I first wanted to start this project because environmental issues are getting worse and I felt like I should do something, even as small as trying to give another life to my old paper waste.
After countless trials and errors, I am finally happy with how my project turned out! The road was long, I had to find seeds that were flat enough and would grow easily, find a way to print on this wobbly thick paper, and had to make multiple tests to make sure the seeds would grow well.
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I first select old papers that have the least ink possible. This includes old chemistry class notes, sketches, envelopes, etc. Then I mix everything with water in my blender until it turns into a paste.
In a container, I mix the mashed paper with flower seeds I bought at my local flower shop, and use a mold and decker that I made from a mosquito net nailed to a picture frame to drain the mixture. The mold is pressed against a dry cloth to remove the excess water and the paper will stick to it. That way, I can remove the mold and make multiple sheets at once.
When dried, the sheets are put between my most heavy books: Hyrule Historia and The Mandalorian Artbook where they will flatten out for a few days.
When dried, the sheets are put between my most heavy books: Hyrule Historia and The Mandalorian Artbook where they will flatten out for a few days.
Then, there is the whole process of linocut and linoprinting that I will spare you, which finally give the result you can see! It makes a great wall decoration for a while and when tired of it, it can be planted in soil and the seeds will sprout already after two weeks.
Nowadays, about 68 million trees are cut down each year to produce paper and paper products. I know I’m not doing much with my little recycling project, but I hope I can inspire others to recycle as well.
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