I wanted to start creating geometric shapes for a better understanding of the primary blocks of construction of our material world. Inspired by the Platonic and Archimedean Solids, I choose to use two variable in the making process of the geometric models of this project, one being the number Phi (1,618), the second being Pi (3,14). Each vector of the models are multiples of one of this two numbers. I try to make about one per day, like an infinite exercise, creating more complex shape as the time goes by.
I choose to use electric cable at first, because it was the simplest way to find copper in this form. I had then to take the insulation plastic off, cut the vertices at the right dimension and weld it with tin to start creating 3D geometric shapes. There are some pics of this ongoing project.
More info: andreadamario.com
Geometric solids workshop installation
A Rhombicuboctahedron
Geometric solids workshop installation
Workshop working table
Welding the copper vertices
A 2T geodesic sphere
A Rhombicuboctahedron with his inner Tetrahedrons
A Tetrahedron Star Fractal
Some Geometric Totems
A 2T Geodesic Dome
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