If You Had A Million Dollars And Could Not Spend One Single Penny On Yourself What Would You Do With It
I'm just curious to know what people would do if they had a million dollars but we're told they could spend none of it on themselves they had to spend it all on somebody else or some other things but you couldn't spend it on yourself what would you do with it
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I'm going to answer my own question because if I had a million dollars that I could not spend on myself I would definitely definitely definitely spend all the million dollars to build my dream animal rescue and if I had any left over I would donate to my favorite cat rescue and my favorite dog rescue
I actually wrote a list of the things I’d want to do if I won that recent $1bil lottery. $1 million would not cover all of these things, but here’s my list.
Build animal sanctuaries
Make place for underprivileged kids to go after school and chill and learn about useful things
Make place for homeless and veterans to get back into the world
Build animal bridges
Fund interesting studies
Fund for the voynich manuscript to use a supercomputer
Fund for water powered engines
Donate to lots of charities