Since my first post “I Quit My Studies At The Age Of 18 And Traveled To 97 Countries Since Then” incredibale popular i decided to make another post about my travelers.
Here some of the great people i meet on my travels around the world.
More info:
One of the last living headhunters
This is one of only 7living real hunters of north east India. He used to be a tribal warrior in hes younger days.
Kashmir kid
Young kid from Indian part of Kashmir
Tibetan Kid
Meet this young kid on my way to MT.Everest in Tibet
Afghanistan girl
I traveled to the border of Afghanistan in Pakistan and got invited by a local family
North Korean Solider
I traveld to North Korea and meet a cool solider
Tibetan Monk
i Stayed in a tibetan village for some time in western China
Tibetan woman
I come across a local wedding
Tibetan young girl
Meet his young girl in the country side in tibet
Pakistan man
I meet this Pakistani man in northern Pakistan
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