I own a small bedding label based in Amsterdam (SNURK). For this I create photographic prints on high quality bedding. You can imagine my surprise when I was approached by JCrew and LucasFilm to create limited edition StarWars bedding for them.

It was an honor to work with their images and legendary characters. But it was also a lot of work to do. After selecting the right photograph from the LucasFilm image bank (what a treat for a fan to browse through this!!), we had to get the resolution high enough to use on a duvet cover. Not an easy job, since the pictures were taken a while back with analog cameras and were then drum scanned. Luckily, I work closely with one of the best image manipulators of the Netherlands, Theo van der Laan, and together we managed to get the quality to where we needed it to be.

I also made photographs to use on the packaging together with my friend/photographer Tim Stet and my cousin Kim de Groot, who I believe is a brilliant stylist (she found these amazing space themed rugs, by German artist Jan Kath). We used StarWars collectors items from friends as styling in the bedroom.

I am super proud of the result and effort that everyone around me put in to make this happen. Hope people will like them… May the force be with us!

More info:


    The force awakens… in your bedroom


    Hug Chewy all night long