I Recreated A Classic ‘Love Actually’ Scene As If It Happened In Lockdown
One month into quarantine and self-isolation is starting to get to me.
I know this because a month before, I found myself watching classic Christmas rom-com ‘Love Actually’ in April.
You know you have too much time on your hands when you find yourself watching a young Thomas Brody-Sangster legging it across an airport whilst crying into a bowl of Doritos because you’ve got no chance of finding yourself in an airport departure lounge for the foreseeable future.
Times just aren’t as exciting as they used to be, but I suppose we all have to remain mindful and make sure that we still appreciate the small things in life.
For instance, we currently have an adequate supply of loo roll in the house, something that would have seemed inconceivable this time last month.
After all, to paraphrase the words of Hugh Grant, if you look for it, you can get a sneaking suspicion that loo roll is all around…
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