A few days ago, I started a “not okay” drawing serie on instagram as I was exhausted, overwhelmed with work, anxious and remembered how difficult it is (at least to me) to talk about the madness going inside my head. It was way easier to scribble on paper.
I didn’t want to put words like anxiety or anything on it so anyone not feeling great can feel a bit less alone watching this.

This serie is the beginning of an exhibition project called “anxious dreamer” I have in mind for months. If you are curious and want to know how this evolves, that first of all makes me really glad and you can follow my work on the link below.

More info: Instagram


    I cant

    The feeling

    When you’re not okay and your best friend doesn’t answer to your text


    What’s the hardest : falling asleep or waking up ?

    When I sleep, I dream I never wake up


    Even if I told you so, I’m never alone