I’m Making Artistic Interpretations Of The Topography Of Each Us State.
Working with QGIS and Illustrator, I am working my way across the US, creating these artistic interpretations of each state’s topography. Each state has it’s own 5 color palette that (I hope) represents each state, and the colors repeat as the elevation moves up. I’m at 33 states and counting! Some states are sliced at 1000 ft contours (Colorado, California, and Idaho), while others are sliced much thinner (25 ft contours for Delaware). Check out your states, and let me know if there are any edits you have!
More info: beatnikprints.com
Ohio 100 ft contours
Colorado 1000 ft contours
Michigan 100 ft contours
Pennsylvania 250 ft contours
Utah 1000 ft contours
Oregon 500 ft contours
New Hampshire 250 ft contours
Washington 1000 ft contours
Texas 200 ft contours
Connecticut 100 ft contours
Minnesota 100 ft contours
Nebraska 250 ft contours
Arizona 500 ft contours
California 1000 ft contours
Idaho 1000 ft contours
The states I have done so far. Check out my site to see all of them, and if you like them, share with your friends so I can keep making more!
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