The batman jr grimes (2019) follows a young man who becomes the real life batman after a japanese prostitute is murdered and takes it upon himself to solve the case but instead it leads to a deadly conspiracy cover up tied to the mafia and an entire corrupt police department. This truly is the opposite of a superhero story.

Rating : 11/10

Writer: James grimes

Illustrator: James grimes

Creative consultant: wendy schmidt

Written: early 2019

Release date: late 2020

Rated 18+ and up


    the batman jr grimes (2019) STILL IMAGE

    The batman jr grimes (2019) follows a young man who becomes the real life batman after a japanese prostitute is murdered and takes it upon himself to solve the case but instead it leads to a deadly conspiracy cover up tied to the mafia and an entire corrupt police department. This truly is the opposite of a superhero story.

    Rating : 11/10

    Writer: James grimes

    Illustrator: James grimes

    Creative consultant: wendy schmidt

    Written: early 2019

    Release date: late 2020

    Rated 18+ and up


      the batman jr grimes (2019) STILL IMAGE