fetish. Divorce - problem solved.
If that husband can't see what kind of horrid, revolting b*tch his mother is, he is just a sunovabitch.
And what's going to happen if they have children ... They not allowed in the house either?
Are there really people who are eating only "their" food? Never curries, noodles, sushi, dumplings,paella, pasta...??? That family is disrespecting their daughter in law and her husband is also. Everyone has the right to be proud of who they are and where they come from. Only marry someone who appreciate you and your background.
Throwing away Xiaolongbao??? That's eff'in HERESY in my book!!! I seriously hope OP is planning to divorce her no-good, mummy-whipped excuse of a husband because he doesn't seem like he's going to protect or defend her from his miserable witch excuse of a mother anytime soon. Let the whole lot have their own racist cake and swallow it down themselves. probably wouldn't even matter to them either way! >:-(
If husband is supportive and you're happy, divorce is a ridiculous suggestion. But having racist in laws is tough, best advice is just have as little to do with them as possible. Travel during holidays or have your main even be with friends, and just do limited family time. Sounds like OPs family has similar issues. Find a community where mixing cultures is normal, and live your great life.
I agree that it's too early to call for divorce, but the husband does need it explained to him, using words of no more than two syllables if necessary, that he handled the situation poorly, and what he should have done instead. If he can made to understand that, there's hope. If he won't listen, then divorce might be the best option.
Load More Replies...OP is definitely not the AH. Hubby should have shown more support AND warned her in advance so she didn't have to go through this, BUT tolerance and support goes both ways. She said they never had a wedding because her mother didn't want her marrying someone from a different culture, so I have to go with ESH.
Her mother didn't say that, though, only that she wasn't happy with the marriage. Her SISTER suggested marrying someone from their culture on top of divorcing the husband, which OP should absolutely kick this piece of trash and his racist fanily to the curb.
Load More Replies...Oh man....I would've gobbled those right down!!!! I'm so sorry she dealt with this. That sucks. Her husband isn't very supportive and he should've said something BEFORE they even got married. I'm curious how the inlaws acted at their wedding!
Racist like her MIL and her awful spineless son are pure hateful scum and don’t deserve any respect at all.
There are some things you cannot be "neutral" about. If you aren't immediately and strongly against it, then you are enabling and therefore supporting it.
I wouldn't have thrown anything away but would have taken the dish with me to the car, driven myself and my food home. Fixed myself a huge plant of it and eaten myself into a food coma. The next day, I would call a divorce attorney; the MIL is a horrible person, the husband is a horrible husband.
When people do something racist/sexist, you need to step up and make them explain themselves. Ask them why, and tell them to give you details. She should have asked the MIL if that was how she felt about her, too. Then she should have called her husband over and had the MIL explain it to him too. Then tell him if he is OK with that, then he can stay there when you go home and come get his things later.
My wife is Chinese, and if anyone in my family ever acted like that, I would berate them on the spot and disown them if they didn't immediately and sincerely apologize. She should mail her MIL a jar of fermented bean curd (chou dofu). She really should get a divorce, as they will never accept her, and her husband doesn't seem to care. Can you imagine how the MIL would treat any mixed-race grandchildren?
this happened to me once. i was dating a guy and i was at his house alot. wen a jewish holiday came around i wouldnt hang out with him. my dad is jewish and my mom is catholic. wen he finally explained to his family y there were times i didnt see him his parents and siblings said he should break up with me and fine a pure catholic girl. after that he started releasing the anger he had towards his family onto me. he got very abusive cuz of it so i ended it. the reason he got so angry and i got so hurt by that is bc im adopted and have no idea wat religion i was born into and my parents said that i could choose one or both. they never forced religion upon me. he knew this. didnt mean he needed to take his anger out on me tho. i consider myself catholic but i respect my dads religion. i had a catholic ceremony for my wedding but at the reception we included jewish wedding traditions. we couldnt do the chair thing cuz it was 2020 and the venue didnt allow dancing except for the traditional ones. it was my husbands idea to include the jewish traditions and i was so grateful for that. no one should ever be judged based off of religion or race. its wrong and hurtful and unfortunately happens more often then u think
"he said his family didn't seem to care about our relationship at all" - contrary to popular belief apathy not hate is the opposite of love
OMG she brought soup dumplings and this b*tch wouldn't serve them? She's also an idiot.
Never had xiaolongbao, but if they’re basically just dumplings (anything like pelmeņi or pierogi), then I can’t see why or how the MIL could turn them down so vehemently; rejecting it just because it’s foreign and not because it may be something you may not be used to eating or seeing as food (I would personally be hesitant to try octopus, for example, but I wouldn’t dare ask somebody to throw it out if they brought it to my house)? Come on. All cultures likely have their own equivalent of fried/boiled/cooked dough and meat.
OP should come get me and we'll take a trip to her in-laws' together, THEN I'll have a chat with her pansy a*s husband
What would happen if she had children with this dude? "This (slur) child doesn't belong in my family?"
I worked in the vitamins/supplements dept at a grocery store during the pandemic. I'm white (blond curly hair, gray/greenish eyes, paler than white wall paint) and an older white guy was asking me if we carried a specific herb. I said no, but I recommended he check at the Vietnamese supermarket in town. He asked how I knew so much about Asian herbs, and I said my boyfriend was Chinese. Old dude asked if we had any children. I said "uh, no.." and he immediately said "Oh, you two SHOULD! Half Orientals! They'd be so *EXOTIC* and BEAUTIFUL!" I noped out of that conversation right then and there XD Sometimes racism is creepy instead of "just" offensive. (My family, on the other hand, is more of the slur-using racist species. Good times. They used to call my boyfriend some very horrible slurs.)
Load More Replies...How rude. I'd have taken the dish back home and told the husband, if you won't defend me against your Mother now? Is this how it's always going to be? If I didn't like the answer, I'd have left. But if they didnt have a wedding, are they even legally married?
I don't know what's worse in this situation. The mil and her ridiculous views, the husband not defending his wife, the wife sitting alone In the car for an hour, the husband not even seeing a problem or that the husband set her up for this behaviour to start with. He knows his family doesn't accept cultures outside the family so why let the wife work hard cooking a dish he knew his mother would not accept. Wife should divorce this prick
You don't have to marry within your culture the way OP's family said. But you do have to marry someone who accepts your culture, and that includes any family members important to them. Like if he was no contact with his mom, then her racism would be less relevant.
no matter how close you are related you never treat a guest like this- even if you don't like the person or dish. It's called manners
Man, that would be so great to have authentically prepared food from another culture to try! MILwas extremely rude and her husband should have had her back immediately.
They made her throw it out? That's cartoonishly evil. It's hard to believe there are even people that awful.
When my sister married a man from Morocco, he came to the Netherlands with his grandma's handwritten cookbook... recipes were copied and distributed! When his sisters come over here, they want "hutspot" (stew) and dutch cheese. That is only natural? As it should be? Ditch that MIL-minion, he is not worthy of you.
It is not just country, race, or color. My situation was just I was from outside their community. But city vs. rural. I had the same attitude thrown at me. I have been married 45 years. I was accepted by the family after the parents passed. Although, at a certain point, I quit wrenching. I looked at it as a mental illness and showed grace and mercy when needed. I began to just let them have their opinion. I am not married to them. I have a wonderful husband , wonderful life, wonderful children, a wonderful career, and a wonderful home. When I was young I wrestled with my emotions over it. At a certain point, I realized, I cannot change other people, I can only change me. I.changed my thinking. They say, the best revenge is doing well. BTW... I LOVE authentic Chinese food. I am fortunate have many Chinese friends who teach me how to cook it. Yummy!!!!
This is so extremely sad, poor woman. :( The family is awful, cuisine from Asia is so wonderful, and so healthy compared to that ""western"" cuisine she must mean as an alternative. And it didn't actually matter, she should never have said anything like that, nor behave like that. The perfect way to handle foods that don't agree with our palate is too NOT EAT THEM. Not throw them away and disrespect their authors.
Every culture's cuisine has healthy and unhealthy dishes. There are many "western" dishes that are perfectly healthy.
Load More Replies...Wtf dude?! Not a laughing matter, you insensitive twatwaffle!
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