If Any Of You Are Trans/Nb And Have Changed Names/Pronouns, How Did You Handle It And Also Do You Have Any Cool Nb Name Suggestions
I’ve been thinking about going by a different name but am worried about how my family will react (I’m worried they’ll feel rly hurt) and also I just need some good suggestions cuz right now all I’ve thought of is my middle name
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OK, gender nuetral names
Remy, Morgan, Reagan, Riley, Ash, Hayden, Avery, Dylan, James, Kai, Charlie. That's all I can think of for now. If you don't mind, what's your given name? Maybe there's something you can work with there. Whatever you decide is right. I don't know what it's like to have a child that's non binary, but I am the child of a non binary person. It can take a minute to get used to the different name and pronouns. If you're worried about your family being hurt by changing your name, maybe you can make them part of the process. Have you told them that you're non binary yet?
I’m a demigirl but possibly non binary, I just don’t like having such a fem name, like I feel like I’m expected to use it and act the part. I just don’t feel that much of a connection to my current name, but I feel like I should I just don’t. My given name is Elena but so far I haven’t found many nb names that start with E, and even when I do I think coming up with a new name would hurt my family, which is why I like the idea of using my middle. I still might just go with my given one because it doesn’t bother me that much, but I wanted some new ideas. Thanks for the response and all the cool names! Also sorry I took so long to reply (forgot to check my notifications again)
I’m a closeted trans boy and I changed my name to Charlie because my old deadname was horrendous, and I look a lot like Charlie Spring from Heartstopper, and I think Charlie suits me better than my old deadname. I use He/Him pronouns.
I like phoenix as it symbolises you rising stronger from what once was.
I love the meaning of this one too! The x bothers me in a weird way but it’s still rly cool