Cosplay was always something I wanted to get into since I was young but I never had money to spend on material or to buy passes to cons.
(Given when I was younger there weren’t much cons…and we only really had adult swim to watch anime. haha)
When I returned to the US 2 years ago I found myself with time, plenty of craft stores, and friends who were inviting me to cons! Not to mention I had been working abroad for a little so I had the job thing down :p
And so I became Kimchi Kosplay!
(I’m 1/2 Korean. Kimchi is King.)
Cosplay has been such an outlet for me. I have always enjoyed all types of crafting and cosplay rolls all of those in a neat little ball. Do you like bedazzling, crocheting, wood burning, prop making, sewing, etc-It all comes together when you make cosplays!
I’m still not a great sewer but my friends have been so amazing helping all my dreams and ideas come to life. But with each costume I learn more and more.
There have been times where people judge me for being 28 and spending my free time making costumes and dressing up. But at the end of the day – yah, I might not make the highest quality costume but I have so much fun doing it. Seeing people who get excited to see a character you have done is the best feeling.
If you have ever considered giving a cosplay-JUMP IN! You don’t have to spend a lot of money. There are a lot of cheap alternatives. If you like crafting at all I think you will really enjoy cosplay as a hobby. No matter what age! :)
You will meet a lot of amazing people and it is just a blast!!!!
More info: Facebook
WWII Wonder Woman(DC) (Bodice:Laura Evans ~ Photo: NineTailFennec)
Scavenger DVA (Overwatch) (Cosplay:Laura Evans ~ Photo: NineTailFennec)
Kida (Lost Empire of Atlantis) (Photo: CerebrusFoto)
Elf in the Woods (Photo:NineTailFennec)
Jubilee (X-Men, Marvel)
Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur (Marvel) (Moongirl:AfroqweenCosplay~Photo:DanielGrove)
Ariel (The Little Mermaid) (Photo: TheMindOfKy)
Han Solo (Star Wars) (Photo:DanielGrove)
Hermes (Greek God)
Modern Princess Peach! (Photo: NineTailFennec)
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